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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alterungsbedingte Effekte auf DNA-Methylierungsprofile entwicklungsrelevanter Gene in Eizellen und Embryonen am Modellorganismus Bos taurus / Aging-induced effects on DNA methylation profiles of developmental genes in oocytes and embryos on the model organism Bos taurus

Mattern, Felix January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die postovulatorische Alterung sowie die ovarielle Alterung konnten bei der Anwendung assistierter Reproduktionstechniken (ARTs) als entscheidende Faktoren identifiziert werden, die den Reproduktionserfolg nachhaltig beeinträchtigen. Die postovulatorische Alterung tritt ein, sobald die reife Eizelle nicht mehr innerhalb ihres physiologischen Zeitfensters befruchtet wird. Die ovarielle Alterung beschreibt hingegen die Abnahme des Follikel-Vorrats mit zunehmendem Alter des weiblichen Individuums bzw. des Ovars. Sowohl die postovulatorische Alterung als auch die ovarielle Alterung führen u.a. zu einer reduzierten Oozytenqualität und einer geringeren Blastozystenrate. Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit bestand darin, den Einfluss der postovulatorischen Alterung und der ovariellen Alterung im Holstein-Rind (Bos taurus) auf die DNA-Methylierung entwicklungsrelevanter Gene in Eizellen und Embryonen zu untersuchen. Aus Schlachthof-Ovarien wurden Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Größe (<2 mm, 3-5 mm und >6 mm) isoliert. Eizellen aus Follikeln der Größe 3-5 mm wurden für 24h (physiologisch) und 48h (gealtert) in vitro gereift (IVM). Die gereiften Oozyten wurden anschließend in vitro fertilisiert und Embryonen im 4-6 Zellstadium generiert. Sowohl in den unreifen Eizellen aus Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Größe als auch in den gereiften Oozyten und den Embryonen wurde die Promotormethylierung der Gene bH19, bSNRPN, bZAR1, bDNMT3A, bOCT4, bDNMT3Lo und bDNMT3Ls analysiert. Zur Untersuchung der ovariellen Alterung wurden mittelgroßen Antralfollikel aus Ovarien lebender Rinder (in vivo) unterschiedlichen Alters (9-12 Monate, 3-7 Jahre und 8-11 Jahre) gewonnen. In den daraus isolierten unreifen Eizellen wurde die DNA-Methylierung der Promotorregionen der Gene bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 und bSNRPN bestimmt. Als Methode zur Analyse der Promotormethylierung wurde die Limiting Dilution Bisulfit-Sequenzierung angewendet. In unreifen Eizellen aus Antralfollikeln unterschiedlicher Größe (<2 mm, 3-5 mm und >6 mm) konnte ein erhöhtes Auftreten abnormal methylierter Allele in den geprägten Genen bH19 und bSNRPN von Eizellen kleiner Follikel (<2 mm) identifiziert werden. Dieses Ergebnis könnte eine mögliche Ursache einer bereits bekannten und mehrfach beschriebenen geringeren Entwicklungskompetenz von Eizellen kleiner Follikel (<2 mm) auf epigenetischer Ebene darstellen. Die verlängerte Reifungsdauer der IVM-Eizellen hatte eine signifikante Hypermethylierung in der Promotorregion des Gens DNMT3Lo von 48h-gereiften Eizellen zur Folge. Beim Übergang von 48h-gereiften Eizellen zum Embryo konnte eine signifikante Hypomethylierung von CpG7 des stammzellspezifischen Transkripts DNMT3Ls beobachtet werden. Diese CpG-Stelle wies ebenfalls einen signifikanten Anstieg von CpGs mit nicht-eindeutigem Methylierungszustand in unreifen Eizellen mit steigender Follikelgröße auf. Da sich die CpG-Position innerhalb eines Sequenz-Motivs einer Bindungsstelle des Transkriptionsfaktors CREB befindet, könnten die Methylierungsdaten auf eine Interaktion zwischen dem Transkriptionsfaktor CREB und der DNA-Methylierung während der Entwicklung und Reifung der Eizelle sowie der Transition von der Eizelle zum Embryo hindeuten. Die DNA-Methylierungsprofile der untersuchten Gene in unreifen Eizellen aus Kühen unterschiedlichen Alters (9-12 Monate, 3-7 Jahre und 8-11 Jahre) wiesen keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Altersgruppen auf. Die ovarielle Alterung bei Rindern zwischen 9 Monaten und 11 Jahren zeigte damit keinen Effekt auf die DNA-Methylierung der untersuchten Promotorregionen der Gene bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 und bSNRPN. Nach einer simulierten postovulatorischen Alterung durch eine in vitro Reifung für 48h konnte eine Veränderung der DNA-Methylierung der Oozyten-spezifischen (DNMT3Lo) und Stammzell-spezifischen (DNMT3Ls) Promotoren des katalytisch inaktiven Cofaktors von DNMT3A, DNMT3L, beobachtet werden. Die veränderte DNA-Methylierung von DNMT3Ls tritt dabei erst im frühen Embryo in Erscheinung und interagiert vermutlich mit dem Transkriptionsfaktor CREB. Die Veränderungen von DNMT3Lo in Eizellen und DNMT3Ls in den daraus generierten Embryonen lässt vermuten, dass es sich hierbei um eine dynamische Anpassung des Embryos auf äußere Umweltbedingungen der Eizelle über die Methylierung der DNA handelt. / Postovulatory aging and ovarian aging have been identified as key factors in assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) and have a lasting effect on reproductive success. Postovulatory aging occurs if the mature egg is not fertilized within its physiological time window. On the other hand, ovarian aging describes the decrease in the follicular reserve with increasing age of the female or the ovary, respectively. Both post-ovulatory aging and ovarian aging result in reduced oocyte quality and lower blastocyst rate. The aim of this thesis was to explore the effects of postovulatory aging and ovarian aging in Holstein cattle (Bos taurus) on the DNA methylation of developmentally important genes in oocytes and embryos. Antral follicles of different sizes (<2 mm, 3-5 mm and> 6 mm) were isolated from slaughterhouse ovaries. Female germ cells from middle-sized follicles (3-5 mm) were matured for 24h (physiological conditions) and 48h (aged conditions) in vitro (IVM). The IVM- oocytes were subsequently fertilized in vitro and embryos at the 4-6 cell stage were generated. Promoter methylation of the genes bH19, bSNRPN, bZAR1, bDNMT3A, bOCT4, bDNMT3Lo and bDNMT3Ls was analysed in immature oocytes from antral follicles of different sizes as well as in matured oocytes and the respective embryos. For studying ovarian aging, middle-sized antral follicles were obtained in vivo from animals of different age groups (9-12 months, 3-7 years and 8-11 years). In the extracted immature gametes, the DNA methylation of the promoter regions of bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 and bSNRPN was examined. The limiting dilution bisulfite (pyro)sequencing method was applied to determine the promoter methylation of the candidate genes at the single allele level. In immature oocytes from antral follicles of different diameters (<2 mm, 3-5 mm and> 6 mm) an increased occurrence of abnormally methylated alleles of the imprinted genes bH19 and bSNRPN was identified in small follicles (<2 mm). This failure to establish imprinting could be a possible cause of a well-known reduced developmental potential of small follicles (<2 mm) at the epigenetic level. The extended maturation time of the IVM-oocytes resulted in a significant hypermethylation in the promoter region of DNMT3Lo in 48h matured oocytes. After transition from 48h matured oocytes to embryos, a significant hypomethylation of CpG7 of the stem cell specific transcript DNMT3Ls was detected. The same CpG site showed a significant increase of CpGs with unclear methylation state in immature female germ cells with increasing follicular size. This CpG position is located within a potential binding site of the transcription factor CREB. Thus, the methylation data indicates an interaction between the transcription factor CREB and the DNA methylation during development and maturation of oocytes as well as during transition from the oocyte to the embryo. The DNA methylation profiles of the analysed genes in immature oocytes from cows of different age (9-12 months, 3-7 years and 8-11 years) showed no significant differences between age groups. Hence, the ovarian aging in cattle between 9 months and 11 years caused no effect on the DNA methylation of bTERF2, bREC8, bBCL-XL, bPISD, bBUB1, bDNMT3Lo, bH19 and bSNRPN. After a simulated postovulatory aging by in vitro maturation for 48h, a change in the DNA methylation of the oocyte-specific (DNMT3Lo) and stem cell-specific (DNMT3Ls) promoters of the catalytically inactive DNA-methyltransferase DNMT3L was observed. The altered DNA methylation of DNMT3Ls occurs in the early embryo and probably interacts with the transcription factor CREB. The changes of DNMT3Lo in oocytes and DNMT3Ls in the resulting embryos might represent a dynamic adaptation to external environmental conditions.

Biophysical characterization of the *5 protein variant of human thiopurine methyltransferase by NMR spectroscopy

Gustafsson, Robert January 2012 (has links)
Human thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) is an enzyme involved in the metabolism of thiopurine drugs, which are widely used in leukemia and inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease. Due to genetic polymorphisms, approximately 30 protein variants are present in the population, some of which have significantly lowered activity. TPMT *5 (Leu49Ser) is one of the protein variants with almost no activity. The mutation is positioned in the hydrophobic core of the protein, close to the active site. Hydrogen exchange rates measured with NMR spectroscopy for N-terminally truncated constructs of TPMT *5 and TPMT *1 (wild type) show that local stability and hydrogen bonding patterns are changed by the mutation Leu49Ser. Most residues exhibit faster exchange rates and a lower local stability in TPMT *5 in comparison with TPMT *1. Changes occur close to the active site but also throughout the entire protein. Calculated overall stability is similar for the two constructs, so the measured changes are due to local stability. Protein dynamics measured with NMR relaxation experiments show that both TPMT *5 and TPMT *1 are monomeric in solution. Millisecond dynamics exist in TPMT *1 but not in TPMT *5, even though a few residues exhibit a faster dynamic. Dynamics on nanosecond to picosecond time scale have changed but no clear trends are observable.

Reprogramming DNA Methylation in Bovine Cells by Knocking Down DNA Methyltransferase-1 with RNA Interference

Stroud, Todd 20 January 2010 (has links)
Embryos derived by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) produce few pregnancies that result in a live, healthy offspring. This has largely been attributed to the aberrant reprogramming of the somatic cell DNA used for cloning. In order to improve the efficiency of cloning there is a great deal of research needed to determine the role of proteins involved in early embryonic reprogramming. In addition, studies are needed to determine effects on somatic and embryonic cell development as a result of altering these proteins. In this study we investigate the use of RNA interference in bovine somatic cells and embryos to knock down the expression of DNA methyltransferase-1 (DNMT1), an enzyme responsible for maintenance methylation in mammalian cells. We designed our experiments to test whether or not knocking down the DNMT1 gene would lead to a decrease in global methylation. It is our hypothesis that using somatic cells with reduced methylation may be advantageous for increasing the efficiency of cloning via somatic cell nuclear transfer. To accomplish this task, we have designed an infectious non-replicating lentiviral vector capable of delivering a gene that produces a short hairpin RNA targeting the mRNA of DNMT1. The construct included a sequence coding for green fluorescent protein (GFP) that will allow us to identify cells expressing the hairpin as well as a region coding for neomycin resistance so we could select for a pure population of transgenic cells to use for analysis. Infecting bovine fetal fibroblast cells with genes encoding shRNAs that target DNMT1 was successful. Quantitative real time PCR analysis of DNMT1 mRNA suggests that our shRNAs are capable of an 80% knockdown. The protein blot of indicates up to 90% knockdown of DNMT1. Cells transduced twice with a high titer virus showed the highest knockdown of both DNMT1 mRNA and the protein. Analysis of immunolabeled cytosine methylaiton showed a global decrease in DNA methylation as a result of the DNMT1 knockdown. However, double transduced cells with a high knockdown percentage of DNMT1 mRNA and protein became hypermethylated. The second experiment was conducted to determine the effect of injecting small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting DNMT1 into oocytes prior to parthenogenic activation. This experiment was designed to give us information on the survivability and epigenetic profile of early embryos with decreased DNMT1. Oocytes injected with siRNA targeting DNMT1 had little development past the 8-cell stage as compared to the sham injected oocytes. This treatment group also had decreased DNA methylation as determined by immunolabeling of methylated cytosine residues.

Synthese von S-Adenosyl-L-methionin-Analoga für enzymatische DNA-Markierung und funktionelle Proteomuntersuchungen /

Hüben, Michael. January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Aachen, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2009.

Exploring AdoMet-dependent Methyltransferases in Yeast

Lissina, Elena 10 January 2014 (has links)
This work presents the investigation of fungal AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The first part of the dissertation focuses on two distinct methyltransferases with previously unknown functions in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. To characterize these enzymes I used a combinatorial approach that exploits contemporary high-throughput techniques available in yeast (chemical genetics, expression, lipid profiling and genetic interaction analysis) combined with rigorous biological follow-up. First, I showed that S. cerevisiae CRG1 (ScCRG1) is a small molecule methyltransferase that methylates cytotoxic drug cantharidin and is important for maintaining lipid homeostasis and actin cytoskeleton integrity in response to small-molecule cantharidin in the baker’s yeast. Similarly to ScCRG1, orf19.633 in the human fungal pathogen C. albicans (CaCRG1) methylates cantharidin and is important for GlcCer biosynthesis. I also demonstrated that CaCrg1 is a ceramide- and PIP-binding methyltransferase involved in Candida’s morphogenesis, membrane trafficking and fungal virulence. Together, the analysis of two genes in yeast illuminated the important roles of the novel small molecule methyltransferases in coupling drug response to lipid biosynthesis and fungal virulence. In the second part of my dissertation, I present the systematic characterization of the genetic architecture of the yeast methyltransferome by examining fitness of double-deletion methyltransferase mutants in standard and under environmental stress conditions. This analysis allowed me to describe specific properties of the methyltransferome network and to uncover functional relationships among methyltransferases inspiring multiple hypotheses and expanding the current knowledge of this family of enzymes.

Exploring AdoMet-dependent Methyltransferases in Yeast

Lissina, Elena 10 January 2014 (has links)
This work presents the investigation of fungal AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The first part of the dissertation focuses on two distinct methyltransferases with previously unknown functions in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. To characterize these enzymes I used a combinatorial approach that exploits contemporary high-throughput techniques available in yeast (chemical genetics, expression, lipid profiling and genetic interaction analysis) combined with rigorous biological follow-up. First, I showed that S. cerevisiae CRG1 (ScCRG1) is a small molecule methyltransferase that methylates cytotoxic drug cantharidin and is important for maintaining lipid homeostasis and actin cytoskeleton integrity in response to small-molecule cantharidin in the baker’s yeast. Similarly to ScCRG1, orf19.633 in the human fungal pathogen C. albicans (CaCRG1) methylates cantharidin and is important for GlcCer biosynthesis. I also demonstrated that CaCrg1 is a ceramide- and PIP-binding methyltransferase involved in Candida’s morphogenesis, membrane trafficking and fungal virulence. Together, the analysis of two genes in yeast illuminated the important roles of the novel small molecule methyltransferases in coupling drug response to lipid biosynthesis and fungal virulence. In the second part of my dissertation, I present the systematic characterization of the genetic architecture of the yeast methyltransferome by examining fitness of double-deletion methyltransferase mutants in standard and under environmental stress conditions. This analysis allowed me to describe specific properties of the methyltransferome network and to uncover functional relationships among methyltransferases inspiring multiple hypotheses and expanding the current knowledge of this family of enzymes.

A directed evolution design of target specificity and kinetic analysis of conformational transitions in the HhaI methyltransferase / DNR metiltransferazės HhaI atpažįstamos sekos inžinerija ir konformacinių virsmų kinetikos tyrimas

Gerasimaitė, Rūta 19 May 2011 (has links)
DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferases (MTases) recognize short DNA sequences and catalyze the transfer of the methyl group from the cofactor AdoMet to the C5-position of a target cytosine. In this work both these aspects of the MTase mechanism have been addressed. First, using rational protein design and directed evolution approaches the specificity of the HhaI MTase, GCGC, has been changed to GCG by functional elimination of one of the two target recognition elements. In addition, the introduced structural changes endowed the MTase with the ability to transfer extended groups from synthetic cofactor analogs, providing the first example of a dual specificity change in a DNA MTase. Second, the kinetics of fast pre-catalytic conformational transitions in the MTase and DNA has been investigated. A new method to follow the target cytosine flipping and its subsequent covalent activation has been proposed, which allows a direct real-time observation of these processes by monitoring associated UV absorbance changes in a chemically unperturbed DNA. These studies for the first time demonstrate that the flipping of the target cytosine and the closure of the catalytic loop in the enzyme occur simultaneously, whereas the covalent activation of the target cytosine and the transfer of the methyl group are temporally distinct steps in the catalytic cycle of M.HhaI. Since the new method is based on the general phenomenon of hyperchromicity, it is thus applicable for studies of other systems... [to full text] / DNR citozino-5 metiltransferazės (MTazės) atpažįsta specifines DNR sekas ir katalizuoja metilgrupės pernešimą nuo kofaktoriaus AdoMet ant taikinyje esančio citozino. Šiame darbe nagrinėjami abu MTazių veikimo mechanizmo aspektai. Baltymų inžinerijos ir kryptingos evoliucijos metodais pašalinant vienos iš dviejų taikinio atpažinimo kilpų funkciją, MTazės HhaI atpažįstamas taikinys GCGC pakeistas į GCG. Dėl įvestų struktūros pakeitimų nauja unikalaus specifiškumo MTazė efektyviai katalizuoja ne tik metilo, bet ir didesnių grupių pernešimą nuo sintetinių kofaktoriaus analogų, ir gali tapti naudingu molekulinės biologijos įrankiu. Katalitinės reakcijos metu MTazės kilpa užsidaro, apglėbdama surištą DNR, o taikinio citozinas išsukamas iš DNR spiralės ir aktyvuojamas, kovalentiškai prisijungiant katalitiniam cisteinui. Šiems greitiems prieškatalitiniams procesams tirti buvo panaudotas naujas metodas, leidžiantis realiu laiku stebėti M.HhaI sąlygotą citozino išsukimą bei kovalentinę aktyvaciją, registruojant mažus UV absorbcijos pokyčius gamtinį substratą atitinkančioje DNR. Pirmą kartą parodyta, kad M.HhaI katalizuojamoje reakcijoje citozino išsukimas ir katalitinės kilpos užsidarymas vyksta sinchroniškai, o kovalentinė citozino aktyvacija ir metilgrupės pernešimas yra kinetiškai netapačios katalitinio ciklo stadijos. Kadangi naujasis metodas remiasi fundamentine nukleorūgščių savybe – hiperchrominiu efektu, todėl jis gali būti naudojamas ir kitų DNR bazę išsukančių baltymų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

DNR metiltransferazės HhaI atpažįstamos sekos inžinerija ir konformacinių virsmų kinetikos tyrimas / A directed evolution design of target specificity and kinetic analysis of conformational transitions in the HhaI methyltransferase

Gerasimaitė, Rūta 19 May 2011 (has links)
DNR citozino-5 metiltransferazės (MTazės) atpažįsta specifines DNR sekas ir katalizuoja metilgrupės pernešimą nuo kofaktoriaus AdoMet ant taikinyje esančio citozino. Šiame darbe nagrinėjami abu MTazių veikimo mechanizmo aspektai. Baltymų inžinerijos ir kryptingos evoliucijos metodais pašalinant vienos iš dviejų taikinio atpažinimo kilpų funkciją, MTazės HhaI atpažįstamas taikinys GCGC pakeistas į GCG. Dėl įvestų struktūros pakeitimų nauja unikalaus specifiškumo MTazė efektyviai katalizuoja ne tik metilo, bet ir didesnių grupių pernešimą nuo sintetinių kofaktoriaus analogų, ir gali tapti naudingu molekulinės biologijos įrankiu. Katalitinės reakcijos metu MTazės kilpa užsidaro, apglėbdama surištą DNR, o taikinio citozinas išsukamas iš DNR spiralės ir aktyvuojamas, kovalentiškai prisijungiant katalitiniam cisteinui. Šiems greitiems prieškatalitiniams procesams tirti buvo panaudotas naujas metodas, leidžiantis realiu laiku stebėti M.HhaI sąlygotą citozino išsukimą bei kovalentinę aktyvaciją, registruojant mažus UV absorbcijos pokyčius gamtinį substratą atitinkančioje DNR. Pirmą kartą parodyta, kad M.HhaI katalizuojamoje reakcijoje citozino išsukimas ir katalitinės kilpos užsidarymas vyksta sinchroniškai, o kovalentinė citozino aktyvacija ir metilgrupės pernešimas yra kinetiškai netapačios katalitinio ciklo stadijos. Kadangi naujasis metodas remiasi fundamentine nukleorūgščių savybe – hiperchrominiu efektu, todėl jis gali būti naudojamas ir kitų DNR bazę išsukančių baltymų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferases (MTases) recognize short DNA sequences and catalyze the transfer of the methyl group from the cofactor AdoMet to the C5-position of a target cytosine. In this work both these aspects of the MTase mechanism have been addressed. First, using rational protein design and directed evolution approaches the specificity of the HhaI MTase, GCGC, has been changed to GCG by functional elimination of one of the two target recognition elements. In addition, the introduced structural changes endowed the MTase with the ability to transfer extended groups from synthetic cofactor analogs, providing the first example of a dual specificity change in a DNA MTase. Second, the kinetics of fast pre-catalytic conformational transitions in the MTase and DNA has been investigated. A new method to follow the target cytosine flipping and its subsequent covalent activation has been proposed, which allows a direct real-time observation of these processes by monitoring associated UV absorbance changes in a chemically unperturbed DNA. These studies for the first time demonstrate that the flipping of the target cytosine and the closure of the catalytic loop in the enzyme occur simultaneously, whereas the covalent activation of the target cytosine and the transfer of the methyl group are temporally distinct steps in the catalytic cycle of M.HhaI. Since the new method is based on the general phenomenon of hyperchromicity, it is thus applicable for studies of other systems... [to full text]


Shepherd, Micah Douglas 01 January 2011 (has links)
Gilvocarcin V (GV), the principal product of Streptomyces griseoflavus Gö 3592 and other Streptomyces spp., is the most prominent member of a distinct class of antitumor antibiotics that share a polyketide derived coumarin-based aromatic core. GV and other members of this class including polycarcin V from Streptomyces polyformus, often referred to as gilvocarcin-like aryl C-glycosides, are particularly interesting because of their potent bactericidal, virucidal and antitumor activities at low concentrations while maintaining low in vivo toxicity. Although the precise molecular mechanism of GV bioactivity is unknown, gilvocarcin V has been shown to undergo a photoactivated [2+2] cycloaddition of its vinyl side chain with thymine residues of DNA in near-UV or visible blue light. In addition, GV was shown to selectively crosslink histone H3 with DNA, thereby effectively disrupting normal cellular processes such as transcription. Furthermore, GVs ability to inhibit topoisomerase II has also been attributed as a mechanism of action for gilvocarcin V activity. The excellent antitumor activity, as well as an unprecedented structural architecture, has made GV an ideal candidate for biosynthetic studies toward the development of novel analogues with improved pharmacological properties. Previous biosynthetic research has identified several candidate genes responsible for key steps during the biosynthesis of gilvocarcin V including an oxygenase cascade leading to C-C bond cleavage, methylations, lactone formation, C-glycosylation and vinyl side chain formation. In this study, we further examined two critical biosynthetic transformations essential for the bioactivity of gilvocarcin V, namely starter unit incorporation and C-glycosylation, through the following specific aims: 1) creation of functional chimeric C-glycosyltransferases through domain swapping of gilvocarcin-like glycosyltransferases and identification and evaluation of the donor substrate flexibility of PlcGT, the polycarcin V pathway specific C-glycosyltransferase; 2) creation of a library of O-methylated-L-rhamnose analogues of polycarcin V for structure activity relationship studies; 3) identification of the role of GilP and GilQ in starter unit specificity during gilvocarcin V biosynthesis; and 4) creation of a plasmid based approach in which selective gilvocarcin biosynthetic genes were utilized to produce important gilvocarcin intermediates for further in vivo and in vitro experimentation.


Sachan, Nita 01 January 2004 (has links)
To identify the signaling mechanisms and components that are involved in regulation of a promoter for a gene involved in a secondary pathway I studied the nicotinic alkaloid biosynthetic pathway using various N. tabacum tissues. Nicotine and tropane alkaloids are widely known to be synthesized predominantly in the roots of species that produce pyrrolinium ring containing alkaloids. Putrescine Nmethyltransferase (PMT) catalyzes the first committed step in the biosynthesis of these alkaloid secondary products and earlier studies have indicated that PMT gene expression is restricted to root tissue in Solanaceae plants. To further elucidate the factors that govern the regulation of alkaloid synthesis, expression patterns dictated by the 5'-flanking region of one of the members of the PMT -gene family, NsPMT3, using the b-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene were examined. Various treatments were used to characterize the nature of signaling in various tissues of seedlings, whole plants and callus. High expression levels were detected in root tissue and no expression was detected in leaves, in agreement with previous studies. However, mechanically wounded leaves resulted in highly localized PMT expression. This wound-induced expression was transient, with maximum levels occurring immediately after wounding and diminishing after approximately 24 h. RT-PCR analysis of mRNA isolated from wild-type plants also indicated upregulation of PMT expression in leaves upon wounding as well as very low transcript levels in unwounded leaves. Low levels of PMT activity were detected in leaf tissue, and this activity did not increase significantly upon wounding. Transgenic callus material showed strong repression of PMT promoter activity in the presence of light and auxin, whereas dark conditions and the absence of auxin upregulated PMT promoter activity. Reactive oxygen species have been implicated in signaling. When treated with the scavengers of reactive oxygen species (ROS), dimethylthiourea (DMTU) or catalase, tobacco callus tissue, which displays highly repressed alkaloid synthesis under normal culture conditions in the light, exhibited significant induction of PMT promoter activity and alkaloid accumulation. It is thought that light repression signals through an ROS intermediate to affect changes in alkaloid pathway gene expression. Upregulation of PMT-promoter activity was observed upon treatment with JA (jasmonic acid) or darkness in roots of very young transgenic seedlings. Treatment with auxin, salicylic acid (SA) and H2O2, on the other hand, was found to highly repress PMT promoter activity. Action of other ROS such as nitric oxide and superoxide radicals on PMT expression is not clear but probably play less of a role, compared to H2O2. Consistent with this content ion, treatment with light or glucose oxidase (GOX) and glucose to generate H2O2, also repressed alkaloid accumulation, and treatment of seedlings to dark conditions, the ROS scavenger DMTU, or jasmonic acid resulted in alkaloid accumulation. Long distance signaling from leaves to roots is also suspected to involve ROS, as leaves treated with GOX and glucose exhibited repressed PMT promoter activity in roots. The responses of the PMT promoter to auxin, salicylic acid and H2O2 treatments were conserved as sho wn by similar responses of the N. tabacum PMT promoter when examined in transgenic Arabidopsis, thereby suggesting that these molecules signal through a conserved mechanism. Thus, ROS is strongly implicated in acting as an intermediate in these signaling processes with H2O2 proposed as a major signaling component.

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