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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Olimpinio rezervo irkluotojų rengimo analizė / Analysis of Olympic Reserve Rowers' Training

Tamulevičiūtė, Kristina 03 June 2006 (has links)
In rowing the results are determined by the indicators of physical and functional capacity. Rower’s functional abilities are determined by a lot of factors, such as aerobic and anaerobic abilities, as well as technical, tactical, and psychological preparation (Skernevičius, 1997). Therefore, the biggest challenge in training process is to find optimal loads for each sportsman and team. Coaches and sportsmen understand that an increase in the amount of physical loads is limited, because human capacity and adaptation have their limits. The objective of the research was to explore the training process of the rowers of Olympic reserve in a yearlong period. Eight 18-21 year old rowers of Olympic reserve were tested. Preparation period of 2004-2005 season was analyzed. Tests for measuring physical development, physical and functional capacity were carried out three times. When yearlong period was analyzed, a conclusion can be drawn that physical loads of tested rowers were lower than the loads recommended by majority of researches. To conclude the testing results carried out at VPU Sport science institute and Vilnius sports medicine centre, rowers’ physical loads did not have much importance to physical development, but positively affected functional capacity of circulatory system. The indices of aerobic efficiency at critical intensity limit and at anaerobic threshold in competitive period did not reach appropriate level and was worse compared with indices measured at... [to full text]

LOSC graikų - romėnų imtynininkų rengimas metinių treniruočių ciklu / LOSC Greek-Romans wrestlers training in annual exercises cycle

Antoščenkov, Oleg 07 June 2005 (has links)
Contemporary Greco-Roman wrestling has been rapidly developing – competition among sportsmen has increased, sportsmen s selection system and technologies of athletes preparation of many countries have improved, sporting results have been becoming better, thus all these things stimulate the interest of searching for scientifically approved methods, means and forms of training’s of sportsmen preparation. The study comprises the analysis of the cycle of annual training’s (years 2003-2004) for Greco-Roman wrestlers of the Lithuanian Olympic Sports Centre. The structure of the annual preparation of sportsmen, volume of training’s, intensity, specification, change of physical and functional capacity during the annual cycle of training sessions have been analyzed. The research has shown the content of separate periods of the wrestlers' annual preparation cycle to be too monotonous. A similar number of competitions in terms of percentage in all the periods, comparatively small amount of time spent for general and special physical preparation, almost unchanged intensity of training sessions have been revealed. This is confirmed by wrestlers'minor change of physical and functional capacity in the cycle of annual training sessions. The conclusions of this study allow us to presume that the programme of annual training cycle for Greco-Roman wrestlers at Lithuanian Olympic sports centre must be improved.

Didelio meistriškumo baidarininko rengimo metiniu ciklu analizė / The analysis of a high mastery kayaker training through a year-long cycle

Bespalovas, Pavelas 11 August 2011 (has links)
Įvairūs autoriai pateikia skirtingus keturmečio olimpinio ciklo fizinio krūvio paskirstymo variantus. Trečiajame priešolimpiniame metiniame cikle dar tobulinama treniruočių struktūra ir turinys. Taigi mūsų tyrimas išryškina didelio meistriškumo baidarininkų priešolimpiniame metiniame cikle rengimosi eigą, jos ypatumus. Baidarininko rengimasis turi savo specifines ypatybes, kurios siejasi su geografine padėtimi, socialinėmis, ekonominėmis sąlygomis. Mūsų darbo tikslas buvo ištirti didelio meistriškumo baidarininko rengimąsi metiniame cikle, Lietuvos sąlygomis. Keliami uždaviniai, išnagrinėti didelio meistriškumo baidarininkų treniruočių fizinių krūvių taikymą metiniame cikle, rengiantis pasaulio čempionatui. Ištirti didelio meistriškumo baidarininko fizinio ir funkcinio pajėgumo kaita metiniame treniruočių cikle. Išryškinti Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo baidarininko rengimo ypatumus, ieškoti kelių jų rengimui efektyvinti, gerai pasirengti startuoti Olimpinėse žaidynėse, pasaulio ir Europos čempionatuose. Mes tyrinėjome baidarininko pasaulio prizininko, Europos čempiono rengimosi 2007 m pasaulio čempionatui eigą, jo fizinių ir funkcinių galių kaitą per metus. Išnagrinėta trenerio planavimas ir apskaitos dokumentai, sportininko dienoraščiai. Fizinės ir funkcinės galios tirtos parengiamojo laikotarpio pradžioje, parengiamojo laikotarpio didelių fizinių krūvių etape, specialaus rengimo etape, varžybinio laikotarpio parengiamųjų varžybų etape ir prieš pagrindines varžybas. Buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Different authors have stated various variants of apportionment of the physical strain during the four-year-long pre-Olympic cycle. The structure of the training session and its content are still being improved in the third pre- Olympic year-long cycle. The research has pointed out the course of the preparation and its peculiarities in high-masterliness kayaker’s pre-Olympic year-long cycle. The preparation of a kayaker has had its specifics, which are connected with the geographical position, social and economical conditions. The aim of this work is to analyze the preparation of a high-masterliness kayaker throughout a year-long cycle affected by Lithuania’s conditions. The goals which have been raised are to analyze the application of physical strain in a year-long preparation of kayakers, who are preparing for the world championship. To analyze the fluctuation of high-masterliness kayaker’s physical and functional capability in a year-long cycle. To stress the peculiarities of preparing the kayaker of high- masterliness, to find the ways to prepare them more effectively, to be prepared to get started well in Olympic games, world’s and European championships. We have analyzed the course of preparation for the world championship of 2007 of a kayaker and world prizeman, the change of his physical and functional strength throughout a year. The coaches planning, records and diaries of the sportsman have been analyzed. The physical and functional strength have been analyzed... [to full text]

Didelio meistriškumo karate fuku-go rungties sportininkų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / High level karate athletes preparedness for fuku-go contest during the yearly cycle training

Danilevičius, Rimantas 01 August 2013 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu susidomėjimas kovos menais pasaulyje yra išaugęs tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje. Karate yra vienas iš kovos menų stilių – tai būdas taip ištreniruoti savo kūną, kad priešininką galima būtų nugal ti tik kūno technika, nenaudojant ginklo Šiandienos karate galima išskirti tris kryptis: karate kaip fizinis menas, kaip sportas ir kaip savigynos būdas. Šiame darbe karate nagrinėjamas kaip sportas, kuriuo užsiima ir Lietuvos sportininkai. Karate kovos vyksta sudėtingomis dinaminėmis sąlygomis, sportininkas kovodamas gali pasirinkti labai įvairią techniką (smūgiuoti rankomis ar kojomis, daryti pakirtimus), todėl yra labai svarbus tiek geras fizinis sportininko parengtumas, tiek specialusis parengtumas bei fizinio pasirengimo rodiklių kaita metiniu rengimo ciklu. Literatūroje pasigendama tokių tyrimų, ypač karate sportininkų testavimo rezultatų, kuriuos būtų galima sulyginti su šių dienų sportininkų rodikliais tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti didelio meistriškumo karate fuku-go rungties sportininkų sportinio rengimo programą ir nustatyti bendrojo ir specialaus fizinio parengtumo rodiklių kaitą metiniu rengimo ciklu, kad įvertintume sportininkų bendrąjį ir specialųjį pasirengimą atskiruose laikotarpiuose, treniruočių įtaką sportininko organizmui, nustatytume, ar treniruotėse tinkamai dozuojami krūviai ir į ką būtų galima atsižvelgti sudarant kitų metų treniruočių programą. Tikslui įgyvendinti buvo tirti 7 didelio meistriškumo karatė fuku-go rungties sporitninkai -... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Over the past several decades, the martial arts have become an increasingly popular. Martial arts are body, mind, and spiritual practices that originated in China. Karate - do is an empty - handed art - the ability to train your body to the point whereby you can overcome an opponent with one technique without the need for weapons. Three branches of present day karate - as a physical art, as a sport, and as self - defence - are developed. In our work we are used karate as sport, which is practiced in Lithuania too. Karate system consists of techniques of blocking or thwarting an attack and counterattacking the opponent by punching, striking, or kicking, therefore general and special physical qualification of athletes and the changes of indices of general and special physical qualification in different periods of yearly cycle training are very important. There are lack of such kind of studies which results could be compared to our athletes. The purpose of the work is to investigate the structure and content of the training process of karate athletes during the one year cycle of initial training and to analyze the changes of indices of general and special physical qualification of karate fighters in the yearlong cycle. The 7 karate athletes from Lithuania were studied. The indices of physical development, physical fitness and functional capacity were established three times during the year. It was found that in the period of our study the karate athletes indices of physical... [to full text]

Lietuvos merginų krepšinio rinktinių 1990 – 1992 metų gimimo krepšininkių rengimas, fizinių galių ir techninio parengtumo kaita per metus / The lithuanian basketball team of girl players born from 1990 - 1992 physical powers and technical readiness per year

Bankauskas, Marius 24 September 2008 (has links)
Rengiant jaunąsias krepšininkes galinčias žaisti įvairaus amžiaus grupių čempionatuose, o vėliau ir didelio meistriškumo žaidėjas nacionalinei komandai, aktualu yra stebėti žaidėjų techninį lygį, analizuoti jų fizinį išsivystymą, funkcinį pajėgumą ir metinį treniruočių ciklą. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti Lietuvos krepšinio rinktinių krepšininkių (1990 – 1992 metų gimimo) treniruočių metinį ciklą, fizines galias, išsivystymą bei techninį parengtumą ir jų kaitą per metus. Nustatyta, kad jaunųjų Lietuvos olimpinio sporto centro krepšininkių fizinio pajėgumo daugelis rodikliu sezono metu progresavo ir sezonui baigiantis buvo aukštesnio lygio. Statinė jėga, anaerobinis alaktatinis raumenų galingumas, kurio progresą per metus įtakojo per treniruotes ir varžybas atliekami trumpi spurtai ir pagreitėjimai, bei judesių dažnis pasiekė gerą ir tinkamą krepšininkėm lygį. Vienkartinis raumenų susitraukimo galingumas taip pat didėjo, bet šis raumenų galingumas dar nėra pasiekęs krepšininkėm reikiamo lygio. Nustačius krepšininkių kūno masę buvo matyti, kad komandos vidutinė masė padidėjo ir didėjimas buvo ženklesnis riebalų nei raumenų sąskaiton. Techninio parengtumo duomenys, sezono pabaigoje taip pat buvo užfiksuoti geresni nei sezono pradžioje. Nustatėme, kad LOSC komandos metiniame treniruočių cikle rengimo rūšių santykis BFR 25.6 %, SFR 17.2 %, TTR, 57.1 % tirto krepšininkių amžiaus tarpsnyje, beveik atitinka trenerių rekomendacijas, tik reikėtų padidinti valandų skaičių specialiam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / While preparing the young feminine basketball players who can participate in various age championships and later masters of sport for the national team, it is important to observe the technical level of players, to analyse their physical development, functional abilities and annual training cycle. The aim of the research is to analyse the annual training cycle of Lithuanian feminine combined team (years of birth 1990 - 1992), their physical capacity, development, technical preparation and the change of the mentioned factors during the year. It is fixed that the young Olympic Lithuanian basketball players made a progress in physical abilities during the season and the end of the season reached a higher level. The static power and the anaerobic muscular power which were influenced by acceleration during the training and competition, and the frequency of motions achieved the suitable level for the basketball players. The single muscular contract power also increased, bet this muscular power has not achieved the appropriate level for the basketball players. After defining the body weight it was obvious that the average team weight increased in more grease than in muscles. At the end of the season the results of technical training were better than the beginning of the season. We established that in the given age group and corresponds the recommendation of tutors but the number of hours for special physical training should be increased.

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