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Approaches to Pharmacological Treatment and Gene Therapy of Cystic FibrosisDragomir, Anca January 2004 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal genetic disease in the white population. It is due to mutations in the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a protein that functions mainly as a cAMP-activated chloride channel. The disease impairs ion and water transport in epithelia-lined organs such as airways, digestive tract, reproductive epithelium and sweat glands. At present the only therapy is symptomatic and development of curative treatment depends on uncovering the links between the defective CFTR and the disease, as well as on improving end-point measurements. A method has been established for studying ion transport in an easily accessible cell type (nasal epithelial cells) from normal and cystic fibrosis patients by X-ray microanalysis. This method represents a rather simple and direct way of measuring simultaneously several chemical elements of biological interest. Studies of chloride transport by means of a fluorescent indicator (MQAE) in nasal epithelial cells from CF patients showed that the phenotype cannot exclusively be explained by the CFTR activity in patients with severe genotype. A common Portuguese CFTR mutation (A561E) causes protein mislocalization in the endoplasmic reticulum similar to the most common CF mutation (ΔF508) and thus it should be possible to treat it with the same pharmacological strategies. Chronic treatment of CF airway epithelial cells with nanomolar concentrations of colchicine increased the chloride efflux via chloride channels other than CFTR, strengthening the notion that colchicine could be beneficial to CF patients. Successful in vitro transfection of CF airway epithelial cells with cationic vectors was possible with short incubation times. Heparin added at the end of the transfection incubation time could help to maintain the viability of the cells, without interfering with the transfection efficiency. It seems possible that heparin could be an adjuvant for non-viral mediated gene therapy.
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CHIMEの現状と稼働状況(2009年)Suzuki, Kazuhiro, Kato, Takenori, 鈴木, 和博, 加藤, 丈典 03 1900 (has links)
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Richards Bay zircon.Pietersen, Kevin John. January 1992 (has links)
Zircon from the zircon concentrate of Richards Bay Minerals was investigated with a view
to understanding the morphology and provenance. The obsevations were applied to the reduction of
uranium, thorium and other trace elements in the heavy mineral placer deposits. It is evident from
differences in morphology, optical characteristics, cathodoluminescence, inclusion types and trace
element analyses that the zircon is derived from numerous parent rocks. Rare earth element
modelling reveals several possible parent rocks including rhyolites, granites, syenites, pegmatites and
Fission track U mapping of individual zircons indicated an enrichment of U in the rims and
grain terminations. The U maps were used to devise and test several methods, including abrasion and
partial dissolution, to reduce the combined U and Th concentration from 450-563ppm to below
400ppm. The effect of magnetic cleaning, density separation and size classification of the zircon
concentrate on the U +Th concentration was found to be negligible. Air abrasion and HF acid
dissolution successfully reduced the U +Th concentrations to between 332 and 383ppm.
The contribution of trace elements from inclusions, surface pit fillings and coatings, and
foreign minerals within the zircon concentrate were evaluated by by scanning electron microscope
identification. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.
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"Look at what I am saying": multimodal science teaching.Pozzer-Ardenghi, Lilian 30 August 2007 (has links)
Language constitutes the dominant representational mode in science teaching, and lectures are still the most prevalent of the teaching methods in school science. In this dissertation, I investigate lectures from a multimodal and communicative perspective to better understand how teaching as a cultural-historical and social activity unfolds; that is, I am concerned with teaching as a communicative event, where a variety of signs (or semiotic resources), expressed in diverse modalities (or modes of communication) are produced and reproduced while the teacher articulates very specific conceptual meanings for the students. Within a trans-disciplinary approach that merges theoretical and methodical frameworks of social and cultural studies of human activity and interaction, communicative and gestures studies, linguistics, semiotics, pragmatics, and studies on teaching and learning science, I investigate teaching as a communicative, dynamic, multimodal, and social activity. My research questions include: What are the resources produced and reproduced in the classroom when the teacher is lecturing? How do these resources interact with each other? What meanings do they carry and how are these associated to achieve the coherence necessary to accomplish the communication of complex and abstract scientific concepts, not only within one lecture, but also within an entire unit of the curricula encompassing various lectures? My results show that, when lecturing, the communication of scientific concepts occur along trajectories driven by the dialectical relation among the various semiotic resources a lecturer makes available that together constitute a unit—the idea. Speech, gestures, and other nonverbal resources are but one-sided expressions of a higher order communicative meaning unit. The iterable nature of the signs produced and reproduced during science lectures permits, supports, and encourages the repetition, variation, and translation of ideas, themes, and languages and therefore permits, supports, and encourages conceptual development at the boundary between the mundane and discipline-specific cultures that students (have to) traverse in learning. It is only within this multimodal and dialectical communicative meaning unit that we can understand and investigate
science teaching and learning as these processes naturally occur.
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Promoted ignition testing : an investigation of sample geometry and data analysis techniquesSuvorovs, Terese January 2007 (has links)
Metallic materials and oxygen can be a volatile combination when accompanied by ignition mechanisms. Once ignited, metallic materials can readily burn in high pressure oxygen atmospheres, releasing an enormous amount of energy and potentially destroying equipment, space missions and resulting in the loss of life. The potential losses associated with these fires led to research into the conditions under which metal fires propagate. Several organisations, including the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), have published recommended standard test practices with which to assess the relative flammability of metallic materials. These promoted ignition tests, so called because samples are ignited with an overwhelming source of energy, are typically used to examine two important parameters as an indication of a metallic material's flammability: Threshold Pressure (TP) and the Regression Rate of the Melting Interface (RRMI). A material's TP is the minimum pressure at which it burns, therefore, TPs of different materials can be compared to assess which materials are most suited for a range of high pressure applications. The RRMI is a useful measure for ranking materials, particularly if they have the same TP, but can be used as a ranking method irrespective of TP. In addition, it is a crucial parameter to aid in understanding the complex burning process and is one of the few experimental parameters that can be measured. Promoted ignition test standards specify a standard sample geometry to use when performing the test, typically a 3.2 mm diameter cylindrical rod. The recent addition of a 3.2 × 3.2 mm square rod as an optional standard sample geometry raises the issue of how the geometry of a sample affects its flammability. Promoted ignition test results for standard geometries are often applied to assess the flammability risk for the complex geometries of real components within oxygen systems, including regulators, valves, piping etc. Literature shows that sample geometry has a significant effect on material rankings when rankings are based on testing of standard geometries, for example, cylindrical rods, compared to non-standard geometries, for example, sintered filters and meshes. In addition, the RRMI has been shown to be dependent on a sample's cross-sectional area (XA). However, it remains unclear, from a simple heat transfer analysis, why the RRMI is dependent on XA or how the shape of a sample affects its melting rate. These questions are particularly relevant since understanding how sample geometry affects burning contributes to two important research goals: to be able to accurately model and predict the flammability risk of a metallic component without the need for physical testing, and to understand the effects of different sample geometries on their relative flammabilities within the standard tests used. Promoted ignition tests were conducted on iron rods with cylindrical, rectangular and triangular cross sections for a range of XAs. Their RRMIs were measured and analysed using a statistical approach which allowed differences in RRMI to be quantitatively assessed. Statistically significant differences in RRMI were measured for rods with the same XA but of different shape. Furthermore, the magnitude of the difference was dependent on XA. Triangular rods had the fastest RRMIs, followed by rectangular rods and then cylindrical rods. Differences in RRMI based on rod shape are due to heat transfer effects and the dynamic motion of the attached molten mass during the drop cycle. The corners of the rectangular and triangular rods melt faster due to their locally higher Surface Area to Volume ratio (SA/V). This dynamic effect increases the area of contact between the molten mass and the solid rod (solid liquid interface (SLI)) which facilitates increased heat transfer to the rod resulting in a faster RRMI. This finding highlights the importance of the SLI in the heat transfer process. Although the SLI is largely dependent on the XA, the shape of the rod causes subtle changes to the size of the SLI and thus affects heat transfer, burning and observed RRMI. The relationship between rod diameter, test pressure and Extent of Reaction (ER), the proportion of metal that reacts (oxidises) whilst attached to the burning rod, was investigated. During promoted ignition testing of iron rods of varying diameter the detached drops were rapidly quenched by immersion in a water bath. Microanalysis techniques were used to qualitatively assess the ER as a function of pressure and rod diameter. It was found that the pressure dramatically affects ER. High pressure tests resulted in a slag mass consisting of oxide, with no unreacted iron, whereas low pressure tests resulted in a significant fraction of unreacted iron within the slag. This indicates that the ER contributes directly to the observed increase in RRMI with increasing test pressure. At high pressures the ER is not affected by rod diameter, since all available liquid metal reacted, but at low pressures ER is a function of rod diameter, ER decreases as XA increases. This thesis also investigates the analysis of promoted ignition test data through suitable statistical methods. Logistic regression is identified as an appropriate method for modelling binary burn/no-burn test data. The relationship between the reaction probability, defined as the probability that a sample will undergo sustained burning, and pressure, is evaluated for two different data sets. The fits of the logistic regression models are assessed and found to model the available data well. The logistic regression method is contrasted with the confidence levels associated with binary data based on the Bernoulli distribution. It is concluded that a modelling approach is beneficial in providing an overall understanding of the transition between pressures where no burning occurs and pressures where burning is expected.
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Influência da incorporação de cinza da casca do arroz e sílica ativa no cimento Portland frente à reação álcali-sílica : desenvolvimento de uma nova proposta de método para avaliação da RAS em materiais suplementares ao cimento PortlandTrindade, Guilherme Hoehr January 2015 (has links)
Alguns materiais, constituídos quase que exclusivamente por sílica, são empregados, de forma suplementar ao cimento Portland, por promoverem melhorias ao concreto, devido aos seus efeitos físicos e pozolânicos, além de atenderem a questões ambientais. No entanto, essa sílica pode gerar produtos indesejados na presença de álcalis, sendo este fenômeno conhecido como reação álcali sílica (RAS). Na presença de água, esses produtos são capazes de expandir no interior da massa de concreto, provocando fissuras internas e externas e, em casos mais graves, a degradação do elemento estrutural. Com a finalidade de evitar essa manifestação patológica, o presente trabalho propõe-se avaliar o potencial reativo frente à RAS da sílica ativa e dois tipos de cinzas da casca do arroz (CCA), uma comercial e outra residual. Nessa investigação foram adotados os teores de 5 a 50 %, utilizados como substituição parcial ao cimento Portland padrão. Os métodos de ensaio adotados nesta pesquisa foram o método acelerado em barras de argamassa segundo a NBR 15577 - 4/5, e dois novos métodos acelerados (cubos de pasta e prismas). O métodos acelerado em cubos de pasta avaliou a resistência à compressão, enquanto o método em prismas de pasta avaliou a variação dimensional. Os resultados obtidos em barras de argamassa apontaram que ambas as CCA investigadas, foram reativos frente à RAS. No entanto, o teor de 50 %, em ambas as CCA, se mostrou inócuo para essa reação. A sílica ativa foi considerada inócua em todos os teores avaliados. O aditivo superplastificante empregado não foi eficiente em reduzir a expansão provocada pela CCA. Os ensaios que avaliaram a expansão em prismas de pasta apresentaram uma ótima correlação positiva com o método normalizado em barras de argamassa. Nos prismas de pasta com 25 % de CCA industrial foram identificados os compostos franzinite, chessexite e thaumasite. Estes compostos apresentaram morfologia de acículas ora tortuosas ora delgadas e retilíneas compondo todas as amostras coletadas dessa pasta. A análise termogravimétrica apontou o alto poder adsorvente de água dessa pasta. Em conclusão, o ensaio em prismas de pastas a 48°C com 1,25 % de Na2Oeq demonstrou ser um método prático laboratorialmente e apresentou um grande potencial para avaliar os materiais suplementares ao cimento Portland frente a RAS, além de facilitar identificação dos produtos que provocaram expansão. / Some materials, consisting almost exclusively for silica, are employed, supplementary form to Portland cement, for promoting improvements to concrete, due to their physical and pozzolanic effects and environmental issues. However, this silica may generate unwanted products in presence of alkalis. This phenomenon is known as alkali-silica reaction (ASR). In the presence of water, these products are able to expand inside concrete, generating internal and external cracks and, in severe cases, structural element degradation. In order to prevent this pathologic manifestation, the aim of the present study was to evaluate reactive potential in ASR of fume silica and two types of rice husk ash (RHA), a manufacturing and residual. Levels of 5 to 50 % were used as partial replacement to standard Portland cement. In the present study, accelerated method in mortar bars according to NBR 15577 - 4/5 and two new accelerated methods (pastes cubes and prisms) were used. Accelerated method in paste cubes evaluated compressive strength, while method in paste prims evaluated dimensional change. Results in mortar bars demonstrated, both RHA, were reactive to ASR. However, level of 50 %, both RHA, was innocuous to ASR. Fume silica was innocuous to ASR at all levels evaluated. Superplasticizer additive was not effective to reduce to expansion caused by RHA. In the cubes assay was possible to evaluate the reactive potential to ASR by analysis of variation coefficient. Results demonstrated a positive correlation between expansion in paste prism and standard method in mortar bars. In the paste prism with 25 % of RHA manufacturing were identified compounds of franzinite, chessexite and thaumasite. These compounds presented morphology of needles sometimes tortuous and sometimes thin and straight in all samples. Thermogravimetric analysis showed the high adsorbent power of water in this paste. In conclusion, paste prims assay at 48ºC with Na2Oeq 1.25 % demonstrated to be a practical laboratory method and presented a great potential to evaluate additional material to Portland cement in front of ARS, and this assay facilitates the identifications of products that cause expansion.
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An assessment of equilibrium in the Merensky Reef : a textural, geochemical and Nd isotope study of coexisting plagioclase and orthopyroxene from Winnaarshoek in the eastern Bushveld Complex, RSARaines, Mark Douglas January 2014 (has links)
Evidence of mineral disequilibrium is presented for the Merensky Reef at Winnaarshoek in the eastern Bushveld Complex. Petrographic disequilibrium textures, disequilibrium in orthopyroxene, plagioclase and clinopyroxene mineral compositions as well as disequilibrium in Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of whole rock samples and coexisting plagioclase and orthopyroxene are presented. Disequilibrium textures presented include clinopyroxene exsolution lamellae in orthopyroxene; resorbed plagioclase in orthopyroxene or relict plagioclase; various inclusions such as orthopyroxene, plagioclase or clinopyroxene in larger oikocrysts of clinopyroxene or orthopyroxene; discontinuous rims of clinopyroxene surrounding orthopyroxene; resorbed orthopyroxene in clinopyroxene; and corona textures associated with olivine. These textures were used to derive a possible mineral crystallization sequence. At least two sequences of crystallization took place, both of which crystallized plagioclase first. One sequence then crystallized olivine which was then consumed to produce orthopyroxene which crystallized prior to late clinopyroxene. The other sequence indicates orthopyroxene crystallization after plagioclase crystallization, followed by crystallization of clinopyroxene. These sequences indicate at least two magmas were responsible for the genesis of the Merensky Reef and its hanging wall and footwall units. Compositionally, disequilibrium is evident in the range of compositions found in coexisting orthopyroxene, plagioclase and clinopyroxene with stratigraphic height, with particular reference to the change in mineral composition in each of the hanging wall, Reef and footwall units. Orthopyroxene compositions range in Mg numbers between 74.6 and 82.9 (77.4) in the hanging wall, 78.5 and 87.0 (avg. 81.1) in the Reef, and 77.9 and 84.1 (avg. 81.3) in the footwall. Plagioclase compositions range in An content between An64.9 and An82.3 (avg. An75.1) in the hanging wall, An56.8 to An70.8 (avg. An62.7) in the Reef, and An54.2 to An86.3 (avg. An73.2) in the footwall. In terms of Sm-Nd isotopic compositions, disequilibrium is evident between both whole rock samples and coexisting plagioclase and orthopyroxenes. Bulk rock Sm-Nd isotopic compositions show a range in ԐNd values between ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -4.8 to -6.4 in the hangingwall, ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -6.3 to -8.5 in the Reef, and ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -4.5 to -6.3 in the footwall. Similar ԐNd values are present in the hanging wall and footwall units, with a clear “spike” in the Merensky Reef. ԐNd values in plagioclase are between ԐNd (2.06 Ga) = -5.8 and -7.8, while orthopyroxene isotopic Sm-Nd values are between ԐNd (2.06 Ga = -7.1 and -9.1. The mineral disequilibrium features presented within this study help elucidate the crystallization sequence of the magma as well as to constrain the contamination of the magma upon ascension and emplacement of the Merensky Reef. The results of this study favour a model where a mantle plume resulted in the ascent of a new magma which was contaminated by the assimilation of old, lower crust. Contamination took place prior to the possible lateral emplacement of the Merensky reef as a density current. 5-10% contamination of depleted mantle or a B2-“like” source by Archaean TTGs is modeled to achieve the contamination “spike” of ԐNd = -8.5 in the Merensky Reef.
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Influência da incorporação de cinza da casca do arroz e sílica ativa no cimento Portland frente à reação álcali-sílica : desenvolvimento de uma nova proposta de método para avaliação da RAS em materiais suplementares ao cimento PortlandTrindade, Guilherme Hoehr January 2015 (has links)
Alguns materiais, constituídos quase que exclusivamente por sílica, são empregados, de forma suplementar ao cimento Portland, por promoverem melhorias ao concreto, devido aos seus efeitos físicos e pozolânicos, além de atenderem a questões ambientais. No entanto, essa sílica pode gerar produtos indesejados na presença de álcalis, sendo este fenômeno conhecido como reação álcali sílica (RAS). Na presença de água, esses produtos são capazes de expandir no interior da massa de concreto, provocando fissuras internas e externas e, em casos mais graves, a degradação do elemento estrutural. Com a finalidade de evitar essa manifestação patológica, o presente trabalho propõe-se avaliar o potencial reativo frente à RAS da sílica ativa e dois tipos de cinzas da casca do arroz (CCA), uma comercial e outra residual. Nessa investigação foram adotados os teores de 5 a 50 %, utilizados como substituição parcial ao cimento Portland padrão. Os métodos de ensaio adotados nesta pesquisa foram o método acelerado em barras de argamassa segundo a NBR 15577 - 4/5, e dois novos métodos acelerados (cubos de pasta e prismas). O métodos acelerado em cubos de pasta avaliou a resistência à compressão, enquanto o método em prismas de pasta avaliou a variação dimensional. Os resultados obtidos em barras de argamassa apontaram que ambas as CCA investigadas, foram reativos frente à RAS. No entanto, o teor de 50 %, em ambas as CCA, se mostrou inócuo para essa reação. A sílica ativa foi considerada inócua em todos os teores avaliados. O aditivo superplastificante empregado não foi eficiente em reduzir a expansão provocada pela CCA. Os ensaios que avaliaram a expansão em prismas de pasta apresentaram uma ótima correlação positiva com o método normalizado em barras de argamassa. Nos prismas de pasta com 25 % de CCA industrial foram identificados os compostos franzinite, chessexite e thaumasite. Estes compostos apresentaram morfologia de acículas ora tortuosas ora delgadas e retilíneas compondo todas as amostras coletadas dessa pasta. A análise termogravimétrica apontou o alto poder adsorvente de água dessa pasta. Em conclusão, o ensaio em prismas de pastas a 48°C com 1,25 % de Na2Oeq demonstrou ser um método prático laboratorialmente e apresentou um grande potencial para avaliar os materiais suplementares ao cimento Portland frente a RAS, além de facilitar identificação dos produtos que provocaram expansão. / Some materials, consisting almost exclusively for silica, are employed, supplementary form to Portland cement, for promoting improvements to concrete, due to their physical and pozzolanic effects and environmental issues. However, this silica may generate unwanted products in presence of alkalis. This phenomenon is known as alkali-silica reaction (ASR). In the presence of water, these products are able to expand inside concrete, generating internal and external cracks and, in severe cases, structural element degradation. In order to prevent this pathologic manifestation, the aim of the present study was to evaluate reactive potential in ASR of fume silica and two types of rice husk ash (RHA), a manufacturing and residual. Levels of 5 to 50 % were used as partial replacement to standard Portland cement. In the present study, accelerated method in mortar bars according to NBR 15577 - 4/5 and two new accelerated methods (pastes cubes and prisms) were used. Accelerated method in paste cubes evaluated compressive strength, while method in paste prims evaluated dimensional change. Results in mortar bars demonstrated, both RHA, were reactive to ASR. However, level of 50 %, both RHA, was innocuous to ASR. Fume silica was innocuous to ASR at all levels evaluated. Superplasticizer additive was not effective to reduce to expansion caused by RHA. In the cubes assay was possible to evaluate the reactive potential to ASR by analysis of variation coefficient. Results demonstrated a positive correlation between expansion in paste prism and standard method in mortar bars. In the paste prism with 25 % of RHA manufacturing were identified compounds of franzinite, chessexite and thaumasite. These compounds presented morphology of needles sometimes tortuous and sometimes thin and straight in all samples. Thermogravimetric analysis showed the high adsorbent power of water in this paste. In conclusion, paste prims assay at 48ºC with Na2Oeq 1.25 % demonstrated to be a practical laboratory method and presented a great potential to evaluate additional material to Portland cement in front of ARS, and this assay facilitates the identifications of products that cause expansion.
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Caracterizacao do residuo solido formado em motor automotivo a gasolina por meio de tecnicas analiticas / Characterization of solid deposit formed in automotive gasoline engine by the analytical techniquesMELLO, DJALMA de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:26:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Influência da incorporação de cinza da casca do arroz e sílica ativa no cimento Portland frente à reação álcali-sílica : desenvolvimento de uma nova proposta de método para avaliação da RAS em materiais suplementares ao cimento PortlandTrindade, Guilherme Hoehr January 2015 (has links)
Alguns materiais, constituídos quase que exclusivamente por sílica, são empregados, de forma suplementar ao cimento Portland, por promoverem melhorias ao concreto, devido aos seus efeitos físicos e pozolânicos, além de atenderem a questões ambientais. No entanto, essa sílica pode gerar produtos indesejados na presença de álcalis, sendo este fenômeno conhecido como reação álcali sílica (RAS). Na presença de água, esses produtos são capazes de expandir no interior da massa de concreto, provocando fissuras internas e externas e, em casos mais graves, a degradação do elemento estrutural. Com a finalidade de evitar essa manifestação patológica, o presente trabalho propõe-se avaliar o potencial reativo frente à RAS da sílica ativa e dois tipos de cinzas da casca do arroz (CCA), uma comercial e outra residual. Nessa investigação foram adotados os teores de 5 a 50 %, utilizados como substituição parcial ao cimento Portland padrão. Os métodos de ensaio adotados nesta pesquisa foram o método acelerado em barras de argamassa segundo a NBR 15577 - 4/5, e dois novos métodos acelerados (cubos de pasta e prismas). O métodos acelerado em cubos de pasta avaliou a resistência à compressão, enquanto o método em prismas de pasta avaliou a variação dimensional. Os resultados obtidos em barras de argamassa apontaram que ambas as CCA investigadas, foram reativos frente à RAS. No entanto, o teor de 50 %, em ambas as CCA, se mostrou inócuo para essa reação. A sílica ativa foi considerada inócua em todos os teores avaliados. O aditivo superplastificante empregado não foi eficiente em reduzir a expansão provocada pela CCA. Os ensaios que avaliaram a expansão em prismas de pasta apresentaram uma ótima correlação positiva com o método normalizado em barras de argamassa. Nos prismas de pasta com 25 % de CCA industrial foram identificados os compostos franzinite, chessexite e thaumasite. Estes compostos apresentaram morfologia de acículas ora tortuosas ora delgadas e retilíneas compondo todas as amostras coletadas dessa pasta. A análise termogravimétrica apontou o alto poder adsorvente de água dessa pasta. Em conclusão, o ensaio em prismas de pastas a 48°C com 1,25 % de Na2Oeq demonstrou ser um método prático laboratorialmente e apresentou um grande potencial para avaliar os materiais suplementares ao cimento Portland frente a RAS, além de facilitar identificação dos produtos que provocaram expansão. / Some materials, consisting almost exclusively for silica, are employed, supplementary form to Portland cement, for promoting improvements to concrete, due to their physical and pozzolanic effects and environmental issues. However, this silica may generate unwanted products in presence of alkalis. This phenomenon is known as alkali-silica reaction (ASR). In the presence of water, these products are able to expand inside concrete, generating internal and external cracks and, in severe cases, structural element degradation. In order to prevent this pathologic manifestation, the aim of the present study was to evaluate reactive potential in ASR of fume silica and two types of rice husk ash (RHA), a manufacturing and residual. Levels of 5 to 50 % were used as partial replacement to standard Portland cement. In the present study, accelerated method in mortar bars according to NBR 15577 - 4/5 and two new accelerated methods (pastes cubes and prisms) were used. Accelerated method in paste cubes evaluated compressive strength, while method in paste prims evaluated dimensional change. Results in mortar bars demonstrated, both RHA, were reactive to ASR. However, level of 50 %, both RHA, was innocuous to ASR. Fume silica was innocuous to ASR at all levels evaluated. Superplasticizer additive was not effective to reduce to expansion caused by RHA. In the cubes assay was possible to evaluate the reactive potential to ASR by analysis of variation coefficient. Results demonstrated a positive correlation between expansion in paste prism and standard method in mortar bars. In the paste prism with 25 % of RHA manufacturing were identified compounds of franzinite, chessexite and thaumasite. These compounds presented morphology of needles sometimes tortuous and sometimes thin and straight in all samples. Thermogravimetric analysis showed the high adsorbent power of water in this paste. In conclusion, paste prims assay at 48ºC with Na2Oeq 1.25 % demonstrated to be a practical laboratory method and presented a great potential to evaluate additional material to Portland cement in front of ARS, and this assay facilitates the identifications of products that cause expansion.
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