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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systèmes disperses pour l’administration orale de paclitaxel à base de microemulsion et de nanocapsules mucoadhesives contenant de l’huile de copaïba / SYSTEMES DISPERSES POUR L’ADMINISTRATION ORALE DE PACLITAXEL A BASE DE MICROEMULSION ET DE NANOCAPSULES MUCOADHESIVES CONTENANT DE L’HUILE DE COPAÏBA

Xavier-Junior, Francisco Humberto 05 March 2015 (has links)
La voie orale suscite un intérêt pour l'administration des médicaments anticancéreux, qui sont encore administrés essentiellement par voie parentérale. En effet, la biodisponibilité des principes actifs est fortement limitée par leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et des facteurs physiologiques. L'utilisation de systèmes à base de lipides et de nanoparticules polymères peuvent se montrer très performants pour surmonter certaines limitations. L'objectif de ce travail a consisté à développer deux familles de systèmes dispersés pour la voie orale contenant dans leur phase interne de l'huile de copaïba servant de véhicules à des médicaments anticancéreux comme le paclitaxel. Dans la première partie du travail a été consacrée au développement et à la validation de méthodes d’analyses de l’huile de copaiba par chromatographie en phase gaseuse et de dosage du paclitaxel dans l'huile de copaïba. Dans la deuxième partie du travail, des microémulsions d'huile de copaïba/eau ont été formulée en proposant une approche originale basée sur la complémentarité chimique des composés de l'huile et des tensioactifs. Cette approche a permis l'obtention de microémulsion contenant des fractions volumiques importantes de l'huile essentielle de copaïba (19.6%) tout en maintenant les concentrations en tensioactifs faible (13.7%). Du paclitaxel a pu être incorporé dans les microémulsions sans perturber notablement les caractéristiques du system. La troisième partie du travail a été consacré au développement de nanocapsules mucoadhésives contenant de l'huile de copaïba. La mise en œuvre d’un plan d’expérience a contribué à la formulation de nanocapsules incorporant du paclitaxel pouvant être marquée par une sonde fluorescente. La stabilité des nanocapsules a été étudiée dans des milieux gastrique et intestinaux simulés. Leur mucoadhésion a été évaluée sur des fragments de muqueuse intestinale prélevés chez le rat. Les résultats de ces travaux ont conduit au développement de deux formulations de paclitaxel dans des nanosystèmes originaux qui pourront par la suite être évalués pour en étudier leur capacité à délivrer l'agent anticancéreux par voie orale. / Anticancer drug are still mainly administered by the parenteral route. Oral delivery is limited the physicochemical properties of drugs and physiological. Systems based on lipids and polymeric nanoparticles may overcome these limitations. The aim of our project was to develop dispersed systems containing copaiba oil in their internal phase as vehicle for oral administration of paclitaxel, an anticancer drug, paclitaxel. The work was carried on in three parts. At first, methods of analysis of copaiba oil and of dosage of paclitaxel in this oil were developed and validated based on gas chromatography and HPLC respectively. Then, copaiba oil/water microemulsion was formulated from a new approach based on the pairing of chemical properties of the oil components and the surfactants. Stable microemulsion containing remarkably high amount of copaiba essential oil (volume fraction 19.6%) and a low surfactant concentration (13.7%) were obtained and could incorporate paclitaxel. Finally, an experimental design approach was proposed to develop mucoadhesive nanocapsules encapsulating copaiba oil, paclitaxel and that can be labeled with a fluorescent. These systems were tested for their ability to concentrate paclitaxel on the gut mucosa by evaluating their mucoadhesion using a ex vivo model based on the Ussing chambers. The nanosystems proposed in this work are ready for an evaluation for their capacity to deliver this anticancer drug by the oral route.

Magnetisch und katalytisch funktionalisierte mesoporöse Materialien

Kockrick, Emanuel 07 August 2009 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mesoporöse Materialien erfolgreich mit magnetischen bzw. katalytisch aktiven Nanopartikeln funktionalisiert, wobei zwei unterschiedliche Synthesestrategien verfolgt wurden. Zum einen erfolgte eine direkte Integration der katalytisch aktiven CeO2-Nanopartikel in poröse, thermisch stabile SiC-Matrizes mithilfe der inversen Mikroemulsionsmethode. Die Größe dieses wässrigen, cersalzhaltigen Nanoreaktors konnte über den RW-Wert (molares Wasser-Tensid-Verhältnis) im Bereich von 2,0-9,9 nm mit einer engen Größenverteilung variiert werden. Für katalytische Untersuchungen wurden die Cerhydroxidpartikel aus dem Mikroemulsionssystem ausgefällt und bei 100-600 °C calciniert. Dabei konnte eine größenabhängige Aktivität der Nanopartikel in der Rußverbrennung nachgewiesen werden, wobei eine Herabsetzung der Rußverbrennungstemperatur um bis zu 239 K nachgewiesen werden konnte. Weiterhin konnten polymere CeO2-SiC Vorläuferverbindungen durch Zugabe einer flüssigen, präkeramischen Vorläuferverbindung (Polycarbosilan) zum Mikroemulsionssystem hergestellt werden, wobei flüssig prozessierbare, transparente Lösungen resultierten. Anschließend erfolgte nach Entfernung der flüchtigen Bestandteile die Pyrolyse zur Bildung der CeO2-SiC-Keramiken. In Abhängigkeit von den Pyrolysebedingungen konnten kristalline SiC-Strukturen mit spezifischen Oberflächen von bis zu 240 m2/g nachgewiesen werden. In weiteren Untersuchungen konnte die Modularität dieses neuartigen Synthesekonzeptes demonstriert werden, indem Platin als zusätzliche Aktivkomponente in das bestehende Mikroemulsionssystem integriert wurde. Im Gegensatz zu den platinfreien Systemen erfolgte eine Vernetzungsreaktion infolge der Pt-katalysierten Vernetzungsreaktion des allylgruppenhaltigen Polycarbosilans, mit spezifischen Oberflächen von bis zu 896 m2/g. Anhand von TEM-Untersuchungen konnte eine hohe Dispersion der CeO2-Aktivkomponente mit Partikelgrößen von 2-3 nm gezeigt werden. Durch die Zugabe von Divinylbenzol als Kreuzvernetzungskomponente konnte neben einer weiteren Erhöhung der Oberfläche auf 992 m2/g auch die Hydrophobizität des Polymerkomposits signifikant erhöht werden. In einer zweiten Synthesestrategie wurden intermetallische MPt-Systeme (M=Fe, Co, Ni) durch Infiltration geeigneter Vorläuferverbindungen und anschließender Thermolyse in geordneten mesoporösen SiO2- bzw. Kohlenstoffmaterialien synthetisiert. Die Phasenbildung in Abhängigkeit von den Thermolysebedingungen wurde mithilfe der Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie untersucht. Dabei wurden nach der Reduktion bei 400 °C ungeordnete fcc-MPt-Legierungen mit superparamagnetischen Eigenschaften erhalten. Dagegen resultierte für FePt-Systeme nach der Reduktion bei 750 °C bis 800 °C eine deutliche Zunahme der Raumtemperaturkoerzitivitäten auf bis zu 28,35 kOe (FePt@CMK-3) bzw. 15,60 kOe (FePt@SBA-15) infolge der Bildung der intermetallischen fct-FePt Verbindung. Weiterhin wurden die strukturellen sowie magnetischen Eigenschaften der FePt-Nanopartikel in Abhängigkeit vom Massenanteil sowie der Porengröße bzw. -geometrie der porösen Silicatemplate untersucht. Dabei konnte eine starke Abhängigkeit der Raumtemperaturkoerzitivität von der Porenstruktur sowie den jeweiligen Reduktionsbedingungen nachgewiesen werden. Ein weiterer Aspekt dieser Arbeit war die Synthese hochporöser CDC-Kohlenstoffmaterialien (CDC: carbide derived carbon) durch die Chlorierung nichtoxidischer SiC-Keramiken. Hierbei wurde das Silicium der mesoskopisch geordneten SiC-Strukturen durch Umsetzung mit Chlor bei unterschiedlichen Thermolysebedingungen extrahiert. Die resultierenden CDC-Materialien wiesen neben sehr hohen spezifischen Oberflächen von bis zu 2865 m2/g bzw. Porenvolumina von 2,21 cm3/g auch eine von der SiC-Struktur sowie den Chlorierungsbedingungen abhängige mesoskopische Ordnung auf. Die mesoporösen CDC-Materialien eignen sich als Sorbentien mit hohen Butan- bzw. Wasserstoffspeicherkapazitäten von 0,692 gButan/gCDC (25 °C: 80 Vol% Butan) bzw. 2,58 gew% (77 K: 1 bar). Daneben resultieren überaus hohe gravimetrische Methanspeicherkapazitäten von 0,191 g Methan/gCDC im Hochdruckbereich (25 °C, 100 bar), die deutlich größer sind als die bekannter Metallorganischer Gerüstverbindungen. / Ordered mesoporous materials were successfully functionalized with magnetic and catalytic active nanoparticles. Two different synthesis strategies were employed. Cerium oxide nanoparticle containing silicon carbide composites were synthesized by direct incorporation of catalytic active CeO2 nanoparticles in preceramic polycarbosilane using inverse microemulsion technique and subsequent pyrolysis. Resulting ceramic composites offer specific surface up to 240 m2/g and a narrow pore sizes in the range of 4-6 nm. Additionally porous Pt containing CeO2-SiC composites were prepared demonstrating the versitibilty of this new synthesis strategy. Catalytic activity of ceria nanoparticles were shown in soot combustion reaction. In a second approach intermetallic MPt nanoparticles (M= fe, Co, Ni) were synthesized inside the pores of ordered mesoporous silica and carbon materials. Crystalline structure and particles size were controlled by the porous template and the annealing conditions. Very high room temperature coercivities up to 28.4 koe were obtained for intermetallic FePt nanoparticles in mesoporus carbon matrices. Catalytic activity of FePt silica composites were demonstrated in selective acetylene hydration. Furthermore high porous, mesostructured carbon materials (CDC: carbide derived carbon) were prepared by chlorination of ordered mesoporous silica resulting extraordinary high specific surface areas up 2865 m2/g, high pore volunina up to 2.21 cm3/g and mesoscopic ordering. These new carbon structures are appropriate as high performance energy storage materials.

Carbide and Carbide-Derived Carbon Materials with Hierarchical Pore Architecture

Borchardt, Lars 04 March 2013 (has links)
This thesis addressed the development of new porous carbides and carbide-derived carbons; in particular materials based on silicon-, boron-, tungsten-, and titanium carbide. Therefore, different hard- and soft-templating approaches were applied and the materials were additionally functionalized with catalytic active components and shaped into nm- and mm-sized spherical particles.

Nanomaterials for high-temperature catalytic combustion

Elm Svensson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
Katalytisk förbränning är en lovande teknik för användning vid kraftgenerering, särskilt för gasturbiner. Genom att använda katalytisk förbränning kan man nå mycket låga emissioner av kväveoxider (NOX), kolmonoxid (CO) och oförbrända kolväten (UHC) samtidigt, vilket är svårt vid konventionell förbränning. Förutom att man erhåller låga emissioner, kan katalytisk förbränning stabilisera förbränningen och kan därmed användas för att uppnå stabil förbränning för gaser med låga värmevärden. Denna avhandling behandlar huvudsakligen högtemperaturdelen av den katalytiska förbränningskammaren. Kraven på denna del har visat sig svåra att nå. För att den katalytiska förbränningskammaren ska kunna göras till ett alternativ till den konventionella, måste katalysatorer med bättre stabilitet och aktivitet utvecklas. Målet med denna avhandling har varit att utveckla katalysatorer med högre aktivitet och stabilitet, lämpliga för högtemperaturdelen av en katalytisk förbränningskammare för förbränning av naturgas. En mikroemulsionsbaserad framställningsmetod utvecklades för att undersöka om den kunde ge katalysatorer med bättre stabilitet och aktivitet. Bärarmaterial som är kända för sin stabilitet, magnesia och hexaaluminat, framställdes med den nya metoden. Mikroemulsionsmetoden användes också för att impregnera de framställda materialen med de mer aktiva materialen perovskit (LaMnO3) och ceriumdioxid (CeO2). Det visade sig att mikroemulsionsmetoden kan användas för att framställa katalysatorer med bättre aktivitet jämfört med de konventionella framställningsmetoderna. Genom att använda mikroemulsionen för att lägga på aktiva material på bäraren erhölls också en högre aktivitet jämfört med konventionella beläggningsstekniker. Eftersom katalysatorerna ska användas under lång tid i förbräningskammaren utfördes också en åldringsstudie. Som jämförelse användes en av de mest stabila materialen som rapporterats i litteraturen: LMHA (mangan-substituerad lantan-hexaaluminat). Resultaten visade att LMHA deaktiverade mycket mer jämfört med flera av katalysatorerna innehållande ceriumdioxid på hexaaluminat som framställts med den utvecklade mikroemulsionstekniken. / Catalytic combustion is a promising technology for power applications, especially gas turbines. By using catalytic combustion ultra low emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) can be reached simultaneously, which is very difficult with conventional combustion technologies. Besides achieving low emission levels, catalytic combustion can stabilize the combustion and thereby be used to obtain stable combustion with low heating-value gases. This thesis is focused on the high temperature part of the catalytic combustor. The level of performance demanded on this part has been proven hard to achieve. In order to make the catalytic combustor an alternative to the conventional flame combustor, more stable catalysts with higher activity have to be developed. The objective of this work was to develop catalysts with higher activity and stability, suitable for the high-temperature part of a catalytic combustor fueled by natural gas. A microemulsion-based preparation method was developed for this purpose in an attempt to increase the stability and activity of the catalysts. Supports known for their stability, magnesia and hexaaluminate, were prepared using the new method. The microemulsion method was also used to impregnate the prepared material with the more active materials perovskite (LaMnO3) and ceria (CeO2). It was shown that the microemulsion method could be used to prepare catalysts with better activity compared to the conventional methods. Furthermore, by using the microemulsion to apply active materials onto the support a significantly higher activity was obtained than when using conventional impregnation techniques. Since the catalysts will operate in the catalytic combustor for extended periods of time under harsh conditions, an aging study was performed. One of the most stable catalysts reported in the literature, LMHA (manganese-substituted lanthanum hexaaluminate), was included in the study for comparison purposes. The results show that LMHA deactivated much more strongly compared to several of the catalysts consisting of ceria supported on lanthanum hexaaluminate prepared by the developed microemulsion method. / QC 20101104


ALESSANDRA PAZINI 31 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] As nanopartículas de sílica (SiNPs) são amplamente utilizadas em diversas áreas e formam nanofluidos com propriedades excepcionais quando suspensas em um fluido base. No entanto, o transporte e a quantificação de SiNPs em meios porosos representam desafios significativos. Para resolver isso, a espectroscopia de fluorescência é uma técnica promissora para essa tarefa. Neste estudo, uma série denanopartículas core-shell fluorescentes à base de sílica (FSiNPs) com núcleos semelhantes, mas diferentes grupos de superfície foram sintetizadas usando os métodos de síntese de Stober e WORM. Essas FSiNPs híbridas foram projetadas e apresentaram o mesmo comportamento coloidal que as SiNPs comerciais amplamente aplicadas na forma de nanofluidos. A presença de grupos amino primários foi confirmada nas FSiNPs positivas, caracterizações posteriorescorroboraram a presença de matéria orgânica confirmando a inserção de moléculas fluorescentes em todas as FSiNPs. Análises comparativas revelaram que o método WORM produziu nanopartículas mais homogêneas tanto no quesito formato quanto na distribuição de tamanho. A análise de adsorção/dessorção de N2 demonstrou semelhanças entre os FSiNPs sintetizados e as SiNPs comerciais, validando sua adequação para experimentos de transporte com foco no comportamento coloidal. Ambas as WORM-FSiNPs foram quantificadas com sucesso no efluente após fluir através da coluna de esferas de vidro. A SiNP contendo grupos de superfície aminopropil mostraram a maior estabilidade e menor adsorção em comparação com aqueles enxertados com grupos silanol. Isso foi atribuído ao efeito de interações atrativas mais fortes entre as NPs e as moléculas do surfactante aniônico. Por fim, foi demonstrado o potencial dessas NPs fluorescentes como marcadores sensíveis para estudos de transporte e adsorção em nanofluidos contendo surfactantes. / [en] Silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) are widely used in various fields, and they form nanofluids with exceptional properties when they are suspended in a base fluid. However, the transport and quantification of SiNPs in porous media pose significant challenges. To address this, fluorescence spectroscopy is a promising technique for this task. In this study, a series of core-shell silica-based fluorescent nanoparticles (FSiNPs) with similar cores but different surface groups were synthesized using the Stober and WORM synthesis methods. These hybrid FSiNPs were designed and presented the same colloidal behavior as commercial SiNPs widely applied in the form of nanofluids. The presence of primary amino groups was confirmed in positive-FSiNPs, and a posterior characterization supported the presence of organic matter in nanoparticles confirming the insertion of fluorescent molecules in all FSiNPs. Comparative analyses revealed that the WORM method produced more homogeneous nanoparticles with consistent form and size distribution. The N2 adsorption/desorption analysis demonstrated similarities between the synthesized FSiNPs and commercial SiNPs, validating their suitability for transport experiments focusing on colloidal behavior. Both WORM-FSiNPs were successfully quantified in the effluent after flowing through the glass bead column. The SiNP-containing aminopropyl surface groups showed the greatest stability and lowest adsorption compared with those grafted with silanol groups. It was attributed to the effect of stronger attractive interactions between the NPs and anionic surfactant molecules. The potential of these fluorescent NPs as sensitive tracers for transport and adsorption studies in nanofluids containing surfactants was demonstrated.

Hydrogel/Polymer Micelles Composites Derived from Polymerization of Microemulsions for Oral Drug Delivery

Chen, Li 04 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.


ROSANA CANDIDA MACEDO 05 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de métodosespectrofluorimétricos e de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência em fase reversa(RP-HPLC, reversed-phase liquid chromatography) para análise de óleosessenciais cítricos (OEC). Para este fim, microemulsões livres de surfactante(SFMEs, surfactante-free microemulsions) foram utilizadas como uma abordagempara o tratamento das amostras.Primeiramente, a região de formação das SFMEs foi avaliada para diferentesproporções água:OE (1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, m/m) na presença de propano-1-ol eoctan-1-ol (10:3 m/m). Titulações condutométricas indicaram agregados micelarescontendo OE (microemulsão do tipo óleo-em-água) para a proporção 4:1 (compartículas dispersas de raio hidrodinâmico de 95,7 ± 5,3 nm). Nessas condições, afluorescência aumentou, permitindo o uso da espectroscopia de fluorescência 3Dpara obtenção de padrões de impressão digital que foram utilizados para análisediscriminante de nove marcas brasileiras, juntamente com análise de componentes principais com desdobramento dos dados (UPCA, unfold principal components analysis). Uma variância cumulativa de 96,7 por cento foi obtida para os três primeiros componentes principais e os gráficos de pontuação mostraram uma localização distinta para cada grupo. Um estudo preliminar também mostrou a capacidade desses sistemas em avaliar condições de armazenamento e adulteração. O impacto das condições de armazenamento foi realizado ao longo de 21 dias expostos à luz, com resultados mostrando grandes diferenças espectrais em comparação com uma amostra armazenada em frasco âmbar a 22 graus C. A adulteração de OEs por fortificação com óleo de canola e óleo mineral foi detectada em diferentes níveis (1, 5, 10 e 20 por cento, m/m) e, além das diferenças espectrais, observou-se uma mudança na estabilidade da micro emulsão. Em uma segunda etapa do estudo, esses sistemas foram replicados para diferentes OEC, incluindo laranja doce e azeda, tangerina, limão e grape fruit. Estudos foram empregados para avaliar condições ótimas para a formação do sistema, visando abranger todos os OECs avaliados sem comprometer a reprodutibilidade da medição. A nova condição SFME adotada foi de 15 microL da fase oleosa contendo OE e octan-1-ol (1:2 v/v), 19 mL de água e propan-1-ol até o volume final de 25 mL. Além do baixo consumo de amostra, obteve-se um aumento significativo na fluorescência, apesar da menor proporção da fase oleosa. Os dados da matriz de excitação-emissão foram utilizados para análise de agrupamento. OUPCA foi aplicado com sucesso, com uma variância cumulativa de 99,5 por cento para os três primeiros componentes principais. A decomposição dos auto vetores revelou uma influência significativa dos comprimentos de onda de excitação/emissão de336/436 nm. Análises complementares por HPLC confirmaram a relação entre fluoróforos e a fração não volátil, característica dos OECs. A combinação de baixo consumo de amostra e alto teor de água torna a aplicação desses sistemas vantajosa para a diferenciação de OECs. A transparência e a baixa viscosidade também são consideradas aspectos positivos. Em uma terceira e última etapa, o efeito do meio de amostragem na análise de polimetoxiflavo nas (PMFs) no OE de laranja doce por RP-HPLC foi avaliado, utilizando o conhecimento adquirido nas etapas anteriores em relação à formação de sistemas SFMEs. Este estudo teve como foco a análise de PMFs presentes na fração não volátil do OE de laranja doce, que inclui tetra-O-metil-scutelareína, sinensetina, tangeretina, nobiletina e heptametoxiflavona. Dois métodos utilizando eluição isocrática com diferentes fases móveis, (A) água/metanol e (B)água/acetonitrila, foram empregados usando detecção absorciométrica e fluorimétrica. O meio de amostragem influenciou significativamente a eluição cromatográfica, afetando potencialmente a largura dos picos e o tempo de retenção, especialmente para tangeretina, onde um aumento de 300 e 103 por cento na intensidade de pico foi obtido para as fases móveis A e B, quando misturas com octan-1-ol foram utilizadas. Devido à coeluição entre nobiletina e tetra-O-metil scutelareína observada com a fase móvel A, o método foi validado utilizando a fase móvel B(acetonitrila/água, 50:50 por cento, v/v). A detecção de fluorescência forneceu valores delimites de detecção e quantificação mais baixos para sinensetina (1 e 3 microg mL-1) enobiletina (13 e 44 microg mL-1) do que os relatados na literatura. O método foi aplicado a amostras comerciais de OE de laranja doce, fornecendo resultados consistentes para todas as PMFs. / [en] The main goal of this work was the development of spectrofluorimetric and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) methods for citrus essential oils (CEO) analysis. For this purpose, surfactant-free microemulsions (SFMEs) were used as an approach for sample treatment. First, the SFME formation region was studied at different water:EO weight proportions (1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 w/w) in the presence of propan-1-ol and octan-1-ol (10:3 w/w). Conductometric titrations indicated micellar aggregates containing EO (oil-in-water microemulsion) for the 4:1 proportion (droplets of hydrodynamic radius of 95.7 ± 5.3 nm). In such conditions, fluorescence increased allowing the use of 3D fluorescence spectroscopy to obtain spectroscopic fingerprint pattern that was used aiming discriminant analysis, considering nine EO Brazilian brands, along with unfold principal component analysis(UPCA). A cumulative variance of 96.7 percent was obtained for the first three principal components and score plots showed distinct location for each group. Preliminary study showed the capability of these systems in evaluating storage conditions, and adulteration. The impact of storage conditions was made over 21 days exposed to light with results showing large spectral differences compared to a sample stored in amber flask at 22 degrees C. Adulteration of EOs by canola and mineral oil fortification was detected at different levels (1, 5, 10 and 20 percent, w/w) and, in addition to the spectral differences, a change in microemulsion stability was observed. In a second stage of the study, these systems were replicated for different CEOs, including sweet and sour orange, tangerine, lemon, and grapefruit. Studies were employed to assess optimal conditions for system formation, aiming to encompass all evaluated CEOs without compromising measurement reproducibility. The new SFME condition adopted was 15 microL of the oily phase containing EO and octan-1-ol (1:2 v/v), 19 mL of water, and propan-1-ol up to the 25 mL final volume. In addition to low sample consumption, a significant increase in fluorescence was achieved, despite the lower proportion of the oily phase. Excitation-emission matrix data were utilized for clustering analysis. UPCA was successfully applied, with cumulative variance of 99.5 percent for the first three principal components. Eigenvectors decomposition revealed a significant influence of the 336/436 nm excitation/emission wavelengths. Complementary analyses by HPLC confirm the relationship between fluorophores and the non-volatile fraction, characteristic of CEOs. The combination of low sample consumption and high-water content makes the application of these systems advantageous for CEO differentiation. Transparency and low viscosity are also considered positive aspects. In a third and final stage, the effect of the sampling medium on the analysis of polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) in sweet orange EO by RP-HPLC was evaluated, utilizing the knowledge acquired in previous stages regarding the formation of SFME systems. This study was focused on analyzing PMFs present in the non-volatile fraction of sweet orange EO, which includes tetra-O-methyl-scutellarein, sinensetin, tangeretin, nobiletin, and heptamethoxyflavone. Two methods utilizing isocratic elution with different mobile phases, (A) water/methanol and (B) water/acetonitrile, were employed using absorciometric and fluorimetric detection. The sampling medium significantly influenced chromatographic elution, potentially affecting peak width and retention time, especially for tangeretin, where a 300 percent and 103 percent increase in peak intensity was obtained for mobile phases A and B, respectively, when mixtures with octan-1-ol were used. Due to co-elution between nobiletin and tetra-O-methyl scutelarein observed with mobile phase A, the method was validated using mobile phase B (acetonitrile and water 50:50 percent, v/v). Fluorescence detection provided lower LOD and LOQ values for sinensetin (1 and 3 microg mL -1 ) and nobiletin (13 and 44 microg mL -1 ) than reported in the literature. The method was applied to commercial sweet orange EOs samples, yielding consistent results for all PMFs.

Couplage ROMP et ATRP en milieu dispersé aqueux : préparation et étude morphologique de particules polymères composites

Airaud, Cédric 16 December 2008 (has links)
Le confinement de polymères incompatibles au sein de particules induit une séparation de phase et conduit à la formation de morphologies particulières (cœur-écorce, hémisphérique…). Cette nanostructuration est à l’origine de propriétés de filmification particulières qui justifient l’utilisation des particules polymères composites dans le cadre d’applications comme la formulation de peintures ou de revêtements. Ce travail s’intéresse au développement d’approches permettant de préparer ces particules polymères composites en une seule étape et en milieu aqueux. La stratégie proposée repose sur le couplage « en simultané » de deux polymérisations distinctes: la polymérisation de cyclooléfines par métathèse (ROMP) et la polymérisation radicalaire par transfert d’atome (ATRP). Après avoir mis en évidence les difficultés liées au couplage de la ROMP et de l’ATRP en milieu dispersé aqueux, deux approches originales faisant intervenir respectivement des conditions de miniémulsion et de microémulsion sont proposées. Pour chacune d’elles, la présentation du principe de la synthèse et l’analyse de ses résultats précèdent l’étude morphologique des particules produites. / So as to broaden the scope of their applications in paints, coatings and impact-resistant plastics, many investigations have been dedicated to the preparation of nanostructured colloids over the past decades. Original morphologies including core-shell, hemispherical and complex occluded structures (raspberry-like, golf ball-like, octopus-like) can now be readily prepared. This work proposes a new straightforward one-pot, one-step, one-catalyst strategy to prepare polymer composite particles based on the simultaneous combination of two mechanistically distinct polymerizations in aqueous dispersed media. Norbornene (NB) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) were converted via Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) and Atom-Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP), respectively. Two original routes, designed to ensure simultaneous ROMP and ATRP, respectively under mini- and microemulsion conditions, are proposed. Both are successively reviewed on chemical and colloidal levels. Specific attention is paid to the morphologies of the prepared particles.

Reavalia??o da efici?ncia de ?leo de coco saponificado e de sua microemuls?o como inibidores de corros?o em uma c?lula eletroqu?mica

Rocha, Thiago Ramalho da 25 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoRR.pdf: 1895833 bytes, checksum: 59d0cd6d03df2b5c8165e3ae0bf39a80 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / An interesting development in surfactants science and technology is their application as corrosion inhibitors, since they act as protective films over anodic and cathodic surfaces. This work aims to investigate the efficiency of saponified coconut oil (SCO) as corrosion inhibitor and of microemulsified system (SCO + butanol + kerosene oil + distilled water), in saline medium, using an adapted instrumented cell, via techniques involving linear polarization resistance (LPR) and mass loss coupons (MLC). For this, curves of efficiency versus SCO concentration (ranging between 0 and 75 ppm) have been constructed. According to the obtained results, the following efficiency levels were reached with OCS: 98% at a 75 ppm concentration via the LPR method and 95% at 75 ppm via the MLC method. The microemulsified system, for a concentration of 15 ppm of SCO, obtained maximum inhibition of 97% (LPR) and 93% (MLC). These data indicate that it is possible to optimize the use of SCO in similar applications. Previous works have demonstrated that maximal efficiencies below 90% are attained, typically 65% as free molecules and 77% in microemulsified medium, via the LPR method in a different type of cell. Therefore, it can be concluded that the adapted instrumented cell (in those used methods) showed to be an important tool in this kind of study and the SCO was shown effective in the inhibition of the metal / Tensoativos v?m sendo alvo de interesse como inibidores de corros?o, pois funcionam como pel?culas protetoras sobre ?reas an?dicas e cat?dicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a efici?ncia de inibi??o ? corros?o do tensoativo ?leo de coco saponificado (OCS) e do sistema icroemulsionado (OCS + butanol + querosene + ?gua destilada), em meio salino, utilizando-se uma c?lula instrumentada adaptada. A efic?cia do OCS foi avaliada utilizando-se os m?todos de resist?ncia de polariza??o linear (LPR) e cupons de perda de massa (CPM), tendo sido constru?das curvas de efici?ncia versus concentra??o de OCS (variando de 0 a 75 ppm). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que este tensoativo apresenta a seguinte ordem de efici?ncia de inibi??o ? corros?o: para uma concentra??o de 75 ppm, 98% pelo m?todo LPR e 95% pelo m?todo CPM. O sistema microemulsionado, para uma concentra??o de 15 ppm de OCS, obteve inibi??o m?xima de 97% (LPR) e 93% (CPM). Atrav?s deste trabalho foi poss?vel otimizar o uso do tensoativo OCS, que em trabalhos anteriores mostrou efic?cia m?xima inferior a 90% (63% na sua forma livre e 77% na sua forma microemulsionada, pelo m?todo LPR, em um outro tipo de c?lula). Conclusivamente, pode-se dizer que a c?lula instrumentada adaptada (nos m?todos utilizados) provou ser uma ferramenta importante neste tipo de estudo e o OCS mostrou-se efetivo na inibi??o do metal

Utiliza??o de microemuls?o na remo??o da cor de efluentes t?xteis contendo corantes dispersos

Ara?jo, Beth Aluana Tavares de 17 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BethATA_DISSERT.pdf: 4261945 bytes, checksum: f9ef7f539e59502be1e168b17a14bf4a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Polyester fibers are the most used fibers in the world and disperse dyes are used for dyeing these fibers. After dyeing, the colorful dyebath is discharged into effluent streams, which needs a special treatment for color removal. Surfactants interaction with dyes has been evaluated in several studies, including the textile area, specifically in the separation of dyes from textile wastewater. In this work a cationic surfactant was used in a microemulsion system for the extraction of anionic dyes (disperses dyes) from textile wastewater. These microemulsion system was composed by dodecylamonium chloride (surfactant), kerosene oil (organic phase), isoamyl alcohol (cosurfactant) and the wastewater (aqueous phase). The wastewater that results after the dyeing process is acid (pH 5). It was observed that changing the pH value to above 12.8 the extraction could be made, resulting in an aqueous phase with low color level. The Scheff? net experimental design was used for the extraction process optimization, and the obtained results were evaluated using the program "Statistica 7.0". The optimal microemulsion system was composed by 59.8wt.% of wastewater, 30.1wt.% of kerosene, 3.37wt.% of surfactant and 6.73wt.% of cosurfactant, providing extraction upper than 96%. A mix of reactive dyebath (50%) and disperse dyebath (50%) was used as aqueous phase and it presented extraction upper than 98%. The water phase after extraction process can be reused in a new dyeing, being obtained satisfactory results, according to the limits established by textile industry for a good dyeing. Tests were accomplished seeking to study the influence of salt addition and temperature. An experimental design was used for this purpose, which showed that the extraction doesn't depend on those factors. In this way, the removal of color from textile wastewater by microemulsion is a viable technique (that does not depend of external factors such as salinity and temperature), being obtained good extraction results even with in wastewater mixtures / Fibras de poli?ster s?o as fibras sint?ticas mais utilizadas no mundo e corantes dispersos s?o empregados para o tingimento destas fibras. Depois do tingimento, o banho colorido ? descarregado no efluente, que precisa de um tratamento especial para remo??o de cor. A intera??o de tensoativos com corantes foi estudada em diversas pesquisas inclusive na ?rea t?xtil, especificamente na separa??o de corantes de efluentes t?xteis. Neste trabalho foi usado um tensoativo cati?nico em um sistema de microemuls?o para extra??o de corantes n?oi?nico (corantes dispersos) de efluente t?xtil. Esse sistema de microemuls?o foi composto por cloreto de dodecil am?nio (tensoativo), querosene (fase org?nica), ?lcool isoam?lico (cotensoativo) e o efluente l?quido (fase aquosa). O efluente que resulta depois do processo de tingimento ? ?cido (pH 5). Foi observado que mudando o valor do pH para acima de 12,8 a extra??o poderia ser feita, resultando em uma fase aquosa com baixo n?vel de cor. Um planejamento experimental do tipo rede de Scheff? foi usado, para a otimiza??o do processo de extra??o, e os resultados obtidos foram avaliados usando o programa "Statistica 7.0". O ponto ?timo do sistema de microemuls?o ? composto por 59,8% em massa de efluente, 30,1% de querosene, 3,37% de tensoativo e 6,73% de cotensoativo, promovendo uma extra??o superior a 96%. Foi analisada a efici?ncia da remo??o da cor em um efluente composto por 50% de banho de corante reativo e 50% de banho de corante disperso, obtendo-se uma extra??o superior a 98%. A fase aquosa obtida ap?s a extra??o do corante pode ser reutilizada em um novo tingimento, obtendo-se resultados satisfat?rios, dentro dos limites estabelecidos para um bom tingimento na ind?stria. Tamb?m foram realizados testes que mostravam a influencia de fatores como a adi??o de sal e a varia??o da temperatura. Para isso foi utilizado um planejamento experimental, o qual mostrou que a extra??o n?o depende desses fatores. Dessa forma, a remo??o da cor de efluentes t?xteis por microemuls?o ? uma t?cnica vi?vel (que independe de fatores externos como salinidade e temperatura), obtendo-se inclusive bons resultados de extra??o em misturas de efluentes

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