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Local Magnetic Field System Design and Control For Independent Control of Multiple Mobile MicrorobotsBenjamin V Johnson (8785979) 30 April 2020 (has links)
This dissertation describes the evolution of the different local magnetic field generating systems for independent actuation of multiple microrobots. A description of the developed hardware, system characterization tests, and experimental results are presented. The system is designed for automated control of multiple microrobots. Finally, sample micromanipulation tasks are demonstrated using the new microrobot design, showcasing its improved manipulation capabilities.<br>First, a mm-scale local magnetic field generating system designed for single layer coils is used to control 3.175 mm size N52 magnets as robots independently in the workspace. The controller used a set of local equilibrium points that were generated from a sequence of coil currents around the robots from one state to the next. The robots moved along paths computed through optimal control synthesis approach to solve complex micromanipulation tasks captured by global LTL formulas. However, the use of local equilibrium points as the states limited the motion of the robot in the workspace to simple tasks. Also, the interaction between the robots limited the robots to stay within far distances with each other. Hence a larger workspace based coil is designed to actuate up to four mm-scale robots in the workspace.<br><br>To improve the resolution of motion of these robots in the workspace, the mm-scale coils are modeled extensively. The forces generated by various coil combinations of the array are modeled and solutions for different actuation force directions are discovered for different locations in the coil. A path planning problem is formulated as a Markov decision process that solves a policy to reach a goal from any location in the workspace. The MDP formulation is also expanded to work when other robots are present in the workspace. The formulation considers the interaction force between the robots and changes the policy to reach the goal location which reduces in the uncertainty of motion of the robot in the presence of interactions from other robots in the workspace.<br><br>The mm-scale coils are difficult to scale down for microrobotic applications and hence a new microscale local magnetic field system was designed. A new microscale local magnetic field system which consisted of two 8 × 8 array of coils aligned in two axes in two layers of a PCB was designed which could actuate robots as small as 1 mm in the plane. The microcoils in the second layer are also able to generate sufficient magnetic field gradients in the workspace, while the traces below it are spaced adequately to eliminate their influence in the workspace. A new microrobot design also enabled the orientation control of the microrobot for performing micromanipulation tasks. However, only two robots could be independently actuated in this workspace due to interaction between the robots.<br><br>In pursuit of actuation smaller and multiple robots in a small workspace, a serpentine coil based local magnetic field generating system was designed to control of the motion of magnets as small as 250 µm. The net size of the robot is 750 µm to enable orientation control and prevent tipping during motion. This system is capable of simultaneous independent closed loop control of up to 4 microrobots. The motion of the robot using the coils resembled that of a stepper motor which enabled the use of sine-cosine functions to specify currents in the coils for smooth motion of the<br>microrobot in the workspace. The experiments demonstrated the capability of the microrobot and platform to simultaneously actuate up to four robots independently and successfully perform manipulation tasks. The ability to control the orientation of the magnet is finally demonstrated that has improved ability to perform manipulation tasks.<br><br>
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Design of a Robotic Cannula for Robotic Lumbar DiscectomyYang Ding (6866906) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div>In this thesis, the design of the robotic cannula for minimally invasive robotic lumbar discectomy is presented. Lumbar discectomy is the surgery to remove the herniated disc material that is pressing on a nerve root or spinal cord. </div><div><br></div><div>Recently, a robotic approach to performing this procedure has been proposed that utilizes multiple teleoperated articulated instruments inserted into the surgical workspace using a single cannula. In this paper, a new robotic cannula system to work in conjunction with this new procedure is presented. It allows for the independent teleoperated control of the axial position and rotation of up to three surgical instruments at the same time. The mechanical design, modeling, controller design, and the performance of the prototype of the new system are presented in this paper demonstrating a fully functioning device for this application. A novel worm gear and rack system allow for the instrument translation while and embedded gear trains produce the rotational movement. Steady-state errors of less than 10 microns for translation and less than 0.5 degree for rotation motion are achieved in position tracking; steady-state errors of less than 100 micron per second of translation and less than 0.5 degree per second for rotation motion are obtained in speed tracking. </div>
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No description available.
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Advanced Force Sensing and Novel Microrobotic Mechanisms for Biomedical ApplicationsGeorges Adam (13237722) 12 August 2022 (has links)
<p>Over the years, research and development of micro-force sensing techniques has gained a lot of traction, especially for microrobotic applications, such as micromanipulation and biomedical material characterization studies. Moreover, in recent years, new microfabrication techniques have been developed, such as two-photon polymerization (TPP), which enables fast prototyping, high resolution features, and the utilization of a wide range of materials. In general, the main goals of this work are to improve the resolution and range of novel vision-based force sensors, create microrobotic and micromanipulation systems capable of tackling a multitude of applications, and ensuring these systems are flexible and provide a sold foundation to the advancement of the field as a whole.</p>
<p>The current work can be divided into three main parts: (i) a wireless magnetic microrobot with 2D vision-based force sensing, (ii) a 3D vision-based force sensing probe for tethered micromanipulators, and (iii) a micromanipulation system capable of accurately controlling and performing advanced tasks. The vision-based force sensors developed here have resolutions ranging from the mN range to even sub-$\mu$N range, depending on the material used, geometry, and overall footprint. </p>
<p>In part (i), the microrobot has been developed mainly for biomedical applications \textit{in vitro}, with the ability to perform mechanical characterization and microassembly tasks of different rigid and biomedical materials. In part (ii), a similar sensor mechanic is used, but now adapted to a micromanipulation probe, which is able to detect forces in three dimensions and work in dry environments. In conjunction with the micromanipulation system described in part (iii), the system is capable of performing advanced assembly applications, including accurate assembly and 3D mounting of microparts. </p>
<p>With the introduction of TPP technologies to these works, the next generation of adaptable microrobotics and micromanipulation systems for advanced biomedical applications is starting to take shape, ever more versatile, smaller, more accurate, and with more advanced capabilities. This work shows the progression of these overall systems and gives a glimpse of what is possible with TPP and the technologies to come.</p>
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Écoulements microfluidiques pilotés sans contact par une onde laserRobert de saint vincent, Matthieu 08 October 2010 (has links)
L’effet thermocapillaire (ou Marangoni) est la résultante mécanique d’un gradient de tensioninterfaciale induit par la présence d’un gradient de température sur une interface fluide. Il semanifeste par (i) la migration d’un objet fini (goutte, bulle) immergé, et (ii) une déflexion del’interface. Sa nature interfaciale le rend particulièrement pertinent à petite échelle, notammenten microfluidique diphasique. Ce travail de thèse montre comment un effet thermocapillaireinduit localement par chauffage laser peut être utilisé pour produire des composants optofluidiquesélémentaires (vanne, aiguillage, échantillonneur), et en présente une étude quantitative.La déstabilisation d’un jet microfluidique forcée par laser, conduisant à sa rupture, est égalementprésentée et caractérisée. Cette « boîte à outils » optique fournit ainsi une approche sans contact,pour produire et manipuler des gouttes en microfluidique digitale sans nécessité d’une microfabricationdédiée. Par ailleurs, afin de caractériser sur des temps longs les gouttes produites,et ainsi considérer des populations statistiquement significatives, un dispositif optoélectroniquesimple pour mesurer les gouttes et leur vitesse en temps réel a également été développé. / The thermocapillary (or Marangoni) effect is the mechanical result of an interfacial tension gradientinduced by a temperature gradient on a fluid interface. This effect manifests itself byinducing (i) the migration of an immersed finite-size object (droplet, bubble), and (ii) a deflexionof the interface. Due to its interfacial nature, the Marangoni effect is particularly relevantat small length scales, especially in the context of two-phase microfluidics. This thesis aims atapplying the thermocapillary effect locally induced by laser heating, in order to create some basicoptofluidic actuators (valve, switch, sampler). A quantitative study of these actuators is presented.The laser-forced destabilization of a co-flowing microfluidic jet, leading to its breakup,is also investigated. This “optical toolbox” represents a non-contacting, and microfabricationfreeapproach for the production and handling of droplets in digital microfluidics. Moreover, tocharacterize these droplet over long times, thus considering statistically significant populations,a simple optoelectronic device has been developed for measuring the size and velocity of thedroplets in real time.
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Aux petites échelles, les équilibres physiques sont bouleversés. En particulier, les forces de contact, de friction et d'adhésion deviennent prépondérantes au regard des autres effets, perturbant ainsi la manipulation des entités appartenant au micro-monde.<br />Ce travail apporte une contribution aux techniques de micromanipulation sans contact dans les microsystèmes intégrés. En nous appuyant sur le principe de la lévitation diamagnétique, qui bénéficie très favorablement de la réduction d'échelle, nous supprimons tout contact physique entre les dispositifs et les microparticules manipulées.<br />Ce point clé nous a permis de démontrer, à travers des structures intégrées et/ou prototypes, la faisabilité d'une microfluidique digitale dans l'air et sans contact, et entre autres le confinement, le micropositionnement et l'actionnement sans contact de divers bioparticules. Ces réalisations ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes au développement de microréacteurs biochimiques sans contamination.
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Optical micromanipulation using ultrashort pulsed laser sourcesLittle, Helen January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis two previously separate fields of study are brought together: optical micromanipulation and ultrashort laser research. Here, the benefits of combining the high peak powers of ultrashort pulsed lasers and conventional optical micromanipulation techniques are explored. As optical trapping has been studied extensively, the focus of this research is on optical guiding. Moreover, the emphasis is on the use of Bessel beams as these have been shown to offer greater guiding distances than comparable Gaussian beams. The studies within this thesis show that optical guiding in Bessel and Gaussian beams is governed by the average power of the laser. However, the benefits of guiding with ultrashort pulsed lasers to exploit multi-photon processes become evident as the demonstration of simultaneous optical guiding and second harmonic generation in microscopic nonlinear crystal fragments is detailed. This work is developed by using ultrashort pulses to induce two-photon excitation-induced fluorescence in the guiding medium. This allows direct visualisation of the beam-particle interaction and measurement of the reconstruction of the Bessel beam around an object. Some studies using two-photon excitation to investigate Bessel beam penetration through turbid media are discussed. Finally, the work is concluded by exploring the use of pulsed white-light lasers in optical guiding. The wavelength-dependent propagation and reconstruction properties of the white-light Bessel beam are studied before some preliminary optical guiding experiments are discussed. From this, the broad bandwidth of the supercontinuum source is found to offer extended guiding distances in Gaussian beams thereby negating the need for Bessel beams.
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Vision 3D et Commande par asservissements visuels pour la micromanipulation et le micro-assemblage de MEMS. Application à l'automatisation d'une station de micro-assemblage.Tamadazte, Brahim 26 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La manipulation et le micro-assemblage de composants de taille micrométrique (1 µm ->1 mm) afin de réaliser des microsystèmes posent énormément de problèmes. À cette échelle les composants sont quasiment invisibles à l'oeil nu et on constate une inversion de l'importante des forces : les forces surfaciques (capillarité, Van der Waals, électrostatiques, ...) deviennent prépondérantes par rapport aux forces volumiques (poids, inertie). Il est ainsi nécessaire et indispensable de mettre en oeuvre des stratégies novatrices appropriées tant du point de vue de l'imagerie et de la vision que de la manipulation et de la commande pour la fabrication des microsystèmes. Le micro-assemblage comporte des tâches de micromanipulation (positionnement, prise, transfert, dépose, ...) ainsi que tâches plus complexes (orientation dans l'espace, insertion, ...). Nos travaux répondent clairement à ces attentes c'est-à-dire utiliser un système de vision (un microscope optique) pour automatiser des tâches simples de manipulation de microcomposants et des tâches plus complexes d'assemblage de MEMS. Plusieurs lois de commande ont été développées telles qu'un asservissement visuel 2D multi-échelle pour la manipulation et un asservissement visuel 3D pour l'assemblage. Pour les deux approches développées, la précision et la répétabilité obtenues sur les processus de manipulation et d'assemblage sont satisfaisantes. Cependant, avant toute chose, le système de vision doit être calibré pour atteindre de meilleures performances. Dans cet objectif, une méthode de calibrage multi-échelle de microscopes photoniques a été présentée et détaillée. À partir de l'étude des contraintes liées à l'utilisation de ce genre d'imageur, des techniques de vision 3D telles le depth-from-focus et le pose-from-focus ont été pensées et intégrées pour aboutir à une station de micro-assemblage entièrement automatisée.
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A Bio-Assembly, Mosaic Building, and Informatics System for Cell BiologyBlaylock, April Deirdre January 2007 (has links)
In the field of regenerative medicine, there is a need to develop technologies that can increase the overall efficiency of imaging and expanding cells in culture and in complex heterogeneous arrangements necessary for tissue construction. Long-term live cell imaging has the potential to significantly enhance our understanding of intercellular signaling pathways and the dependence of phenotype on cell arrangement. A transdisciplinary approach has been taken to bridge the fields of cell biology, robotics, and photonics to create a long-term live cell imaging system capable of single cell handling as well as the acquisition of multiple types of data needed for data mining and a general informatics approach to cell culture. A Bio-Assembly Mosaic Builder and Informatics (BAMBI) system was designed and developed using custom software to control a 3-axis stage manufactured by Galil Inc, and custom 1-axis micromanipulator for robotic operations. The software also employs a Sony charged-coupled device sensor for real-time image feedback and data acquisition. The system is mounted on a Carl Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope. Custom-built environmental controls are used to maintain the temperature, humidity, and gas conditions for extended live cell work. The software was designed using Visual C++ for the Windows PC platform using an object orientated and modular design methodology to allow the BAMBI software to continue to grow with new tasks and demands as needed. The modular approach keeps functional groups of code within context boundaries allowing for easy removal, addition, or changes of functions without compromising the usability of the whole system. BAMBI has been used to image cells within a novel cell culture chamber that constricts cell growth to a true monolayer for high-resolution imaging. In one specific application, BAMBI was also used to characterize and track the development of individual Colony Forming Units (CFU) over the five-day culture period in 5-day CFU-Hill colony assays. The integrated system successfully enabled the tracking and identification of cell types responsible for the formation of the CFU-Hill colonies (a putative endothelial stem cell). BAMBI has been used to isolate single hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) candidate cells, accumulate long-term live cell images, and then return these cells back to the in-vivo environment for further characterization. From these results, further data mining and lineage informatics suggested a novel way to isolate and purify HSCs. Studies such as these are the fundamental next step in developing new therapies for regenerative medicine in the future.
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A Bio-Assembly, Mosaic Building, and Informatics System for Cell BiologyBlaylock, April Deirdre January 2007 (has links)
In the field of regenerative medicine, there is a need to develop technologies that can increase the overall efficiency of imaging and expanding cells in culture and in complex heterogeneous arrangements necessary for tissue construction. Long-term live cell imaging has the potential to significantly enhance our understanding of intercellular signaling pathways and the dependence of phenotype on cell arrangement. A transdisciplinary approach has been taken to bridge the fields of cell biology, robotics, and photonics to create a long-term live cell imaging system capable of single cell handling as well as the acquisition of multiple types of data needed for data mining and a general informatics approach to cell culture. A Bio-Assembly Mosaic Builder and Informatics (BAMBI) system was designed and developed using custom software to control a 3-axis stage manufactured by Galil Inc, and custom 1-axis micromanipulator for robotic operations. The software also employs a Sony charged-coupled device sensor for real-time image feedback and data acquisition. The system is mounted on a Carl Zeiss Axiovert 200 inverted microscope. Custom-built environmental controls are used to maintain the temperature, humidity, and gas conditions for extended live cell work. The software was designed using Visual C++ for the Windows PC platform using an object orientated and modular design methodology to allow the BAMBI software to continue to grow with new tasks and demands as needed. The modular approach keeps functional groups of code within context boundaries allowing for easy removal, addition, or changes of functions without compromising the usability of the whole system. BAMBI has been used to image cells within a novel cell culture chamber that constricts cell growth to a true monolayer for high-resolution imaging. In one specific application, BAMBI was also used to characterize and track the development of individual Colony Forming Units (CFU) over the five-day culture period in 5-day CFU-Hill colony assays. The integrated system successfully enabled the tracking and identification of cell types responsible for the formation of the CFU-Hill colonies (a putative endothelial stem cell). BAMBI has been used to isolate single hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) candidate cells, accumulate long-term live cell images, and then return these cells back to the in-vivo environment for further characterization. From these results, further data mining and lineage informatics suggested a novel way to isolate and purify HSCs. Studies such as these are the fundamental next step in developing new therapies for regenerative medicine in the future.
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