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Fatigue sous très faibles amplitudes de contrainte : Analyse des mécanismes précurseurs de l’amorçage de fissures dans le cuivre polycristallin / Fatigue at very low stress amplitudes : Early mechanisms leading to crack initiation in pure polycrystalline copperPhung, Ngoc-lam 10 December 2012 (has links)
Résumé : Cette étude a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes précurseurs de l'amorçage de fissures dans le cas de métaux ductiles monophasés, comme le cuivre pur, sollicités à des amplitudes de contrainte inférieures à la limite de fatigue conventionnelle et jusqu'à des nombres de cycles atteignant le domaine de la fatigue gigacyclique (Very High Cycle Fatigue, VHCF). Les essais ont été réalisés sur une machine de fatigue ultrasonique à une fréquence de sollicitation de 20 kHz. Les mécanismes précurseurs de l'amorçage des fissures se manifestent (1) sous forme de bandes de glissement qui apparaissent sur la surface de l'éprouvette et (2) par un auto-échauffement du matériau dû à la dissipation intrinsèque. Les cartographies de température de la surface des éprouvettes nous ont permis d'estimer des dissipations d'énergie moyennes et de caractériser leur évolution avec le nombre de cycles et l'amplitude de contraintes. En parallèle, l'évolution du relief de la surface, initialement lisse et sans contrainte résiduelle, a été analysée à partir d'observations en microcopie optique, électronique à balayage et à force atomique. Nous avons établi que l'amplitude de contrainte nécessaire pour faire apparaître les premières bandes décroit en fonction du nombre de cycles. Des analyses EBSD, couplées à des calculs éléments finis intégrant l'anisotropie élastique des grains, ont révélé le rôle clé (1) des joints de macles et (2) du glissement dévié dans l'amorçage de bandes de glissement intenses.Mots clés : Fatigue gigacyclique, Bandes de glissement, Microplasticité cyclique, Dissipation, Anisotropie élastique, Simulation multicristalline, Thermographique infrarouge. / Abstract : This work aims to better understanding mechanisms leading to crack initiation in ductile single phase metals such as pure copper, loaded stress amplitudes lower than the conventional fatigue threshold and after about 109 cycles, the so-called Very High Cycle Fatigue regime. Tests were conducted using an ultrasonic technique at loafing frequency of 20 kHz. The mechanisms leading to crack initiation express (1) via slip bands at the specimen surface and (2) via self-heating due to intrinsic dissipation. Thermal maps were used to estimate the mean dissipation and its change with number of cycles and stress amplitudes. At the same time, the surface relief changes were characterized using optical, scanning electronic and atomic force microscopes. The stress amplitude required to observe the slip bands was found to decrease as a function of number of cycles. EBSD investigations combined with finites elements simulations accounting for elastic anisotropy of copper revealed the key role of (1) twin boundaries and (2) cross slip in slip band initiation.Keywords : Very High Cycle Fatigue, Slip bands, Cyclic microplasticity, Dissipation, Elastic anisotropy, Multicrystals simulation, Infrared thermography.
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[pt] A determinação da vida à fadiga para projetar estruturas e componentes mecânicos é extremamente importante. A curva S-N pode ser afetada por diferentes condições operacionais e alguns fatores são mais pronunciados no teste ultrassônico de fadiga, dependendo do material. A influência da alta frequência nos fenômenos de autoaquecimento e o efeito da frequência são discutidos. Um aspecto relevante em VHCF é o mecanismo de iniciação e propagação de trincas. Os fenômenos como olho de peixe e área fina granular (FGA) foram encontrados nas superfícies de fratura. Esta tese está dividida em 3 tópicos: evolução da temperatura, amplitude de deformação da microplasticidade e investigação da região FGA. Os materiais em estudo são os aços DIN 34CrNiMo6 e DIN 42CrMo4. O teste de fadiga ultrassônica foi realizado em diferentes condições de carregamento no modo intermitentes e acompanhado por câmera termográfica infravermelha. Esses resultados obtidos para a câmera termográfica foram usados para desenvolver um modelo de inteligência artificial usando aprendizado de máquina para prever a curva temperatura-número de ciclos. O modelo foi capaz de prever a temperatura e os valores do coeficiente de determinação estão acima de 0,98. Para prever a vida à fadiga, foram escolhidos parâmetros baseados em tensão, curva S-N tradicional, temperatura no início do teste, (razão de Rayleigh), dissipação de calor, Qcyc e gradiente de temperatura. A temperatura em estado estacionário foi atingida em aproximadamente 5E+04 ciclos em ambos os aços. Observa-se que o número de ciclos até a falha aumenta à medida que a inclinação da temperatura (fase I) e a dissipação de calor diminuem. (razão de Rayleigh) forneceu melhor concordância com os resultados experimentais seguido por Qcyc. Além disso, grãos ultrafinos na seção transversal do FGA entre 500 -700 nm dentro da superfície da fratura foram detectados pela análise FIB e EBSD. O local grain refinament foi escolhido como o melhor modelo para explicar a formação de FGA. As inclusões não metálicas Al2O3 foram responsáveis por todas as iniciações internas da trinca de fadiga. / [en] The determination of fatigue life to design structures and mechanical components
is extremely important. The S-N curve can be affected by different operational
conditions, and some factors are more pronounced under ultrasonic fatigue test,
depending on the material. The influence of the high frequency in self-heating
phenomena and frequency effect are discussed. A relevant aspect in VHCF is the
mechanism of crack initiation and propagation. The fish-eye and fine granular area
(FGA) phenomena were encountered on the fracture surfaces. This thesis is divided in
3 topics: temperature evolution, microplasticity strain amplitude, and investigation of
the FGA region. The materials under study are DIN 34CrNiMo6 and DIN 42CrMo4
steel. Ultrasonic fatigue test was conducted at different intermittent driving and loading
ratios, accompanied by an infrared thermographic camera. These results obtained by
the thermographic camera were used to developed an artificial intelligence model using
machine learning to predict the temperature-number of cycle curves based on the
fatigue life. The model was able to predict the temperature and the coefficient of
determination values to be above 0.98. In order to predict the fatigue life, parameters
were selected based on stress, the traditional S-N curve, slope temperature at the
beginning of the test, (Rayleigh ratio), heat dissipation, Qcyc, and gradient temperature. A steady state
temperature was reached approximately in 5E+04 cycles with both steels. It is
noticeable that the number of cycles to failure increases as slope temperature and heat
dissipation decreases. (Rayleigh ratio) provided better agreement with the experimental results
followed by Qcyc. Moreover, ultrafine grains in the cross–section of the FGA between
500 - 700 nm within the fracture surface were detected by FIB and EBSD analysis.
Local grain refinement was choose the best model to explain FGA formation. The
non-metallic inclusions were ultimately responsible for all internal crack initiations of
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