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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dietary source and availibility of fatty acids to manipulate ruminal protozoa, metabolism of fat, and milk fatty acid profile in lactating dairy cows

Reveneau, Carine 19 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The milk fat globule membrane: physico-chemical studies and its techno-functional valorisation in buttermilk

Vanderghem, Caroline 04 June 2009 (has links)
Vanderghem Caroline. (2009). La membrane du globule gras du lait : études physico-chimiques et sa valorisation technofonctionnelle dans les babeurres (Thèse de doctorat en Anglais). Gembloux, Belgique, Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux. 198p., 14 tabl., 59 fig. Résumé La membrane du globule gras du lait (MGGL) est une structure complexe qui enveloppe, protège et délivre des composants bioactifs et des nutriments dune façon efficace au nouveau-né. Sa structure est unique par rapport à dautres systèmes biologiques de transport de lipides. Lobjectif général de ce travail a été de contribuer à augmenter les connaissances et la compréhension de cet émulsifiant naturel. La première partie de cette thèse concerne létude de la structure de la MGGL. Limportance des protéines membranaires concernant la stabilité et leur disposition dans la MGGL ont été étudiés. Les protéines de la MGGL sont présentes en petite quantité dans le lait et une technique de pré-fractionnement simpose afin de les isoler par rapport aux autres protéines du lait (caséines et protéines du lactosérum). Une technique dextraction qui a été développée dans notre laboratoire a été testée afin disoler la MGGL de la crème laitière. Une analyse détaillée a révélé que cette procédure est très bien adaptée pour lélimination dun maximum de protéines du lait écrémé. Une approche protéomique a été établie et a permis lidentification de protéines majeures de la MFGM ainsi que dautres protéines mineures (GTP-binding proteins, annexins, actin) afin de compléter le protéome. Par la suite, différentes protéases ont été testées en vue dobtenir différents degrés et/ou sélectivité dhydrolyse des protéines de la MGGL. La distribution asymétrique des protéines de la MGGL a été étudiée par une approche basée sur lattaque protéolytique du globule gras natif. Sur base de nos résultats et des données bibliographiques récentes, un nouveau modèle de la structure de la MGGL est proposé. La deuxième partie de cette thèse est consacrée à évaluer les propriétés technofonctionnelles de la MGGL dans les babeurres. Les propriétés interfaciales, moussantes et émulsifiantes du babeurre sont comparées à dautres ingrédients laitiers comme le lait écrémé et le concentré protéique de lactosérum. Nos résultats montrent le bon pouvoir émulsifiant du babeurre en comparaison des autres ingrédients laitiers. Dans les émulsions recombinées, la stabilité envers le crémage a été améliorée et les membranes ont présenté une meilleure résistance face à la coalescence. Les résultats sur la tension interfaciale et les propriétés rhéologiques interfaciales ont été mis en relation avec certaines propriétés des mousses et des émulsions. Vanderghem Caroline. (2009). The milk fat globule membrane: physico-chemical studies and its techno-functional valorisation in buttermilk (Thèse de doctorat). Gembloux, Belgium, Gembloux Agricultural University, 198p., 14 tabl., 59 fig. Summary The milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) is a complex structure that surrounds, protects and delivers bioactive compounds and nutrients in an efficient manner to the neonate. Its structure is unique in relation with any other biological lipid transport system. The overall aim of this work was to contribute to increase the knowledge and comprehension of this natural emulsifier. The first part of this thesis concerned the study of the structure of the MFGM. Membrane proteins were targeted and their importance regarding stability and disposition in the MFGM was studied. MFGM proteins are present at low concentrations in milk and a pre-fractionation of the sample is required in order of MFGM proteins to be visible among other milk proteins (caseins and whey proteins). A mild procedure developed in our laboratory was tested in order to isolate MFGM from cream. Detailed analysis revealed that this procedure is very well suited for the elimination of a maximum of skim milk proteins. A proteomic approach was established and allowed the identification of the most important MFGM proteins and additional minor MFGM proteins for additional completion of the proteome (GTP-binding proteins, annexins, actin). Subsequently, different proteases were screened in an attempt to obtain different degrees and/or selective proteolysis of MFGM proteins. Asymmetric arrangement of MFGM proteins was studied with an approach based on the proteolytic attack on the native fat globule. Based on our results and recent bibliographic data, an updated model of the MFGM structure was proposed. The second part of this thesis was devoted to assess the techno-functional properties of the MFGM in buttermilks. Interfacial, foaming and emulsifying properties of buttermilk were assessed and compared to classic milk ingredients such as skim milk and whey protein concentrate. Our results highlighted that buttermilk possesses good emulsifying power compared to other milk ingredients. In buttermilk recombined emulsions stability towards creaming was improved and the recombined membrane presented a great resistance to coalescence. Results of the interfacial pressure and the interfacial rheological properties were related to some foams and emulsions properties.

Milk Fat Intake and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplementation : Dietary Markers and Associations to Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics

Smedman, Annika January 2005 (has links)
<p>In the present thesis dietary markers for intake of milk fat, associations between intake of milk fat and risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD), and the effects of supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to healthy humans are investigated.</p><p>The dietary fat quality is one of the main lifestyle factors affecting risk for CHD. When studying the associations between diet and health it is important to have accurate dietary information. Objective dietary markers increase the possibilities to interpret dietary surveys.</p><p>In a study of 62 men we demonstrated that the milk fatty acid pentadecanoic acid (15:0) measured in serum lipids can be used as marker for intake of fat from milk products. In the same study we observed inverse correlations between intake of milk fat and certain risk factors for CHD, especially anthropometric variables.</p><p>To further investigate these findings we supplemented humans with CLA, naturally present in milk. CLA has in animals and <i>in vitro</i> been ascribed positive effects on adiposity and glucose and lipid metabolism. When supplementing humans with CLA we observed a slight decrease in body fat, but no effects on other anthropometric variables or serum lipids. However, markers of lipid peroxidation and inflammation increased. From a second supplementation study we concluded that CLA <i>trans </i>10, <i>cis </i>12 induced lipid peroxidation more than did a mixture of isomers.</p><p>We conclude that the inverse associations between milk fat intake and CHD risk factors, and the effects of CLA, are interesting and need further investigation. However, according to current knowledge, the general population is still advised to have a limited intake of total and saturated fat and to instead choose unsaturated fats. In addition, there is to date no medical reasons for humans to take CLA as supplements.</p>

Milk Fat Intake and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplementation : Dietary Markers and Associations to Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics

Smedman, Annika January 2005 (has links)
In the present thesis dietary markers for intake of milk fat, associations between intake of milk fat and risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD), and the effects of supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to healthy humans are investigated. The dietary fat quality is one of the main lifestyle factors affecting risk for CHD. When studying the associations between diet and health it is important to have accurate dietary information. Objective dietary markers increase the possibilities to interpret dietary surveys. In a study of 62 men we demonstrated that the milk fatty acid pentadecanoic acid (15:0) measured in serum lipids can be used as marker for intake of fat from milk products. In the same study we observed inverse correlations between intake of milk fat and certain risk factors for CHD, especially anthropometric variables. To further investigate these findings we supplemented humans with CLA, naturally present in milk. CLA has in animals and in vitro been ascribed positive effects on adiposity and glucose and lipid metabolism. When supplementing humans with CLA we observed a slight decrease in body fat, but no effects on other anthropometric variables or serum lipids. However, markers of lipid peroxidation and inflammation increased. From a second supplementation study we concluded that CLA trans 10, cis 12 induced lipid peroxidation more than did a mixture of isomers. We conclude that the inverse associations between milk fat intake and CHD risk factors, and the effects of CLA, are interesting and need further investigation. However, according to current knowledge, the general population is still advised to have a limited intake of total and saturated fat and to instead choose unsaturated fats. In addition, there is to date no medical reasons for humans to take CLA as supplements.

Construction de la qualité sensorielle des fromages de type Cantal : rôle des interactions entre les communautés microbiennes et la composition de la matière grasse laitière des fromages / Development of sensory quality of Cantal-type cheeses : effect of interaction between microbial communities and the composition of milk fat in cheeses

Frétin, Marie 14 December 2016 (has links)
La qualité sensorielle des fromages au lait cru est variable selon la nature de l’alimentation des vaches laitières mais les mécanismes sous-jacents sont encore mal élucidés. Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’étudier les rôles respectifs et les interactions des composantes biochimique et microbiologique du lait, modulées par l’alimentation des vaches, dans la construction des caractéristiques sensorielles des fromages. Dans un premier temps, nous avons fait varier à la fois la composition biochimique et la composition microbiologique des laits en nous appuyant sur une expérimentation long terme comparant deux systèmes de pâturage qualifiés « d’extensif » (EXT) et de « semi-intensif » (SEMI). La structure des communautés bactériennes de la peau des trayons des vaches laitières, et dans une moindre mesure, celle des laits et des fromages de type Cantal ont varié selon les systèmes de production. Nos résultats confirment que le trayon est un réservoir potentiel de diversité microbienne, non seulement pour le microbiote du lait mais aussi pour celui du fromage. Les fromages EXT étaient caractérisés par une texture fondante et collante et une croûte moins épaisse comparativement aux fromages SEMI. Cependant, les deux systèmes de pâturage ont eu peu d’effet sur la flaveur des fromages, peut-être en raison de la trop grande similarité de la composition biochimique et microbiologique des laits des deux systèmes. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons fait varier uniquement et de manière accentuée la composition de la matière grasse laitière via l’alimentation des vaches (herbe pâturée versus ensilage de maïs). Dans cette optique, des fromages de type Cantal ont été fabriqués à partir de deux crèmes pasteurisées de composition en acides gras différente et du même lait écrémé. Nous avons montré que l’effet de l’alimentation des vaches sur la texture des fromages était particulièrement lié à la composition de la matière grasse laitière tandis que celle-ci jouait un rôle mineur dans le développement de la flaveur des fromages. La crème la plus riche en acides gras saturés a été associée à une abondance relative plus élevée des ferments bactériens/fongiques et des OTUs dominants sur la surface des fromages et à la formation d’une croûte plus épaisse. Par comparaison, la croûte des fromages fabriqués avec une crème riche en acides gras insaturés était caractérisée par une plus grande diversité fongique et par la présence d’espèces sous dominantes en abondance relative plus élevée. Cette thèse apporte des connaissances nouvelles sur l’effet de la composition de la matière grasse laitière sur les équilibres microbiens et le développement des caractéristiques sensorielles des fromages, et plus spécifiquement sur l’influence des deux composantes biochimique et microbiologique sur l’aspect de la croûte des fromages affinés. / The sensory quality of raw milk cheeses varies according to cow diet but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. The aim of this PhD work was to understand the respective roles and possible interactions between the biochemical and microbiological milk components, modulated by cow diet, on the development of the sensory properties of cheeses. In the frame of a long term experiment comparing two groups of cows managed in two grazing systems qualified of “extensive” (EXT) or “semi-intensive” (SEMI), we made Cantal-type cheeses using milk varying both in its biochemical and microbial composition. The structure of the bacterial communities of the teat skin of dairy cows, and to a lesser extent, that of milk and cheese varied according to the production systems. Our results confirm that the teat skin is a potential reservoir of microbial diversity not only for the microbiota of milk but also for cheese. The EXT cheeses were characterized by a more melting and sticky texture and a thinner rind compared to the SEMI cheeses. However, due to the similarity of the biochemical and microbiological composition of the milks from both systems, the flavour of the resulting cheeses was little impacted. Therefore, we designed a second trial aiming at controlling the microbial composition of milk and accentuating the difference of milk fat composition, via cow diet (maize silage vs pasture). We made Cantal-type cheeses from two pasteurized creams with different fatty acid profiles added to the same skimmed milk. The milk fat composition had a strong influence on cheese texture but it played a minor role on the development of cheese flavour. The cream rich in saturated fatty acids was associated to a higher relative abundance of bacterial / fungal starter strains and of dominant OTUs on the surface of cheese, and to the development of a thicker rind. By comparison, the rind of cheeses made with the cream rich in unsaturated fatty acids was characterized by a higher fungal diversity and the presence of sub-dominant species in greater relative abundance. This thesis provides new knowledge on the effect of the composition of milk fat on the microbial balance and on the development of the sensory characteristics of cheeses, and more specifically on the influence of both biochemical and microbiological components of milk on the aspect of the rind of mature cheeses.

Preparation of Non-Surface-Active Solutions from Bovine Milk and Dairy-Based Beverages to Improve Langmuir Trough Model Systems of Dairy Fluids

Real Hernandez, Luis M. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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