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Participace vietnamské národnostní menšiny na české komunální politice / Participation of Vietnamese National Minority in Czech Local PoliticsVitovská, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the participation of the Vietnamese national minority in the Czech Republic, especially at the level of local politics. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze and critically reflect on the motivations, attitudes, and views of the Vietnamese national minority on political and civic participation with an emphasis the local politics. At the same time, the work explores the forms of participation of the Vietnamese community and the factors that influence them. Because the target group of this work is a Vietnamese national minority, the national minority policy is first analyzed at the international level, followed by analysis at the national level. The reason for this approach is that the international environment plays a vital role in examining national minority politics and ethnic minorities. Selected instruments and institutions of national minority politics in the Czech environment are then further analyzed and compared with the German counterpart where minorities, and in particular the Vietnamese minority, have long been a significant part of society. The research part of the thesis is designed as qualitative research, using document analysis and semi- structured interviews as data acquisition techniques. This is a key part of the whole work where the...
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Suomen äidinkielentuki esikoululuokassa verkkosivujen valossa : Kuntien viranomaisviestintä vivahteikasta / Finnish mother tongue support in pre-school class in the light of websites : Municipal authority communication shows variable solutionsHolmberg, Hannele January 2020 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna studien var att granska hur kommuner informerar om modersmål i förskoleklassen på finska. Tio kommuner valdes för att studera detta, fem s.k. förvaltningskommuner för finska, fem som inte var det. Studien visar att det är vanligare att kommunerna informerar om modersmål och förskoleklass på finska om kommunen ingår i förvaltningsområdet för det finska språket. För att sprida information på finska använder kommunerna både finskspråkiga myndighetstexter och automatiska översättningsprogram. Kommunernas finskspråkiga texter visade sig vara vaga och mångtydiga. De automatiska översättningarna motsvarade inte det förväntade innehållet. Denna kvalitativa studie tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i nationell lagstiftning ur ett språk- och minoritetspolitiskt synsätt. Huvudmaterialet består av de valda kommunernas internetsidor som samlades in under oktober 2019 och analyserades med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys. / The aim of this study was to examine how municipalities inform about mother tongue in the pre-school class in Finnish. Ten municipalities were chosen to study this, five so-called administrative areas for Finnish, five that were not. The study shows that it is more common for municipalities to provide information about mother tongue and pre-school class in Finnish if the municipality is included in the administrative area for Finnish language. To disseminate information in Finnish, the municipalities use both government texts in Finnish and automatic translation programs. The language texts of the municipalities in Finnish proved to be vague and ambiguous. The automatic translations did not match the expected content. This qualitative study takes its theoretical point of departure in national legislation from the perspective of a language and minority policy. The main material consists of ten municipalities' internet pages which were collected in October 2019 and analysed using critical discourse analysis.
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