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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a strategy for genetic transformation of plant mitochondria

Moore, Ian Robert January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

Mitochondrial Gene Expression in Human Mononuclear Cells

Ruchala, Monika 01 January 2014 (has links)
MITOCHONDRIAL GENE EXPRESSION IN HUMAN MONONUCLEAR CELLS By Monika D. Ruchała, M.S. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at Virginia Commonwealth University. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2014. Director: Dr. James P. Bennett Jr, M.D., Ph.D., Bemiss Professor Departments of Neurology, Psychiatry and Physiology and Biophysics Adult neurodegenerative disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), have been intensively studied in recent years in pursuit of mechanisms responsible for origin and progression. One emerging theme is mitochondrial energetic deficiency as a mechanism of neuronal death. Recent descriptions of protocols to generate induced pluripotent stems cells (iPSCs) from living patients offer the potential to create unique disease models. This model can potentially lead to crucial advances in developing treatment options for a wide variety of neurodegenerative diseases. In this thesis, we attempt to induce iPSCs from mononuclear cells (MNC) in peripheral blood acquired from patients with ALS and healthy control (CTL) subjects, and analyze their mitochondrial genomes. The reprogramming of MNC to yield iPSC was done by nucleofection of an episomal plasmid pEB­ C5, expressing OriP sequences of the Epstein­Barr and five reprogramming transgenes Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c­Myc and Lin28. We investigated the expression of mitochondrial DNA genes, ND2, ND4, COXIII and 12s rRNA in the ALS and CTL MNC before and after their culturing. The results implicate deregulated mitochondrial bioenergetics as a characteristic of ALS. Future work will establish whether these abnormalities in mitochondrial bioenergetics persist in iPSC’s and iPSC-derived neurons from ALS subject

Early steps in the biogenesis of the bc1 complex in yeast mitochondria : The role of the Cbp3-Cbp6 complex in cytochrome b synthesis and assembly

Gruschke, Steffi January 2012 (has links)
The inner membrane of mitochondria harbors the complexes of the respiratory chain and the ATP synthase, which perform the key metabolic process oxidative phosphorylation. These complexes are composed of subunits from two different genetic origins: the majority of constituents is synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and imported into mitochondria, but a handful of proteins, which represent core catalytic subunits, are encoded in the organellar DNA and translated on mitochondrial ribosomes. Using yeast as a model organism, I investigated the mitochondrial ribosomal tunnel exit, the region of the ribosome where the nascent chain emerges and that in cytosolic ribosomes serves as a platform to bind biogenesis factors that help the newly synthesized protein to mature. This study provided insights into the structural composition of this important site of mitochondrial ribosomes and revealed the positioning of Cbp3 at the tunnel exit region, a chaperone required specifically for the assembly of the bc1 complex. In my further work I found that Cbp3 structurally and functionally forms a tight complex with Cbp6 and that this complex exhibits fundamental roles in the biogenesis of cytochrome b, the mitochondrially encoded subunit of the bc1 complex. Bound to the ribosome, Cbp3-Cbp6 stimulates translation of the cytochrome b mRNA (COB mRNA). Cbp3-Cbp6 then binds the fully synthesized cytochrome b, thereby stabilizing and guiding it further through bc1 complex assembly. The next steps involve the recruitment of the assembly factor Cbp4 to the Cbp3-Cbp6/cytochrome b complex and presumably acquisition of two redox active heme b cofactors. During further assembly Cbp3-Cbp6 is released from cytochrome b, can again bind to the ribosome and activate further rounds of COB mRNA translation. The dual role of Cbp3-Cbp6 in both translation and assembly allows the complex to act as a regulatory switch to modulate the level of cytochrome b synthesis in response to the bc1 complex assembly process. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Regulation of mitochondrial gene copy number in plants and the influence of impaired chloroplast function on mitochondrial motility

Cincu, Emilia 10 April 2014 (has links)
Das mitochondriale Genom der Pflanze weist mit einer heterogenen Population linearer, häufig auch verzweigten und zusätzlichen kleineren, zirkulären Molekülen eine komplexe Struktur auf. Um Einblicke in die mitochondrialen Genkopienzahl und deren Regulation sowohl unter normalen als auch unter Stressbedingungen zu erhalten, wurde die Kopienzahl pro Zelle vier repräsentativer Gene mittels qRT-PCR und Durchflusszytometrie ermittelt. Die Bestimmung der mitochondrialen Genkopienzahl in unterschiedlichen Spezies sowie in Organen der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana zeigte, dass die Kopienzahl mitochondrialer Gene sich nicht nur in den unterschiedlichen Spezies, sondern auch zwischen den unterschiedlichen Organen unterschied, wobei die höchsten Werte in der Wurzelspitze erreicht wurden. In Arabidopsis Keimlingen, welche zur Unterdrückung der plastidären Translation auf Spectinomycin-haltigem Medium angezogen wurden, wurde im Vergleich zu Kontrollpflanzen ein dreifacher Anstieg der Genkopienzahl festgestellt. Dieser Effekt erwies sich als spezifisch für Blatt- bzw. Kotyledonengewebe und warr unabhängig vom Licht. Mutanten mit Defekten in der Respiration zeigten ebenfalls erhöhte Genkopienzahlen, die durch Anzucht der Pflanzen auf Spectinomycin noch erhöht werden konnten. Dieses Ergebnis legt ein komplexes, regulatorisches Netzwerk nahe, in welchem sowohl Respiration als auch Photosynthese die Aufrechterhaltung einer stabilen Genkopienzahl innerhalb der Pflanzenzelle beeinflussen. Die Untersuchungen einer Spectinomycin-behandelter mt-GFP Arabidopsis Pflanzenlinie mittels CLSM zeigten einen Stillstand der Motilität der Mitochondrien in den epidermalen Zellen der weißen Kotyledonen, obwohl eine TEM Analyse eine normale, interne Morphologie ergab. Weitere Untersuchungen führten zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass es auch hier die Stärke der plastidären Beeinträchtigung, welche zu einem gelb-weißen Phänotyp führt, für den Arrest der Mobilität verantwortlich ist. / The plant mitochondrial genome has a complex structure. It exists in the form of a heterogeneous population of linear, often branched molecules with smaller than genome-size circular molecules being present in low abundance. In order to study the mitochondrial genome abundance and its regulation in plants under both standard and stress conditions, we determined the gene copy number of four representative mitochondrial genes using quantitative real-time PCR and flow-cytometry. Determination of mitochondrial gene copy number in different plant species and in organs of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana showed that the copy number of the four investigated genes varied between species and also between different organs, having the highest values in the root tips. The growth of Arabidopsis seedlings on MS medium containing spectinomycin (a plastid translation inhibitor) led to a three-fold increase in the copy number in white versus green seedlings, an effect that is leaf/cotyledon specific and light-independent. Respiration deficient mutants also showed an increase in the gene copy number, this effect being further amplified when the mutants were grown on spectinomycin. The data suggest a complex regulatory network in which both photosynthesis and respiration influence the maintenance of a stable mitochondrial gene copy number within plant cells. CLSM investigations of a spectinomycin-treated mt-GFP line showed that in epidermal cells of white cotyledons most of the mitochondria are not motile with TEM analysis presenting normal internal morphology. Further investigations led to the conclusion that the threshold level of chloroplast impairment that leads to a motility arrest is represented by the appearance of a yellow-white cotyledon phenotype. These results point to a new regulatory mechanism of mitochondrial dynamics that is directly influenced by impaired chloroplast development under standard growth conditions.

Organellar gene expression

Preuten, Tobias 01 June 2010 (has links)
Zusätzlich zu der eubakteriellen RNA-Polymerase (RNAP) der Plastiden sind im Zellkern von Arabidopsis thaliana drei weitere, phagentypische RNAP kodiert, die jeweils aus nur einer Einheit aufgebaut sind. Die Enzyme RpoTp und RpoTm werden in die Plastiden, bzw. die Mitochondrien transportiert, während RpoTmp in beiden Organellen zu finden ist. Um die Lichtabhängigkeit der RpoT-Gene zu untersuchen, wurde die lichtinduzierte Akkumulation ihrer Transkripte in 7-Tage alten Keimlingen, sowie 3- bzw. 9-Wochen alten Rosettenblättern mittels quantitativer real-time PCR ermittelt. Die entwicklungsabhängige Regulation der RpoT-Transkript-Akkumulation wurde außerdem während der Blattentwicklung analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss des circadianen Rhythmus untersucht. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Transkriptakkumulation aller drei RpoT-Gene stark lichtinduziert war und nur marginalen circadianen Schwankungen unterlag. In weiteren Versuchen mit verschiedenen Lichtrezeptor-Mutanten und unterschiedlichen Lichtqualitäten wurde der Einfluss multipler Rezeptoren auf den Prozess der Lichtinduktion gezeigt. In den Zellen höherer Pflanzen finden sich drei Genome. Die Biogenese von Chloroplasten und Mitochondrien, sowie lebenswichtige Prozesse, wie Atmung und Photosynthese setzen oftmals die Aktivität von Genen auf mindestens zwei dieser Genome voraus. Eine intrazelluläre Kommunikation zwischen den verschiedenen Genomen ist daher unumgänglich für einen funktionierenden Stoffwechsel der Pflanze. In dieser Arbeit wurde herausgestellt, dass die Zahl mitochondrialer Genkopien in photosynthetisch inaktiven Arabidopsis-Keimlingen drastisch erhöht ist. Bei der Untersuchung des DNA-Gehaltes in Proben, die Altersstufen von 2-Tage alten Keimblättern bis hin zu 37-Tage alten, seneszenten Rosettenblättern umfassten, fand sich ein deutlicher Anstieg der Kopienzahlen in älteren Rosettenblättern. Außerdem unterschieden sich die Kopienzahlen der untersuchten Gene zum Teil erheblich voneinander. / In addition to eubacterial-like multi-subunit RNA polymerases (RNAP) localized in plastids and the nucleus, Arabidopsis thaliana contains three phage-like single-unit, nuclear-encoded, organellar RNAPs. The enzymes RpoTp and RpoTm are imported into plastids and mitochondria, respectively, whereas RpoTmp shows dual targeting properties into both organelles. To investigate if expression of the RpoT genes is light-dependent, light-induced transcript accumulation of RpoTm, RpoTp and RpoTmp was analyzed using quantitative real-time-PCR in 7-day-old seedlings as well as in 3- and 9-week-old rosette leaves. To address the question whether RpoT transcript accumulation is regulated differentially during plant development transcript abundance was measured during leaf development. Additionally, effects of the plants circadian rhythm on RpoT transcript accumulation were analyzed. Transcripts of all three RpoT genes were found to be strongly light-induced even in senescent leaves and only marginally influenced by the circadian clock. Further analyses employing different photoreceptor mutants and light qualities revealed the involvement of multiple receptors in the light-induction process. The biogenesis of mitochondria and chloroplasts as well as processes like respiration and photosynthesis require the activity of genes residing in at least two distinct genomes. There have to be ways of intracellular communication between different genomes to control gene activities in response to developmental and metabolic needs of the plant. In this study, it was shown that gene copy numbers drastically increased in photosynthetically inactive Arabidopsis seedlings. Mitochondrial DNA contents in cotyledons and leaves ranging in age from 2-day-old cotyledons to 37-day-old senescent rosette leaves were examined. A common increase in senescing rosette leaves and drastic differences between individual genes were found, revealing the importance of an integrative chondriome in higher plant cells.

Diversité génétique du nématode vecteur Xiphinema index sur vigne et application pour optimiser la stratégie de résistance / Genetic diversity of the grapevine vector nematode Xiphinema index and application to optimize the resistance strategy

Nguyen, Van Chung 23 October 2018 (has links)
Le retrait des nématicides rend urgent la mise au point de méthodes alternatives de lutte contre les nématodes parasites des cultures et la création de variétés résistantes est une voie prometteuse. En vignoble, le nématode Xiphinema index a un impact économique élevé en transmettant le Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), principal virus du court-noué de la vigne et première virose de la vigne à l’échelle mondiale. Des porte-greffe résistants vis-à-vis du vecteur X. index basés sur la source de résistance muscadine (Muscadinia rotundifolia) sont en cours de sélection chez la vigne afin de stopper ou retarder l’infection. Sur cette culture, une étude antérieure avait montré que ce nématode parthénogénétique méiotique est aussi capable de se reproduire (rarement) de façon sexuée. Un travail préliminaire de phylogéographie avait permis de révéler les groupes prédominants de diversité et de sélectionner des populations représentatives pour la création de lignées monofemelles. La durabilité de la résistance doit prendre en compte la diversité du nématode. Dans ce contexte, la thèse a d’abord complété et approfondi l’approche phylogéographique en utilisant une très large gamme d’échantillons originaires de l’aire mondiale de répartition de la vigne. Nos résultats permettent de proposer des hypothèses fortes afin de localiser l’aire native du nématode X. index au Moyen-Orient et de retracer ses itinéraires de dissémination à partir de l’Antiquité. IIs illustrent également le lien étroit depuis cette époque entre la dissémination du nématode et celle de la vigne domestiquée par l’homme. La deuxième partie de la thèse a évalué la durabilité de la résistance de matériel porte-greffe issu de la muscadine en serre (nématodes non virulifères sur plants entre 3 et 6 ans) et en vignoble (nématodes virulifères sur plants âgés de 16 ans). En serre, des accessions résistantes F1 ou BC1, préalablement obtenues à partir d’in vitro ou de boutures ligneuses, ont été inoculées avec un mélange de 4 lignées représentatives, chaque lignée étant traçable avec des marqueurs microsatellites. Nous avons montré que les nématodes issus de plants obtenus par multiplication in vitro surmontent progressivement la résistance tandis que le matériel issu de boutures exprime une résistance durable. La multiplication progressive des nématodes sur le matériel résistant uniquement dans le cas où il est issu d’in vitro écarte a priori l’hypothèse d’une adaptation génétique du nématode. Elle apparaît liée à une architecture différente du système racinaire chez les plants issus de ce type de multiplication, multiplication qui pourrait induire des changements physiologiques discrets mais durables dans les tissus racinaires apicaux à partir desquels les nématodes se nourrissent. Le génotypage des nématodes par microsatellites a permis de détecter un taux bas mais croissant d’individus hybrides entre lignées sur les plants âgés de 4 à 6 ans, ce qui confirme l’aptitude de multiplication sexuée précédemment observée en vignoble. Du fait que l’observation d’individus hybrides apparaît indépendante du type de propagation et du statut de résistance de la plante, nos résultats écartent l’hybridation comme mode d’adaptation du nématode qui serait à même d’expliquer le contournement de la résistance chez les plants issus d’in vitro. En vignoble, après 16 années, les nématodes ont été quasi-impossibles à détecter sur l’accession résistante BC1 qui est également peu affectée par les attaques virales, tandis que des effectifs de nématodes plus élevés ont été retrouvés sur une accession témoin sensible dont les plants sont par contre très majoritairement morts ou en dépérissement. Considérés globalement, nos résultats montrent que la stratégie de résistance basée sur la muscadine apparaît durable. Cette stratégie ciblée sur le nématode vecteur contribuera à réduire significativement l’impact du GFLV transmis par X. index. / The ban of most nematicides renders urgent control alternatives against plant-parasitic nematodes and breeding for resistant plant varieties is promising. In vineyards, the nematode Xiphinema index has a high economical impact by transmitting Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), the main virus of ‘Court-noué’ disease and the first grapevine viral disease worldwide. Resistant rootstocks are being selected in grapevine, using Muscadinia rotundifolia (muscadine) as a resistance source to the vector, in order to arrest or delay GFLV transmission. In this crop, a previous study had shown that this meiotic parthenogenetic nematode is able to reproduce sexually (rarely) in the field. A preliminary phylogenetic work had allowed to reveal the predominant diversity groups and to select representative populations for the creation of single-female lines. Resistance durability is a real challenge that must consider the key information of the nematode diversity. In this context, the PhD project first completed and deepened our phylogeographical approach using an extended geographic coverage of the worldwide nematode distribution. Our results allow proposing strong hypotheses to locate the native area of X. index in the Middle-East and trace its dissemination routes from the Antiquity. They also highlight the close link since this epoch between dissemination of the nematode and domesticated grapevine by man. The second part of the PhD project has then evaluated the durability of muscadine-derived rootstock material in greenhouse (non viruliferous nematodes on plants aged 3 to 6 years) and field (viruliferous nematodes on plants aged 16 years) conditions. In the greenhouse, F1 and BC1 resistant accessions, previously obtained from both in vitro and hardwood-cutting propagation, were inoculated with 4 mixed representative X. index lines, traceable each with microsatellite markers. We showed that nematodes from plants obtained from in vitro progressively overcame the resistance while the material obtained from cuttings displayed a durable resistance. Nematode progressive multiplication in resistant accessions obtained only from in vitro removes a priori the hypothesis of a nematode genetic adaptation and appears linked to a different architecture of the root system in this propagation type. This type may have induced discrete but durable physiological changes in apical root tissues from where nematodes feed. Nematode microsatellite genotyping allowed detecting a low but increasing rate of hybrid individuals from 4 to 6 years, which confirms data from the vineyard. As the hybrid occurrence appears independent from the propagation type and the resistance status of the plant, our data discard hybridization as the mode of adaptation of the nematode underlying resistance breakdown from in vitro plants. In field conditions, after 16 years, nematodes were almost undetectable on the resistant BC1 accession, also almost unaffected by the viral attacks, while higher numbers were detected on a susceptible control accession, whose plants were by contrast in high majority dead or poorly vigorous. Taken all together, our results show that the muscadine-derived resistance strategy appears durable. This strategy focused on vector control will significantly contribute to reduce the impact of GFLV transmitted by X. index.

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