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Local variation in bending stiffness in structural timber of Norway spruce : for the purpose of strength gradingHu, Min January 2014 (has links)
Most strength grading machines on the European market use an averagemodulus of elasticity (MOE), estimated on a relatively large distance along awood member, as the indicating property (IP) to bending strength. Theaccuracy of such grading machines in terms of coefficient of determination israther low at R2 ≈ 0.5. This research is motivated by a desire to increase theaccuracy of the strength grading in the industry today. The aim of the presentstudy is to contribute knowledge of local variation in bending stiffness/MOEwith high resolution and thus locate weak sections due to stiffness reducingfeatures (the most important is knots) for structural timber.The present study introduces three methods that involve structural dynamics,classical beam theory and optical measurement to assess local wood stiffness.Specifically: The dynamic method, in which a wood member is treated as an ordinaryphysical structure and the local stiffness is studied by exploring itsdynamic properties. In Method II, a bending MOE profile is established based on local fibre angle information. The local fibre orientation is detected through highresolution laser scanning based on the tracheid effect. For Method III, a bending MOE profile is established using surfacestrain information under four-point bending. A high resolution strainfield is obtained using the digital image correlation (DIC) technique. From the present study, the two latter methods are more favourable inevaluating the local stiffness within a piece of structural timber. Moreover, thestudy reveals that the established bending MOE profiles using the two lattermethods, i.e. based on information of the local fibre angle and surface strain,agree reasonably well. However, for some patterns of knot clusters, the localbending MOE, calculated on the basis of fibre angles, is significantly higherthan the local bending MOE estimated on the basis of surface strain. / De flesta av de utrustningar för hållfasthetssortering som utnyttjas på deneuropeiska marknaden använder ett medelvärde på elasticitetsmodulen(MOE), beräknat på en relativt stor längd av en sågad planka, som indikativparameter (IP). Sådan hållfasthetssortering ger en noggrannhet i termer avförklaringsgrad på R2 ≈ 0.5, vilket är ganska lågt. Arbetet i denna studiemotiveras av en önskan att öka noggrannheten i hållfasthetssorteringen. Syftetmed denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om lokala variationer iböjstyvhet/MOE med hög upplösning och att lokalisera veka snitt (där kvistarär den viktigaste försvagande faktorn) för konstruktionsvirke.Den aktuella studien introducerar tre metoder som omfattar strukturdynamik,klassisk balkteori och optisk mätning vid bedömningen av lokal styvhet imaterialet. Specifikt: Metod I, där den lokala böjstyvheten studerades genom de dynamiskaegenskaperna såsom egenfrekvens och modform. Metod II, där en MOE profil beräknas på basis av information om lokalafibervinklar på ett virkesstyckes ytor. Den lokala fiberorienteringen mätsmed högupplöst laserskanning baserad på den så kallade trakeideffekten. Metod III, där en MOE-profil fastställdes med hjälp avtöjningsinformation för en hel flatsida av en planka belastad med konstantböjmoment. Det högupplösta töjningsfältet erhölls med hjälp av teknikför Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Studien visar att de två sistnämnda metoderna är mycket lämpade för attutvärdera den lokala styvheten i ett virkesstycke. Dessutom visar studien att deMOE-profiler som togs fram med hjälp av de två sistnämnda metoderna,vilka baseras på information om lokala fibervinklar och töjningsfältet på ytan,stämde överens för större delen av virkesstycket. För visa kvistgrupper kan dock den lokala böjstyvheten högre med metoden baserad på fibervinklar.
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[pt] Dentre as diversas metodologias de detecção de danos, destacam-se os
métodos de identificação de danos baseados na resposta da vibração (Vibration-based damage identification - VBDI), uma vez que a deterioração presente em
elementos estruturais influencia diretamente na resposta dinâmica global e local
da estrutura ocasionando alterações nos parâmetros dinâmicos. As diferentes
abordagens encontradas na revisão de literatura para detecção dinâmica de danos
focam principalmente em estruturas unidimensionais ou retas, que, por sua vez,
podem não representar o comportamento dinâmico real de estruturas arrojadas
como pontes e passarelas com geometria diferenciada. Alguns índices modais,
nomeadamente curvatura modal, flexibilidade modal e energia de deformação
modal, foram avaliados para uma passarela de aço com geometria curva. Para isso
utilizou-se um modelo de elementos finitos da mesma, de onde foram extraídos
os modos de vibração tridimensionais. Além disso, um índice recentemente
proposto, denominado vetor resultante, que incorpora coordenadas modais
tridimensionais, também é avaliado e comparado aos índices mencionados
anteriormente. Os resultados mostram que a precisão dos índices na localização
de danos está correlacionada com a região da estrutura onde o dano se encontra.
Conclui-se então que para detecção de dano em uma estrutura real, é necessário
que se utilize mais de um índice de dano. O impacto da magnitude do dano na
acurácia dos índices é também estudado. A influência do dano nas vigas
adjacentes e como isso se reflete nos índices também é investigada, a fim de evitar
ambiguidade na localização de danos, e para direcionar corretamente programas
de inspeção e monitoramento da integridade estrutural. / [en] Among the various damage detection methodologies, the Vibration-based
damage identification (VBDI) methods stand out, since the deterioration present
in structural elements directly influences the global and local dynamic response
of the structure, causing changes in the dynamic parameters. The different
approaches found in the literature review for dynamic damage detection focus
mainly on one-dimensional or straight structures, which in turn may not represent
the actual dynamic behavior of bold structures such as bridges and footbridges
with different geometry. Some modal indices, namely modal curvature, modal
flexibility, and modal strain energy were evaluated for a steel footbridge with
curved geometry. For this purpose, a finite element model of it was used, from
which the three-dimensional mode shapes were extracted. In addition, a recently
proposed index, called resultant vector, which incorporates three-dimensional
modal coordinates, is also evaluated and compared to the aforementioned ones.
The results show that the accuracy of the indices for damage localization is
correlated with the region of the structure where the damage is located. It is then
concluded that for damage detection in a real structure, it is necessary to use more
than one damage index. The impact of the damage magnitude on the accuracy of
the indices is also studied. The influence of damage in adjacent beams and how
this is reflected in the indices is also investigated in order to avoid ambiguity in
damage location, and to correctly direct inspections and structural integrity
monitoring programs.
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