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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medidas do módulo elástico de filmes finos metálicos / Measurements Elastic Modulus Metallic Thin Films

Alfredo Rodrigues Vaz 22 March 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho determinamos o módulo elástico de filmes finos metálicos nanoestruturados. Os metais estudados, platina, ouro e paládio foram depositados utilizando a técnica de Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition. Um novo método foi utilizado para as medidas de módulo elástico, no qual cantiléveres de microscopia de força atômica são uniformemente recobertos com os filmes finos metálicos. Medidas das frequências de ressonância dos cantiléveres foram realizadas antes e depois dos recobrimentos com os filmes. Usando a teoria de vibração de barras, determinamos os valores dos módulos elásticos desses filmes. Obtivemos valores que estão entre 7 e 12% menores do que os respectivos módulos elásticos dos metais na forma de bulk. Um modelo simples em conta o caráter nanoestruturado dos materiais. Caracterizações complementares foram realizadas como : microscopia de tunelamento, difração de raios X e RBS (Rutherfor Backscattering Spectrometry). / In this work we have determined the elastic moduli of nanostructured metallic thin films. The analyzed metals, platinum, gold and palladium, have been deposited using the technique Metal Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition. A new method was adopted to determine the elastic moduli, where cantilevers of atomic force microscopy were uniformly coated with thin films. The resonance frequencies of the cantilevers have been measured before and after the films coating. The elastic moduli were finally obtained using the vibration beam theory. The determined elastic constants are smaller than the respective bulk moduli: about 12% for Pt and Au and about 7% for Pd. A simple model is proposed to explain the softening of the elastic moduli taking into account the nanostructured character of the films. Additional characterizations have been done like: scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray diffraction and RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry).

Automated reasoning over string constraints

Liang, Tianyi 01 December 2014 (has links)
An increasing number of applications in verification and security rely on or could benefit from automatic solvers that can check the satisfiability of constraints over a rich set of data types that includes character strings. Unfortunately, most string solvers today are standalone tools that can reason only about some fragment of the theory of strings and regular expressions, sometimes with strong restrictions on the expressiveness of their input language (such as, length bounds on all string variables). These specialized solvers reduce string problems to satisfiability problems over specific data types, such as bit vectors, or to automata decision problems. On the other side, despite their power and success as back-end reasoning engines, general-purpose Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers so far have provided minimal or no native support for string reasoning. This thesis presents a deductive calculus describing a new algebraic approach that allows solving constraints over the theory of unbounded strings and regular expressions natively, without reduction to other problems. We provide proofs of refutation soundness and solution soundness of our calculus, and solution completeness under a fair proof strategy. Moreover, we show that our calculus is a decision procedure for the theory of regular language membership with length constraints. We have implemented our calculus as a string solver for the theory of (unbounded) strings with concatenation, length, and membership in regular languages, and incorporated it into the SMT solver CVC4 to expand its already large set of built-in theories. This work makes CVC4 the first SMT solver that is able to accept and process a rich set of mixed constraints over strings, integers, reals, arrays and other data types. In addition, our initial experimental results show that, over string problems, CVC4 is highly competitive with specialized string solvers with a comparable input language. We believe that the approach we described in this thesis provides a new idea for string-based formal methods.

Théorie des nombres et automates

Allouche, Jean-Paul 16 June 1983 (has links) (PDF)
Nous mettons en évidence un certain nombre de liens entre la théorie des nombres et celle des automates :<br>- étude de sous-suites de la suite "somme des chiffres", étude des itérées de cette suite ;<br>- utilisation de suites automatiques particulières (baptisées q-miroirs) dans le problème de l'itération des fonctions continues unimodales réelles ;<br>- étude d'un curieux ensemble de répartition modulo 1 de nombres réels ; <br>- propriétés arithmétiques d'un automate cellulaire ;<br>- répartition modulo 1 des puissances de séries formelles à coefficients automatiques (donc algébrique sur le corps des fractions rationnelles sur un corps fini).

Behavioral model of an address generation unit / Beteendemodel för en adressgenereringsenhet

Gustafsson, Henrik January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a part of a bigger project which goal is to make a DSP that is instruction compatible with the Motorola DSP56002. The goal of this part is to make a behavioural model with timing of the address generation unit in the DSP. </p><p>The AGU unit can handle 4 different types of arithmetic’s including linear addressing, modulo addressing, wrap around modulo addressing and reverse carry addressing. It also handles several ways of calculating addresses as post/pre increment/decrement by a number. It can address 3 different memories, where 2 new addresses can be calculated at the same time in different memories. </p><p>This model will be used as a golden model for the RTL model of the AGU that is one of the main parts in the DSP.</p>

Eta-invariant and Pontrjagin duality in K-theory

Savin, Anton, Sternin, Boris January 2000 (has links)
The topological significance of the spectral Atiyah-Patodi-Singer η-invariant is investigated. We show that twice the fractional part of the invariant is computed by the linking pairing in K-theory with the orientation bundle of the manifold. The Pontrjagin duality implies the nondegeneracy of the linking form. An example of a nontrivial fractional part for an even-order operator is presented.

Behavioral model of an address generation unit / Beteendemodel för en adressgenereringsenhet

Gustafsson, Henrik January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is a part of a bigger project which goal is to make a DSP that is instruction compatible with the Motorola DSP56002. The goal of this part is to make a behavioural model with timing of the address generation unit in the DSP. The AGU unit can handle 4 different types of arithmetic’s including linear addressing, modulo addressing, wrap around modulo addressing and reverse carry addressing. It also handles several ways of calculating addresses as post/pre increment/decrement by a number. It can address 3 different memories, where 2 new addresses can be calculated at the same time in different memories. This model will be used as a golden model for the RTL model of the AGU that is one of the main parts in the DSP.

Certification of static analysis in many-sorted first-order logic

Cornilleau, Pierre-Emmanuel 25 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Static program analysis is a core technology for both verifying and finding errors in programs but most static analyzers are complex pieces of software that are not without error. A Static analysis formalised as an abstract interpreter can be proved sound, however such proofs are significantly harder to do on the actual implementation of an analyser. To alleviate this problem we propose to generate Verification Conditions (VCs, formulae valid only if the results of the analyser are correct) and to discharge them using an Automated Theorem Prover (ATP). We generate formulae in Many-Sorted First-Order Logic (MSFOL), a logic that has been successfully used in deductive program verification. MSFOL is expressive enough to describe the results of complex analyses and to formalise the operational semantics of object-oriented languages. Using the same logic for both tasks allows us to prove the soundness of the VC generator using deductive verification tools. To ensure that VCs can be automatically discharged for complex analyses of the heap, we introduce a VC calculus that produces formulae belonging to a decidable fragment of MSFOL. Furthermore, to be able to certify different analyses with the same calculus, we describe a family of analyses with a parametric concretisation function and instrumentation of the semantics. To improve the reliability of ATPs, we also studied the result certification of Satisfiability Modulo Theory solvers, a family of ATPs dedicated to MSFOL. We propose a modular proof-system and a modular proof-verifier programmed and proved correct in Coq, that rely on exchangeable verifiers for each of the underlying theories.

Estudo de primeiros princípios de nanofios de inas submetidos a tensões extremas / First principles study of inas nanowires subjected to extreme stress

Sampaio, Leonardo Fernandes 30 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The ability to manipulate materials at the atomic scale turn it possible to look for materials at the nanoscale that can supersede the performance of their bulk counterparts in specific tasks. Nanowires, due to their unique structural characteristics, are natural candidates for electric or heat conducting devices. When these nanowires take part of a circuit, they can subjected to an external stress that can change their intrinsic properties. In this work, we will be studying the mechanical and electronic behavior of narrow InAs nanowires, with different diameters, when subjected to extreme external stress. Our calculations use the Density Functional Theory, and the local density approximation to the exchange and correlation potential, as implemented in the VASP code. Our results reveal that the InAs nanowires exhibit a mechanical behavior which depends on the external stress and the nanowire diameter. For the narrowest diameter, it shows an elastic behavior followed by the rupture of the wire. As the nanowires turn thicker, different responses to the external stress take place. When the first chemical bonds are broken, the nanowire changes between elastic behaviors with different Young modulus. When more and more chemical bonds are broken (for the thicker nanowires), the nanowires show a plastic behavior, before the rupture. For each of these mechanical regimes, the electronic band structure of the nanowires is also analysed. / Nanofios, devido às suas caracteristícas estruturais únicas, são candidatos naturais para dispositivos condutores de eletricidade e calor. Quando estes nanofios formam parte de um dispositivo, podem estar sujeitos a tensões externas que podem alterar as suas propriedades intrínsecas. Neste trabalho estudaremos o comportamento mecânico e eletrônico de nanofios de InAs com diferentes diâmetros quando sujeitos a tensões externas extremas. Nossos cálculos usam a Teoria do Funcional da Densidade dentro da aproximação da densidade local para o funcional de exchange e correlação, como implementado no código computacional VASP. Nossos resultados revelam que os nanofios de InAs exibem um comportamento mecânico que depende da tensão externa e do diâmetro do nanofio. Para o nanofio mais estreito, observa-se um comportamento elástico da curva de tensão vs elongação ( stress vs strain ), seguido de ruptura do fio. Quando os nanofios tornam-se mais espessos, diferentes respostas às tensões extremas são observadas. Quando as primeiras ligações químicas são quebradas, os nanofios mudam de regime elástico para outro, com diferentes valores de módulo de Young. Quando mais e mais ligações químicas são quebradas, sempre do centro para as bordas, os nanofios apresentam um comportamento plástico antes da ruptura. Para cada um destes regimes mecânicos estrutura de bandas dos nanofios é também analisada.


MIEKA ARAO 22 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar o comportamento de misturas asfálticas do tipo CBUQ (Concreto Betuminoso Usinado a Quente) adicionadas com garrafas PET (Polietileno Tereftalato) trituradas em diferentes granulometrias e teores. O filer convencional (pó de pedra) utilizado em misturas asfálticas foi substituído pelo pó proveniente da moagem das garrafas PET, já que o seu elevado ponto de fusão permite a utilização como agregado na mistura. Portanto, foi utilizado o material triturado nos diâmetros 10 mm e 2 mm, nos teores de 0,5 porcento e 1,0 porcento adicionadas ao CBUQ e, também, a substituição de 2,5 porcento do pó de pedra por pó de PET, juntamente com a adição de 0,5 porcento de PET triturado no diâmetro de 10 mm. A partir dos ensaios de caracterização dos agregados (granulometria, durabilidade, densidade, massa específica e abrasão Los Angeles) e do ligante asfáltico CAP 30/45 (densidade específica, penetração, ponto de amolecimento, ductilidade, solubilidade em tricloroetileno e envelhecimento em estufa de filme rotativo), foram feitas as dosagens das misturas asfálticas, pelo método Marshall, e a confecção de corpos de prova, o que possibilitou a realização dos ensaios mecânicos de estabilidade e fluência Marshall, resistência à tração, módulo de resiliência e de vida de fadiga. A inserção de PET triturado às misturas de CBUQ foi satisfatória, sendo os resultados dependentes dos teores e das granulometrias das partículas de PET utilizados. Observa-se que o incremento nos parâmetros de resistência e na vida útil das misturas estudadas foi mais efetivo para o CBUQ com 0,5 porcento de PET triturado em 10 mm e com a substituição de 2,5 porcento do filer por pó de PET, na sua composição granulométrica. Portanto, o uso de resíduos de garrafas PET para o melhoramento de misturas asfálticas pode minimizar os problemas atuais disposição do resíduo, contribuir com a redução do consumo de recursos naturais e dar um uso nobre para este material. / [en] This research aims to evaluate the behavior of HMA mixtures (hot mix asphalt concrete) added with PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles pounded into different particle sizes and concentrations in the mixture. The usual filler (stone dust) was replaced by the powder from the milling of PET bottles, since its high melting point allows the use as an aggregate in the mix. Thus, it was used the material in diameters of 10 mm and 2 mm, in concentrations of 0.5 percent and 1.0 percent added in the HMA and, also, the replacement of 2.5 percent of the stone powder for the PET powder with addition of 0.5 percent triturated with diameter of 10 mm. From the characterization tests of aggregates (particle sizes, durability, density, Los Angeles abrasion) and asphalt (specific density, penetration, softening point, ductility, solubility in trichloroethylene, RTFOT – rolling thin film oven test), it was made the calculations of the dosage by the Marshall method, production of specimens, which enabled the realization of mechanical tests of Marshall Stability and Flow, Tensile Strength, Resilient Modulus and Fatigue. The insertion of triturated PET was satisfactory, being dependent on the results of the percentages and particle sizes of the PET used. It was observed that the increase in the strength parameters and the useful life of the mixtures studied is more effective for the HMA with 0.5 percent PET of 10 mm diameter and the substitution of 2.5 percent of the filler for PET powder in its granulometric compositions. Therefore, the use of PET bottle waste to the improvement of asphalt mixtures can minimize the current problems of waste disposal, contribute to reduce the consumption of natural resources and make a noble use for this material.

Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Knowledge representation and reasoning is a prominent subject of study within the field of artificial intelligence that is concerned with the symbolic representation of knowledge in such a way to facilitate automated reasoning about this knowledge. Often in real-world domains, it is necessary to perform defeasible reasoning when representing default behaviors of systems. Answer Set Programming is a widely-used knowledge representation framework that is well-suited for such reasoning tasks and has been successfully applied to practical domains due to efficient computation through grounding--a process that replaces variables with variable-free terms--and propositional solvers similar to SAT solvers. However, some domains provide a challenge for grounding-based methods such as domains requiring reasoning about continuous time or resources. To address these domains, there have been several proposals to achieve efficiency through loose integrations with efficient declarative solvers such as constraint solvers or satisfiability modulo theories solvers. While these approaches successfully avoid substantial grounding, due to the loose integration, they are not suitable for performing defeasible reasoning on functions. As a result, this expressive reasoning on functions must either be performed using predicates to simulate the functions or in a way that is not elaboration tolerant. Neither compromise is reasonable; the former suffers from the grounding bottleneck when domains are large as is often the case in real-world domains while the latter necessitates encodings to be non-trivially modified for elaborations. This dissertation presents a novel framework called Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories (ASPMT) that is a tight integration of the stable model semantics and satisfiability modulo theories. This framework both supports defeasible reasoning about functions and alleviates the grounding bottleneck. Combining the strengths of Answer Set Programming and satisfiability modulo theories enables efficient continuous reasoning while still supporting rich reasoning features such as reasoning about defaults and reasoning in domains with incomplete knowledge. This framework is realized in two prototype implementations called MVSM and ASPMT2SMT, and the latter was recently incorporated into a non-monotonic spatial reasoning system. To define the semantics of this framework, we extend the first-order stable model semantics by Ferraris, Lee and Lifschitz to allow "intensional functions" and provide analyses of the theoretical properties of this new formalism and on the relationships between this and existing approaches. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science 2016

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