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Sistema de indicadores de sustentabilidade: uma aplicação ao contexto de desenvolvimento do turismo na região de Bueno Brandão, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil / A system of sustainability indicators: the case of an application to tourism development in the Bueno Brandão region, Minas Gerais state, BrazilFrederico Yuri Hanai 28 July 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo principal investigar e elaborar instrumentos e procedimentos para a proposição do Sistema de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade do Desenvolvimento do Turismo (SISDTur), utilizando-se abordagem participativa e envolvendo a comunidade local do município de Bueno Brandão-MG, localizado na região da bacia hidrográfica de montante do rio Mogi-Guaçu, no sul do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. As preocupações com os problemas e desafios socioeconômicos e ambientais, relacionados ao uso dos recursos hídricos e à estrita dependência econômica da produção agropecuária nesta região remetem à necessidade e proposição de oportunidades de desenvolvimento local, visando propiciar melhores condições de vida aos moradores locais. A inserção do turismo, no contexto de novas perspectivas de desenvolvimento, torna-se alternativa socioeconômica emergente, exigindo a elaboração e aplicação de procedimentos, instrumentos e indicadores que verifiquem e avaliem a efetivação das condições de sustentabilidade (ambiental, social, econômica, cultural e institucional) do desenvolvimento do turismo. Assim, o processo de desenvolvimento da pesquisa envolveu: a contextualização do desenvolvimento sustentável e da sustentabilidade aplicada ao turismo; a análise das condições atuais do desenvolvimento turístico na região; a elaboração e a aplicação do programa de sensibilização turística; a abordagem conceitual e tipológica de indicadores, assim como as iniciativas, os sistemas e os modelos de indicadores do turismo sustentável, levantados e obtidos a partir de estudos de casos; o processo de seleção e definição de indicadores de sustentabilidade, por meio da abordagem participativa da sociedade local de Bueno Brandão, levando em consideração visões de outros grupos envolvidos na pesquisa (turismólogos e graduandos de Engenharia Ambiental); e a elaboração e proposição do Sistema de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade do Desenvolvimento do Turismo (SISDTur), configurando-o como um instrumento metodológico prático, útil e exequível para subsidiar o processo de desenvolvimento, gestão e monitoramento do turismo na região, consonante com os princípios de sustentabilidade. E por fim, são apresentados os legados metodológicos, relatando algumas recomendações e sugestões identificadas e adquiridas pelas experiências vivenciadas no decorrer da pesquisa. / The main objectives of this study were to assess and to create instruments and procedures in order to propose a System of Sustainability Indicators for Tourism Development (SISDTur), by following a participatory approach and involving the community of Bueno Brandão-MG located in the region of upstream basin of the Mogi-Guaçu river, in southern Minas Gerais state, Brasil. The concern for the socioeconomic and environmental problems and challenges related to the use of water resources and the strong economic dependence on agriculture and animal farming have led to the needs analysis and planning of opportunities for local development in order to provide better living conditions for that population. As a new perspective for development, the introduction of tourism becomes an emerging socioeconomic option, which demands the creation and application of procedures, instruments and indicators to verify and evaluate the effectiveness of sustainability conditions (environmental, social, economic, cultural and institutional) of tourism development. Thus, the research process involved: the contextualization of sustainable development and of sustainability applied to tourism; the analysis of the current status of tourism development in the area; the creation and application of the tourism sensitization program; the conceptual and typological approach to indicators, as well as the initiatives, the systems and the models concerning indicators of sustainable tourism, which were identified following the analysis of case studies; the process of selecting and defining sustainability indicators, which resulted from a participatory approach involving the local community of Bueno Brandão and took into consideration the opinions of other groups of individuals involved in the research (tourism professionals and undergraduates in Environmental Engineering); and the creation and proposition of the System of Sustainability Indicators for Tourism Development (SISDTur), which characterized it as a practical methodological instrument that was both useful and feasible to support the development, management and monitoring of tourism in the region, in compliance with sound principles of sustainability. Finally, the methodological contributions are discussed, and recommendations and suggestions are made, all of which originate from the experience accrued throughout the implementation of the study.
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Design and fabrication of a photonic integrated circuit comprising a semi-conductor optical amplifier and a high speed photodiode (SOA-UTC) for >100 Gbit/s applications / Etude d'un récepteur pré-amplifié de type PIC (Photonic Integrated Circuit) réalisé par intégration monolithique d'un amplificateur (SOA) optique à semi-conducteur et d'une photodiode (UTC) pour les liaisons courtes distances à 100 Gbit/s et au delàAnagnosti, Maria 13 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation d’une photodiode très haut débit (UTC PD) et son intégration avec un préamplificateur optique à semi-conducteur (SOA) pour les liaisons optiques à courte distance à 100 Gbit/s en bandes C et O. Il porte également sur la conception d'un duplexeur (Tx / Rx) avec liaison montante en bande C et liaison descendante en bande O. L'intégration monolithique d’un SOA avec une photodiode haut débit sans filtre optique entre les deux présente des avantages majeurs parmi lesquels: - Augmentation de la distance de transmission. - Augmentation du nombre d'utilisateurs connectés. - Diminution des coûts globaux de fabrication incluant l’assemblage. La première partie de cette étude porte sur l'optimisation SOA pour un fonctionnement à forte puissance (Psat). Un faible facteur de bruit (NF) et une faible dépendance à la polarisation (PDL) sont requis pour les récepteurs préamplifiés. De plus, un fonctionnement du et opérer en régime linéaire est nécessaire pour les schémas de modulation complexes. Le SOA actuel possède un gain de 18 dB avec un facteur de bruit de 8 dB, une faible PDL (<2 dB), et une bonne puissance de saturation en entrée (-8 dBm). Grâce à l’optimisation de la structure verticale du SOA et de son couplage avec la fibre les performances attendues sont améliores : Psat >-5 dBm, NF <8 dB, PDL et gain similaire. D'autre part, les interconnexions électriques de la photodiode ont été optimisées ce qui a permis de démontrer des photodiodes avec une bande passante supérieure à 100 GHz. Les photodiodes présentent un fort coefficient de réponse (R) (0,6 A/W à 1,3 μm et 0,55 A/W à 1,55 μm) et une faible PDL <1 dB. Un fort courant de saturation de 14 mA à 100 GHz a aussi été démonté. Enfin, la caractérisation des SOA-UTC réalisés a montré simultanément une très forte responsivité (95 A/W), une faible dépendance à la polarisation PDL (<2 dB), un faible NF (8 dB) et une large bande passante à 3 dB (> 95 GHz), qui placent nos composants au meilleur niveau de l’état de l’art avec un produit gain-bande record de 6,1 THz. Les Mesures numériques à 64 Gbit/s montrent que notre récepteur atteint une sensibilité de -17 dBm pour un taux d'erreur de 10-9, et la sensibilité attendue à 100 Gbit/s est de -14 dBm / This work focuses on the design, fabrication and measurements of a uni-travelling carrier high speed photodiode (UTC PD) and its integration with a semiconductor optical preamplifier (SOA) for short reach 100 Gbit/s optical links, in O- and C- bands. This work also focuses on the design of a duplexer (Tx/Rx) with downstream in O-band and upstream in C-band. The SOA monolithic integration with a high speed PD without an optical filter in between yields major benefits among which: - Increase in the transmission distance. - Increase in the split ratio correlated to the number of connected users. - Decrease of the overall fabrication and assembling cost. The first part of this work is dedicated to optimizing the SOA for high power operation (Psat). The low noise figure (NF), and polarization dependence loss (PDL) are critical parameters for a preamplified receiver. Also complex modulation formats require linear gain regime of the SOA. The current SOA presents 18 dB gain with NF (8 dB), low PDL (<2 dB), and good input power saturation (-8 dBm). Thanks to further optimization of the SOA vertical structure and coupling with the optical fiber, the expected SOA performance is higher Psat >-5 dBm, NF <8 dB, similar PDL and gain. Secondly, the electrical interconnects of the photodiode is optimized to increase the photodiodes’ bandwidth, which allows to demonstrate photodiode with >100 GHz bandwidth. The PD presents high responsivity (R) (0,6 A/W at 1,3 μm and 0.55 A/W at 1,55 μm) and low PDL <1 dB. Also the saturation photocurrent is high (14 mA at 100 GHz). Finally, the SOA-UTC demonstrates high responsivity (95 A/W), low PDL (<2 dB), low NF (8 dB) and a wide 3 dB bandwidth (>95 GHz), which yields a record gain-bandwidth product of 6.1 THz. Large signal measurements at 64 Gbit/s show that our receiver reaches a low sensitivity of -17 dBm for a bit error rate of 10-9, and is expected to reach -14 dBm at 100 Gbit/s
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