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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení morfologie obličeje pacientů s orofaciálními rozštěpy v návaznosti na terapeutické postupy. / Assessment of facial morphology in patients with orofacial clefts in relation to surgical protocols

Moslerová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The presented thesis summarizes the results of research on craniofacial morphology in patients with facial cleft defects in relation to therapeutic approaches (Caganova et al., 2014; Dadáková et al., 2016; Hoffmannova et al., 2016; Hoffmannova et al., 2018; Moslerová et al., 2018). The effect of therapy in individuals with pathological growth disorders cannot be evaluated without detailed auxological studies of control subjects whose facial morphology, longitudinal changes, or manifestations of sexual dimorphism were evaluated upon similar methodology (Koudelová et al. 2015). Therefore, the thesis was conceived as a volume of six publications complemented with a general synthetic introduction into the area of study. Together, the thesis includes probands in a broad age spectrum from birth to 15 years with a total of 294 facial 3D scans, 36 tele-X-ray face images, 3D scans of 112 gypsum palate castings. The methods of geometric morphometry and multidimensional statistics prevail in the assessment. The main clinical part of the thesis deals with the influence of two types of surgery on the facial growth and development of patients with cleft palate, namely secondary spongioplasty (SS) and neonatal cheiloplasty (NCH). Neonatal cheiloplasty (NCH) is the surgery whose effects were studied from several...

Vliv morfologie povlaku Zn na mezní podmínky při tažení tenkých plechů / Influence of Zinc Coating Morphology on Limit Conditions Formability of Thin Sheet Metal

Císařová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The doctor thesis deals about the influence of zinc coating morphology on limit conditions formability of a thin sheet metal. In the introduction of the thesis is discusesed about current problems searching the most suitable morphology of the steel sheet metals, a method of appliing to the zinc sheet metal. The hot dip zinc coating is discussed in next chapter, the topical knowledges about the influence of the individual factors have some effect to coat calibre and quality. In literary researchs are discussed the concrete technological tests of zinc coating to harder sheet metal forming, the theory of the bend and the basic theory of pressing sheet metal. In following chapter is devoted interpretation selected technological tests, according to that is described behaviour, characteristics, influence of zinc coating formability of basic material and his morphology.

Detekce a sledování malých pohybujících se objektů / Detection and Tracking of Small Moving Objects

Filip, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis deals with the detection and tracking of small moving objects from static images. This work shows a general overview of methods and approaches to detection and tracking of objects. There are also described some other approaches to the whole solution. It also included basic definitions, such a noise, convolution and mathematical morphology. The work described Bayesian filtering and Kalman filter. It described the theory of Wavelets, wavelets filters and transformations. The work deals with different ways of the blob`s detection. It is here the design and implementation of applications, which is based on the wavelets filters and Kalman filter. It`s implemented several methods of background subtraction, which are compared by testing. Testing and application are designed to detect vehicles, which are moving faraway (at least 200 m away).

Studium trojrozměrné organizace signálních molekul na T buňkách pomocí kvantitativních metod fluorescenční mikroskopie. / Quantitative fluorescence microscopy techniques to study three-dimensional organisation of T-cell signalling molecules.

Chum, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
10 SUMMARY Proteins represent one of the basic building blocks of all organisms. To understand their function at the molecular level is one the critical goals of current biological, biochemical and biophysical research. It is important to characterise all aspects that affect the localisation of proteins into different compartments with specific functions, the dynamic structure of proteins and their role in multiprotein assemblies, because altering these properties can lead to various diseases. Most of the proteomic studies are nowadays performed using biochemical approaches that allow us to study multicellular organism or tissue at once. The disadvantage of these methods is complex preparation of sample and the need for a large number of cells, which leads to the loss of information at the molecular level and in individual cells. On the contrary, microscopy can provide rather detailed information about proteins of interest and at the level of a single cell. A variety of fluorescence microscopy methods in combination with recombinant DNA techniques were applied to elucidate subcellular localisation of transmembrane adaptor proteins (TRAPs) in human lymphocytes and their nanoscopic organisation at the plasma membrane. Linker of activation of T lymphocytes (LAT), phosphoprotein associated with...

Galerie Velké ceny města Brna / The Gallery of Brno Grand Prix

Sikora, Zbigniew January 2014 (has links)
The main task of this thesis was to create an architectural study of The Gallery of Brno Grand Prix based on previous urban study from previous semester works. The proposal is focused on the iconic circuit’s former glory restoration, on providing new content for raceway complex and creating decent and presentable place for the presentation of the rich history of Czech and Czechoslovak motorsport. The result is a study of an object that meets these needs while respecting the historical and morphological values of the place. The building creates new themed attraction and creates the potential for further development of near circuit.

Jazykový rozbor Cestopisu Bedřicha z Donína / Linguistic analysis of the "Travelbook" by Frederick from Donín

Lehne, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses selected phenomena of graphy, phonology, morfology, lexicology and words-formation of the Frederick from Donin's Czech book of travels, which was written at the turn of the 16th and 17th century. Partly, it also deals with the syntax and style of the work. Selected phenomena of individual language levels are studied using the original manuscript. The thesis intends to show in which aspects the text is close to early modern language usage, and conversely in which aspects it differs from it. The language of the manuscript is also compared with the contemporary Czech language.

Růst Mycobacterium smegmatis na agarovém médiu a agarovém médiu pokrytém celofánovou folií - morfologická a proteomová studie / Růst Mycobacterium smegmatis na agarovém médiu a agarovém médiu pokrytém celofánovou folií - morfologická a proteomová studie

Ramaniuk, Volha January 2012 (has links)
Biofilm formation is one of the most common bacterial survival strategies. Majority of bacterial species are able to form these three-dimensional structures, including pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Representatives of Mycobacterium genus widely occur in the nature, although they can cause serious problems when they appear in medical equipment and artificial replacements of the human body. Non-pathogenic Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2 155 was used as a model organism in our experiments. We investigated morphology of the three- and six-day-old colonies (in fact biofilms) on agar and agar covered with cellophane using Stereo microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope. We found that a type of surface as well as a carbon source has a great influence on the morphology of the M. smegmatis colonies. We isolated proteomes from the agar and cellophane cultures and from planktonic culture. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used as the main proteomic method. Proteomic data were analyzed using PDQuest software. Then the sets of proteins detected by qualitative and quantitative analyses were compared using Venn diagrams. As a result, we recognized 7 unique proteins that might be specific for recognition and adhesion of bacteria to the cellophane, no unique protein in agar proteome and 46 unique...

Taxonomy of selected groups of the genus \kur{Caloplaca} / Taxonomy of selected groups of the genus \kur{Caloplaca}

ŠOUN, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with phylogeny, taxonomy and nomenclature of selected groups of the lichen genus Caloplaca. Particularly, the C. cerina group was closely investigated using molecular methods (ITS sequences), morphology and chemistry, based on material from Europe, and to some extent also from North America and western Asia. This approach resulted in the description of three new species (C. sterilis, C. subalpina, C. thracopontica), and detected an unexpected richness of lineages. Nomenclature, taxonomy, morphology and ecology of C. aurantia and C. flavescens from the C. aurantia group were studied in detail, including selection of the neotype of the former species. Their distribution was reviewed for the territory of the Czech Republic. Poorly known taxon C. aurantiomurorum from Algeria was lectotypified and synonymized with C. aurantia. Apart from the two groups, C. phlogina and C. scythica, differing partly in thallus colour and distinctly in distribution, were examined using both molecular (ITS sequences) and phenotypic data and found to be conspecific.

Anabaena - Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of planktonic strains in fishponds and reservoirs of the Czech Republic / Anabaena - Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of planktonic strains in fishponds and reservoirs of the Czech Republic

ZAPOMĚLOVÁ, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
Morphological diversity of 61 Anabaena populations of 13 morphospecies was described under the field conditions of Czech fishponds and reservoirs. Polyphasic approach was then applied in classification of 45 clonal strains isolated from those populations. Detailed morphological analyses were performed and partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained for 33 of the strains, and secondary metabolite production was evaluated in 20 strains. Plasticity of morphological characteristics under varied conditions of light, temperature, nitrogen and phosphorus was studied in selected strains, as well as their temperature and light growth requirements. The results were then discussed with respect to the delimitation of single Anabaena morphospecies. A new genus Sphaerospermum was defined for the morphospecies Anabaena kisseleviana, A. reniformis and Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides, whose phenotypic and genotypic features differed considerably from all other Anabaena morphospecies. Unique information was provided on the occurrence and distribution of A. reniformis and Aph. aphanizomenoides in the Czech Republic.

A comparative morphological and morphometric study of the cranial and post-cranial osteology of South African hares - Cape hare (Lepus capensis) and Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) and its application in archaeozoology

Scott, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English and abstract in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / This archaeozoological study was undertaken to distinguish between the two hare species of South Africa, Lepus capensis (Cape hare) and Lepus saxatilis (scrub hare), from fragmentary archaeological faunal remains. It was previously not possible to taxonomically differentiate between these species. The research focused on Lagomorpha remains previously identified in Later Stone Age assemblages from two rock shelters, Blydefontein and Meerkat, in the Karoo. Analyses of modern skeletal material housed in museum collections demonstrated that there are indeed morphological and morphometric differences between Lepus capensis and Lepus saxatilis. The Lagomorpha material from the two archaeological assemblages were then re-examined utilising the newly established protocols. The reanalyses proved that it is now possible to distinguish between the two hare species even when in fragmentary form. It is also possible to identify Pronolagus. The dietary and likely cultural roles of the Lagomorpha and other small mammals in archaeological contexts are also explored. / Hierdie argeosoölogiese studie is onderneem om te onderskei tussen die twee haasspesies in Suid-Afrika, Lepus capensis (vlakhaas) en Lepus saxatilis (kolhaas), aan die hand van gefragmenteerde argeologiese fauna-oorblyfsels. Dit was nie voorheen moontlik om hierdie spesies taksonomies van mekaar te onderskei nie. Die navorsing fokus op Lagomorpha-oorblyfsels wat voorheen geïdentifiseer is in rotsskuiling-versamelings wat uit die Laat Steentydperk dateer. Die genoemde rotsskuilings is gevind by Blydefontein en Meerkat in die Karoo. Ontledings van moderne skeletmateriaal in museumversamelings het getoon dat daar wel morfologiese en morfometriese verskille tussen Lepus capensis en Lepus saxatilis is. Lagomorpha-materiaal afkomstig van die twee argeologiese versamelings is toe herondersoek aan die hand van nuut gevestigde protokolle. Die herontledings het bewys dat dit nou moontlik is om te onderskei tussen die twee haasspesies, selfs indien hulle gefragmenteerd is. Dit is ook moontlik om Pronolagus te identifiseer. Die rolle wat die Lagomorpha en ander klein soogdiere in argeologiese kontekste in dieet en kultuur vervul het, is ook ondersoek. / Ucwaningo maqondana nezitho zomzimba ezisalayo uma isilwane sesifile lwenziwelwa ukuba kukwazeke ukuhlukanisa phakathi kwalezi zinhlobo ezimbili zonogwaja eNingizimu Afrika, okuyiLepus capensis kanye neLepus saxatilis ngokubheka izingcucu zezinsalela zazo. Kwakungelula kudala ukuhlukanisa lezi zinhlobo zesilwane ngokwamaqoqo okwakheka noma okwenza kwazo. Ucwaningo lugxile kwizinsalela zohlobo lweLagomorpha olwaluvame ukubonakala ngenkathi yakudala okwakusetshenziswa kuyo amatshe ukwakha izinto (iStone Age) emiphemeni emibili eyayakhiwe ngamadwala eyayihlangene eyayaziwa ngokuthi yiBlydefontein neMeerkat esigodini esisagwadule esiseNingizimu Afrika, iKaroo. Ukuhlaziywa kwezingebhezi zemizimba yezinto ezigcinwe kwizigcinamagugu lwaveza ukuthi impela ukhona umehluko ekwakhekeni kanye nasezilinganisweni zogebhezi lwekhanda ngokomumo kumbe ugebhezi lwesiqu somzimba phakathi konogwaja abawuhlobo lweLepus capensis neLepus sexatilis. Uhlobo lweLagomorpha lwasesakhiweni semipheme ehlangene lwabe seluhlolwa kabusha kusetshenziswa izinhlobo ezintsha eziseqophelweni. Ukuhlaziywa kabusha kwaveza ubufakazi bokuthi sekuyinto engenzeka kalula ukuhlukanisa phakathi kwalezi zinhlobo ezimbili zonogwaja ngisho ngabe sezitholakala sezingcezungcezu. Kuyinto engenzeka kalula futhi ukubona uhlobo lwePronolagus. Indlela yokudla kanye nemisebenzi ehambisana nosikompilo kohlobo lweLagomorpha kanye nezinye izilwane ezincelisayo nakho kuyabhekwa. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Archaeology)

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