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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systémy morfismů nad Gödelovou fuzzy logikou / Systémy morfismů nad Gödelovou fuzzy logikou

Luhan, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This work introduces some very basic concepts of category theory as built up over first-order predicate Gödel fuzzy logic (with crisp identity and the delta operator). A fuzzy variation of a classical concept of a category is considered. Then several systems of morphisms loosely based on the crisp categories Rel and Set are defined and examined. Accordingly, all the systems under consideration consist of fuzzy sets as objects and various kinds of binary fuzzy relations as morphisms. Our approach is a logic-based graded generalization of crisp (clas- sical) category-theoretical approaches to fuzzy sets, which have been initiated by Goguen. 1

Quelques contributions à l'étude des séries formelles à coefficients dans un corps fini / Some contributions at the study of Laurent series with coefficients in a finite field

Firicel, Alina 08 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe à l'interface de trois grands domaines : la combinatoire des mots, la théorie des automates et la théorie des nombres. Plus précisément, nous montrons comment des outils provenant de la combinatoire des mots et de la théorie des automates interviennent dans l'étude de problèmes arithmétiques concernant les séries formelles à coefficients dans un corps fini.Le point de départ de cette thèse est un célèbre théorème de Christol qui caractérise les séries de Laurent algébriques sur le corps F_q(T), l'entier q désignant une puissance d'un nombre premier p, en termes d'automates finis et dont l'énoncé est : « Une série de Laurent à coefficients dans le corps fini F_q est algébrique si et seulement si la suite de ses coefficients est engendrée par un p-automate fini ». Ce résultat, qui révèle dans un certain sens la simplicité de ces séries de Laurent, a donné naissance à des travaux importants parmi lesquels de nombreuses applications et généralisations.L'objet principal de cette thèse est, dans un premier temps, d'exploiter la simplicité de séries de Laurent algébriques à coefficients dans un corps fini afin d'obtenir des résultats diophantiens, puis d'essayer d'étendre cette étude à des fonctions transcendantes arithmétiquement intéressantes. Nous nous concentrons tout d'abord sur une classe de séries de Laurent algébriques particulières qui généralisent la fameuse cubique de Baum et Sweet. Le résultat principal obtenu pour ces dernières est une description explicite de leur développement en fraction continue, généralisant ainsi certains travaux de Mills et Robbins. Rappelons que le développement en fraction continue permet généralement d'obtenir des informations très précises sur l'approximation rationnelle ; les meilleures approximations étant obtenues directement à partir de la suite des quotients partiels. Malheureusement, il est souvent très difficile d'obtenir le développement en fraction continue d'une série de Laurent algébrique, que celle-ci soit donné par une équation algébrique ou par son développement en série de Laurent. La deuxième étude que nous présentons dans cette thèse fournit une information diophantienne à priori moins précise que la description du développement en fraction continue, mais qui a le mérite de concerner toutes les séries de Laurent algébriques (à coefficients dans un corps fini). L'idée principale est d'utiliser l'automaticité de la suite des coefficients de ces séries de Laurent afin d'obtenir une borne générale pour leur exposant d'irrationalité. Malgré la généralité de ce résultat, la borne obtenue n'est pas toujours satisfaisante. Dans certains cas, elle peut s'avérer plus mauvaise que celle provenant de l'inégalité de Mahler. Cependant, dans de nombreuses situations, il est possible d'utiliser notre approche pour fournir, au mieux, la valeur exacte de l'exposant d'irrationalité, sinon des encadrements très précis de ce dernier.Dans un dernier travail nous nous plaçons dans un cadre plus général que celui des séries de Laurent algébriques, à savoir celui des séries de Laurent dont la suite des coefficients a une « basse complexité ». Nous montrons que cet ensemble englobe quelques fonctions remarquables, comme les séries algébriques et l'inverse de l'analogue du nombre \pi dans le module de Carlitz. Il possède, par ailleurs, des propriétés de stabilité intéressantes : entre autres, il s'agit d'un espace vectoriel sur le corps des fractions rationnelles à coefficients dans un corps fini (ce qui, d'un point de vue arithmétique, fournit un critère d'indépendance linéaire), il est de plus laissé invariant par diverses opérations classiques comme le produit de Hadamard / This thesis looks at the interplay of three important domains: combinatorics on words, theory of finite-state automata and number theory. More precisely, we show how tools coming from combinatorics on words and theory of finite-state automata intervene in the study of arithmetical problems concerning the Laurent series with coefficients in a finite field.The starting point of this thesis is a famous theorem of Christol which characterizes algebraic Laurent series over the field F_q(T), q being a power of the prime number p, in terms of finite-state automata and whose statement is the following : “A Laurent series with coefficients in a finite field F_q is algebraic over F_q(T) if and only if the sequence of its coefficients is p-automatic”.This result, which reveals, somehow, the simplicity of these Laurent series, has given rise to important works including numerous applications and generalizations. The theory of finite-state automata and the combinatorics on words naturally occur in number theory and, sometimes, prove themselves to be indispensable in establishing certain important results in this domain.The main purpose of this thesis is, foremost, to exploit the simplicity of the algebraic Laurent series with coefficients in a finite field in order to obtain some Diophantine results, then to try to extend this study to some interesting transcendental functions. First, we focus on a particular set of algebraic Laurent series that generalize the famous cubic introduced by Baum and Sweet. The main result we obtain concerning these Laurent series gives the explicit description of its continued fraction expansion, generalizing therefore some articles of Mills and Robbins.Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to find the continued fraction representation of a Laurent series, whether it is given by an algebraic equation or by its Laurent series expansion. The second study that we present in this thesis provides a Diophantine information which, although a priori less complete than the continued fraction expansion, has the advantage to characterize any algebraic Laurent series. The main idea is to use some the automaticity of the sequence of coefficients of these Laurent series in order to obtain a general bound for their irrationality exponent. In the last part of this thesis we focus on a more general class of Laurent series, namely the one of Laurent series of “low” complexity. We prove that this set includes some interesting functions, as for example the algebraic series or the inverse of the analogue of the real number \pi. We also show that this set satisfy some nice closure properties : in particular, it is a vector space over the field over F_q(T).

Groupoids in categories with partial covers

Arabidze, Giorgi 15 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

On Sturmian and Episturmian words, and related topics

Glen, Amy Louise January 2006 (has links)
In recent years, combinatorial properties of finite and infinite words have become increasingly important in fields of physics, biology, mathematics, and computer science. In particular, the fascinating family of Sturmian words has become an extremely active subject of research. These infinite binary sequences have numerous applications in various fields of mathematics, such as symbolic dynamics, the study of continued fraction expansion, and also in some domains of physics ( quasicrystal modelling ) and computer science ( pattern recognition, digital straightness ). There has also been a recent surge of interest in a natural generalization of Sturmian words to more than two letters - the so - called episturmian words, which include the well - known Arnoux - Rauzy sequences. This thesis represents a significant contribution to the study of Sturmian and episturmian words, and related objects such as generalized Thue - Morse words and substitutions on a finite alphabet. Specifically, we prove some new properties of certain palindromic factors of the infinite Fibonacci word; establish generalized ' singular ' decompositions of suffixes of certain morphic Sturmian words; completely describe where palindromes occur in characteristic Sturmian words; explicitly determine all integer powers occurring in a certain class of k-strict episturmian words ( including the k-bonacci word ) ; and prove that certain episturmian and generalized Thue - Morse continued fractions are transcendental. Lastly, we begin working towards a proof of a characterization of invertible substitutions on a finite alphabet, which generalizes the fact that invertible substitutions on two letters are exactly the Sturmian morphisms. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Mathematical Sciences, 2006.

Detecção do complexo QRS através de morfologia matemática multiescalar

Saraiva, Aratã Andrade 05 September 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a morfologia matemática multiescalar com quatro escalas aplicada no sinal de eletrocardiografia para a detecção do complexo QRS. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho pluridisciplinar de Engenharia Biomédica foram utilizados conhecimentos de Cardiologia, Eletrocardiografia, Bioestatística, Processamento Digital de Sinais Biomédicos, Teoria de Detecção de Sinais, Análise ROC e Índices de Desempenho de Classificadores, interagindo com áreas da edicina, da Estatística, da Matemática, da Engenharia da Computação e da Engenharia Elétrica. Testes foram realizados com o banco de sinais de ECG do MIT/BIH. O desempenho do método foi avaliado através da curva ROC e do índice DER. Os resultados foram comparados com a morfologia multiescalar de uma, duas e de três escalas. Nos resultados foi observado que o método de morfologia multiescalar com quatro escalas, aplicado nas condições estabelecidas, apresentou índices melhores de detecção do complexo QRS, confirmando seu potencial no processamento de sinais biomédicos, dando suporte na manipulação do complexo QRS e oferecendo melhorias na detecção. / This work presents the multiscale mathematical morphology with four scales applied in the ECG signal for detection of the QRS complex. To develop this Biomedical Engineering multidisciplinary work were used knowledge of Cardiology, Electrocardiography, Biostatistics, Biomedical Digital Signal Processing, Signal Detection Theory, ROC Analysis and Performance Classifiers Indexes, interacting with areas of Medicine, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The tests were realized with MIT/BIH ECG signals database. The performance of the method was evaluated using ROC curves and the DER index. The results were compared with the multiscale mathematical morphology of one, two and three scales. In the results was observed that the multiscale mathematical morphology with four scales presented better indexes detection of the QRS complex, confirming its potential in biomedical signal processing, supporting the handling of the QRS complex and offering improvements in detection.

Algebraická a kripkovská sémantika substrukturálních logik / Algebraic and Kripke semantics of substructural logics

Arazim, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is about the distributive full Lambek calculus, i.e., intuicionistic logic without the structural rules of exchange, contraction and weakening and particularly about the two semantics of this logic, one of which is algebraic, the other one is a Kripke semantic. The two semantics are treated in separate chapters and some results about them are shown, for example the disjunction property is proven by amalgamation of Kripke models. The core of this thesis is nevertheless the relation of these two semantics, since it is interesting to study what do they have in common and how can they actually differ, both being a semantics of the same logic. We show how to translate frames to algebras and algebras to frames, and, moreover, we extend such translation to morphisms, thus constructing two functors between the two categories. Key words:distributive FL logic, distributive full Lambek calculus, structural rules, distributive residuated lattice, Kripke frames, frame morphisms, category, functor 2

Polynomiální algoritmus pro binární PCP / A polynomial algorithm for the binary PCP

Kuřinová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The Post correspondence problem, introduced in 1946 by Emil Post, is an important example of undecidable problem. Therefore PCP figures in pro- ofs of some results in theory of formal languages, matrix theory and other. The decidability of the Post correspondence problem proved Ehrenfeucht, Karhumäki and Rozenberg in the 1980s and Halava, Harju and Hirvensalo in 2002 ended the proof. Eight years later was verified that the solution can be found even in polynomial time. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to describe this algorithm in detail and to implement it in a web application. The thesis also introduces basics of com- binatorics on words and some facts about PCP and produces some interesting examples of instances of PCP. Keywords: Post correspondence problem, generalized Post correspondence problem, binary PCP, polynomial algorithms on words, successors of morphisms 1

Compactification ELSV des champs de Hurwitz / ELSV compactification of Hurwitz stacks

Dudin, Bashar 15 October 2013 (has links)
On s'intéresse à une compactification, due à Ekedahl, Lando, Shapiro et Vainshtein, du champ des courbes lisses munies de fonctions méromorphes d'ordres fixés. Celle-ci est obtenue comme une adhérence du champ de départ dans un champ propre. On commence par en donner deux constructions alternatives et on étudie les déformations de ses points. On la relie par la suite à la compactification à la Harris-Mumford par les revêtements admissibles et on donne une interprétation modulaire des points du bord. / We study a compactification, due to Ekedahl, Lando, Shapiro and Vainshtein, of the stack of smooth curves endowed with meromorphic functions having fixed orders. The original compactification is obtained as the closure of the initial stack in a proper substack. We start by giving two alternative constructions of the E.L.S.V compactification and by studying the deformation theory of its points. We finally link it to the Harris-Mumford compactification by admissible covers and give a modular interpretation of boundary points.

Cycles proches, cycles évanescents et théorie de Hodge pour les morphismes sans pente / Nearby cycles, vanishing cycles and Hodge theory for morphisms without slope

Kochersperger, Matthieu 09 July 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons aux singularités d'espaces analytiques complexes définis comme le lieu des zéros d'un morphisme sans pente. Nous étudions dans un premier temps les cycles proches et les cycles évanescents associés à un tel morphisme. Dans un deuxième temps nous cherchons à comprendre la théorie de Hodge des morphismes sans pente.La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à apporter des compléments au travail de P. Maisonobe sur les morphismes sans pente. Nous commençons par construire un morphisme de comparaison entre cycles proches algébriques (pour les $mathscr{D}$-modules) et cycles proches topologiques (pour les faisceaux pervers). Nous montrons ensuite que ce morphisme est un isomorphisme dans le cas d'un morphisme sans pente. Enfin nous construisons un foncteur cycles évanescents topologiques pour un morphisme sans pente et nous démontrons que ce foncteur et le foncteur cycles proches topologiques de P. Maisonobe se placent dans le diagramme de triangles exacts attendu.Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse nous étudions les morphismes sans pente pour les modules de Hodge mixtes. Nous démontrons dans un premier temps la commutativité des cycles proches et des cycles évanescents itérés appliqués à un module de Hodge mixte dans le cas d'un morphisme sans pente. Dans un deuxième temps nous définissons la notion << strictement sans pente >> pour un module de Hodge mixte et nous démontrons sa stabilité par image directe propre. Nous démontrons comme application la compatibilité de la filtration de Hodge et des filtrations de Kashiwara-Malgrange pour certains modules de Hodge purs supportés sur une hypersurface à singularités quasi-ordinaires. / In this thesis we are interested in singularities of complex varieties defined as the zero locus of a morphism without slope. In a first time we study nearby cycles and vanishing cycles associated to such morphisms. In a second time we want to understand Hodge theory of morphisms without slope.The first part of this thesis is devoted to add some complements to the work of P. Maisonobe on morphisms without slope. We start with the construction of a comparison morphism between algebraic nearby cycles (for $mathscr{D}$-modules) and topological nearby cycles (for perverse sheaves). Then we show that this morphism is an isomorphism in the case of a morphism without slope. Finally we construct a topological vanishing cycles functor for a morphism without slope et we prove that this functor and the topological nearby cycles functor of P. Maisonobe fit into the expected diagram of exact triangles.In the second part of the thesis we study morphisms without slope for mixed Hodge modules. We first show the commutativity of iterated nearby cycles and vanishing cycles applied to a mixed Hodge module in the case of a morphism without slope. Second we define the notion "strictly without slope" for a mixed Hodge module and we show that it is preserved by proper direct image. As an application we prove the compatibility of the Hodge filtration and Kashiwara-Malgrange filtrations for some pure Hodge modules with support an hypersurface with quasi-ordinary singularities.

Real-Fibered Morphisms of del Pezzo Surfaces and Conic Bundles

Kummer, Mario, Le Texier, Cédric, Manzaroli, Matilde 30 May 2024 (has links)
It goes back to Ahlfors that a real algebraic curve admits a real-fibered morphism to the projective line if and only if the real part of the curve disconnects its complex part. Inspired by this result, we are interested in characterising real algebraic varieties of dimension n admitting real-fibered morphisms to the n-dimensional projective space. We present a criterion to classify real-fibered morphisms that arise as finite surjective linear projections from an embedded variety which relies on topological linking numbers. We address special attention to real algebraic surfaces. We classify all real-fibered morphisms from real del Pezzo surfaces to the projective plane and determine which such morphisms arise as the composition of a projective embedding with a linear projection. Furthermore, we give some insights in the case of real conic bundles.

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