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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspectos morfossintáticos dos pronomes pessoais em anaan / Morphosyntactic aspects of the personal pronouns in Anaang language

Santos, Cristiane Benjamim 07 August 2007 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentam-se aspectos morfossintáticos dos pronomes pessoais em anaan, uma língua nigero-congolesa, pertencente ao grupo ibom, falada pelo povo anaan - um grupo étnico homogêneo, com cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas, localizado ao norte do Estado de Akwa Ibom, Nigéria. Trata-se de uma língua em fase inicial de investigação lingüística - os poucos trabalhos de referência em anaan são de ordem fonético/fonológica, sem análises morfossintáticas atestadas até então. O trabalho, inserido em uma abordagem de estudos tipológicos, visa à descrição e análise dos pronomes pessoais livres e dos marcadores pronominais da língua anaan. Apresentam-se, ainda, aspectos da morfossintaxe relacionados ao sistema pronominal: (i) as classes de palavras nome e verbo, (ii) a estrutura do sintagma nominal com ênfase nas construções genitivas e (iii) alguns aspectos sobre a ordem da língua. Quanto aos pronomes livres, propõe-se que anaan possui formas distintas para a posição de sujeito e de objeto, sendo que os pronomes que ocupam a posição de sujeito constituem o modificador das construções genitivas na língua. Neste estudo investiga-se também a natureza funcional dos marcadores pronominais e o traço de referencialidade dos pronomes. / In this dissertation I present the morphosyntax aspects of the personal pronouns in Anaang, a Niger-Congo language, belonging to the Ibom group, spoken by the Anaang people. Anaang is a homogeneous ethnic group, with approximately 1 million people, located in the north of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. The Anaang language is the beginning of its linguistic investigation - there are a few reference studies about the phonetics and phonology in Anaang, and no morphosyntactic studies verified up to the moment. This work, inserted in a typological approach, aims at the description and the analysis of the free personal pronouns in the Anaang language. And also presenting aspects of the morphosyntax that are related to the pronominal system: (i) the word classes noun and verb, (ii) the structure of the noun phrase focusing on the genitive constructions, and (iii) some aspects of the order in that language. Considering the free pronouns, I propose that Anaang has different forms for the object and subject positions, and that the pronouns that take the subject position constitute the modifier of the genitive constructions in the language. In this research, the functional nature of the pronominal markers and the referential features of the pronouns are also been investigated.

O sincretismo passivo-reflexivo: um estudo translinguístico / The passive-reflexive syncretism: a crosslinguistic study.

Cyrino, João Paulo Lazzarini 25 August 2015 (has links)
Por sincretismo passivo-reflexivo pode-se compreender a ocorrência de uma mesma marca morfológica em construções reflexivas, passivas e anticausativas. O fenômeno, bastante comum entre as línguas, tem sido tratado pela Teoria Gerativa, principalmente, de duas formas diferentes: por um lado, diz-se que o sincretismo passivo-reflexivo é consequência de uma propriedade sintática em comum compartilhada pelos contextos de inserção e, por outro, que - na verdade - os contextos em que o morfema se insere compartilham de uma mesma representação semântica. Do que se tem visto, ambas as formas de abordar o fenômeno são problemáticas: as explicações que fornecem, além de apresentarem alguns problemas teóricos, não se aplicam a tantas línguas quanto o esperado. Essas abordagens também tem levado pouco em conta importantes observações da linguística comparativa, que vem lidando com fenômenos dessa natureza desde o final dos anos 60. Esta tese investiga o sincretismo em questão em um grupo abrangente de línguas e une suas observações com conclusões da tipologia linguística e teoria gerativa, buscando desvendar duas questões, fundamentalmente: (i) por que o fenômeno é tão comum entre as línguas e (ii) qual o estatuto da marca compartilhada. Essas perguntas puderam ser respondidas levando em conta contribuições clássicas da linguística como a primeira definição de verbos anticausativos (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) e o estudo dos tipos de alternâncias de valência. Por outro lado, o modelo da Morfologia Distribuída (Halle & Marantz, 1993), desenvolvimento recente da Teoria Gerativa, possibilitou uma abordagem mais transparente da relação entre morfologia e sintaxe, permitindo melhor compreensão dos ambientes estruturais em que ocorre o sincretismo. O fenômeno é considerado um caso de sobreaplicação de anáforas, no sentido de Heinat (2006), na estrutura sintática. Essa sobreaplicação só é possível dadas algumas condições, sendo a principal delas a dependência morfológica da marca sincrética. Essa dependência morfológica é derivada ou durante a derivação sintática, ou após a inserção de material fonológico, conforme prevê a Morfologia Distribuída. As diferentes distribuições que o sincretismo apresenta entre as línguas podem ser explicadas por propriedades sintáticas da língua, assim como pelo momento da derivação em que a anáfora torna-se morfologicamente dependente, o que também diferencia clíticos/pronomes fracos de afixos. / The Passive-Reflexive Syncretism is a term describing the sharing of the same morphological marking in Reflexive, Passive and Anticausative Constructions. The phenomenon is widely seen across languages and Works within the Generative Framework have been attempting to account to it in basically two ways: (i) by understanding the syncretism as a consequence of a common syntactical property among the contexts sharing the morpheme or (ii) by understanding it as a consequence of a common semantic representation among these contexts. It is shown that both approaches are problematic in theoretical and empirical means. Besides this, they have not been taking into account important insights from comparative linguistics, which has been dealing with these phenomena since the end of the 60\'s. The present thesis investigates the syncretism in depth, taking into account a significant number of languages and linking its observations with contributions from Linguistic Typology and Generative Theory, in an attempt to address two fundamental questions: (i) Why this syncretism is so common across languages? (ii) What is the status of the shared marking. These questions could be answered by taking into account classical definitions in linguistics, such as the first definition of anticausative verbs (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) and the definitions for the different valency alternations. On the other hand, the Distributed Morphology development from Generative Grammar (Halle & Marantz, 1993) allowed for a transparent approach towards the relation between morphology and syntax, contributing to a better understanding of the structural environments involved in the syncretism. The phenomenon is considered a case of superaplication of anaphors, in Heinat\'s (2006) sense, in the syntactic structure. This superaplication is only possible given some conditions, being the main one the Morphological Dependency of the syncretic marking. This dependency is derived either during syntactic derivation or after the insertion of phonological content, as told by the Distributed Morphology\'s view on the Architecture of Grammar. The different distributions shown by the syncretism across languages can be explained by both syntactic properties of the language and the moments described above, when the anaphor becomes morphological dependent, which also helps differentiating clitics/weak pronouns from affixes.

Mario Pereira de Souza Lima: uma etapa de consolidação do pensamento gramatical brasileiro anterior à NGB / Mario Pereira de Souza Lima: a stage of consolidation of thought before the Brazilian grammar NGB

Jorge Máximo de Souza 31 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho, estruturado em três capítulos, é uma análise crítica da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa de Mario Pereira de Souza Lima, publicada em 1937, pela Companhia Editora Nacional, em sua Bibliotheca Pedagógica Brasileira, Serie 2 Livros Didacticos Vol. 70, somente reeditada, em 1945, pela Livraria José Olympio Editora, sob o título de Gramática Portuguêsa. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se a contextualização histórica do surgimento da Grammatica Expositiva, com a apresentação de seus antecedentes e as correspondentes referências às linhas do pensamento gramatical e do pensamento pedagógico que norteavam as publicações dos compêndios didáticos de estudos gramaticais. Mostra-se a filiação teórica da obra compulsada, no segundo capítulo, no qual se examinam as influências incidentes sobre os procedimentos de interpretação adotados por Mario Pereira. A análise da estrutura da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa é feita, criticamente, no terceiro capítulo, com o intuito de aferir o caráter inovador da abordagem que efetua dos conteúdos gramaticais, explicitando-se as suas peculiaridades, quando confrontada com duas outras obras coexistentes: a Grammatica Expositiva (Curso Superior) de Eduardo Carlos Pereira e a Grammatica Secundaria de Manuel Said Ali, a partir dos critérios de conceituação dos fatos e categorias gramaticais, em especial as classes de palavras e as funções sintáticas. Quanto aos fins pedagógicos e ao perfil do corpus, caracteriza-se a obra, através do exame do conceito de uso padrão adotado, majoritariamente literário, com indícios, entretanto, de preocupação com a variação da língua, com alguns indicadores das diferenças entre o uso brasileiro e o português. Selecionam-se, também, temas acompanhados de comentários, com destaque para o novo, para o descritivamente mais consistente. Em conclusão, é assinalada a singularidade da obra, no contexto dos estudos gramaticais realizados, na época de sua publicação, tendo em vista a sua abordagem inovadora, particularmente, no que se refere à perspectiva morfossintática de exame pela qual se inicia / This work, divided into three chapters, is a critical analysis of Mario Pereira de Souza Limas Grammatica Expositiva da LÃngua Portuguesa (Portuguese Languages Expository Grammar), published in 1937 by Companhia Editora Nacional, as part of its Brazilian pedagogic Library (2nd Series - Textbooks 70th vol.), only reissued in 1945 by Livraria José Olympio Editora, under the title of Gramática Portuguesa. In the first chapter, the historical context around the emergence of the Grammatica Expositiva is recalled through the presentation of its background and corresponding references to the lines of grammatical and pedagogical thought which guided the publication of grammatical textbooks. The theoretical affiliation of the examined work is shown in the second chapter, where the influences on interpretation procedures adopted by Souza Lima are studied. Analysis of the structure of Grammatica Expositiva is made in a critical way in the third chapter, in order to assess the innovative character of the approach it makes on grammatical contents, its peculiarities being shown when confronted with two co-existing works: The Grammatica Expositiva by Carlos Eduardo Pereira and the Grammatica Secundaria by Said Ali, from facts and grammatical categories conceptualization criteria, in particular parts of speech and syntactic functions. As for educational aims and corpus profile, Souza Limas grammar is characterized by examination of the concept of standard use adopted, mainly literary, with evidence, however, of concerns with language variation, with some indications of differences between Brazilian and Portuguese use. Also in this chapter, subjects accompanied by comments, especially to the new, to the descriptively more consistent, are selected. In conclusion, Souza Limas work uniqueness in the context of grammatical studies carried on at the time of its publication is signaled, due to its innovative approach, particularly with regard to the examinations morphosyntactic perspective through which it begins

Aspectos morfossintáticos dos pronomes pessoais em anaan / Morphosyntactic aspects of the personal pronouns in Anaang language

Cristiane Benjamim Santos 07 August 2007 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresentam-se aspectos morfossintáticos dos pronomes pessoais em anaan, uma língua nigero-congolesa, pertencente ao grupo ibom, falada pelo povo anaan - um grupo étnico homogêneo, com cerca de 1 milhão de pessoas, localizado ao norte do Estado de Akwa Ibom, Nigéria. Trata-se de uma língua em fase inicial de investigação lingüística - os poucos trabalhos de referência em anaan são de ordem fonético/fonológica, sem análises morfossintáticas atestadas até então. O trabalho, inserido em uma abordagem de estudos tipológicos, visa à descrição e análise dos pronomes pessoais livres e dos marcadores pronominais da língua anaan. Apresentam-se, ainda, aspectos da morfossintaxe relacionados ao sistema pronominal: (i) as classes de palavras nome e verbo, (ii) a estrutura do sintagma nominal com ênfase nas construções genitivas e (iii) alguns aspectos sobre a ordem da língua. Quanto aos pronomes livres, propõe-se que anaan possui formas distintas para a posição de sujeito e de objeto, sendo que os pronomes que ocupam a posição de sujeito constituem o modificador das construções genitivas na língua. Neste estudo investiga-se também a natureza funcional dos marcadores pronominais e o traço de referencialidade dos pronomes. / In this dissertation I present the morphosyntax aspects of the personal pronouns in Anaang, a Niger-Congo language, belonging to the Ibom group, spoken by the Anaang people. Anaang is a homogeneous ethnic group, with approximately 1 million people, located in the north of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. The Anaang language is the beginning of its linguistic investigation - there are a few reference studies about the phonetics and phonology in Anaang, and no morphosyntactic studies verified up to the moment. This work, inserted in a typological approach, aims at the description and the analysis of the free personal pronouns in the Anaang language. And also presenting aspects of the morphosyntax that are related to the pronominal system: (i) the word classes noun and verb, (ii) the structure of the noun phrase focusing on the genitive constructions, and (iii) some aspects of the order in that language. Considering the free pronouns, I propose that Anaang has different forms for the object and subject positions, and that the pronouns that take the subject position constitute the modifier of the genitive constructions in the language. In this research, the functional nature of the pronominal markers and the referential features of the pronouns are also been investigated.

O sincretismo passivo-reflexivo: um estudo translinguístico / The passive-reflexive syncretism: a crosslinguistic study.

João Paulo Lazzarini Cyrino 25 August 2015 (has links)
Por sincretismo passivo-reflexivo pode-se compreender a ocorrência de uma mesma marca morfológica em construções reflexivas, passivas e anticausativas. O fenômeno, bastante comum entre as línguas, tem sido tratado pela Teoria Gerativa, principalmente, de duas formas diferentes: por um lado, diz-se que o sincretismo passivo-reflexivo é consequência de uma propriedade sintática em comum compartilhada pelos contextos de inserção e, por outro, que - na verdade - os contextos em que o morfema se insere compartilham de uma mesma representação semântica. Do que se tem visto, ambas as formas de abordar o fenômeno são problemáticas: as explicações que fornecem, além de apresentarem alguns problemas teóricos, não se aplicam a tantas línguas quanto o esperado. Essas abordagens também tem levado pouco em conta importantes observações da linguística comparativa, que vem lidando com fenômenos dessa natureza desde o final dos anos 60. Esta tese investiga o sincretismo em questão em um grupo abrangente de línguas e une suas observações com conclusões da tipologia linguística e teoria gerativa, buscando desvendar duas questões, fundamentalmente: (i) por que o fenômeno é tão comum entre as línguas e (ii) qual o estatuto da marca compartilhada. Essas perguntas puderam ser respondidas levando em conta contribuições clássicas da linguística como a primeira definição de verbos anticausativos (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) e o estudo dos tipos de alternâncias de valência. Por outro lado, o modelo da Morfologia Distribuída (Halle & Marantz, 1993), desenvolvimento recente da Teoria Gerativa, possibilitou uma abordagem mais transparente da relação entre morfologia e sintaxe, permitindo melhor compreensão dos ambientes estruturais em que ocorre o sincretismo. O fenômeno é considerado um caso de sobreaplicação de anáforas, no sentido de Heinat (2006), na estrutura sintática. Essa sobreaplicação só é possível dadas algumas condições, sendo a principal delas a dependência morfológica da marca sincrética. Essa dependência morfológica é derivada ou durante a derivação sintática, ou após a inserção de material fonológico, conforme prevê a Morfologia Distribuída. As diferentes distribuições que o sincretismo apresenta entre as línguas podem ser explicadas por propriedades sintáticas da língua, assim como pelo momento da derivação em que a anáfora torna-se morfologicamente dependente, o que também diferencia clíticos/pronomes fracos de afixos. / The Passive-Reflexive Syncretism is a term describing the sharing of the same morphological marking in Reflexive, Passive and Anticausative Constructions. The phenomenon is widely seen across languages and Works within the Generative Framework have been attempting to account to it in basically two ways: (i) by understanding the syncretism as a consequence of a common syntactical property among the contexts sharing the morpheme or (ii) by understanding it as a consequence of a common semantic representation among these contexts. It is shown that both approaches are problematic in theoretical and empirical means. Besides this, they have not been taking into account important insights from comparative linguistics, which has been dealing with these phenomena since the end of the 60\'s. The present thesis investigates the syncretism in depth, taking into account a significant number of languages and linking its observations with contributions from Linguistic Typology and Generative Theory, in an attempt to address two fundamental questions: (i) Why this syncretism is so common across languages? (ii) What is the status of the shared marking. These questions could be answered by taking into account classical definitions in linguistics, such as the first definition of anticausative verbs (Nedjalkov & Silnickij, 1969) and the definitions for the different valency alternations. On the other hand, the Distributed Morphology development from Generative Grammar (Halle & Marantz, 1993) allowed for a transparent approach towards the relation between morphology and syntax, contributing to a better understanding of the structural environments involved in the syncretism. The phenomenon is considered a case of superaplication of anaphors, in Heinat\'s (2006) sense, in the syntactic structure. This superaplication is only possible given some conditions, being the main one the Morphological Dependency of the syncretic marking. This dependency is derived either during syntactic derivation or after the insertion of phonological content, as told by the Distributed Morphology\'s view on the Architecture of Grammar. The different distributions shown by the syncretism across languages can be explained by both syntactic properties of the language and the moments described above, when the anaphor becomes morphological dependent, which also helps differentiating clitics/weak pronouns from affixes.

Variations non standard dans les écrits épistolaires de soldats de l'armée confédérée de l'état de Virginie / Study of non-standard variations in the epistolary writings of Confederate soldiers from Virginia

Le Corre, Gaëlle 16 November 2015 (has links)
Durant la guerre de Sécession (1861-1865), des milliers de soldats, de chaque côté du front, prirent leur plume afin de s'enquérir de leur famille et de donner des nouvelles du front. Généralement peu lettrés, la plupart de ces soldats ne maîtrisaient que très partiellement les codes de l'écrit. Le corpus sur lequel se base la présente recherche doctorale se compose de 366 lettres (soit environ 170 000 mots) rédigées par 80 soldats de première et deuxième classes originaires de Virginie. L'orthographe idiosyncratique et approximative de leurs écrits ainsi que les nombreuses variations morphosyntaxiques non standard permettent de mieux saisir ce que pouvait être le vernaculaire des locuteurs blancs issus des couches les plus basses de la société virginienne durant la première moitié du XIXe siècle.Selon Guy Bailey (1997), certaines caractéristiques du vernaculaire du Sud des Etats-Unis (Southern American English) seraient apparues après la guerre de Sécession et seraient le fruit d'une réaction identitaire face à la domination du Nord et à l'humiliation causée par la défaite. Les variations non standard répertoriées dans le Virginia Civil War Corpus nous invitent à nuancer cette assertion. Malgré une orthographe phonétique et l'emploi de nombreuses variations morphosyntaxiques et lexicales non standard, leurs écrits révèlent la tension constante entre le registre paritaire et disparitaire. Cette perpétuelle oscillation est-elle le fruit d'un conflit interne entre différents modèles linguistiques ou est-elle, au contraire, le signe d'opérations énonciatives spécifiques ? / Throughout the Civil War (1861-1865), thousands of low ranking soldiers on both sides of the conflict took up their pens to inquire after their families and give news from the front. Usually semiliterate, most of these soldiers were far from mastering written conventions. The 170,000-word corpus, on which this thesis is based, is composed of 366 letters written by 80 privates, corporals and sergeants from Virginia. Their idiosyncratic and ingenuous spellings as well as their use of non-standard morphosyntactic variations offer a great opportunity to gain further insight into the vernacular spoken by white lower-class people in Virginia around the middle of the 19th century.According to Guy Bailey (1997), certain specificities of the Southern American Vernacular English (SAVE) appeared after the Civil War, as a reaction against Northern domination and the humiliation caused by the defeat. The non standard variations found in the Virginia Civil War Corpus tend to question this hypothesis and reveal that most of the features, that are today associated with SAVE, were already present in low ranking soldiers' writings.Despite the phonetic spelling and the use of non-standard grammatical and lexical forms, the letters reveal that the soldiers were fully aware that their vernacular speech was not in line with academic conventions. We thus observe a constant tension between the academic prescriptive norm and non-standard variations. We may wonder if this constant oscillation is only triggered by an internal conflict between different linguistic models or if, on the contrary, the presence of these dialectal variations must be understood as signs of specific enunciative operations.

Acquisition of auxiliary and copula BE in young English-speaking children

Guo, Ling-Yu 01 December 2009 (has links)
This study tested the unique checking constraint hypothesis and the usage-based account concerning why young children produced tense and agreement morphemes variably via three experiments. Experiment 1 investigated whether subject types influenced the production accuracy of auxiliary 'is' in three-year-olds through an elicited production task. The rate of use of auxiliary 'is' increased as children's tense productivity increased, but the pattern was different for each subject type. The rate of use increased more rapidly with tense productivity for lexical NP subjects than it did for pronominal subjects. Experiment 2 further examined the role of subject types, predicate types, and predicate word frequency on the use of copula 'is' in three-year-olds via an elicited production task. Overall, the production accuracy of copula 'is' was higher with nominal predicates than with permanent- or temporary-adjectival predicates, followed by locative predicates. Children also produced copula 'is' more accurately with low-frequency predicate words than with high-frequency predicate words. Moreover, the effect of subject types on the use of copula 'is' varied with children's tense productivity. For sentences with nominal, permanent-adjectival, or temporary-adjectival predicates, children with lower tense productivity used copula 'is' more accurately with lexical subjects than with pronominal subjects in. In contrast, children with higher tense productivity produced copula 'is' more accurately with pronominal subjects than with lexical subjects. Experiment 3 extended Experiment 1 by exploring the degree of abstractness of representations of auxiliary BE via a structural priming task. The production accuracy of auxiliary 'is' in three-year-olds increased above the baseline when the prime-target pair shared the same structure and subject + auxiliary 'is' combinations, but not when the prime-target pair only shared the same structure. However, the production accuracy of auxiliary 'are' did not change with prime types. These experiments suggest that young children have only lexically-specific representations of auxiliary BE. Frequency, rather than structural properties, of sentence elements influenced the production accuracy of auxiliary and copula 'is' in young children. These findings support the usage-based approach that young children use tense and agreement morphemes variably because they have not yet learned adult-like abstract representations and use highly frequent/ lexically-specific constructions for the production of these morphemes.

Acquisition of English morphosyntax : evidence from a Chinese-speaking child

Wei, Yuyan 24 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine the development of morphosyntax with longitudinal English production from Diany, a Mandarin-speaking child, starting from the second week Diany arrived in the U.S.A. (age 4;9). The study is particularly interested in whether Diany’s acquisition of verbal morphemes and verb movement supports relevant hypotheses in the literature. In generative linguistics, there are two important lines of interests in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) that address the “long-standing debate on the nature of syntactic representation in SLA” (Haznedar & Gavruseva, 2008:5). One line examines the relationship between morphological development and syntactic representations, namely, whether absence of surface morphology entails absence of the syntactic representation. A recently influential proposal is that there is dissociation between overt morphology and abstract syntax, as suggested by the Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis (MSIH) (Lardeire, 1998a, 1998b, 2007; Haznedar & Schwartz, 1997; Prevost & White, 2000). The second important line, more relevant to child L2 research, focuses on the comparison of child L2 (cL2) acquisition with child first language (cL1) and adult L2 (aL2) acquisition in the domains of morphology and syntax. On the observation that attainment in cL2 is superior to aL2, Schwartz (1992, 2003a, 2003b, 2004) proposes the “Domain by Age Model (DAM)” , arguing that in the realm of syntax, cL2 acquisition is (more)like aL2 acquisition, but that in the realm of inflectional morphology, cL2 is (more) like L1 acquisition (2003a, p.47). With regard to the first line of interest, whether there is a relationship between the acquisition of morphology and syntax, the data from our subject show that the development of the two domains is independent of each other. The morphemes and verb raising are acquired at their own paces, supporting the MSIH. The comparison of Diany’s morphosyntactic development with L1 children and adult L2 learners whose native language is Chinese suggests that Diany’s English morphological development is more similar to that of adult SLA holding the same L1, and the verb raising in negative utterances and questions is parallel with both L1 children and L2 adults. This is inconsistent with the DAM which proposes that L2 children assemble L1 children in morpheme acquisition, but are similar to L2 adults in syntactic development. In the thesis, we also argue for the presence of L1 influence and age effect in the Mandarin-speaking child’s L2 English. / Access to thesis permanently restricted to Ball State community only / Department of English

A Grammar of Kuuk Thaayorre

Gaby, Alice Rose Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is a comprehensive description of Kuuk Thaayorre, a Paman language spoken on the west coast of Cape York Peninsula, Australia. On the basis of elicited data, narrative and semi-spontaneous conversation recorded between 2002 and 2005, this grammar details the phonetics and phonology, morphosyntax, lexical and constructional semantics and pragmatics of one of the few indigenous Australian languages still used as a primary means of communication. Kuuk Thaayorre possesses features of typological interest at each of these levels. At the phonological level, Kuuk Thaayorre possesses a particularly rich vowel inventory from an Australian perspective, with five distinct vowel qualities and two contrastive lengths producing ten vowel phonemes. It is in the phonotactic combination of sounds that Kuuk Thaayorre phonology is particularly noteworthy, however. Kuuk Thaayorre’s tendency towards closed syllables (with codas containing up to three consonants) frequently leads to consonant clusters of as many as four segments. Kuuk Thaayorre is also cross-linguistically unusual in allowing sequences of its two rhotics (an alveolar tap/trill and retroflex continuant) within the syllable – either as a complex coda or as onset plus syllabic rhotic. Finally, monosyllables are ubiquitous across all Thaayorre word classes, despite being generally rare in Australian languages.

Mario Pereira de Souza Lima: uma etapa de consolidação do pensamento gramatical brasileiro anterior à NGB / Mario Pereira de Souza Lima: a stage of consolidation of thought before the Brazilian grammar NGB

Jorge Máximo de Souza 31 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho, estruturado em três capítulos, é uma análise crítica da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa de Mario Pereira de Souza Lima, publicada em 1937, pela Companhia Editora Nacional, em sua Bibliotheca Pedagógica Brasileira, Serie 2 Livros Didacticos Vol. 70, somente reeditada, em 1945, pela Livraria José Olympio Editora, sob o título de Gramática Portuguêsa. No primeiro capítulo, faz-se a contextualização histórica do surgimento da Grammatica Expositiva, com a apresentação de seus antecedentes e as correspondentes referências às linhas do pensamento gramatical e do pensamento pedagógico que norteavam as publicações dos compêndios didáticos de estudos gramaticais. Mostra-se a filiação teórica da obra compulsada, no segundo capítulo, no qual se examinam as influências incidentes sobre os procedimentos de interpretação adotados por Mario Pereira. A análise da estrutura da Grammatica Expositiva da Língua Portuguesa é feita, criticamente, no terceiro capítulo, com o intuito de aferir o caráter inovador da abordagem que efetua dos conteúdos gramaticais, explicitando-se as suas peculiaridades, quando confrontada com duas outras obras coexistentes: a Grammatica Expositiva (Curso Superior) de Eduardo Carlos Pereira e a Grammatica Secundaria de Manuel Said Ali, a partir dos critérios de conceituação dos fatos e categorias gramaticais, em especial as classes de palavras e as funções sintáticas. Quanto aos fins pedagógicos e ao perfil do corpus, caracteriza-se a obra, através do exame do conceito de uso padrão adotado, majoritariamente literário, com indícios, entretanto, de preocupação com a variação da língua, com alguns indicadores das diferenças entre o uso brasileiro e o português. Selecionam-se, também, temas acompanhados de comentários, com destaque para o novo, para o descritivamente mais consistente. Em conclusão, é assinalada a singularidade da obra, no contexto dos estudos gramaticais realizados, na época de sua publicação, tendo em vista a sua abordagem inovadora, particularmente, no que se refere à perspectiva morfossintática de exame pela qual se inicia / This work, divided into three chapters, is a critical analysis of Mario Pereira de Souza Limas Grammatica Expositiva da LÃngua Portuguesa (Portuguese Languages Expository Grammar), published in 1937 by Companhia Editora Nacional, as part of its Brazilian pedagogic Library (2nd Series - Textbooks 70th vol.), only reissued in 1945 by Livraria José Olympio Editora, under the title of Gramática Portuguesa. In the first chapter, the historical context around the emergence of the Grammatica Expositiva is recalled through the presentation of its background and corresponding references to the lines of grammatical and pedagogical thought which guided the publication of grammatical textbooks. The theoretical affiliation of the examined work is shown in the second chapter, where the influences on interpretation procedures adopted by Souza Lima are studied. Analysis of the structure of Grammatica Expositiva is made in a critical way in the third chapter, in order to assess the innovative character of the approach it makes on grammatical contents, its peculiarities being shown when confronted with two co-existing works: The Grammatica Expositiva by Carlos Eduardo Pereira and the Grammatica Secundaria by Said Ali, from facts and grammatical categories conceptualization criteria, in particular parts of speech and syntactic functions. As for educational aims and corpus profile, Souza Limas grammar is characterized by examination of the concept of standard use adopted, mainly literary, with evidence, however, of concerns with language variation, with some indications of differences between Brazilian and Portuguese use. Also in this chapter, subjects accompanied by comments, especially to the new, to the descriptively more consistent, are selected. In conclusion, Souza Limas work uniqueness in the context of grammatical studies carried on at the time of its publication is signaled, due to its innovative approach, particularly with regard to the examinations morphosyntactic perspective through which it begins

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