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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Time series analysis of repo rates and mortgagecaps eect on house price index / Tidsserieanalys av reporantans ochbolanetakets eekt pafastighetsprisindex

Stockel, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Price trends on the Swedish housing market has risen sharply in recent decades and is at the moment up to the highest price level ever. The sharp price movements have opened up for discussion about a possible housing bubble. To prevent this the Riksbank can change the repo rate, which in turn aects the lenders' lending rates. Finansinspektionen introduced in autumn 2010, a mortgage cap which means that the house will be mortgaged to a maximum of 85 percent of its market value. The purpose of this was to cool the housing market and prevent the unsustainable development of household debt. The purpose of this study is to examine in particular the repo rates and the mortgage caps eect on house prices in Sweden. Although other variables that aect supply and demand in the housing market from a macroeconomic perspective will be included in the model, such as GDP, unemployment and the nancial crisis of 2008. This study has been done by using a quantitative analysis, consisting of time series analysis. The results conrm all the investigated variables expected impact on house prices. As for the repo rate and the mortgage cap the results showed that these have a negative eect on house prices in Sweden. / Prisutvecklingen pa den Svenska bostadsmarknaden har stigit kraftigt under de senaste decennierna och ar just nu uppe i den hogsta prisnivan nagonsin. Den kraftiga prisutvecklingen har oppnat for diskussion om en eventuell bostadsbubbla. For att motverka detta kan Riksbanken andra reporantan som i sin tur paverkar kreditgivarnas utlaningsranta. Finansinspektionen inforde under hosten 2010 ett bolanetak som innebar att bostaden hogst ska belanas till 85 procent av marknadsvardet. Detta for att kyla bostadsmarknaden och motverka den ohallbara utvecklingen av hushallens skuldsattning. Syftet med denna studie ar att framforallt undersoka reporantans och bolanetakets eekt pa smahuspriser i Sverige. Aven andra variabler som paverkar utbudet och efterfragan pa bostadsmarknaden ur ett makroekonomiskt perspektiv kommer att inga i modellen, till exempel BNP, arbetsloshet och nanskrisen 2008. Detta genomfors med hjalp av en kvantitativ analys, bestaende av tidsserieanalys. Resultatet bekraftar alla undersokta variablers vantade eekter pa smahuspriser. Vad galler reporantan och bolanetaket sa visade resultatet pa att dessa har negativ eekt pa smahuspriser i Sverige.

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