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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení motorické výkonnosti požárních sportovců / Evaluation of a fire sportsmen's motor productivity

Šubrtová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of a fire sportsmen's motor productivity Objectives: The aim of this work was to find out a motor performance of youngsters fire sportsmen who took a part in The Czech Republic championship of fire sport in 2015, and to verify whether the teams whose members have better general motor quality had also better special productivity and whether they take front place of the competition. Methods: In my diploma thesis I applied a monitoring and a testing method. Motor tests were applied on chosen teams from all over the Czech Republic that took a part in The Czech Republic championship. These were teams of youngsters of voluntary fire brigades from Kamenec u Poličky, Jablonec nad Jizerou, Bludov, Oznice, Michálkovice, Žebnice, Kostomlátky and Kvasiny. The testing involved female teams of youngsters from Kamenec u Poličky, Střezimíř, Horní Lánov, Těškovice, Jarcová and Bozkov. By means of motor tests the preconditions of chosen teams were detected. I chose four tests - a 50m running, a shuttle running 4x10m, a long jump from a spot and a stamina in a pull-up. Results: On the ground of data that I gained and the following analysis i tis obvious that the success in the fire sport does not depend only on motoric preconditions but also on other sections of the training. In particular motor...

Ověření testové baterie motorických předpokladů pro tenis / Verification of test battery of motoric assumptions for tennis

Křelina, Vladimír January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on testing the motoric assumptions of junior category tennis players in certain sport games. The aim of this thesis is to compare the results of the motoric test regarding to three tennis players of various performance levels in chosen sport games. Thus define the substantive significance and specificity of each test towards tennis. The assumptions in the theoretical part are based on my Bachelor thesis. In said thesis I am dealing with the characteristics of tennis, the structure of sport performance, the factors which determine the sport efficiency in tennis and most importantly on physical condition. The theoretical part is also widened by newly acquired knowledge. In the result part, based on the comparison of the three tennis players of different performance levels, the substantive significance of the test in tennis was stated. Subsequently we present the results of our test subjects in selected sport games. Using the comparative analysis the differences of motoric assumptions in various sport games are stated. In conclusion the specificity of each test for tennis is evaluated. We confirmed the substantive significance for all the test besides the standing long jump test. The specificity was confirmed for hexagon, spider and the test of endurance suited for tennis. The...

Zjištění vztahu mezi základními motorickými dovednostmi a speciálními herními dovednostmi u hráčů fotbalu (9-10 let) / Finding the relationship between fundamental motor skills and special game skills at football players (9-10 years)

Cintler, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Title: Finding the relationship between fundamental motor skills and special game skills of football players (9 - 10 years) Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to find out the correlation between fundamental motor skills and special game skills of football players in the category U10 and U11. Methods: The method of observation - measurement was used in this thesis. The researched group consisted of 26 players in the categories U10 and U11 (average age 10.4 ± 0.7 years) from the football club SK Střešovice 1911. The level of fundamental motor skills was assessed by using TGMD-2. Level of specific game skills in football was detected by following tests: slalom, pass in running and accuracy of shooting. Results: Significant relationship was found (r = 0.48, p < 0.05) between the level of basic motor skill and special game skills in football. The results proved, that the level of specific game skills was significantly influenced by manipulation skills (r = 0.53; p < 0.001) compared to locomotion skills (r = 0.40; p < 0.05). In motor level testing was found that 61 % (n = 16) of players have a below average level of funadamental motor skills. According to the results of this thesis there was not proven statistically significant relationship between the observed age categories U10 and U11 at the level...

Využití vícerozměrného škálování a motorických testů pro hodnocení a výběr vojáků do kurzů boje zblízka / Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combat

Vágner, Michal January 2011 (has links)
TTiittllee:: Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combat TThhee aaiimm ooff wwoorrkk:: The work deals with the structure scale for evaluation of close combat techniques and the selection of predictors, which will improve the quality of the identification of soldiers with conditions for the successful solution of model situations using the techniques of close combat. MMeetthhoodd:: In the beginning of the study is constructed a scale of criterion variable for evaluating techniques of close combat. The construction of scale was used the model of multidimensional scaling. The data was obtained from eight Czech Army experts of close combat. The scale was verified by generalized and weighted Kappa coefficient. By the kinetic tests was tested the group of 157 professional soldiers from different units. The soldiers were old between 20 and 32. Besides kinetic tests were in the study included the previous experiences with fight activities. To selection of the kinetic tests was used the model of linear regression. The evaluation of predictive power of kinetic tests was made by individual cohorts in prediction cycle. RReessuullttss:: In first part of the study was created scale of criterion variable which contain three...

Návrh a ověření tréninku sprintera / Design and verification of training sprinter

TŮMA, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is the design of a training program for sprinters and verification of the training by physical metrics. Experiment is method, which was used in this work. The experimental and testing period lasted from February to June 2013. In the theoretical part, we present the history of sprinting, the various sprinting disciplines, the means of energy supply for sprinting performance and training for the various disciplines. In the practical part, we deal with development of the training plan and evaluation of this plan. Analysis of the results then confirms the hypothesis. There have been improvements in tests of speed, power, reflexes and endurance following the training program. Training plan was successfully authenticated.

Vliv sportovní gymnastiky na rozvoj pohybových schopností a dovedností dětí mladšího školního věku\\ / The influence of sports gymnastics on development of motor abilities and skills of young school-age children\\

HÁLOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The main point of this master´s thesis is the comparison of motor abilities by children who have been actively dedicated to sport gymnastics for at least four years and by those who have been involved in no sporting activity at all. On the basis of the results of motor tests and statistics calculations it was determined whether the sport gymnastics provides young school-age children with a particular impact on their motor abilities. That was even the aim of the whole study. The master´s thesis contains a list of twelve chosen motor tests that were carried out with children.

Změny motorické výkonnosti adolescentních a dospělých fotbalistů výkonností úrovně v průběhu zimního přípravného období. / Changes in motor performance of competition level adolescent and adult football players during winter training period.

Frčka, Michal January 2018 (has links)
Title: Changes in motor performance of competition level adolescent and adult football players during winter training period. Objectives: The objective of this thesis is to confirm the efficacy of winter training on changes of motor performance by measuring and comparing topical condition of the players with the help of initial and final somatic and fitness parameters diagnostics of two football teams (adult men and adolescents) that compete in football competitions at similar amateur level and by comparing the achieved results. Methods: The methods used were measuring, comparison and data analysis. The assessment of motor performance of individual players was based on the series of tests UNIFITTEST 6-60 that was complemented with tests of specific football skills: long distance kick and heavy ball throw. Results: The conclusion is that during the winter training period that took 8 weeks included 16 training sessions and several training matches, the proposed training plan affected positively the motor performance of the tested players. The most substantial advance was recorded in 2 km run and long distance kick tests in which 96% of players significantly improved. The Bílé Podolí players improved their run time by 27 seconds on average and the Vrdy players improved by 21 seconds on average. In the...

Porovnání úrovně pohybových schopností a basketbalových dovedností dívek v pražských i mimopražských basketbalových přípravkách / Comparing levels of physical ability and basketball skills of girls in Prague and outsider of Prague

Tesaříková, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis comparing the level of physical abilities and basketball skills of girls in basketball and basketball outfits in Prague and abroad outlines a short history of both world and Czech basketball, the current organization of basketball in the Czech Republic, age specificities of children aged 11, stage of sports training in basketball, Ability. The practical part deals with the question of the level of motor skills of girls at the age of 11, the question of the level of basketball skills of girls at the age of 11 in basketball preparations in Prague and out-of-basket basketball preparations. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine whether the level of physical fitness of Prague and non-Prague basketball products is the same and whether the level of basketball skills of out-of-basket basketball products is lower than that of basketball products in Prague. All measured values are analyzed using mathematical-statistical methods. I used the UNIFITTEST test battery to test my physical abilities. Based on measured results, I compiled tables and charts. The results confirm that MBP and PBP's abilities are identical and that the level of basketball skills is slightly higher for MBP than for MBP. KEYWORDS Physical skills, basketball skills, basketball history, basketball organization...

Testování motorických kompetencí žáků 6. tříd ZŠ pomocí testu MOBAK / Testing of motor competence of pupils in 6. form in basic schools through test MOBAK

Malý, Matěj January 2021 (has links)
Title: Testing of motor competencies of 6th grade elementary school students using the MOBAK test Objectives: The aim of this work was to analyze the level of motor competencies of 6th graders using a MOBAK 5-6 test battery. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the aim was to identify shortcomings and suggest the possibility of positive influence in school practice. At the same time, the aim was to verify the suitability of this test battery in school physical education. Methods: The research group consisted of a total of 144 students in the 6th grade of primary school (81 boys and 63 girls). Test results were obtained using 8 MOBAK motor tests (category 5-6). The first 4 tests form the category Movement with an object and the next 4 tests form the category Self-movement. The test results themselves were supplemented by data obtained by the method of questioning. Students' parents filled in questionnaires about their children's sports activities. Students were divided into groups according to gender, leisure activities and sports activities with their parents, and within this division their results were compared. Results: The whole research group achieved average and similar results in both categories (Movement with an object and Self-movement). Boys achieved slightly better results in...

Verbální projevy studentů UK FTVS v roli učitele v rámci předmětu Teorie a základy didaktiky plavání / Verbal expressions of students UK FTVS in the role of teacher within the subject Theory and Basic of Swimming Didactis

Caletková, Romana January 2018 (has links)
Title: Verbal expressions of students UK FTVS in the role of teacher within the subject Theory and Basics of Swimming Didactics Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the verbal level of students of 2nd year of UK FTVS in the role of swimming teacher in the didactic outputs of the subject Theory and Basics of Swimming Didactics through the agency of analysis of the audio recording in duration of 15 minutes. The persons with higher pedagogical practice in swimming lessons were compared with persons with basic swimming education. Methods: The research focused on the analysis of verbal expression of swimming teacher. For data collection we used participating observation and analysis of audio recordings. The transcription method allowed recording the occurrence of the linguistic and paralinguistic aspects of verbal expression. The frequency of phenomena was observed on individual participants and groups of students with different levels of swimming education and practice. Comparisons between groups were performed using average values and expressed as a percentages in graphs. Results: The verbal expressions of the students did not go without serious verbal offences. The filler words were dominant factor, which occurrence was considerable for all participants without irrespective of achieved...

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