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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization and Robustness in Planning and Scheduling Problems. Application to Container Terminals

Rodríguez Molins, Mario 31 March 2015 (has links)
Despite the continuous evolution in computers and information technology, real-world combinatorial optimization problems are NP-problems, in particular in the domain of planning and scheduling. Thus, although exact techniques from the Operations Research (OR) field, such as Linear Programming, could be applied to solve optimization problems, they are difficult to apply in real-world scenarios since they usually require too much computational time, i.e: an optimized solution is required at an affordable computational time. Furthermore, decision makers often face different and typically opposing goals, then resulting multi-objective optimization problems. Therefore, approximate techniques from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field are commonly used to solve the real world problems. The AI techniques provide richer and more flexible representations of real-world (Gomes 2000), and they are widely used to solve these type of problems. AI heuristic techniques do not guarantee the optimal solution, but they provide near-optimal solutions in a reasonable time. These techniques are divided into two broad classes of algorithms: constructive and local search methods (Aarts and Lenstra 2003). They can guide their search processes by means of heuristics or metaheuristics depending on how they escape from local optima (Blum and Roli 2003). Regarding multi-objective optimization problems, the use of AI techniques becomes paramount due to their complexity (Coello Coello 2006). Nowadays, the point of view for planning and scheduling tasks has changed. Due to the fact that real world is uncertain, imprecise and non-deterministic, there might be unknown information, breakdowns, incidences or changes, which become the initial plans or schedules invalid. Thus, there is a new trend to cope these aspects in the optimization techniques, and to seek robust solutions (schedules) (Lambrechts, Demeulemeester, and Herroelen 2008). In this way, these optimization problems become harder since a new objective function (robustness measure) must be taken into account during the solution search. Therefore, the robustness concept is being studied and a general robustness measure has been developed for any scheduling problem (such as Job Shop Problem, Open Shop Problem, Railway Scheduling or Vehicle Routing Problem). To this end, in this thesis, some techniques have been developed to improve the search of optimized and robust solutions in planning and scheduling problems. These techniques offer assistance to decision makers to help in planning and scheduling tasks, determine the consequences of changes, provide support in the resolution of incidents, provide alternative plans, etc. As a case study to evaluate the behaviour of the techniques developed, this thesis focuses on problems related to container terminals. Container terminals generally serve as a transshipment zone between ships and land vehicles (trains or trucks). In (Henesey 2006a), it is shown how this transshipment market has grown rapidly. Container terminals are open systems with three distinguishable areas: the berth area, the storage yard, and the terminal receipt and delivery gate area. Each one presents different planning and scheduling problems to be optimized (Stahlbock and Voß 2008). For example, berth allocation, quay crane assignment, stowage planning, and quay crane scheduling must be managed in the berthing area; the container stacking problem, yard crane scheduling, and horizontal transport operations must be carried out in the yard area; and the hinterland operations must be solved in the landside area. Furthermore, dynamism is also present in container terminals. The tasks of the container terminals take place in an environment susceptible of breakdowns or incidences. For instance, a Quay Crane engine stopped working and needs to be revised, delaying this task one or two hours. Thereby, the robustness concept can be included in the scheduling techniques to take into consideration some incidences and return a set of robust schedules. In this thesis, we have developed a new domain-dependent planner to obtain more effi- cient solutions in the generic problem of reshuffles of containers. Planning heuristics and optimization criteria developed have been evaluated on realistic problems and they are applicable to the general problem of reshuffling in blocks world scenarios. Additionally, we have developed a scheduling model, using constructive metaheuristic techniques on a complex problem that combines sequences of scenarios with different types of resources (Berth Allocation, Quay Crane Assignment, and Container Stacking problems). These problems are usually solved separately and their integration allows more optimized solutions. Moreover, in order to address the impact and changes that arise in dynamic real-world environments, a robustness model has been developed for scheduling tasks. This model has been applied to metaheuristic schemes, which are based on genetic algorithms. The extension of such schemes, incorporating the robustness model developed, allows us to evaluate and obtain more robust solutions. This approach, combined with the classical optimality criterion in scheduling problems, allows us to obtain, in an efficient in way, optimized solution able to withstand a greater degree of incidents that occur in dynamic scenarios. Thus, a proactive approach is applied to the problem that arises with the presence of incidences and changes that occur in typical scheduling problems of a dynamic real world. / Rodríguez Molins, M. (2015). Optimization and Robustness in Planning and Scheduling Problems. Application to Container Terminals [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48545 / TESIS

WSN Routing Schedule Based on Energy-aware Adaptation

Peng, Tingqing January 2020 (has links)
In view of the problem of uneven load distribution and energy consumption among nodes in a multi-hop wireless sensor network, this research constructs the routing schedule problem as a MOP (Multi-objective Optimization Problem), and proposed an energy-aware routing optimization scheme RDSEGA based on multi-objective optimization. In this scheme, in order to avoid the searching space explosion problem caused by the increase of nodes, KSP Yen's algorithm was applied to prune the searching space, and the candidate paths selected after pruning are recoded based on priority. Then adopted the improved strengthen elitist genetic algorithm to get the entire network routing optimization scheme with the best energy efficiency. At the same time, in view of the problem of routing discontinuity in the process of path crossover and mutation, new crossover and mutation method was proposed that based on the gene fragments connected by the adjacent node or the same node to maximize the effectiveness of the evolution result. The experimental results prove that the scheme reduced the energy consumption of nodes in the network, the load between nodes becomes more balanced, and the working time of the network has been prolonged nearly 40% after the optimization. This brings convenience to practical applications, especially for those that are inconvenient to replace nodes.

Efficient design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges based on sustainable multi-objective criteria

García Segura, Tatiana 03 November 2016 (has links)
[EN] Bridges, as an important component of infrastructure, are expected to meet all the requirements for a modern society. Traditionally, the primary aim in bridge design has been to achieve the lowest cost while guaranteeing the structural efficiency. However, concerns regarding building a more sustainable future have change the priorities of society. Ecological and durable structures are increasingly demanded. Under these premises, heuristic optimization methods provide an effective alternative to structural designs based on experience. The emergence of new materials, structural designs and sustainable criteria motivate the need to create a methodology for the automatic and accurate design of a real post-tensioned concrete bridge that considers all these aspects. For the first time, this thesis studies the efficient design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges from a sustainable point of view. This research integrates environmental, safety and durability criteria into the optimum design of the bridge. The methodology proposed provides multiple trade-off solutions that hardly increase the cost and achieve improved safety and durability. Likewise, this approach quantifies the sustainable criteria in economic terms, and evaluates the effect of these criteria on the best values of the variables. In this context, a multi-objective optimization is formulated to provide multiple trade-off and high-performing solutions that balance economic, ecologic and societal goals. An optimization design program selects the best geometry, concrete type, reinforcement and post-tensioning steel that meet the objectives selected. A three-span continuous box-girder road bridge located in a coastal region is selected for a case study. This approach provides vital knowledge about this type of bridge in the sustainable context. The life-cycle perspective has been included through a lifetime performance evaluation that models the bridge deterioration process due to chloride-induced corrosion. The economic, environmental and societal impacts of maintenance actions required to extend the service life are examined. Therefore, the proposed goals for an efficient design have been switch from initial stage to life-cycle consideration. Faced with the large computational time of multi-objective optimization and finite-element analysis, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are integrated in the proposed methodology. ANNs are trained to predict the structural response based on the design variables, without the need to analyze the bridge response. The multi-objective optimization problem results in a set of trade-off solutions characterized by the presence of conflicting objectives. The final selection of preferred solutions is simplified by a decision-making technique. A rational technique converts a verbal pairwise comparison between criteria with a degree of uncertainty into numerical values that guarantee the consistency of judgments. This thesis gives a guide for the sustainable design of concrete structures. The use of the proposed approach leads to designs with lower life-cycle cost and emissions compared to general design approaches. Both bridge safety and durability can be improved with a little cost increment by choosing the correct design variables. In addition, this methodology is applicable to any type of structure and material. / [ES] Los puentes, como parte importante de una infraestructura, se espera que reúnan todos los requisitos de una sociedad moderna. Tradicionalmente, el objetivo principal en el diseño de puentes ha sido lograr el menor coste mientras se garantiza la eficiencia estructural. Sin embargo, la preocupación por construir un futuro más sostenible ha provocado un cambio en las prioridades de la sociedad. Estructuras más ecológicas y duraderas son cada vez más demandadas. Bajo estas premisas, los métodos de optimización heurística proporcionan una alternativa eficaz a los diseños estructurales basados en la experiencia. La aparición de nuevos materiales, diseños estructurales y criterios sostenibles motivan la necesidad de crear una metodología para el diseño automático y preciso de un puente real de hormigón postesado que considere todos estos aspectos. Por primera vez, esta tesis estudia el diseño eficiente de puentes de hormigón postesado con sección en cajón desde un punto de vista sostenible. Esta investigación integra criterios ambientales, de seguridad estructural y durabilidad en el diseño óptimo del puente. La metodología propuesta proporciona múltiples soluciones que apenas encarecen el coste y mejoran la seguridad y durabilidad. Al mismo tiempo, se cuantifica el enfoque sostenible en términos económicos, y se evalúa el efecto que tienen dichos criterios en el valor óptimo de las variables. En este contexto, se formula una optimización multiobjetivo que proporciona soluciones eficientes y de compromiso entre los criterios económicos, ecológicos y sociales. Un programa de optimización del diseño selecciona la mejor combinación de geometría, tipo de hormigón, armadura y postesado que cumpla con los objetivos seleccionados. Se ha escogido como caso de estudio un puente continuo en cajón de tres vanos situado en la costa. Este método proporciona un mayor conocimiento sobre esta tipología de puentes desde un punto de vista sostenible. Se ha estudiado el ciclo de vida a través de la evaluación del deterioro estructural del puente debido al ataque por cloruros. Se examina el impacto económico, ambiental y social que produce el mantenimiento necesario para extender la vida útil del puente. Por lo tanto, los objetivos propuestos para un diseño eficiente han sido trasladados desde la etapa inicial hasta la consideración del ciclo de vida. Para solucionar el problema del elevado tiempo de cálculo debido a la optimización multiobjetivo y el análisis por elementos finitos, se han integrado redes neuronales en la metodología propuesta. Las redes neuronales son entrenadas para predecir la respuesta estructural a partir de las variables de diseño, sin la necesidad de analizar el puente. El problema de optimización multiobjetivo se traduce en un conjunto de soluciones de compromiso que representan objetivos contrapuestos. La selección final de las soluciones preferidas se simplifica mediante una técnica de toma de decisiones. Una técnica estructurada convierte los juicios basados en comparaciones por pares de elementos con un grado de incertidumbre en valores numéricos que garantizan la consistencia de dichos juicios. Esta tesis proporciona una guía que extiende y mejora las recomendaciones sobre el diseño de estructuras de hormigón dentro del contexto de desarrollo sostenible. El uso de la metodología propuesta lleva a diseños con menor coste y emisiones del ciclo de vida, comparado con diseños que siguen metodologías generales. Los resultados demuestran que mediante una correcta elección del valor de las variables se puede mejorar la seguridad y durabilidad del puente con un pequeño incremento del coste. Además, esta metodología es aplicable a cualquier tipo de estructura y material. / [CAT] Els ponts, com a part important d'una infraestructura, s'espera que reunisquen tots els requisits d'una societat moderna. Tradicionalment, l'objectiu principal en el disseny de ponts ha sigut aconseguir el menor cost mentres es garantix l'eficiència estructural. No obstant això, la preocupació per construir un futur més sostenible ha provocat un canvi en les prioritats de la societat. Estructures més ecològiques i durables són cada vegada més demandades. Davall estes premisses, els mètodes d'optimització heurística proporcionen una alternativa eficaç als dissenys estructurals basats en l'experiència. L'aparició de nous materials, dissenys estructurals i criteris sostenibles motiven la necessitat de crear una metodologia per al disseny automàtic i precís d'un pont real de formigó posttesat que considere tots estos aspectos. Per primera vegada, esta tesi estudia el disseny eficient de ponts de formigó posttesat amb secció en calaix des d'un punt de vista sostenible. Esta investigació integra criteris ambientals, de seguretat estructural i durabilitat en el disseny òptim del pont. La metodologia proposada proporciona múltiples solucions que a penes encarixen el cost i milloren la seguretat i durabilitat. Al mateix temps, es quantifica l'enfocament sostenible en termes econòmics, i s'avalua l'efecte que tenen els dits criteris en el valor òptim de les variables. En este context, es formula una optimització multiobjetivo que proporciona solucions eficients i de compromís entre els criteris econòmics, ecològics i socials. Un programa d'optimització del disseny selecciona la millor geometria, tipus de formigó, armadura i posttesat que complisquen amb els objectius seleccionats. S'ha triat com a cas d'estudi un pont continu en calaix de tres vans situat en la costa. Este mètode proporciona un major coneixement sobre esta tipologia de ponts des d'un punt de vista sostenible. S'ha estudiat el cicle de vida a través de l'avaluació del deteriorament estructural del pont a causa de l'atac per clorurs. S'examina l'impacte econòmic, ambiental i social que produïx el manteniment necessari per a estendre la vida útil del pont. Per tant, els objectius proposats per a un disseny eficient han sigut traslladats des de l'etapa inicial fins a la consideració del cicle de vida. Per a solucionar el problema de l'elevat temps de càlcul degut a l'optimització multiobjetivo i l'anàlisi per elements finits, s'han integrat xarxes neuronals en la metodologia proposada. Les xarxes neuronals són entrenades per a predir la resposta estructural a partir de les variables de disseny, sense la necessitat d'analitzar el pont. El problema d'optimització multiobjetivo es traduïx en un conjunt de solucions de compromís que representen objectius contraposats. La selecció final de les solucions preferides se simplifica per mitjà d'una tècnica de presa de decisions. Una tècnica estructurada convertix els juís basats en comparacions per parells d'elements amb un grau d'incertesa en valors numèrics que garantixen la consistència dels dits juís. Esta tesi proporciona una guia que estén i millora les recomanacions sobre el disseny d'estructures de formigó dins del context de desenrotllament sostenible. L'ús de la metodologia proposada porta a dissenys amb menor cost i emissions del cicle de vida, comparat amb dissenys que seguixen metodologies generals. Els resultats demostren que per mitjà d'una correcta elecció del valor de les variables es pot millorar la seguretat i durabilitat del pont amb un xicotet increment del cost. A més, esta metodologia és aplicable a qualsevol tipus d'estructura i material. / García Segura, T. (2016). Efficient design of post-tensioned concrete box-girder road bridges based on sustainable multi-objective criteria [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73147 / TESIS

Modelling and multiobjective optimization for simulation of cyanobacterial metabolism

Siurana Paula, Maria 06 November 2017 (has links)
The present thesis is devoted to the development of models and algorithms to improve metabolic simulations of cyanobacterial metabolism. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria of great biotechnological interest to the development of sustainable bio-based manufacturing processes. For this purpose, it is fundamental to understand metabolic behaviour of these organisms, and constraint-based metabolic modelling techniques offer a platform for analysis and assessment of cell's metabolic functionality. Reliable simulations are needed to enhance the applicability of the results, and this is the main goal of this thesis. This dissertation has been structured in three parts. The first part is devoted to introduce needed fundamentals of the disciplines that are combined in this work: metabolic modelling, cyanobacterial metabolism and multi-objective optimisation. In the second part the reconstruction and update of metabolic models of two cyanobacterial strains is addressed. These models are then used to perform metabolic simulations with the application of the classic Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) methodology. The studies conducted in this part are useful to illustrate the uses and applications of metabolic simulations for the analysis of living organisms. And at the same time they serve to identify important limitations of classic simulation techniques based on mono-objective linear optimisation that motivate the search of new strategies. Finally, in the third part a novel approach is defined based on the application of multi-objective optimisation procedures to metabolic modelling. Main steps in the definition of multi-objective problem and the description of an optimisation algorithm that ensure the applicability of the obtained results, as well as the multi-criteria analysis of the solutions are covered. The resulting tool allows the definition of non-linear objective functions and constraints, as well as the analysis of multiple Pareto-optimal solutions. It avoids some of the main drawbacks of classic methodologies, leading to more flexible simulations and more realistic results. Overall this thesis contributes to the advance in the study of cyanobacterial metabolism by means of definition of models and strategies that improve plasticity and predictive capacities of metabolic simulations. / La presente tesis está dedicada al desarrollo de modelos y algoritmos para mejorar las simulaciones metabólicas de cianobacterias. Las cianobacterias son bacterias fotosintéticas de gran interés biotecnológico para el desarrollo de bioprocesos productivos sostenibles. Para este propósito, es fundamental entender el comportamiento metabólico de estos organismos, y el modelado metabólico basado en restricciones ofrece una plataforma para el análisis y la evaluación de las funcionalidades metabólicas de las células. Se necesitan simulaciones fidedignas para aumentar la aplicabilidad de los resultados, y este es el objetivo principal de esta tesis. Esta disertación se ha estructurado en tres partes. La primera parte está dedicada a introducir los fundamentos necesarios de las disciplinas que se combinan en este trabajo: el modelado metabólico, el metabolismo de cianobacterias, y la optimización multiobjetivo. En la segunda parte, se encara la reconstrucción y la actualización de los modelos metabólicos de dos cepas de cianobacterias. Estos modelos se usan después para llevar a cabo simulaciones metabólicas con la aplicación de la metodología clásica Flux Balance Analysis (FBA). Los estudios realizados en esta parte son útiles para ilustrar los usos y aplicaciones de las simulaciones metabólicas para el análisis de los organismos vivos. Y al mismo tiempo sirven para identificar importantes limitaciones de las técnicas clásicas de simulación basadas en optimización lineal mono-objetivo que motivan la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias. Finalmente, en la tercera parte, se define una nueva aproximación basada en la aplicación al modelado metabólico de procedimientos de optimización multiobjetivo. Se cubren los principales pasos en la definición de un problema multiobjetivo y la descripción de un algoritmo de optimización que aseguren la aplicabilidad de los resultados obtenidos, así como el análisis multi-criterio de las soluciones. La herramienta resultante permite la definición de funciones objetivo y restricciones no lineales, así como el análisis de múltiples soluciones en el sentido de Pareto. Esta herramienta evita algunos de los principales inconvenientes de las metodologías clásicas, lo que lleva a obtener simulaciones más flexibles y resultados más realistas. En conjunto, esta tesis contribuye al avance en el estudio del metabolismo de cianobacterias por medio de la definición de modelos y estrategias que mejoran la plasticidad y las capacidades predictivas de las simulaciones metabólicas. / La present tesi està dedicada al desenvolupament de models i algorismes per a millorar les simulacions metabòliques de cianobacteris. Els cianobacteris són bacteris fotosintètics de gran interés biotecnològic per al desenvolupament de bioprocessos productius sostenibles. Per a aquest propòsit, és fonamental entendre el comportament metabòlic d'aquests organismes, i el modelatge metabòlic basat en restriccions ofereix una plataforma per a l'anàlisi i l'avaluació de les funcionalitats metabòliques de les cèl·lules. Es necessiten simulacions fidedignes per a augmentar l'aplicabilitat dels resultats, i aquest és l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi. Aquesta dissertació s'ha estructurat en tres parts. La primera part està dedicada a introduir els fonaments necessaris de les disciplines que es combinen en aquest treball: el modelatge metabòlic, el metabolisme de cianobacteris i l'optimització multiobjectiu. En la segona part, s'adreça la reconstrucció i l'actualització dels models metabòlics de dos soques de cianobacteris. Aquests models s'empren després per a portar a terme simulacions metabòliques amb l'aplicació de la metodologia clàssica Flux Balance Analysis (FBA). Els estudis realitzats en aquesta part són útils per a il·lustrar els usos i aplicacions de les simulacions metabòliques per a l'anàlisi dels organismes vius. I al mateix temps serveixen per a identificar importants limitacions de les tècniques clàssiques de simulació basades en optimització lineal mono-objectiu que motiven la cerca de noves estratègies. Finalment, en la tercera part, es defineix una nova aproximació basada en l'aplicació al modelatge metabòlic de procediments d'optimització multiobjectiu. Es cobreixen els principals passos en la definició d'un problema multiobjectiu i la descripció d'un algorisme d'optimització que asseguren l'aplicabilitat dels resultats obtinguts, així com l'anàlisi multi-criteri de les solucions. La ferramenta resultant permet la definició de funcions objectiu i restriccions no lineals, així com l'anàlisi de múltiples solucions òptimes en el sentit de Pareto. Aquesta ferramenta evita alguns dels principals inconvenients de les metodologies clàssiques, el que porta a obtenir simulacions més flexibles i resultats més realistes. En conjunt, aquesta tesi contribueix a l'avanç en l'estudi del metabolisme de cianobacteris per mitjà de la definició de models i estratègies que milloren la plasticitat i les capacitats predictives de les simulacions metabòliques. / Siurana Paula, M. (2017). Modelling and multiobjective optimization for simulation of cyanobacterial metabolism [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90578 / TESIS

Vícekriteriální optimalizace elektromagnetických struktur založená na samoorganiující se migraci / Multiobjective optimization of electromagnetic structures based on self-organizing migration

Kadlec, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Práce se zabývá popisem nového stochastického vícekriteriálního optimalizačního algoritmu MOSOMA (Multiobjective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). Je zde ukázáno, že algoritmus je schopen řešit nejrůznější typy optimalizačních úloh (s jakýmkoli počtem kritérií, s i bez omezujících podmínek, se spojitým i diskrétním stavovým prostorem). Výsledky algoritmu jsou srovnány s dalšími běžně používanými metodami pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci na velké sadě testovacích úloh. Uvedli jsme novou techniku pro výpočet metriky rozprostření (spread) založené na hledání minimální kostry grafu (Minimum Spanning Tree) pro problémy mající více než dvě kritéria. Doporučené hodnoty pro parametry řídící běh algoritmu byly určeny na základě výsledků jejich citlivostní analýzy. Algoritmus MOSOMA je dále úspěšně použit pro řešení různých návrhových úloh z oblasti elektromagnetismu (návrh Yagi-Uda antény a dielektrických filtrů, adaptivní řízení vyzařovaného svazku v časové oblasti…).

Conceptual interplanetary space mission design using multi-objective evolutionary optimization and design grammars

Weber, A., Fasoulas, S., Wolf, K. 04 June 2019 (has links)
Conceptual design optimization (CDO) is a technique proposed for the structured evaluation of different design concepts. Design grammars provide a flexible modular modelling architecture. The model is generated by a compiler based on predefined components and rules. The rules describe the composition of the model; thus, different models can be optimized by the CDO in one run. This allows considering a mission design including the mission analysis and the system design. The combination of a CDO approach with a model based on design grammars is shown for the concept study of a near-Earth asteroid mission. The mission objective is to investigate two asteroids of different kinds. The CDO reveals that a mission concept using two identical spacecrafts flying to one target each is better than a mission concept with one spacecraft flying to two asteroids consecutively.

A multiobjective optimization model for optimal placement of solar collectors

Essien, Mmekutmfon Sunday 21 June 2013 (has links)
The aim and objective of this research is to formulate and solve a multi-objective optimization problem for the optimal placement of multiple rows and multiple columns of fixed flat-plate solar collectors in a field. This is to maximize energy collected from the solar collectors and minimize the investment in terms of the field and collector cost. The resulting multi-objective optimization problem will be solved using genetic algorithm techniques. It is necessary to consider multiple columns of collectors as this can result in obtaining higher amounts of energy from these collectors when costs and maintenance or replacement of damaged parts are concerned. The formulation of such a problem is dependent on several factors, which include shading of collectors, inclination of collectors, distance between the collectors, latitude of location and the global solar radiation (direct beam and diffuse components). This leads to a multi-objective optimization problem. These kind of problems arise often in nature and can be difficult to solve. However the use of evolutionary algorithm techniques has proven effective in solving these kind of problems. Optimizing the distance between the collector rows, the distance between the collector columns and the collector inclination angle, can increase the amount of energy collected from a field of solar collectors thereby maximizing profit and improving return on investment. In this research, the multi-objective optimization problem is solved using two optimization approaches based on genetic algorithms. The first approach is the weighted sum approach where the multi-objective problem is simplified into a single objective optimization problem while the second approach is finding the Pareto front. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of the Helsinki District Heating System and Establishing the Basis for Modeling the Finnish Power Network

Hopkins, Scott Dale 24 May 2013 (has links)
Due to an increasing awareness of the importance of sustainable energy use, multi-objective optimization problems for upper-level energy systems are continually being developed and improved. This paper focuses on the modeling and optimization of the Helsinki district heating system and establishing the basis for modeling the Finnish power network. The optimization of the district heating system is conducted for a twenty four hour winter demand period. Partial load behavior of the generators is included by introducing non-linear functions for costs, emissions, and the exergetic efficiency. A fuel cost sensitivity analysis is conducted on the system by considering ten combinations of fuel costs based on high, medium, and low prices for each fuel. The solution sets, called Pareto fronts, are evaluated by post-processing techniques in order to determine the best solution from the optimal set. Because units between some of objective functions are non-commensurable, objective values are normalized and weighted. The results indicate that for today\'s fuel prices the best solution includes a dominating usage of natural gas technologies, while if the price of natural gas is higher than other fuels, natural gas technologies are often not included in the best solution. All of the necessary costs, emissions, and operating information is provided for the the Finnish power network in order to employ a multi-objective optimization on the system. / Master of Science

Multi-Objective Optimization of Plug-In HEV Powertrain Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization

Parkar, Omkar 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / An increase in the awareness of environmental conservation is leading the automotive industry into the adaptation of alternatively fueled vehicles. Electric, Fuel-Cell as well as Hybrid-Electric vehicles focus on this research area with the aim to efficiently utilize vehicle powertrain as the first step. Energy and Power Management System control strategies play a vital role in improving the efficiency of any hybrid propulsion system. However, these control strategies are sensitive to the dynamics of the powertrain components used in the given system. A kinematic mathematical model for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) has been developed in this study and is further optimized by determining optimal power management strategy for minimal fuel consumption as well as NOx emissions while executing a set drive cycle. A multi-objective optimization using weighted sum formulation is needed in order to observe the trade-off between the optimized objectives. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been used in this research, to determine the trade-off curve between fuel and NOx. In performing these optimizations, the control signal consisting of engine speed and reference battery SOC trajectory for a 2-hour cycle is used as the controllable decision parameter input directly from the optimizer. Each element of the control signal was split into 50 distinct points representing the full 2 hours, giving slightly less than 2.5 minutes per point, noting that the values used in the model are interpolated between the points for each time step. With the control signal consisting of 2 distinct signals, speed, and SOC trajectory, as 50 element time-variant signals, a multidimensional problem was formulated for the optimizer. Novel approaches to balance the optimizer exploration and convergence, as well as seeding techniques are suggested to solve the optimal control problem. The optimization of each involved individual runs at 5 different weight levels with the resulting cost populations being compiled together to visually represent with the help of Pareto front development. The obtained results of simulations and optimization are presented involving performances of individual components of the PHEV powertrain as well as the optimized PMS strategy to follow for a given drive cycle. Observations of the trade-off are discussed in the case of Multi-Objective Optimizations.

Dynamic multi-objective optimization for financial markets

Atiah, Frederick Ditliac January 2019 (has links)
The foreign exchange (Forex) market has over 5 trillion USD turnover per day. In addition, it is one of the most volatile and dynamic markets in the world. Market conditions continue to change every second. Algorithmic trading in Financial markets have received a lot of attention in recent years. However, only few literature have explored the applicability and performance of various dynamic multi-objective algorithms (DMOAs) in the Forex market. This dissertation proposes a dynamic multi-swarm multi-objective particle swarm optimization (DMS-MOPSO) to solve dynamic MOPs (DMOPs). In order to explore the performance and applicability of DMS-MOPSO, the algorithm is adapted for the Forex market. This dissertation also explores the performance of di erent variants of dynamic particle swarm optimization (PSO), namely the charge PSO (cPSO) and quantum PSO (qPSO), for the Forex market. However, since the Forex market is not only dynamic but have di erent con icting objectives, a single-objective optimization algorithm (SOA) might not yield pro t over time. For this reason, the Forex market was de ned as a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP). Moreover, maximizing pro t in a nancial time series, like Forex, with computational intelligence (CI) techniques is very challenging. It is even more challenging to make a decision from the solutions of a MOP, like automated Forex trading. This dissertation also explores the e ects of ve decision models (DMs) on DMS-MOPSO and other three state-of-the-art DMOAs, namely the dynamic vector-evaluated particle swarm optimization (DVEPSO) algorithm, the multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm with crowded distance (MOPSOCD) and dynamic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (DNSGA-II). The e ects of constraints handling and the, knowledge sharing approach amongst sub-swarms were explored for DMS-MOPSO. DMS-MOPSO is compared against other state-of-the-art multi-objective algorithms (MOAs) and dynamic SOAs. A sliding window mechanism is employed over di erent types of currency pairs. The focus of this dissertation is to optimized technical indicators to maximized the pro t and minimize the transaction cost. The obtained results showed that both dynamic single-objective optimization (SOO) algorithms and dynamic multi-objective optimization (MOO) algorithms performed better than static algorithms on dynamic poroblems. Moreover, the results also showed that a multi-swarm approach for MOO can solve dynamic MOPs. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Computer Science / MSc / Unrestricted

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