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Možnosti volnočasových aktivit při práci s průřezovými tématy na 1. stupni ZŠ / Possibilities of leisure-time activities at work with cross-sectional themes at the first stage of a primary schoolHEJCMANOVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is written about the possibilities of leisure-time activities at work with cross-sectional themes at the first stage of a primary school. The thesis is aimed to capture the experience of teachers in integrating cross-sectional themes and making up a five-day program. Teoretical part is defined basic terms of the general educational program and cross-sectional themes and are characterized by leisure-time activities. Outlines the procedures how cross-sectional themes are adapated into the school educational programs. Joining between cross-sectional themes and leisure-time activities, pointing out possibilities of leasure-time activities offering goals for fulfilling the content cross-sectional themes issues in education. The practical part is find out the situation of the integration of cross-sectional themes helped by questionnaire methods at primary schools. The focus of this thesis is to prepare a five-day program of leisure activities with a focus on multicultural education.
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Přínosy metody Persona Dolls v anti-předsudkové výchově / Benefits of Persona Dolls method in anti-prejudice educationRajzlová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the benefits of Persona Dolls method in connection with prejudices. The first chapter of its theoretical part deals with changes in the field of education after year 1989 and with the process of creating pivotal curricular documents (so called General Educational Programme) which have been used in Czech school system since then. The second chapter describes particular parts of General Educational Programme for pre-primary and primary education as well as the conception of curricular documents related to Persona Dolls method. The most important chapter of the theoretical part is defining the Persona Dolls method itself. This chapter outlines the theoretical basis, principles and prospective benefits of this method, and gives instructions how to use the method in a class. Moreover, certain pitfalls associated with using this method are mentioned as well. The last chapter of the theoretical part contains detailed description of the coherence of Persona Dolls method and curricular documents. The empirical part presents qualitative research focused on eliciting the role of the teacher, teacher's strategy, the interaction of pupils and the doll, working with feelings and the development of pupils' key competencies in relation with using Persona Dolls method in...
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Hudba Nepálu a možnosti jejího využití v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ / Music of Nepal and Possibilities of its Use Within Music Lessons at the Primary SchoolRaska, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
TITLE: Music of Nepal and possibilities of its use in Music Curriculum in Primary Schools (1st-5th grade) AUTHOR: Tereza Hladíková DEPARTMENT: Department of Music Education SUPERVISOR: PhDr. Magdalena Saláková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The principal aim of this thesis is to explore the application of Nepalese folk music in elementary education (1st-5th grade), and provide elementary school teachers with a design curriculum to integrate this topic in various forms and teaching school programs. In doing so, the thesis also examines the enrichment of student's cultural and musical perspectives that shape their development. In particular, the study provides a comprehensive methodological themes that focus on the traditional Nepalese folk music, including a set of hypotheses,and their evaluation in experimental lessons. The key findings of the thesis show the utility of the lydian melody, syncopation in rhythm, and cultural enrichment of students in music curriculum of elementary schools.
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Integrace cizinců jako dvoustranný proces / Integration of foreigners as a double-sided processPolyn, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
Submitted thesis called "Integration of foreigners as a double-sided process" studies a complicated process of integration of foreigners into majority society of the Czech republic. The goal of the thesis is the research of the young people's opinions and attitudes to the so-called third-country foreigners and integration of foreigners into the Czech society. Farther in the thesis is presented the positive example of the integration of foreigners in practice. On the basis of that, in the thesis also will be shown the own draft of the multicultural education project that targets to improve an integration in education system.
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Mezinárodní tým v praxi. Přednosti a nedostatky. / Multinational team. Advantages and disadvantages.Pak, Alena January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the tesis is advantages and disadvantages of work in russian-czech multicultural teams. The research then analyzes the efficiency of such teams primarily from the side of partners and clients of such projects.
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Kompetence manažera v multikulturním prostředí společnosti INVIA.CZ, s.r.o. / Competency of a Manager in a Multicultural Environment of the INVIA.CZ, Ltd.Macečková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focused on managerial competence issue in travel agency INVIA.CZ, Ltd. This company has recently expanded into new markets in Poland, Hungary and Romania. All these subsidiaries are managed from the Czech parent entity. Aim is to identify how the managers´ competence is influenced by this expansion and to propose an improvement of their managing style.
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Integrace žáka cizince do procesu primárního vzdělávání / Integration of Foreign Student into a Primary EducationPlocková, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the inclusion and integration of pupils with a different mother tongue in Czech elementary schools and point to the readiness of Czech schools and teachers for the integration of these pupils. The theoretical part is mainly focused on describing the best practices of integration and inclusion of pupils with a different mother tongue. In the empirical part are processed data from observations of lessons, interviews with teachers, educational consultant, school principals and interviews and published case studies of students with a different mother tongue. Research case study approach is the inclusion of pupils with a different mother tongue and the questionnaire. KEYWORDS Mother tongue, multicultural, inclusion, integration, foreigner, discrimination, migration, seeker, individual study plan.
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Implementace multikulturní výchovy do výuky a postoje učitelů k ní / Implementation of the multicultural education and attitudes of teachers to the multicultural educationPecinová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with attitudes of teachers towards the introduction of the multicultural education within the curriculum reform of the regional system of education in the Czech Republic. The thesis then deals also with the course of implementation of the multicultural education in practice and with attitudes of teachers towards further training in this area. Since teachers are the key persons involved in the implementation of education policy, their attitude is crucial for successful implementation of the multicultural education. The methodology is based on the qualitative data analysis obtained from interviews with teachers. There are three main theoretical resources followed in this thesis, belief systems of Paul A. Sabatier, the theory of street-level bureaucracy of Michael Lipsky and multicultural education theories. Teachers have positive attitudes to the multicultural education. But some have their own prejudices against other ethnic groups. Although teachers understand positively their autonomy in the implementation of the multicultural education in practice, they express the need for certain rules in the implementation of the multicultural education. The absence of clear rules and adequate support in practice brings problems with the implementation. Based on these findings, the...
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Islámská kultura v euro-středomořském dialogu a její reflexe v českých zemích / Islamic Culture in Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue and its Reflection in the Czech LandsGombárová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
PhDr. Jana Gombárová Islamic Culture in Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue and its Reflection in the Czech Lands Abstract The general aim of the present Ph.D. thesis is a reflection of Islamic culture within the Euro-Mediterranean multi-cultural dialogue. Its specific aim is a study of reflection of the Arab and Islamic communities in the Czech Republic. The first chapter provides methodological and theoretical analyses of the conceptions of "end of history" by Francis Fukuyama and "clash of civilisations" by Samuel P. Huntington, which provoked a wide and controversial discussion both around the world and in our country. It also provides an analysis of more recent "catastrophic scenarios" (Laqueur, Spencer, Rodrígez, Sarazin). The Islamic culture within the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and with the history of Barcelona process of cooperation of the European Union with the South- Mediterranean countries, which culminated in founding of the Union for Mediterranean in 2010, are also included in the chapter. Anna Lindh Foundation as a European non- government organisation and its network in the Czech Republic is an object of special interest. The last part of the chapter includes the controversial results of the "Arab Spring" characterized by the rise of Islamists to power. The second chapter is focused on...
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Připravenost učitelek mateřských škol pro práci s vietnamskými dětmi / Readiness of kindergarten teachers to work with Vietnamese childrenFiedlerová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The present text attempts to prepare experts - kindergarten teachers for quality work with children with a different native language - specifically with Vietnamese children. The theoretical part describes important information from the issue of socio-cultural specifics of the Vietnamese minority, to the topic of dealing with the mastery of the Czech language. The theoretical part is devoted to the topic of individual development of kindergarten teachers, multicultural education, and with the integration of Vietnamese children in Czech schools. The practical part describes the main issues that have teachers Czech kindergartens with Vietnamese children. Keywords: preschool education, multicultural education, children with a different mother language, Vietnamese children, integration issues, communication barrier.
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