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Anti-HIV Activity of the Human Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37, and its Engineered Peptide, 17BIPHE2Vera-Cruz, Ana 16 March 2022 (has links)
Unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are major health concerns of women worldwide. These concerns have prompted efforts to develop Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs), which simultaneously provide contraception and prevent STIs, including HIV. LL-37, the only human cathelicidin and an effective spermicide on human sperm, has broad antimicrobial activity including in vitro activity against HIV. 17BIPHE2 is a truncated LL-37 peptide, engineered to contain 5 unnatural residues, thus limiting its protease degradation within vaginal fluid. Hence, this antimicrobial peptide (AMP) represents a promising MPT agent. It was therefore hypothesized that these peptides would be inhibitors of HIV infection in cell lines, PBMC, and CD4+ T cells. In the chronically infected ACH-2 cell line, there was significant reduction in p24 production when cells were treated with 17BIPHE2, but not LL-37. When 17BIPHE2 was pre-incubated with HIV prior to infection and present during infection, viral replication decreased in the TZM-bl reporter cell line, but this result was not recapitulated in the primary activated cells, PBMCs nor isolated CD4+ T cells. Conversely, pre-incubation of 17BIPHE2 with target cells prior to infection significantly inhibited HIV infection in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, 17BIPHE2 may act on the cell or on the virus/cell interaction rather than on the virus itself to inhibit HIV infection.
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V ZDRAVÉM TĚLE ZDRAVÝ DUCH - Sportovně rekreační areál Za Lužánkami / A SOUND MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY - Sport and recreation district Za LužánkamiKuda, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Sport in Brno has its own great tradition, which is visible on huge stadiums situated in the sports complex Za Luzankami. Unfortunately, stadiums dilapidated and the whole areal turn to brownfield. The proposal of new multipurpose Kometa Arena, located at the site of the original, now demolished stadium, together with the planned new football stadium will initiate the reconstruction of the district, and get it back to past glories. The stadium belongs to the category of buildings where form follows function, which in this case primarily allow for a quality perspective on the pitch for a large number of spectators. In this case, the stands are also the main supporting structure of the whole stadium. On platforms anchored to the stands are located the modifiable cells containing functions related to the arena. The appearance of the stadium is determined by transparent facade that allows the neighborhood to see what is happening in the stadium and provides interesting views from high arena of the surrounding park, arboretum and the city.
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Revitalizace Technického muzea v Brně / Revitalization of Technical Museum BrnoSirová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Project of revitalization of Technical museum Brno deals with extension of its complex. Museum has not enough capacity to shelter and expose all its large vehicles. The extension of transport museum is designed as an urban complex based on axes. The large architectural scale presents monumental objects as small as collection of toys. Typology is minimalistic and variable so it could react on various demands of exhibitions designers and public. Analytical part examines researches about museum exhibition's evolution and contemporary trends.
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Ponava - sportovně komerční areál - zimní stadion / Ponava - the sport and commercial complex - winter stadiumBureš, David January 2010 (has links)
Diploma project aims at establishing a clear urban coception of the city part "Ponava". Priority is maintence of sport function based on historical tradition and "genius loci". Project specifically solves the proposal for a multipurpose sport hall.
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Městský polyfunkční dům na ulici Křížová, Brno / Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, BrnoKendera, Vavrinec January 2011 (has links)
Multipurpose Town House
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Programmatic hybridity.January 2002 (has links)
Chan King Ming. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2001-2002, design report." / Chapter 1. --- Topic defined / Chapter 2. --- Programs defined / Chapter 3. --- Research / Precedent Study / Case Study / Technical Study / Chapter 4. --- Sketches / Water Sport Transformation / Combinations / Chapter 5. --- Site Selection / Chapter 6. --- 1st Proposal of Combination / Chapter 7. --- Logic of Combination / Chapter 8. --- Revised Proposal of Combination / Chapter 9. --- Design Refine / Chapter 10. --- Final Design
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Artists' studio + industrial buildings. / Artists' studio plus industrial buildingsJanuary 2007 (has links)
Tsang Chui Lan, Cara. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2006-2007, design report." / Includes bibliographical references (p. 68) / Chapter 1.0 --- Foreword / Chapter 1.0.1 --- Thesis Statement / Chapter 2.0 --- Background Study / Chapter 2.0.1 --- Old Dilapidated Industrial Buildings / Chapter 2.0.2 --- Other Uses in Industrial Buildings / Chapter 2.0.3 --- Exhibition Sites / Chapter 2.0.4 --- Concern of Artist / Chapter 2.0.5 --- Existing Galleries / Chapter 3.0 --- Site Study_ FoTan / Chapter 3.0.1 --- City Level _ FoTan Industrial District / Chapter 3.0.2 --- Building Level _ Wah Luen Industrial Center / Chapter 3.0.3 --- Unit Level _ Interview of Artsit / Chapter 4.0 --- Design / Chapter 4.0.1 --- Material / Chapter 4.0.2 --- City Level / Chapter 4.0.3 --- District Level / Chapter 4.0.4 --- Unit Level / Chapter 4.0.5 --- Details / Chapter 5.0 --- Precedent Study / Chapter 5.0.1 --- Steven Holl's Project / Chapter 5.0.2 --- Intervention / Chapter 5.0.2 --- Details / Chapter 6.0 --- Reading List / Chapter 7.0 --- Final Panels
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The space in-between: design an alternative prototype between commercial (public) and residential (private).January 2011 (has links)
Cheung Nga Wun, Mimi. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2010-2011, design report." / Includes bibliographical references. / ABSTRACT / Aim / To experiment an alternative model to accommodate residential and commercial programme in Hong Kong dense district / BACKGROUND INFORMATION / Existing Scenerio / Chapter I. --- Shopping Centre as Public Place / Chapter II. --- Segregation of Public and Private Programme / Chapter III. --- Intimacy of Public Space / Definition of Podium Structure / Reflection on Precedent Study --- p.P.8-P.13 / Chapter 1. --- Shinonome Canal Court / Chapter 2. --- Linked Hybrid / RESEARCH / Theory on In-between Space --- p.P. 16- P. 17 / Review on Sejima's theory on in-between space as a medium to connect inside and outside; different programmes. / General View of Podium in North Point --- p.P. 18 - P.25 / A brief history of podium strcuture in Hong Kong and study how different quality of space evoluted with time. / Urban In-between Study --- p.P.28 - P.39 / Road Junction / Building In-between Study --- p.P42 - P.57 / Understanding formal Creation of In-between Space AND Definition of Boundary of In-between Space / EARLY DESIGN TRIAL / Site Analysis / North Point is selected as potential site. / Design Strategy --- p.P.61 - P.63 / Breaking down existing podium-type massing to formulate new model of commercial and residential. New in-between spatial quality is the main focus to accommodate social life within the building.
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Validação do processo de limpeza de tanque multiuso utilizado para formulação de vacinas / Cleaning validation of multipurpose tank for vaccine formulationBarbara Christina Barbosa Bago 25 August 2010 (has links)
A validação de limpeza de equipamentos é requisito regulatório para assegurar que os procedimentos de limpeza removem os resíduos de produto e agente de limpeza existentes até um nível de aceitação pré-determinado, garantindo que não haja contaminação cruzada. A metodologia analítica escolhida para monitorar a ocorrência de contaminação cruzada foi a determinação de carbono orgânico total (TOC) por ser uma técnica não específica permitindo assim quantificar os resíduos antes e após o procedimento de limpeza. Para execução desta validação foi selecionado o pior caso em relação ao contaminante. A vacina Hib foi escolhida como pior caso, pois possui maior aderência ao aço inox 316L, apresentando uma menor percentagem de recuperação, quando comparada à vacina Meningite A e C, sendo respectivamente de 93,0% e 98,4% para o tempo de extração de 30 segundos e 67,8% e 72,6% para o tempo de extração de 10 segundos. O resíduo aceitável de produto em água de rinsagem foi de 0,0007 g/mL de polissacarídeo (0,49 g/mL de TOC) e em swab foi de 0,006 g/mL de polissacarídeo (3,49 g/mL de TOC). As amostras retiradas para determinação de resíduo de produto foram analisadas e corrigidas pelo fator de recuperação deste resíduo para amostras de água de rinsagem que é de 98,5% e para amostras em swab que é de 98,4%. Já o resíduo aceitável para agente de limpeza (NaOH) foi de 3,5 g/mL que fornece um pH de 9,94, porém não existem evidências que a concentração calculada de resíduo de NaOH não interferirá quimicamente ao entrar em contato com a vacina. Assim o critério adotado foi o mesmo da água para injetáveis, segundo USP que é pH entre 5 e 7. As amostras retiradas para determinação de resíduo de agente de limpeza não foram corrigidas pelo fator de recuperação uma vez que o critério utilizado é muito mais crítico que o calculado.
Todas as análises realizadas apresentaram resultados dentro dos parâmetros aceitáveis permitindo a conclusão de que o procedimento de limpeza para tanque de aço inox 316L é eficiente removendo os resíduos até níveis aceitáveis, evitando assim uma contaminação cruzada / The cleaning validation of equipments is a regulatory requirement to ensure that the procedure to remove residues of the product and the cleaning agent to a level of acceptance, ensuring no cross contamination. The analytical methodology chose to monitor the occurrence of cross-contamination was the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) as it is a non-specific technique allowing to quantify the residues before and after the cleaning procedure.
For the execution of the validation it was selected the worst case regarding contaminant. The Hib vaccine was chosen as the worst case because it has greater adherence to stainless steel 316L, with a lower percentage of recovery when compared to vaccine meningitis A and C, being respectively 93.0% and 98.4% for the extraction time of 30 seconds and 67.8% and 72.6% for the extraction time of 10 seconds.
The considered acceptable product residue in the rinsing water was 0.0007 mg/mL of polysaccharide (0.48 mg/mL of TOC) and in swab it was 0.006 mg/mL of polysaccharide (3.49 mg/mL of TOC). Samples took for determination of residual product has been analyzed and corrected by the recovery factor for this waste water samples by rinsing which is 98.5% and for samples in swab that is 98.4%. The acceptable residue for the cleaning agent (NaOH) was 3.512 mg/mL which provides a pH of 9.94, but there is no evidence that the concentration of residual NaOH does not chemically interfere in contact with the vaccine. Thus, the criterion used was the same as for water for injection, according to USP, that is between pH 5 and 7. Samples took for the determination of residual cleaning agent were not corrected by the recovery factor because the criterion used is much more critical than that calculated. All the analysis results were within the acceptable parameters allowing to conclude that the cleaning procedure for 316L stainless steel tank was effective, removing the waste to acceptable levels, thus, preventing from cross-contamination
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Aplicação de imagens orbitais de alta resolução espacial no cadastro técnico rural multifinalitárioSilva, Raquel Radde da January 2007 (has links)
Comprovada a importância do uso de imagens de satélite de alta resolução como ferramenta em muitas áreas, permitindo agilidade, qualidade e baixo custo aos usuários, torna-se importante também, o estudo da aplicação destas imagens no cadastro técnico rural multifinalitário, visto que a informação cadastral precisa e atualizada, obtida de forma rápida, com qualidade e relação custo-benefício atrativa, é um componente essencial ao processo de tomada de decisão por parte dos órgãos competentes. Além do cadastro ambiental, com a regulamentação da Lei 10.267/2001, que trata do georreferenciamento de imóveis rurais, o cadastro técnico rural geométrico vem merecendo atenção especial devido às grandes discussões e dúvidas geradas em torno deste tema. O objetivo deste trabalho, portanto, é investigar a aplicabilidade das imagens de alta resolução espacial do Sensor QuickBird II no cadastro técnico rural multifinalitário de uma área rural com relevo levemente ondulado e comparar as recomendações da Norma Técnica para Georreferenciamento de Imóveis Rurais do INCRA, principalmente no tocante às medições de limites naturais (drenagens), com os resultados obtidos através da imagem. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma imagem orbital do referido sensor nos modos pancromático e multiespectral, em seu estado bruto, isto é, sem nenhum tipo de tratamento. A partir da imagem bruta, realizou-se uma técnica de fusão, de forma a permitir trabalhar com uma imagem de alta resolução espectral e espacial ao mesmo tempo. A seguir realizou-se a correção geométrica planimétrica da imagem (registro) e o georreferenciamento, utilizando-se 19 pontos de controle medidos em campo com tecnologia GPS, seguindo da geração de um MDT através de curvas-denível de 10 em 10 metros da cartografia sistemática brasileira. De posse deste MDT, bem como do MDT da SRTM, com pixel de 90 metros, gerou-se duas orto-imagens por meio do processo de ortorretificação (correção geométrica altimétrica). A partir das orto-imagens, gerou-se os vetores correspondentes ao limite da Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, gleba Sul, área piloto de estudo. Após gerados os três vetores correspondentes, respectivamente, à carta topográfica de escala 1:25.000, à imagem ortorretificada através das curvas-de-nível e à imagem ortorretificada através do MDT da SRTM, comparou-se os resultados com o limite medido por técnicas de topografia convencional, o qual foi tomado como referência. Para atingir os objetivos do trabalho, avaliou-se separadamente os limites secos e o limite natural, respeitando suas particularidades. Após analisados os resultados, conclui-se que o melhor produto éoriundo da imagem ortorretificada pelo MDT da SRTM, com exatidão de 1,90 metros e recomenda-se a utilização deste, numa escala de referência máxima de 1:8.000, atendendo em grande parte as necessidades da administração de uma propriedade rural, bem como o planejamento e gerenciamento de um projeto florestal. Com relação à determinação de limites naturais (drenagens), conclui-se que a imagem orbital ortorretificada pelo MDT da SRTM é 3,5 vezes mais exata que a cartografia existente, recomendada pela Norma Técnica do INCRA. / Clear the importance of the use of satellite imagery of high resolution as a tool in many areas, allowing agility, quality and low cost to users, it is also important, the study of the application of these images in the multipurpose rural technical cadaster, since the information cadastral accurate and updated, obtained quickly, with quality and attractive cost-benefit, is a key component to the decision-making process by the competent agencies. Besides the environmental cadaster with the regulations of Law 10.267/2001, which is the georreferencing of rural property, the geometric rural technical cadaster comes deserving special attention because of the big discussions and doubts generated around this theme. The goal of this study, therefore, is to investigate the applicability of the images of high spatial resolution of the sensor QuickBird II in the multipurpose rural technical cadaster of an rural area with relief slightly wavy and compare the recommendations of the Technical Standard for georreferencing of rural property of the INCRA, mainly regarding measurements of natural limits (drainings), with the results gotten the image. For this, was used an image of the related orbital sensor in pancromatic and multispectral modes, in its raw state, that is, without any kind of treatment. From the raw image, there was a technique of merger, in order to work with an image of high spectral and spatial resolution at the same time. To follow it was become the planimetric geometric correction image (register) and the georreferencing, using 19 measured points of control in field with GPS technology, following the generation of a MDT through curves-of-level of 10 in 10 meters the Brazilian systematic mapping. Of ownership of this MDT, as well as of the MDT's SRTM with pixel of 90 meters, generated two ortho-images through the process of orthorrectification (altimetric geometric correction). From ortho-images, has been the corresponding vectors to the limit of the Experimental Station Agronomic of UFRGS, soil South, pilot area of study. After the three vectors generated corresponding, respectively, to the topographical map of scale 1:25.000, the image orthorrectificated through curves-of-level and image orthorrectificated through MDT's SRTM, compared themselves with the results measured by the limit conventional techniques of topography, which was taken as a reference. To reach the goals of the work, is evaluated separately the limit dried and the natural limit, respecting its particularities. After analyzed the results, concluded that the best product comes from the image orthorrectificated by MDT of the SRTM, with accuracy of 1.90 meters and it isrecommended to use this, on a scale of reference maximum of 1:8.000, given largely the needs of the administration of a rural property, as well as the planning and management of a forestry project. With regard to the determination of natural limits (drainingss), it is concluded that the orbital image orthorrectificated by MDTof the SRTM is 3,5 times more accurate that the existing mapping, recommended by the Norm of INCRA.
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