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Marketing de lugares: estudo de impactos do recife artificial multifuncional / Place marketing: impacts study of the multipurporse artificial reefMarco Antonio de Moraes Ocke 24 August 2015 (has links)
Marketing de lugares se caracteriza como uma ferramenta para a gestão das trocas que ocorrem no âmbito territorial possibilitando o fortalecimento da competitividade e da imagem de uma determinada localidade através da geração e entrega de valor a seus diferentes mercados e da atração de investimentos que assegurem seu desenvolvimento no longo prazo. Neste cenário, esta pesquisa apresenta como objeto de estudo o recife artificial multifuncional, estrutura implantada em ambiente marinho com a finalidade de promover a proteção costeira, aprimorar as condições de surfe e criar novos habitats marinhos. Sob a perspectiva de marketing, o potencial benefício deste programa de ação está ancorado no desenvolvimento do lugar e na entrega de valor aos seus públicos a partir da manutenção da infraestrutura local de forma sustentável, da oferta de lazer aos usuários, do aumento do número de visitantes e do incremento da rede de serviços. Neste contexto, o objetivo da tese é a investigação dos impactos resultantes da implantação do recife artificial multifuncional e da relação entre as bases conceituais do marketing de lugares com suas implicações práticas a fim de incentivar o avanço desta linha de pesquisa, principalmente no Brasil, onde o conhecimento da área se encontra em estágio embrionário. Para tanto, a pesquisa qualitativa exploratória aqui presente se divide em duas partes. A primeira apresenta a revisão teórica abordando o conceito de marketing de lugares e três grandes blocos do marketing para fundamentar o raciocínio: produto, segmentação e posicionamento. A segunda parte desenvolve o estudo de caso da cidade de Gold Coast na Austrália contando com coleta de dados por meio de análise documental e entrevista. Os resultados observados na pesquisa indicam que a implantação do recife artificial multifuncional trouxe uma significativa contribuição para o desenvolvimento de longo prazo da localidade analisada e que grande parte das implicações práticas do marketing de lugares observadas no caso encontra-se alinhada à teoria revisitada. O estudo permite ainda sugerir recomendações para localidades que planejam implantar o recife artificial multifuncional em seus programas de ação. / Place marketing is characterized as a tool for the management of exchanges that take place in the territorial scope thus strengthening competitiveness and image of a particular place by generating and delivering value to its different markets and attracting investments to ensure its development in the long term. In this scenario, this research presents as the object of study the multipurpose artificial reef, a structure implemented in the marine environment in order to promote coastal protection, improve surfing conditions and create new marine habitats. From a marketing perspective, the potential benefit of this action program is anchored in place development and value delivering to its stakeholders, through the maintenance of local infrastructure in a sustainable way, the leisure offer to users, increasing the number of visitors and the enhance in services network. In this sense, the objective of the thesis deals with the investigation of impacts resulting from the implementation of multipurpose artificial reef and the relationship between the conceptual bases of place marketing with its practical implications in order to encourage the advancement of this field of research, especially in Brazil, where knowledge of the area is in the embryonic stage. To that end, the exploratory qualitative research hereby is divided into two parts. The first presents a theoretical review addressing place marketing concept and three major marketing blocks to support the reasoning: product, targeting and positioning. The second part develops the case study of Gold Coast City in Australia relying on data collection through documents analysis and interview. The results from this research indicate that the implementation of the multipurpose artificial reef brought a significant contribution to the long term development of the place in analysis and much of the practical implications of place marketing observed in the case are in line with theory revisited. The study also allows suggesting recommendations for places planning to deploy multipurpose artificial reef in their action programs.
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Multipurpose room interior noise control for owners and facility managersSeip, Clare Elizabeth January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science / Julia A. Keen / Throughout recent years, to minimize the cost of construction, a large number of multipurpose spaces have been built using lightweight, less expensive materials without considering or designing for noise control to mitigate any sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or undesired yet after construction is completed, noise issues are often evident within the space and, if severe enough, may render the intended function of the structure useless. To address this problem, this report is intended to introduce Owners and Facility Managers to some of the common solutions to resolve noise issues in multipurpose rooms. The report focuses on solutions for existing projects primarily, but it is also sensitive to budget constraints and the impact of renovation. Typical multipurpose rooms researched have a volume of 50,000-150,000 cubic feet and are expected to be used for speech activities, small music functions, and some physical sports activities. Therefore, this report will introduce the fundamentals of sound and room acoustics including interior surface materials and construction. Also included are typical noise issues from interior sources, solutions that can be taken within the building to attenuate noise, and the trade-offs associated with each solution.
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Prise en compte d'objectifs de stabilité pour l'organisation de collectes de déchets / Taking into account the objectives of stability for the organization of waste collectionBaniel, Frédérique 12 November 2009 (has links)
L'étude menée dans cette thèse porte sur la logistique multi-objectif des déchets ménagers. Elle s'est déroulée en partenariat avec une collectivité locale, la Communauté d'Agglomération du Muretain (CAM) située près de Toulouse qui nous a fournit les problématiques et les différents paramètres à prendre en compte pour le développement de l'étude. Cette thèse s'est déroulée au sein de deux équipes, dans l'équipe de Production Automatisé (PA) du Laboratoire de Génie de Production (LGP) de Tarbes ainsi que dans l'équipe de Modélisation d'Optimisation et de Gestion Intégrée de Systèmes d'Activités (MOGISA) du Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes (LAAS) de Toulouse. Il y a une trentaine d'année, le traitement des déchets se résumait à une simple mise en décharge. Depuis une conscience collective des problématiques environnementales a placé le traitement des déchets au cœur des préoccupations publiques. La gestion qui est faite des déchets ménagers constitue un enjeu environnemental, économique, social et de citoyennetés majeures, directement lié aux modes de consommation et à la société plus généralement. En France, les municipalités ou les collectivités locales, regroupant plusieurs municipalités, ont en charge de collecter et de convoyer les déchets vers leur lieu de traitement. Dans l'étude proposée, nous allons nous intéresser à la partie logistique, et plus précisément à la collecte et au transport des déchets ménagers et assimilés jusqu’à leur point de décharge (déchetteries, centre de transfert ou centre de traitement directement). Le but étant d’optimiser le transport de déchets tout en gardant une bonne qualité de service. Les enjeux mis en relief pour cette problématique sont les enjeux classiques imposés par toute étude visant à améliorer un service publique : un enjeu économique classique (minimiser les coûts de collecte et de transport), un enjeu environnemental évident (diminuer l'impact environnemental), un enjeu de qualité (satisfaire au mieux les usagers) et enfin un enjeu social (satisfaire les conditions de travail des employés). On va donc ici se concentrer sur l’aspect opérationnel journalier de la gestion. Lorsque celui-ci concerne une planification de trajet pour plusieurs véhicules en même temps qui doivent chacun faire leur circuit en livrant une certaine quantité de produit à chaque client cela se nomme le problème de tournées de véhicules (Vehicle Routing Problem). Ce problème pratique est souvent étudié pour des cas réels et se complexifie avec l’ajout de nombreux paramètres et contraintes, comme par exemple des contraintes d'horaire de passage sur certaines parties du réseau ; ou encore par l'ajout de plusieurs critères à optimiser en mêmes temps, comme par exemple les critères représentant les coûts et ceux représentant l'équilibrage de tournées, etc. / The study in this thesis focuses on the multipurpose logistics of household waste.
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PERLA Ústí nad Orlicí / PEARL Ústí nad OrlicíKuruc, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is a study of the project of „brownfield“ conversion of ex used cotton factory hall PERLA, Bavlnářské závody, A.s in Ústí nad Orlicí city. Prepartory work has dealt whole complex. Thesis follows up only study of a elected part. There are demolished, maintained and brand new objects with underground level garages. Urban and mass solution creates a complex of buildings with a city-forming character and allows going follow the area.
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Víceúčelové centrum města Jevišovice / Multi-purpose Centre of Town, JevisoviceElis, Soňa January 2018 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is the Multipurpose Center of Jevišovice. The complex consists of two buildings and an adjacent parking lot. Building A is wheelchair-accessible, stand alone with a flat roof over three above-ground floors. The building has a gallery, a marriage hall and the Jewsovice office. Buildings B are situated as separate buildings, with a flat roof over two above-ground floors. There are rooms for social activities in the building.
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Dřevostavba polyfunkčního objektu v Brně / Wooden multipurpose building in BrnoKotianová, Miriama January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma´s thesis is a design of documentation for construction of the object wooden multipurpose building in Brno. This new building is in cadastre unit Bohunice, is three-storey with a basement. The construction system is designed as a wall (structural) system of CLT panels conducted with cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The project is devised to fit in to the neighborhood.
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Návrh jednomotorového, víceúčelového dopravního letounu v kategorii CS/FAR 23 / Design of single - engine, multi - purpose transport airplane in the CS / FAR category 23Majtán-Černák, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design of single-engine, multi-purpose, transport airplane in Normal category, given by CS/FAR 23. Design is created in highest constructional and technological accordance with L 410 airplane series. Thesis determines airplanes conceptual layout, basic dimensions, basic weight and center of gravity analysis, aerodynamic and aerostatic foundation, flight performances and airplane properties. Thesis arranges various versions of cabin layouts and describes power plant installation and landing gear construction. Results of the thesis shows, that this design is advantageous in various aspects. Design is comparable with competition from perspective of its performances. Financial analysis showed, that costs of development are returnable in relatively low amount of sold airplanes, for a prices, that are lower than a prices, competition is selling similar airplanes for. Moreover, costs of maintenance are expected to be low, as a consequence of using only one engine unit.
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Víceúčelový dům v Praze / Multipurpose buildingŘezníček, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The diploma project is involved in structure design of multipurpose house. It´s four floor building with one underground floor and flat roof. Structure system is reinforced concrete skeleton. Ceilings are solved as reinforced concrete slabs, spot supported by columns with circuit reinforcing beam.
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Design víceúčelového informačního stánku / Design of Multipurpose Information StandKalina, Josef January 2016 (has links)
The project‘s aim is proposal of the Multifunctional Information Station. This means a place, where anybody would get a lot of information from several branches divided in a way, that the requested reply would be delivered as quick and understandable as possible. Apart of the primary function, information carrier, the Multifunctional Information Station is offering a lot of additional services. These are related to products, which haven‘t been integrated to the Multifunctional Information Station so far, but its usage in the future have been estimated.
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Multifunctional production systems in Brazil : Opportunities, barriers, and implementationJonson, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
As populations grow and the call for renewable energy increases, so does the demand for biomass. However, the sustainability of biomass production has been debated. Concerns involve both negative environmental impacts from agricultural production, as well as the effects of increased bioenergy use on food security. Multifunctional production systems are a potential solution to these issues where environmental benefits are promoted in addition to maintained or enhanced biomass output. This study investigates multifunctional production systems in Brazil, as well as incentives and barriers for implementation within the Brazilian context. A systematic literature review was used to identify previous research on multifunctional production systems in Brazil. The review was then complemented by semi-structured open-ended interviews with local experts. The study found that even though common terminology from the field of multifunctional production systems was not frequently used in the Brazilian context, the systems were both studied and implemented. It was also concluded that economic feasibility is a prerequisite for successful implementation. However, factors like environmental circumstances, farmers perceptions, knowledge, and traditions are also important. Thus, effective adoption requires strategies combining economic incentives, policy incentives as well as educational tools. / <p>2020-06-13</p>
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