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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multispectral Detection of European Frog-bit in the South Nation River using Quickbird Imagery

Proctor, Cameron 19 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigated multispectral detection of the invasive floating macrophyte, European Frog-bit, using Quickbird imagery and fuzzy image classification. To determine if the spectral signature of European Frog-bit were separable from other wetland vegetation, a species level land cover classification was conducted on a 6km section of the South Nation River in Ontario, Canada. Supervised and unsupervised imagery classification approaches were evaluated using the fuzzy classifiers, Fuzzy Segmentation for Object Based Image Classification (FS) and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). Both approaches were sufficiently robust to detect European Frog-bit. User’s and producer’s accuracies for the European Frog-bit class were 81.0% and 77.9% for the FS classifier and 63.5% and 73.0% for the FCM classifier. These accuracies indicated that the spectral signature of EFB was sufficiently different to permit detection and separation from other wetland vegetation and fuzzy image classifiers were capable of detecting EFB in Quickbird imagery.

A Real-time, Low-latency, Fpga Implementation Of The Two Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform

Benderli, Oguz 01 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents an architecture and an FPGA implementation of the two dimensional discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) for applications where row-based raw image data is streamed in at high bandwidths and local buffering of the entire image is not feasible. The architecture is especially suited for multi-spectral imager systems, such as on board an imaging satellite, however can be used in any application where time to next image constraints require real-time processing of multiple images. The latency that is introduced as the images stream through the iii DWT module and the amount of locally stored image data, is a function of the image and tile size. For an n1 &times / n2 size image processed using (n1/k1) &times / (n2/k2) sized tiles the latency is equal to the time elapsed to accumulate a (1/k1) portion of one image. In addition, a (2/k1) portion of each image is buffered locally. The proposed hardware has been implemented on an FPGA and is part of a JPEG 2000 compression system designed as a payload for a low earth orbit (LEO) micro-satellite to be launched in September 2003. The architecture can achieve a throughput of up to 160Mbit/s. The latency introduced is 0.105 sec (6.25% of total transmission time) for tile sizes of 256&times / 256. The local storage size required for the tiling operation is 2 MB. The internal storage requirement is 1536 pixels. Equivalent gate count for the design is 292,447.

Thorough characterization and analysis of a multispectral imaging system developed for colour measurement

Lasarte Rigueiro, Marta de 01 July 2009 (has links)
Hoy en día, los sistemas de imagen basados en cámaras CCD son ampliamente utilizados en numerosos campos, en particular, en el campo de la imagen científica debido a su alta resolución, alta eficiencia cuántica, amplia respuesta espectral, aceptable razón señal-ruido, linealidad, fidelidad geométrica, rápida respuesta, tamaño reducido y durabilidad.A pesar de esto, si se quiere utilizar una cámara CCD como instrumento de medida, se debe tener en cuenta que las cámaras CCD no son detectores perfectos, si no que presentan diversas fuentes de ruido inherentes a su funcionamiento que alteran los niveles digitales correspondientes a cada píxel, distorsionan la imagen real adquirida de forma desconocida y reducen la precisión radiométrica, la calidad de la imagen y su resolución.Dos de las relativamente recientes aplicaciones de los sistemas de imagen basados en cámaras CCD son la medida del color, consistente, básicamente, en estimar los valores triestímulo XYZ asociados a una muestra de color a partir de los niveles digitales de respuesta del sistema, y la reconstrucción espectral, consistente en estimar el espectro de reflectancia de una muestra de color a partir de los niveles digitales correspondientes de la respuesta del sistema.No obstante, para llevar a cabo medidas de color o reconstrucciones espectrales mediante este tipo de dispositivos es necesario realizar una caracterización o calibración previa de estos sistemas de imagen, con el objetivo de determinar la transformación que define la correspondencia entre las repuestas digitales del sistema y, por un lado, un espacio de color independiente del dispositivo, como el XYZ o el CIELAB, ya que las respuestas digitales del sistema, incluso las señales de salida RGB de un sistema de imagen tricromático, no se corresponden con los valores triestímulo independientes del dispositivo basados en el observador colorimétrico estándar de la CIE, o bien, por otro lado, el espacio de reflectancias espectrales, respectivamente.Los métodos de caracterización colorimétrica se pueden dividir en dos categorías generales: los métodos basados en las sensibilidades espectrales del sistema, algunos de los cuales normalmente sólo se aplican a configuraciones colorimétricas, es decir, con tres canales de adquisición, debido a su creciente complejidad al incrementar el numero de canales de adquisición, y los métodos basados en una carta de colores. Los métodos basados en las sensibilidades espectrales del sistema requieren el conocimiento de dichas sensibilidades para cada canal de adquisición, las cuales deben haberse determinado previamente mediante la caracterización espectral del sistema.En cuanto a los métodos de reconstrucción espectral, su principal objetivo es reconstruir el espectro de reflectancia, transmitancia o radiancia de una muestra de color a partir de las correspondientes respuestas digitales del sistema de imagen. Estos métodos se aplican habitualmente a configuraciones multiespectrales ya que los modelos lineales de espectros de reflectancia utilizados requieren como mínimo cuatro canales de adquisición para ser capaces de estimar espectros de reflectancia reales.Para que un sistema de imagen basado en una cámara CCD pueda ser utilizado como un instrumento de medida con elevada resolución espacial, de forma que la totalidad del área de detección del sistema sea útil para medir, es necesario corregir la no-uniformidad espacial de la respuesta del sistema. Con este propósito se utilizan básicamente dos tipos de técnicas. En primer lugar, las técnicas basadas en la escena se fundamentan en aplicar un algoritmo a la imagen original con el objetivo de obtener una mejora considerable en la calidad de la imagen a expensas de la precisión radiométrica. En segundo lugar, las técnicas de corrección de campo uniforme o de la nouniformidad espacial se basan en la calibración del sistema mediante dos imágenes: una imagen oscura y una imagen de campo uniforme, que se combinan linealmente con la imagen original. Este segundo tipo de técnicas permiten llevar a cabo medidas radiométricas precisas utilizando una cámara CCD. En la literatura se pueden encontrar diversas variantes de estas técnicas de corrección de campo uniforme o de la no-uniformidad espacial. La más general de estas variantes permite llevar a cabo la corrección de la no-uniformidad espacial de la respuesta del sistema de forma independiente de la nouniformidad de la iluminación de la escena, lo que resulta particularmente útil en varias condiciones de medida como, por ejemplo, en el caso de imágenes de objetos radiantes.La utilización de un sistema de imagen basado en una cámara CCD para medidas de color o reconstrucciones espectrales con elevada resolución espacial requiere la aplicación del segundo tipo de técnicas de corrección de la no-uniformidad espacial. En este trabajo se presentan la metodología experimental desarrollada para corregir las fuentes de ruido inherentes a un sistema de imagen basado en una cámara CCD, y la optimización de un algoritmo de corrección de la no-uniformidad espacial para obtener la mejor corrección posible de la no-uniformidad espacial.El principal objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un sistema de imagen multispectral para la medida del color. En este trabajo se presentan el diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo de sistema multiespectral en el rango visible del espectro y su minuciosa caracterización y análisis. Con este propósito se utiliza un sistema de imagen basado en una cámara CCD, por lo que es necesario llevar a cabo, en primer lugar, la corrección del ruido de la respuesta del sistema, concretamente la corrección de la no-uniformidad espacial, y, en segundo lugar, la caracterización o calibración del sistema mencionada anteriormente, para poder obtener los valores triestímulo XYZ y/o los espectros de reflectancia, respectivamente, a partir de las respuestas digitales del sistema. En este trabajo se utilizan dos sistemas de imagen basados en una cámara CCD: uno basado en una cámara CCD 10-bits color, y uno basado en una cámara CCD 12-bits monocromática refrigerada. De este último sistema se consideran dos configuraciones: una configuración colorimétrica con 3 canales de adquisición, y una configuración multiespectral con 7 canales de adquisición. La caracterización espectral se lleva a cabo sólo para la configuración colorimétrica de ambos sistemas con el objetivo de aplicar el método de caracterización colorimétrica basado en las sensibilidades espectrales del sistema. Por otro lado, se aplican diversos métodos de medida del color y reconstrucción espectral a las dos configuraciones del sistema basado en una cámara CCD 12-bits monocromática refrigerada y se comparan utilizando todas las combinaciones posibles de las cartas GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition (CCCR) y GretagMacbeth ColorChecker DC (CCDC) como conjuntos de entrenamiento y prueba del sistema, con el objetivo de determinar los métodos más adecuados para cada configuración, es decir, los métodos que permiten conseguir la mejor precisión tanto en la medida del color como en la reconstrucción espectral para cada configuración. Al mismo tiempo se compara también el comportamiento de ambas configuraciones en términos de precisión de la medida del color y de la reconstrucción espectral.El hecho de que las sensibilidades espectrales de la mayoría de las cámaras CCD color (3 canales de adquisición) no verifiquen la condición de Luther, es decir, no sean transformaciones lineales de las funciones de igualación del color de la CIE, limita seriamente las aplicaciones colorimétricas de los sistemas basados en cámaras CCD color, dando lugar a valores triestímulo estimados dependientes del iluminante. Esta propiedad de las sensibilidades espectrales motiva el uso de sistemas multiespectrales ya que la única forma de asegurar una igualación del color para todos los observadores y bajo cambios en la iluminación es consiguiendo la igualación espectral. El método más directo para obtener información espectral de las muestras medidas es incrementar el muestreo por encima de los tres canales de adquisición tradicionales mediante filtros de banda estrecha, lo que se conoce como un sistema de imagen multiespectral. Los campos de aplicación de los sistemas deimagen multiespectral se ha incrementado enormemente en los últimos años, fundamentalmente debido a la posibilidad que ofrecen de estimar con precisión el espectro de reflectancia en cada píxel y, a partir de éste, los valores triestímulo XYZ, evitando del metamerismo.El sistema de imagen multiespectral diseñado y desarrollado en este trabajo doctoral para la medida del color está compuesto por un cámara CCD 12-bits monocromática refrigerada, una rueda de filtros motorizada y controlada vía software con un conjunto de filtros interferenciales de banda estrecha y un objetivo de focal variable. En coherencia con los resultados obtenidos en trabajos previos [Vilaseca et al., 2006] en la región NIR del espectro y extrapolándolos al rango visible, se utiliza un conjunto de siete filtros interferenciales de banda estrecha cubriendo por completo el rango visible del espectro, con la misma FWHM y longitudes de onda de pico equidistantes. Cada filtro constituye un canal de adquisición del sistema multiespectral, que corresponde a la configuración multiespectral del sistema de imagen antes mencionado.El primer paso antes de poder utilizar un sistema de imagen basado en una cámara CCD como instrumento de medida con elevada resolución espacial es llevar a cabo la corrección de las diferentes fuentes de ruido inherentes a su funcionamiento, y muy concretamente la corrección de la nouniformidad espacial de la respuesta del sensor. Con esta objetivo, en este trabajo se ha desarrollado una metodología experimental para la corrección de dichas fuentes de ruido, y se ha llevado a cabo la optimización de un algoritmo de corrección de la no-uniformidad espacial.A lo largo de este trabajo doctoral se han realizado también diversos análisis con el objetivo de mejorar la precisión de la medida del color y de la reconstrucción espectral utilizando sistemas de imagen basados en cámaras CCD.En primer lugar, considerando los conceptos básicos aplicados en imagen de alto rango dinámico (HDRI) para obtener una representación del contenido visual de una escena real independiente del dispositivo, se propone un balance de adaptación luminosa para incrementar el rango dinámico del sistema mediante la captura de imágenes con diferentes tiempos de exposición obteniendo así niveles digitales útiles para todos los píxeles. La aplicación de este balance de adaptación luminosa permite determinar el color en todos los píxeles de la imagen, incrementando así el rango dinámico del sistema [Pujol et al., 2006].En segundo lugar, se analiza la influencia del número de muestras del conjunto de entrenamiento en la precisión de la medida del color y la reconstrucción espectral con el objetivo de determinar si existe alguna relación entre la precisión y el tamaño del conjunto de entrenamiento. La precisión del sistema mejora incrementando el tamaño del conjunto de entrenamiento hasta alrededor de 110 muestras, y pasa a ser independientes del conjunto de entrenamiento utilizado para conjuntos de entrenamiento con un número de muestras igual o superior a 110.A continuación, se analizan la medida del color y la reconstrucción espectral llevadas a cabo utilizando las dos configuraciones del sistema, colorimétrica y multiespectral, en función de las gamas de colores medidas, es decir, conjuntos de muestras de color agrupadas en función de su tono, con el objetivo de determinar si estas configuraciones son especialmente sensibles a algunos tonos y/o a otras propiedades del color. En primer lugar se analizan las tendencias generales utilizando la carta CCDC como conjunto de entrenamiento y prueba y, en segundo lugar, se utilizan las 1269 muestras de color del Munsell Book of Color - Matte Collection, clasificadas en 10 tonos Munsell y cada uno de éstos en 4 sub-tonos, para analizar la influencia de la homogeneidad en tono del conjunto de entrenamiento.Se comprueba que la homogeneidad en tono del conjunto de entrenamiento permite mejorar de forma significativa la precisión del sistema tanto en la medida del color como en la reconstrucción espectral [de Lasarte et al., 2008 - 2]. Por otro lado, se utilizan tres combinaciones de conjuntos de entrenamiento y prueba de las muestras Munsell para variar el grado de homogeneidad en tono del conjunto de entrenamiento, obteniéndose los mejores resultados para los conjuntos de entrenamiento más homogéneos en tono.Los resultados obtenidos se analizan también en función de las características del color de las muestras medidas como son las coordenadas CIELAB, y las coordenadas Munsell de tono, 'value' y croma. No se observa ningún tipo de correlación entre la precisión del sistema y las coordenadas CIELAB, mientras que la precisión del sistema tiende a empeorar para muestras con valores de la coordenada Munsell Value V > 7 - 8.Se analiza también la influencia del iluminante mediante la comparación de los resultados obtenidos utilizando dos iluminantes: una lámpara incandescente y un simulador D65. Los mejores resultados se obtienen para la combinación configuración multiespectral del sistema y simulador D65 como iluminante.Seguidamente, la precisión de la medida del color y la reconstrucción espectral se analiza en función de los espectros de reflectancia de las muestras de color medidas para determinar si existe algún tipo de correlación entre ambos. Este estudio se lleva a cabo utilizando la configuración multiespectral del sistema y el iluminante D65, la carta CCDC y las muestras Munsell como conjuntos de entrenamiento y prueba. La precisión de la medida del color y la reconstrucción espectral se analizan en función de, por un lado, el área bajo la curva (AUC) de los espectros de reflectancia y, por otro lado, la suavidad de los espectros de reflectancia mediante su Transformada Discreta de Fourier (DFT), que se utiliza frecuentemente en análisis de espectros para determinar la suavidad de las curvas. Respecto al análisis del AUC, la precisión del sistema en la medida del color tiende a mejorar para muestras con AUC de sus espectros de reflectancia mayores, aunque no se puede establecer ninguna relación directa entre ambas. Esta tendencia no se observa en términos de la precisión de la reconstrucción espectral. Una mayor precisión en la reconstrucción espectral se asocia con frecuencia a espectros de reflectancia suaves, aunque tampoco se puede establecer ninguna correlación entre ambos. En cuanto al análisis de la DFT, la precisión en la medida del color parece ser independiente de la forma y/o la suavidad de los espectros de reflectancia, mientras que la mayor precisión en la reconstrucción espectral se asocia con frecuencia a un espectro de reflectancia suave, aunque no se puede establecer una correlación general entre ambas. Una vez completado el minucioso análisis del sistema multiespectral desarrollado y establecidas sus limitaciones en cuanto a precisión en la medida del color y la reconstrucción espectral, la siguiente etapa es determinar si algún otro número y/o combinación de filtros interferenciales disponibles comercialmente permitiría mejorar, al menos teóricamente, la precisión del sistema multiespectral. Con este propósito se lleva a cabo un estudio de simulación de un sistema multiespectral óptimo para la medida del color y la reconstrucción espectral. Este estudio se realiza considerando la respuesta espectral del la cámara CCD 12-bits refrigerada monocromática utilizada y una base de datos de filtros disponibles comercialmente seleccionados entre las bases de datos de Edmund Optics, OptoSigma y CVI. Se observa que la precisión del sistema se mejora al incrementar el número de filtros, aunque esta mejora está limitada y tiende a ser insignificante para un número de filtros superior a 8. Los filtros óptimos tienden a compensar la respuesta espectral de la cámara CCD sobre todo el rango visible pero teniendo en cuenta el inconveniente que suponen el desconocer las transmitancias reales de los filtros (las simulaciones dependen en gran medida de las transmitancias reales de los filtros, que no siempre se pueden simular fácilmente a partir de las especificaciones de los proveedores), la selección de un conjunto de filtros interferenciales con posiciones de pico equidistantes cubriendo todo el rango visible, iguales FWHM que permiten un ligero solapamiento entre ellos, y la mayor transmitancia posible, como se ha hecho en este trabajo, constituye una opción más que aceptable para obtener un sistema multiespectral útil. Finalmente, se comprueba la aplicabilidad del sistema multiespectral desarrollado utilizando, no sólo cartas de color estandarizadas, como son las CCDC, CCCR y las muestras Munsell, sino utilizando también un conjunto de 56 muestras textiles agrupadas en 28 parejas, que fueron especialmente fabricadas para comprobar la aplicabilidad de las fórmulas de diferencia de color, y el simulador D65 como iluminante. Se analizan diferentes combinaciones de conjuntos de entrenamiento y prueba. Los mejores resultados se obtienen, en promedio, utilizando conjuntos de entrenamiento homogéneos en tono y llevando a cabo una clasificación previa de las muestras textiles en tonos. Además, se comprueba la capacidad del sistema multiespectral desarrollado de detectar pequeñas diferencias, tanto en color como en el espectro de reflectancia, entre muestras reales, resultando así ser útil para aplicaciones que requieran discriminación, aunque se obtiene una escasa precisión en la determinación de las diferencias tanto de color como en las reflectancias espectrales entre los pares de muestras textiles considerados. / Nowadays, imaging systems based on CCD cameras are widely used in several fields and, particularly in the field of scientific image, due to its high resolution, high quantum efficiency, wide spectral response, acceptable signal-to-noise ratio, linearity, geometric fidelity, fast response, small size and durability.In spite of this, if a CCD camera is wanted to be used as a measuring instrument, one must bear in mind that CCD cameras are not perfect detectors, but there are various noise sources inherent to their performance that alter the digital levels corresponding to each pixel, distort the real image acquired in an unknown manner, and diminish the radiometric accuracy, the image quality and the resolution.Two of the relatively recent applications of the imaging systems based on CCD cameras are colour measurement and spectral reconstruction. Colour measurement basically consists of estimating the XYZ tristimulus values associated to a colour sample from the system's response digital levels, whereas spectral reconstruction consists of estimating the reflectance spectrum of a colour sample from its corresponding system's response digital levels.Nevertheless, performing colour measurements and/or spectral reconstructions using this kind of devices requires a previous characterization or calibration of the imaging system. On one hand, colour measurement requires to determine the transformation that defines the correspondence between system's digital responses and a colour space independent of the device, such as the XYZ or the CIELAB. This is due to the fact that system's digital responses, even the RGB output signals for a trichromatic imaging system, do not correspond with the device independent tristimulus values based on the CIE standard colorimetric observer. On the other hand, spectral reconstruction requires to determine the transformation that defines the correspondence between system's digital responses and the reflectance spectra space.Methods for colorimetric characterization can be divided in two general categories: methods based on spectral sensitivities, some of which are usually only applied to colorimetric configurations of imaging systems, i.e. with three acquisition channels, due to its growing complexity when the number of acquisition channels is increased, and methods based on a colour sample chart. Methods based on spectral sensitivities require the knowledge of the system's spectral sensitivities for each acquisition channel, which can be previously determined through the spectral characterization of the imaging system.Regarding the methods for spectral reconstruction, their main objective is to reconstruct the reflectance, transmittance or radiance spectra of a colour sample from the corresponding digital responses of the imaging system. These methods are usually applied to multispectral configurations since the linear models of reflectance spectrum used require at least four acquisition channels to be able to estimate real reflectance spectra.In order an imaging system based on a CCD camera can be used as a measuring instrument with high spatial resolution, so that the whole system's detection area is useful for measuring, it is mandatory to correct the spatial non-uniformity of the system's response. Basically two kinds of techniques are used with this purpose. Firstly, the scene-based techniques are based on applying an algorithm to the original or raw image in order to obtain a considerable improvement in image quality at the expense of radiometric accuracy. Secondly, the flat-field correction or spatial non-uniformity correction techniques are based on calibrating the detector by means of two images: a dark image and a uniform field or flat-field image, which are linearly combined with the original or raw image (image to be corrected). These second type techniques allow to use a CCD camera to perform accurate radiometric measurements. Several variants of these flat-field correction or spatial non-uniformity correction techniques can be found in literature. The most general of these variants allow the correction of the spatial non-uniformity of the system's response independently of the spatial non-uniformity of the scene illumination, which is quite useful in several measurement imaging conditions, such as in the case of images corresponding to self-radiating objects.Using an imaging system based on a CCD camera for high spatial resolution colour measurement and/or spectral reconstruction requires applying one of the second type techniques for the spatial non-uniformity correction. In this work, the experimental methodology developed to correct the inherent noise sources of an imaging system based on a CCD camera, and the optimization of a spatial non-uniformity correction algorithm to obtain the best spatial non-uniformity correction possible are presented.The main aim of this work is to develop a multispectral imaging system for colour measurement and spectral reconstruction. The design and development of a prototype of multispectral imaging system in the visible range of the spectrum and its thorough characterization and analysis is presented in this work. For this purpose, an imaging system based on a CCD camera is used. Therefore, in order to be able to perform accurate colour measurements and/or spectral reconstructions with high spatial resolution it will be necessary to carry out, firstly, the noise correction of the system's response, particularly the correction of the spatial non-uniformity, and secondly, the previously mentioned characterization or calibration of the imaging system to be able to obtain the XYZ tristimulus values and/or the reflectance spectra, respectively, from the system's digital responses.Two imaging systems based on a CCD camera are used in this work: an imaging system based on a colour 10-bits CCD camera, and an imaging system based on a monochrome 12-bits cooled CCD camera. Two configuration of this last imaging system are considered: a colorimetric configuration with 3 acquisition channels, and a multispectral configuration with 7 acquisition channels. The spectral characterization is carried out only for the colorimetric configuration of the previously mentioned two imaging systems, in order to be able to apply the method for colorimetric characterization based on the spectral sensitivities of the imaging system.Different methods for colour measurement and spectral reconstruction are applied to the two configurations of the imaging system based on a monochrome 12-bits cooled CCD camera, and compared using all possible combinations of the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition chart (CCCR) and the GretagMacbeth ColorChecker DC chart (CCDC) as training and test sets, in order to determine the most suitable methods for each configuration, i.e., the methods that allow to achieve the best accuracy of both colour measurement and spectral reconstruction for each configuration. At the same time, the performance of the two configurations is also compared in terms of both accuracy of colour measurement and accuracy of spectral reconstruction.The fact that the spectral sensitivities of most of the commercial colour CCD cameras (3 acquisition channels) do not verify the Luther condition, i.e., are not linear transformations of the CIE colour matching functions, seriously limitates the colorimetric applications of the imaging systems based on colour CCD cameras, giving rise to estimated tristimulus values dependent of the illuminant. This property of the spectral sensitivities motivates the use of multispectral imaging systems, since the only way to assure a colour matching for all observers and under changes in illumination is achieving a spectral matching. The most direct method to obtain spectral information of the measured samples is to increase the sampling over the three traditional acquisition channels by means of narrowband filters, which is known as a multispectral imaging system. The application fields of the multispectral imaging systems have increased enormously in last years, fundamentally due to the possibility that offer of estimating accurately the reflectance spectrum at each pixel and, from it, the XYZ tristimulus values avoiding metamerism.The multispectral imaging system designed and developed in this work comprises a monochrome 12-bits cooled CCD camera, a motorized filter wheel controlled via software with a set of narrowband filters, and an objective lens of variable focal length. A set of seven narrowband interference filters covering the whole visible range of the spectrum, with equal FWHM and equidistant central wavelengths, are used following the results obtained in previous works in the NIR region of the spectrum, and extrapolating them to the visible range. Each filter constitutes an acquisition channel of the multispectral imaging system, which corresponds to the multispectral configuration of the imaging system mentioned previously.The first stage before an imaging system based on a CCD camera can be used as a measuring instrument with high spatial resolution is to carry out the correction of the different noise sources inherent to the CCD's performance and, especially, the correction of the spatial non-uniformity of the sensor's response. With this aim, the experimental methodology to correct these noise sources has been developed and a linear algorithm for the spatial non-uniformity correction of the system's response has been optimized.Several analyses have also been carried out throughout this work in order to improve the accuracy of the colour measurement and the spectral reconstruction performed using imaging systems based on CCD cameras.Firstly, considering the basic concepts applied in high dynamic range imaging (HDRI) to obtain a device independent representation of the visual content of a real scene, a luminance adaptation model is proposed to increase the dynamic range of the imaging system by taking images at different exposure times in order to obtain useful digital levels for all the pixels. The application of this luminance adaptation model allows to measure colour at each pixel of the image, increasing the dynamic range of the imaging system by this way.Secondly, the influence of the number of samples of the training set on the accuracy of colour measurement and spectral reconstruction is analyzed in order to determine if there exists a relationship between the accuracy of colour measurement and spectral reconstruction, and the size of the training set. Accuracy of system's performance improves by increasing the size of the training set up to 110 colour samples approximately, and becomes independent of the training set used for training sets having a number of colour samples greater or equal to 110.Next, colour measurement and spectral reconstruction performed using both the colorimetric and the multispectral configurations of the imaging system are analyzed depending on the colour ranges measured, i.e. sets of colour samples grouped by their hue property, with the aim of determining if these configurations are especially sensitive to some hues and/or some other colour properties. Firstly, general tendencies are analyzed using the CCDC chart as training and test sets, and secondly, the 1269 colour patches of the Munsell Book of Color - Matte Collection, classified in 10 Munsell hues and each one of these hues in 4 sub-hues, are used to analyze the influence of homogeneity in hue of the training set on system's performance.Homogeneity in hue of the training set is proved to allow improving meaningfully accuracy of system's performance in terms of both colour measurement and spectral reconstruction. On the other hand, three combinations of training and test sets of Munsell's colour patches are used in order to vary the degree of homogeneity in hue of the training set. Best results are obtained using the most homogeneous in hue training sets.Furthermore, results obtained are also analyzed depending on the colour characteristics of samples measured such as the CIELAB coordinates, and the Munsell hue, value and chroma coordinates. No correlation is observed between accuracy of system's performance and the CIELAB coordinates, whereas accuracy of system's performance tends to get worse for samples having Munsell Values V > 7 - 8.The influence of the illuminant used is also analyzed by comparing results obtained using two illuminants: an incandescent lamp illuminant, which is the one used so far, and a D65 simulator illuminant.Then, accuracy of colour measurement and spectral reconstruction is analyzed depending on the reflectance spectra of the colour samples measured, in order to determine if there exists any kind of correlation between them. This study is performed using the best proved combination of system's configuration and illuminant, which is multispectral configuration and D65 simulator illuminant, and the CCDC chart and the Munsell's colour patches as training and test sets. Accuracy of colour measurement and spectral reconstruction is analyzed depending on, on one hand, the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of reflectance spectra and, on the other hand, on the smoothness of the reflectance spectra by means of their Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which is usually used in spectrum analysis to determine the smoothness of curves. Considering the AUC analysis, accuracy of colour measurement tends to improve for the colour samples with higher AUCs of their reflectance spectra, whereas this tendency is not observed for the accuracy of spectral reconstruction. However, any direct relationship cannot be established either between the accuracy of colour measurement and the AUC of the reflectance spectra of colour samples. Considering the DFT analysis, accuracy of colour measurement seems to be independent of the shape and/or the smoothness of the reflectance spectra, whereas the best accuracy of spectral reconstruction is frequently associated to a smooth reflectance spectrum, although any general correlation cannot be established between them.Once thoroughly analyzed the multispectral imaging system developed, and established its limitations in terms of accuracy of colour measurement and spectral reconstruction, next stage is determining if any other number and/or combination of commercially available interference filters would allow to improve, at least theoretically, the accuracy of the multispectral imaging system in terms of colour measurement and spectral reconstruction. For this purpose, a simulation study of an optimum multispectral imaging system for colour measurement and spectral reconstruction is presented. This study is performed considering the spectral response of the monochrome 12-bits cooled CCD camera used and a database of commercially available interference filters selected among the databases of Edmund Optics, OptoSigma and CVI. Accuracy of system's performance is improved in terms of accuracy of both colour measurement and spectral reconstruction with an increasing number of interference filters. Nevertheless, this improvement is limited and tends to be insignificant for more than 8 filters. Optimum filters tend to make up for the spectral response of the CCD camera over the whole visible range but considering the drawback the unknown real spectral transmittances of filters supposes (simulations depend greatly on the real spectral transmittances of filters, which not always can be easily simulated from the specifications provided by suppliers), the selection of a set of interference filters having equidistant peak positions covering the whole visible range, equal FWHMs that allow a slight overlapping between them, and the higher transmittance possible, as it was done in this work, constitutes an acceptable option to obtain a worthy multispectral imaging system.Finally, the applicability of the multispectral imaging system developed is tested not only using standardized colour charts, such as the CCCR, CCDC, and the Munsell's colour patches used so far, but also using real samples, such as a set of 56 textile samples grouped in 28 pairs, which were made specifically to test the applicability of colour difference formulas, and the D65 simulator illuminant. Different combinations of training and test sets are analyzed. Best results are obtained, in average, using training sets homogeneous in hue and carrying out a previous hue classification of the textile samples used as test set. Moreover, the multispectral imaging system developed is proved to be able to detect slight differences both in colour and in reflectance spectra between real samples, making it useful for applications that require discrimination, although a quite low accuracy of system's performance is obtained in detecting both the colour differences and the spectral differences between pairs of textile samples.

Mathematical methods for anomaly grouping in hyperspectral images /

Doster, Timothy J. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Rochester Institute of Technology, 2009. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-86).

Fly ash-based geopolymers : identifying reactive glassy phases in potential raw materials

Aughenbaugh, Katherine Louise 06 September 2013 (has links)
Geopolymer cements present a unique opportunity to make concrete binders almost entirely out of waste stream materials. Geopolymers made from fly ash, a waste product of coal power generation, as the aluminosilicate source and caustic activating solution were the focus of this study. However, the use of waste stream materials presents many challenges. One major stumbling block is that fly ash is inherently variable in composition and difficult to comprehensively characterize. The purpose of this work was to clarify the relationship between fly ash composition and reactivity in geopolymer cements. Ten fly ashes comprising a wide compositional spectrum were selected for the study and were characterized using quantitative x-ray diffraction and multispectral image analysis (MSIA) of x-ray maps coupled with point compositional analysis. The fly ashes were mixed into geopolymer mortars to determine their reactivity when activated as geopolymers. I hypothesized that the fly ashes that performed well under geopolymer formation conditions would have similarities in the glassy phases identified in them. The fly ashes that resulted in geopolymers with high compressive strengths did have several glassy phases in common. The phases were typically high in calcium, high in silicon, and somewhat low in aluminum. To determine whether the common phases were soluble and therefore likely to be dissolved, a dissolution method was used in which fly ash was mixed with concentrated caustic solution and continuously agitated; after 7 d and 28 d, the solid residues from the dissolution were studied using MSIA. The results showed that most of the glassy phases hypothesized to react were reactive, although the results were somewhat complex due to the heterogeneity of fly ash. The MSIA method proposed in previous work was further developed through this study, and a new way of selecting the training classes for phase composition assignment in the images was proposed. / text

NASA Remote Imaging System Acquisition (RISA) Multispectral Imager Development Updates

Martin, Samuel, Mayer, Jackeline, Owan, Parker, Stephens, Kyle, Suring, Lee 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2012 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Eighth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 22-25, 2012 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / The NASA Remote Imaging System Acquisition (RISA) project is a prototype camera intended to be used by future NASA astronauts. NASA has commissioned the development of this engineering camera to support new mission objectives and perform multiple functions. These objectives require the final prototype to be radiation hardened, multispectral, completely wireless in data transmission and communication, and take high quality still images. This year's team was able to successfully develop an optical system that uses a liquid lens element for focus adjustment. The electrical system uses an Overo Fire computer-on-module (COM) developed by Gumstix. The OMAP processor onboard handles all communication with a monochromatic CMOS sensor, liquid lens control circuitry, pixel data acquisition and processing, and wireless communication with a host computer.

Vertical Silicon Nanowires for Image Sensor Applications

Park, Hyunsung 21 October 2014 (has links)
Conventional image sensors achieve color imaging using absorptive organic dye filters. These face considerable challenges however in the trend toward ever higher pixel densities and advanced imaging methods such as multispectral imaging and polarization-resolved imaging. In this dissertation, we investigate the optical properties of vertical silicon nanowires with the goal of image sensor applications. First, we demonstrate a multispectral imaging system that uses a novel filter that consists of vertical silicon nanowires embedded in a transparent medium. Second, we demonstrate pixels consisting of vertical silicon nanowires with integrated photodetectors. We show that their spectral sensitivities are governed by nanowire radius, and perform color imaging. In addition, we demonstrate polarization-resolving photodetectors consisting of silicon nanowires with elliptical cross sections. Finally, we discuss a dual detector device. Each pixel consists of vertical silicon nanowires (incorporating photodetectors) formed above a silicon substrate (that also incorporates a photodetector). Our method is very practical from a manufacturing standpoint because all filter functions are defined at the same time through a single lithography step. In addition, our approach is conceptually different from current filter-based methods, as absorbed light in our device is converted to photocurrent, rather than discarded. This ultimately presents the opportunity for very high photon efficiency. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

Μέθοδοι ανάλυσης των περιεχομένων εικονοστοιχείων

Εγγλεζοπούλου, Βαρβάρα 13 November 2008 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία γίνεται ανάλυση της διαδικασίας subpixel spectral unmixing. Η διαδικασία αυτή αρχικά αναπτύχθηκε για εφαρμογές δορυφορικών εικόνων, με την εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας βρήκε σημαντικές εφαρμογές και σε άλλους τομείς όπως η ιατρική. Η τιμή ενός Pixel αντιστοιχεί στην τιμή του φάματος σε μία συγκεκριμένη ζώνη. Η τιμή αυτή συνήθως συνίσταται από ένα σύνολο τιμών του φάσματος που αντιστοιχούν σε χαρακτηριστικά (είδη επίγειας καλύψης). Με τη διαδικασία Pixel unmixing πραγματοποιείται ο διαχωρισμός των ειδών αυτών και ταυτόχρονα υπολογίζονται οι αναλογίες κάθε είδους σε κάθε pixel. Στην εργασία αυτή παρούσιάζονται: α) οι βασικές αρχές που διέπουν το ηλεκτρομαγνητικό φάσμα, β) οι διαδιασίες ταξινόμησης αντικειμένων, γ) βασικές αρχές τηλεπισκόπησης, δ) ανάπτυξη της πολυφασματικής ανάλυσης και τέλος ε)ανάπτυξη της γραμμικής διαδικασίας pixel unmixing και πειραματικές εφαρμογές σε matlab 6.5. / ----

Autofluorescence-Based Diagnostic UV Imaging of Tissues and Cells

Renkoski, Timothy Eli January 2013 (has links)
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and its early diagnosis is critical to improving treatment options and patient outcomes. In autofluorescence (AF) imaging, light of controlled wavelengths is projected onto tissue, absorbed by specific molecules, and re-emitted at longer wavelengths. Images of re-emitted light are used together with spectral information to infer tissue functional information and diagnosis. This dissertation describes AF imaging studies of three different organs using data collected from fresh human surgical specimens. In the ovary study, illumination was at 365 nm, and images were captured at 8 emission wavelengths. Measurements from a multispectral imaging system and fiber optic probe were used to map tissue diagnosis at every image pixel. For the colon and pancreas studies, instrumentation was developed extending AF imaging capability to sub-300 nm excitation. Images excited in the deep UV revealed tryptophan and protein content which are believed to change with disease state. Several excitation wavelength bands from 280 nm to 440 nm were investigated. Microscopic AF images collected in the pancreas study included both cultured and primary cells. Several findings are reported. A method of transforming fiber optic probe spectra for direct comparison with imager spectra was devised. Normalization of AF data by green reflectance data was found useful in correcting hemoglobin absorption. Ratio images, both AF and reflectance, were formulated to highlight growths in the colon. Novel tryptophan AF images were found less useful for colon diagnostics than the new ratio techniques. Microscopic tryptophan AF images produce useful visualization of cellular protein content, but their diagnostic value requires further study.

Identification and quantification of aquatic vegetation with hyperspectral remote sensing in western Nevada rivers, USA

Lee, Baek Soo Peggy. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Nevada, Reno, 2008. / "August, 2008." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 76-81). Online version available on the World Wide Web.

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