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Komunalinių atliekų susidarymo sezoninio kitimo įtaka atliekų tvarkymo sistemos rodikliams / The impact of seasonal variation of municipal waste generation on waste management system indicatorsValavičienė, Ingrida 10 June 2013 (has links)
Kiekvienais metais Europoje surenkama daugiau kaip 306 milijonai komunalinių atliekų, vidutiniškai 415 kg/gyventojui. Pasirenkant optimalią atliekų tvarkymo sistemą, būtina ne tik atsižvelgti į teisės aktų reikalavimus, bet ir įvertinti daugelį rodiklių: komunalinių atliekų kiekį ir jo svyravimo tendencijas, sezoniškai kintančius mišrių komunalinių atliekų sudėtį ir šilumingumą, atliekų tvarkymo technologijų taikymo galimybes. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti komunalinių atliekų susidarymo mieste sezoninio kitimo dėsningumus ir šio kitimo įtaką atliekų tvarkymo sistemos energetiniams ir aplinkosauginiams rodikliams. Duomenų apie komunalinių atliekų surinkimą Kauno mieste pagrindu sukurtas komunalinių atliekų susidarymo prognozavimo metodas, tiksliausiai prognozuojantis sezoninio kitimo dėsningumus. Įvertinus atliekų susidarymo sezoniškumą ir atliekų tvarkymo įrenginių technologinius parametrus atlikta energetinė ir aplinkosauginė komunalinių atliekų tvarkymo sistemos analizė, parengtos rekomendacijos atliekų tvarkymo sistemos planavimui. Nustatyta, kad prognozuojant miestų, turinčių ilgalaikius patikimus komunalinių atliekų susidarymo duomenis, komunalinių atliekų susidarymo kitimus ir siekiant adekvačiai įvertinti tiek metinį, tiek sezoninį surinkimo kitimą, regresinio ir laiko eilučių prognozavimo metodų derinys yra tinkamas. Projektuojant miestų komunalinių atliekų tvarkymo sistemas būtina įvertinti sezoninių veiksnių įtaką komunalinių atliekų susidarymo ir sudėties kitimui. / With the improving economical situation and growing population standard of living comes the increase of the waste amount in many European cities. This tendency is particularly clearly reflected by growing municipal waste generation rate.
In 1993, the 5th European Community Environment Action Programme, where the targets and principles are set, a target of stabilising municipal waste generation at the 1985 level of 300 kg/capita/annum by 2000 was set. However, the attempt to meet this target was unsuccessful. Almost all countries exceeded the established rate by 75-100%. The 6th Community Environment Action Programme discarded utopian objective to reduce waste generation rates. This
was not defined in quantitative manner anymore.
The initial and essential step in the waste management system planning is waste collection (in this work equivalent to waste generation) prognosis. However, constantly changing situation in the waste management sector strongly impacts waste generation rates (which are usually equating to collection rates) and this makes the forecasting more difficult.
Although municipal waste forecasts need isn‘t dealt with legislation, but the knowledge of future waste amounts is essential for the adoption of important strategic goals, for making policy decisions and for determining the waste management tasks on the level of European Union and Republic of Lithuania.
The waste management strategy presented in the Lithuanian National Strategic Waste Management Plan... [to full text]
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Utilization of municipal solid waste compost in horticultureLu, Wenliang. Sibley, Jeffrey Lynn, January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Auburn University, 2008. / Abstract. Includes bibliographic references.
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Historický vývoj a podmínky nakládání se separovaným komunálním odpadem v ČR / Historical development and conditions in processes with separated municipal waste in Czech republicMOJŽIŠ, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
The aim was to map the first and second link in the chain municipal waste management, particularly with municipal sorted waste. I focused on the core components of municipal waste - paper, plastic and glass. The thesis examined public awareness about waste, how well informed they are and whether people are interested in products made from recycled materials. The second part was to describe the situation in a company dealing with waste, described problems are encountered and to find the steps that would lead to improve this situation
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Návrh logistického modelu sběru biologicky rozložitelných odpadů a jejich následné využití ve vybraném regionuSOUKUP, Radim January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on the collection system of biogadable waste in a chosen locality. The method deals with the realization of a logistic model of biogradable waste in a locality. The introductory part provides a description of particular system of biogradable waste collection. The following part describes the calculation method and setting the particular parts of the system. The suggestions include descriptions and present experience with introducing this system in practice. The thesis describes the logistics of biodegradable waste collection for its further use. Describes the composting in a composting plants and associated technologies. That are in the area or band mounds. And other machinery for the adjustment of the compost. The collection is realized in three towns in Prachatice region. A technical estimate and calculation helped to determine the annual production of biodegradable waste depending on the feature of the origin. The calculation was made on the basis of ascertained data about well-kept municipal places, number of homes, areas and gardens. Considering the prevailing origin of biodegradable waste there was determined a delivery system of collection to a waste collection place with an aside container. Based on the total volume of ascertained production there was determined the capacity of containers in each town. According to the predicted capacity of the container, there were set the collection times and replacements done by an appropriate transport carrier. After researching the trails suitable for container transport there was chosen an optimal trail for collecting and accumulating the biodegradable waste. The choice of a composting plant originated from the real composting plant where the selection of biogradable waste was realized. The transport carrier which realizes the containers collection from the towns is located on this composting plant.
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Hospodaření s tuhým komunálním odpadem v Jihočeském regionu na příkladu dvou měst / The Municipal Solid Waste Management in South Bohemia Region at the Example of Two TownsBARGER, Vít January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with waste, especially with municipal waste and waste management issues. The practical part is focused on the financial aspects of waste management and processing of waste in Třeboň and Bechyně and also deals with issues of further processing of waste in the region. This thesis is supplemented with information about waste management of Písek, as a good example in the region. This information also served for better description of the municipal waste management in South Bohemia Region.
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Efektivnost spolupráce obcí v poskytování environmentálních služeb v oblasti odpadového hospodářství / Effectiveness of Intermunicipal Cooperation in the Provision of Environmental Services in the Waste ManagementKřížková, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
Municipalities within their jurisdiction must provide their citizens with a range of services which are often very financial demanding for many of them and are a heavy burden on their local budgets. In addition, in this area municipalities are also imposed to a number of conditions and objectives defined by the basic documents for waste management in the Czech Republic. One possible solution to these problems is to provide services through intermunicipal-cooperation. In this thesis there are analyzed the possibilities of using this form of service provision in the area of waste management in the Czech Republic. The first part is an introduction to this topic, defining the fundamental objectives specified in the Waste Management Plan and other official documents, legal conditions for cooperation between municipalities and a summary of foreign experience with the cooperation of municipalities. In the practical part these findings are tested through a questionnaire survey on the real experiences of existing unions in the Czech Republic, which shows that inter-municipal cooperation is not in our circumstances sufficiently and comprehensively utilized; the municipalities leave most of the competencies on themselves. To improve this situation could help more effective state support and change of certain legal conditions.
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Odhad složení komunálních odpadů z pohledu obalů / Estimation of municipal solid waste composition from the perspective of packagingDoležalová, Adéla January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis focuses on prediction of presence of reusable material components in municipal waste with special focus on packaging materials. This prediction is based on analysis of financial costs of individual products according to the so-called market basket. Research of packaging´s life cycle and involving legislature is also a part of this thesis.
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Analýza dopravních dat s vazbou na rizika v odpadovém hospodářství / Analysis of traffic data related to risks in waste managementVaníček, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to prepare real data for subsequent optimization of the collection plan using advanced VRP („Vehicle Routing Problem “) algorithms. The diploma thesis is motivated by the project Strategic Partnership for Environmental Technologies and Energy Production. The output focuses on indeterminate factors that have a major risk for subsequent operations. These are economic, environmental and social risks (overcrowded containers). Another result is the implementation and processing of the time-consuming passage of all streets, the estimation of the speed of the collection (garbage) truck for the subsequent optimization of the route and the estimation of the mean value of the filling of individual collection containers.
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Výroba tepla a elektrické energie ve spalovně směsného komunálního odpadu / Heat and electricity production in waste -to -energy plantSzegedi, Peter January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design of steam boiler used to incineration of mixed municipal waste. Based on the specified fuel and the required output parameters of the steam from a steam boiler is calculated stoichiometry of incineration, thermal losses and overall boiler efficiency. Other chapters of thesis are focused on construction and thermal calculation of boiler moves. Finally, this thesis is to check heat balance of the boiler.
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Distribuce těžkých kovů na spalovně odpadů / Distribution of heavy metals in waste incineratorPoláková, Annamária January 2014 (has links)
The main scope of thesis is to describe the pollutant removal techniques with a focus on heavy metals. With that relate chapters describing the formation of pollutants and their effect on human health. The thesis focuses on a detailed description of flue gas cleaning technology and its evaluation. Evaluation is shown in tables comparing emission measurement on waste incineration plant SAKO Brno, a.s. with emission limits. The thesis also briefly describes other options for municipal waste management.
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