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The Impact of Exercise-Induced Hormonal Changes on Human Skeletal Muscle Anabolic Responses to Resistance ExerciseWest, Daniel 10 1900 (has links)
<p>There is a prevalent belief that acute hormone responses to resistance exercise mediate adaptations in skeletal muscle hypertrophy; however, there is little supporting evidence. We conducted studies to examine the relationship between acute hormonal increases after resistance exercises and subsequent changes in muscle anabolism.</p> <p>We tested the hypothesis that exercise-induced responses of anabolic hormones—growth hormone (GH) and testosterone—would enhance rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS) after an acute bout of resistance exercise, and would augment muscle hypertrophy after training. We concluded, however, that resistance exercise-induced increases in putative anabolic hormones do not enhance MPS or hypertrophy.</p> <p>We also examined whether rates of MPS would be attenuated in women (compared with men) after resistance exercise, due to their lack of post-exercise testosteronemia. We reported similar increases in MPS in men and women; post-exercise testosterone responses in women, which were 45-fold lower than men, did not attenuate elevations in MPS.</p> <p>Collectively, our work leads to the conclusion that the acute rise in hormones such as testosterone and GH has very little bearing on MPS and hypertrophy responses to resistance exercise. Instead, the rise in these hormones appears to be a non-specific response to exercise stress rather than a response that is important for muscle anabolism. Contrary to widely used principles, our data suggests that exercise programs should not be designed based on nuances in the post-exercise hormonal milieu. Alternatively, understanding local mechanotransduction, which is directly linked to muscle fibre loading, will reveal the processes that drive human exercise-mediated muscle hypertrophy.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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<p>Amino acids are key nutritional stimuli that are both substrate for muscle protein synthesis (MPS), and signaling molecules that regulate the translational machinery. There is a dose-dependent relationship between protein intake and MPS that differs between young and elderly subjects. The current thesis contains results from three separate studies that were conducted to examine to potential to enhance smaller doses of protein, known to be suboptimal in their capacity to stimulate MPS, through supplementation with specific amino acids, namely leucine and citrulline.</p> <p>The first two studies examined the potential to enhance the muscle protein synthetic capacity of a smaller, suboptimal dose of whey protein with leucine. In study one, we concluded that leucine supplementation of a suboptimal dose of protein could render it as effective at enhancing rates of MPS as ~four times as much protein (25 g) under resting conditions, but not following resistance exercise. In study two, we examined the potential of leucine and branched-chain amino acids to enhance the MPS response of a suboptimal dose of protein within the context of mixed macronutrient ingestion. We concluded that supplementation with a relatively high dose of leucine could render it as effective at enhancing MPS rates as ~four times as much protein (25 g) under both resting and post-exercise conditions.</p> <p>In study three, we examined the potential of citrulline supplementation to enhance blood flow, microvascular circulation, and MPS in response to a suboptimal dose of whey protein in elderly subjects. We concluded that supplementation of a suboptimal dose of protein with citrulline did not augment bulk blood flow or muscle microvascular circulation. The major findings from the works presented in this thesis is that smaller doses of protein that normally elicit a suboptimal increase in MPS can be made more anabolic when supplemented with specific amino acids.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Effects of uranium mining and milling effluents on juvenile fish bioenergetics, growth and overwinter survivalBennett, Pamela Margaret 30 May 2006
To assess potential impacts of effluents from Key Lake and McClean Lake uranium operations on freshwater systems, morphometric (weight, length, condition factor) and biochemical (total body lipids and triglycerides, liver triglycerides, muscle protein, muscle RNA/DNA ratio) measures of growth and bioenergetics were determined in young-of-the-year (YOY) fishes collected in fall and spring. It was predicted that fishes exposed to mining and milling effluents would be in poorer condition relative to fishes from reference sites and that fishes would be depleted in lipids and triglycerides in the spring compared to the previous fall following a northern winter. Various total body lipid and triglyceride measurement methods were initially compared and validated. <p>Lakes receiving effluent at Key Lake (in operation > 20 years) were higher in metals, ions and ammonia compared to exposure sites at McClean Lake (in operation < 10 years). At Key Lake, there were site and season differences in total body lipids and triglycerides in YOY northern pike (<i>Esox lucius</i>) and burbot (Lota lota), with fishes being fattier at exposure sites compared to fishes at the reference site, and fish being fattier in spring relative to fall. A local prey item, spottail shiners (<i>Notropis hudsonius</i>), from an exposure lake were higher in triglycerides compared to shiners from a reference site, suggesting an indirect effect of uranium operation effluent on pike and burbot bioenergetics via food web enrichment. At McClean Lake, there were site and season increases in lipids and triglycerides in burbot from the exposure site, however there were no site differences in any morphometric or biochemical endpoint for northern pike. Slimy sculpin (<i>Cottus cognatus</i>) were the only species with lower triglyceride content in the spring following winter. <p>Overall, biochemical measures of growth (muscle protein, muscle RNA/DNA ratio) did not vary with effluent exposure at either uranium operation. Lipids and triglycerides were useful biochemical endpoints that frequently detected site and season differences in fish condition that were not noted with morphometric measures. Site and season differences in fish lipids and triglycerides at sites receiving mining and milling effluents revealed an impact of the uranium operations on indigenous YOY fish condition.
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Effects of uranium mining and milling effluents on juvenile fish bioenergetics, growth and overwinter survivalBennett, Pamela Margaret 30 May 2006 (has links)
To assess potential impacts of effluents from Key Lake and McClean Lake uranium operations on freshwater systems, morphometric (weight, length, condition factor) and biochemical (total body lipids and triglycerides, liver triglycerides, muscle protein, muscle RNA/DNA ratio) measures of growth and bioenergetics were determined in young-of-the-year (YOY) fishes collected in fall and spring. It was predicted that fishes exposed to mining and milling effluents would be in poorer condition relative to fishes from reference sites and that fishes would be depleted in lipids and triglycerides in the spring compared to the previous fall following a northern winter. Various total body lipid and triglyceride measurement methods were initially compared and validated. <p>Lakes receiving effluent at Key Lake (in operation > 20 years) were higher in metals, ions and ammonia compared to exposure sites at McClean Lake (in operation < 10 years). At Key Lake, there were site and season differences in total body lipids and triglycerides in YOY northern pike (<i>Esox lucius</i>) and burbot (Lota lota), with fishes being fattier at exposure sites compared to fishes at the reference site, and fish being fattier in spring relative to fall. A local prey item, spottail shiners (<i>Notropis hudsonius</i>), from an exposure lake were higher in triglycerides compared to shiners from a reference site, suggesting an indirect effect of uranium operation effluent on pike and burbot bioenergetics via food web enrichment. At McClean Lake, there were site and season increases in lipids and triglycerides in burbot from the exposure site, however there were no site differences in any morphometric or biochemical endpoint for northern pike. Slimy sculpin (<i>Cottus cognatus</i>) were the only species with lower triglyceride content in the spring following winter. <p>Overall, biochemical measures of growth (muscle protein, muscle RNA/DNA ratio) did not vary with effluent exposure at either uranium operation. Lipids and triglycerides were useful biochemical endpoints that frequently detected site and season differences in fish condition that were not noted with morphometric measures. Site and season differences in fish lipids and triglycerides at sites receiving mining and milling effluents revealed an impact of the uranium operations on indigenous YOY fish condition.
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The Relationships Between Energy Balance, Timing and Quantity of Protein Consumption, and Body Composition in Collegiate Football PlayersGarber, Letal 16 June 2016 (has links)
Background Timing and quantity of protein (PRO) consumption are important considerations for muscle protein synthesis (MPS), fat-free mass (FFM) accretion, and body fat % (BF%) reduction. The effect of PRO ingestion on changes in FFM is mediated by many variables. Past studies have focused on specific composition of carbohydrate (CHO) and PRO consumption (CHO vs. PRO + CHO), and have also investigated PRO intake timing at pre-exercise, post-exercise, or both. Other studies have investigated FFM maintenance and growth with increased PRO consumption during catabolic or anabolic phases of energy balance (EB). These mechanisms have been studied in various populations, including healthy untrained individuals, overweight and obese people, and endurance athletes. However, studies have not explored relationships between the amount and timing of PRO ingested, and the state of EB, as it relates to FFM%. Method/Design A retrospective analysis design was used to assess relationships between PRO ingestion, timing, and EB on FFM in collegiate football players. Subjects were members of an intercollegiate Division 1 football team, had completed a one-day food and activity record, and had body composition assessed as part of a regular team screening procedure. Data acquisition was supervised by a PhD/Registered Dietitian. Food and activity records were analyzed using NutriTiming®, which predicts RMR via the Harris-Benedict equation, uses a MET-based relative intensity activity scale, and accesses the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26 to predict hourly EB and PRO consumption. EB was assessed as ±400 kcal EB (EBR), < 0 kcal EB (NEGEB), and > 0 kcal EB (POSEB). Total useable PRO (TUP) was defined as the sum of PRO consumed in units up to 30g max/meal, a value also assessed relative to EB at the time of ingestion. The goal was to assess the amount and timing of PRO intake with EB as these factors relate to FFM. Results Pearson's correlations found that BF% was negatively associated with TUP while in EBR (r=-.253; p=0.049), and FFM% was positively associated TUP in EBR (r=0.279; p=0.030) and in POSEB (r=0.282; p=0.028). NEGEB was positively associated with BF% (r=0.325; p=0.011), and negatively associated with FFM% (r=-0.322; p=0.011). Conclusions Results elucidate that players who ingest PRO in a relatively good energy-balanced state had higher FFM% and a lower BF%. Further, those players consuming TUP while in POSEB had an even stronger positive association with FFM% and a stronger inverse association with BF%. These data reject the null hypothesis that football players who consume PRO in POSEB have less FFM% than those who consume PRO in NEGEB.
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Vliv příjmu proteinů (aminokyselin) na syntézu svalových bílkovin po silovém tréninku / Effect of protein (aminoacid) ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exerciseJuřík, Roman January 2017 (has links)
Title: Effect of protein (amino acid) ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. Purpose: The main objective of this thesis is to verify the three basic factors of the amount, type and timing of protein intake based on scientific studies and literature, to provide the most objective and accurate information and procedure on the methodology of nutrition and supplementation associated with the intake of protein / amino acids after strength training and how it all affects muscle synthesis. Summery: The theoretical part of the thesis, discusses the factors affecting muscle protein synthesis, which stimulate growth and tissue regeneration, based on optimal stress response. Logically, it starts from general, i.e. the explanation of terms such as muscle tissue, the stimulation of muscle tissue and its manifestations and changes, nutrition factors and muscle stimulation, the mechanism of dietary factors (proteins/amino acids), specificity of protein/ amino acids in their application to answer the three key issues, which are summarized in the section named scientific studies, which focuses on the effect of intake of protein/ amino acids, in relationship to the efficiency of protein synthesis after strength training. The section summarizes, in detail, the questions of timing,...
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Efeitos da suplementação de leucina e aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada associados ao exercício de força sobre a via de sinalização Akt/mTOR: um estudo randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo / Effects of leucine and branched chain amino acids supplementation associated with resistance exercise on the Akt / mTOR signaling pathway: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledLuz, Claudia Ribeiro da 12 August 2013 (has links)
Estudos sugerem que o exercício de força e a suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada apresentam potencial anabólico e anti-proteolítico, exercendo de forma sinérgica efeitos positivos sobre o remodelamento muscular. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos da suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e leucina isolada sobre as vias de síntese proteica muscular após uma sessão de exercício de força. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Dezoito sujeitos do gênero masculino, sedentários e com idade entre 18-30 anos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: BCAA (BCAA: 3,3 g leucina + 2,4 g de isoleucina + 2,4 g de valina), leucina (LEU: 3,2 g de leucina + 4,8 g de alanina) e placebo (PLA: 8 g de alanina). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma sessão exercício de força (extensão de joelho) composta por 8 séries de 8-10 repetições (85% de 1RM ) com 2 minutos de intervalo entre as séries e receberam intervenção nutricional imediatamente após o término da sessão. Imediatamente antes, imediatamente após, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o término da sessão os voluntários realizaram coletas de sangue. Os voluntários foram submetidos a biópsias musculares para análises de expressão proteica proteica (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4E Ser209) no período basal (pré), 1 e 2 horas após o término da sessão de exercício. As amostras de sangue foram utilizadas para medir os níveis plasmáticos de insulina, glicose, perfil lipídico e citocinas (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 e IL-10). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para o perfil lipídico e os níveis plasmáticos de glicemia. A concentração plasmática de insulina aumentou significativamente nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 minutos após a ingestão em comparação ao PLA. Para os valores de citocinas musculares, foi encontrada diferença significativa entre BCAA e Estudos sugerem que o exercício de força e a suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada apresentam potencial anabólico e anti-proteolítico, exercendo de forma sinérgica efeitos positivos sobre o remodelamento muscular. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos da suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e leucina isolada sobre as vias de síntese proteica muscular após uma sessão de exercício de força. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Dezoito sujeitos do gênero masculino, sedentários e com idade entre 18-30 anos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: BCAA (BCAA: 3,3 g leucina + 2,4 g de isoleucina + 2,4 g de valina), leucina (LEU: 3,2 g de leucina + 4,8 g de alanina) e placebo (PLA: 8 g de alanina). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma sessão exercício de força (extensão de joelho) composta por 8 séries de 8-10 repetições (85% de 1RM ) com 2 minutos de intervalo entre as séries e receberam intervenção nutricional imediatamente após o término da sessão. Imediatamente antes, imediatamente após, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o término da sessão os voluntários realizaram coletas de sangue. Os voluntários foram submetidos a biópsias musculares para análises de expressão proteica proteica (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4E Ser209) no período basal (pré), 1 e 2 horas após o término da sessão de exercício. As amostras de sangue foram utilizadas para medir os níveis plasmáticos de insulina, glicose, perfil lipídico e citocinas (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 e IL-10). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para o perfil lipídico e os níveis plasmáticos de glicemia. A concentração plasmática de insulina aumentou significativamente nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 minutos após a ingestão em comparação ao PLA. Para os valores de citocinas musculares, foi encontrada diferença significativa entre BCAA e Estudos sugerem que o exercício de força e a suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada apresentam potencial anabólico e anti-proteolítico, exercendo de forma sinérgica efeitos positivos sobre o remodelamento muscular. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos da suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e leucina isolada sobre as vias de síntese proteica muscular após uma sessão de exercício de força. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Dezoito sujeitos do gênero masculino, sedentários e com idade entre 18-30 anos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: BCAA (BCAA: 3,3 g leucina + 2,4 g de isoleucina + 2,4 g de valina), leucina (LEU: 3,2 g de leucina + 4,8 g de alanina) e placebo (PLA: 8 g de alanina). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma sessão exercício de força (extensão de joelho) composta por 8 séries de 8-10 repetições (85% de 1RM ) com 2 minutos de intervalo entre as séries e receberam intervenção nutricional imediatamente após o término da sessão. Imediatamente antes, imediatamente após, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o término da sessão os voluntários realizaram coletas de sangue. Os voluntários foram submetidos a biópsias musculares para análises de expressão proteica proteica (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4E Ser209) no período basal (pré), 1 e 2 horas após o término da sessão de exercício. As amostras de sangue foram utilizadas para medir os níveis plasmáticos de insulina, glicose, perfil lipídico e citocinas (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 e IL-10). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para o perfil lipídico e os níveis plasmáticos de glicemia. A concentração plasmática de insulina aumentou significativamente nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 minutos após a ingestão em comparação ao PLA. Para os valores de citocinas musculares, foi encontrada diferença significativa entre BCAA e LEU comparado ao PLA para a concentração de IL-10 entre o momento 60 e 120 minutos após. Nesse mesmo período de tempo, também foi encontrada diferença significativa entre LEU e BCAA para a concentração de IL-1. Para os valores de citocinas plasmáticas, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos em todos momentos analisados. A suplementação de BCAA e LEU aumentou significativamente a expressão p-4E-BP1Thr37/46 120 minutos após comparado ao PLA no mesmo tempo. A expressão de p-p70S6kThr389 foi significativamente aumentada nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 e 120 minutos após quando comparado com o PLA no mesmo tempo. A expressão de p-eIF4ESer209 encontrou-se significativamente aumentada após 60 minutos apenas no grupo LEU quando comparado ao PLA. Porém, 120 minutos após encontrou-se significativamente elevada em ambos grupos comparado ao PLA. Por meio dos resultados, podemos concluir que a suplementação de BCAA e leucina associadas ao exercício de força possuem efeitos semelhantes sobre o balanço inflamatório e sobre as vias de sinalização de síntese proteica muscular aumentando a fosforilação de efetores da cascata de sinalização da via Akt/mTOR / Studies suggest that resistance exercise and branched chain amino acids supplementation have potential anabolic and anti-proteolytic, synergistically exerting positive effects on muscle remodeling. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the effects of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and leucine isolated supplementation on muscle remodeling pathways after a resistance exercise. A cross-sectional, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted. Eighteen male sedentary subjects were aged 18-30 years were divided into three experimental groups: BCAA (BCAA: leucine + 3.3 g 2.4 g 2.4 g isoleucine + valine), leucine (LEU : 3.2 g of leucine + alanine 4.8 g) and placebo (PLA: 8 g of alanine). Both groups underwent a session of resistance exercise (knee extension) that consists of 8 sets of 8-10 repetitions (85% of 1RM) with 2 minutes rest between sets and received nutritional intervention immediately after the session. Immediately before, immediately after, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the end of the session the blood samples were assessed. Muscle biopsies were collected for analysis of protein expression (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4ESer209, MAFbx and MURF-1) at baseline (pre), 1 and 2 hours after end of the exercise session. The blood samples were used to measure serum levels of insulin, glucose, lipid and cytokine (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10). No significant differences between groups were observed for the lipid profile and plasma glucose. The plasma insulin increased significantly in the groups BCAA and leucine 60 minutes after ingestion compared to PLA. For values of muscular cytokines, significant difference was found between BCAA and LEU compared to PLA for the concentration of IL-10 between the time 60 and 120 minutes after. In that same time period, also found significant differences between LEU and BCAA for the concentration of IL-1. For values of plasma cytokines, no significant differences between groups were observed at all time points analyzed. BCAA and LEU supplementation significantly increased the expression of p-4E-BP1Thr37/46 120 minutes after the resistance exercise compared to PLA at the same time point. The expression of p-p70S6KThr389 was significantly increased in BCAA and LEU groups 60 and 120 minutes after resistance exercise compared to PLA at the same time point. The expression of p-peIF4ESer209 p70S6KThr389 was significantly increased after 60 minutes only on LEU group compared to PLA at the same time point. However, 120 minutes after the expression was significantly elevated in both groups compared to PLA. Through the results, we can conclude that the BCAA and leucine supplementation associated with strength exercise have similar effects on the balance of inflammatory and signaling pathways of muscle protein synthesis by increasing the phosphorylation of effectors of the signaling cascade of Akt / mTOR
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Vliv příjmu proteinů (aminokyselin) na syntézu svalových bílkovin po silovém tréninku / Effect of protein (aminoacid) ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exerciseJuřík, Roman January 2017 (has links)
Title: Effect of protein (amino acid) ingestion on muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise. Purpose: The main objective of this thesis is to verify the three basic factors of the amount, type and timing of protein intake based on scientific studies and literature, to provide the most objective and accurate information and procedure on the methodology of nutrition and supplementation associated with the intake of protein / amino acids after strength training and how it all affects muscle synthesis. Summery: The theoretical part of the thesis, discusses the factors affecting muscle protein synthesis, which stimulate growth and tissue regeneration, based on optimal stress response. Logically, it starts from general, i.e. the explanation of terms such as muscle tissue, the stimulation of muscle tissue and its manifestations and changes, nutrition factors and muscle stimulation, the mechanism of dietary factors (proteins/amino acids), specificity of protein/ amino acids in their application to answer the three key issues, which are summarized in the section named scientific studies, which focuses on the effect of intake of protein/ amino acids, in relationship to the efficiency of protein synthesis after strength training. The section summarizes, in detail, the questions of timing,...
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Efeitos da suplementação de leucina e aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada associados ao exercício de força sobre a via de sinalização Akt/mTOR: um estudo randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo / Effects of leucine and branched chain amino acids supplementation associated with resistance exercise on the Akt / mTOR signaling pathway: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlledClaudia Ribeiro da Luz 12 August 2013 (has links)
Estudos sugerem que o exercício de força e a suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada apresentam potencial anabólico e anti-proteolítico, exercendo de forma sinérgica efeitos positivos sobre o remodelamento muscular. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos da suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e leucina isolada sobre as vias de síntese proteica muscular após uma sessão de exercício de força. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Dezoito sujeitos do gênero masculino, sedentários e com idade entre 18-30 anos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: BCAA (BCAA: 3,3 g leucina + 2,4 g de isoleucina + 2,4 g de valina), leucina (LEU: 3,2 g de leucina + 4,8 g de alanina) e placebo (PLA: 8 g de alanina). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma sessão exercício de força (extensão de joelho) composta por 8 séries de 8-10 repetições (85% de 1RM ) com 2 minutos de intervalo entre as séries e receberam intervenção nutricional imediatamente após o término da sessão. Imediatamente antes, imediatamente após, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o término da sessão os voluntários realizaram coletas de sangue. Os voluntários foram submetidos a biópsias musculares para análises de expressão proteica proteica (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4E Ser209) no período basal (pré), 1 e 2 horas após o término da sessão de exercício. As amostras de sangue foram utilizadas para medir os níveis plasmáticos de insulina, glicose, perfil lipídico e citocinas (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 e IL-10). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para o perfil lipídico e os níveis plasmáticos de glicemia. A concentração plasmática de insulina aumentou significativamente nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 minutos após a ingestão em comparação ao PLA. Para os valores de citocinas musculares, foi encontrada diferença significativa entre BCAA e Estudos sugerem que o exercício de força e a suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada apresentam potencial anabólico e anti-proteolítico, exercendo de forma sinérgica efeitos positivos sobre o remodelamento muscular. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos da suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e leucina isolada sobre as vias de síntese proteica muscular após uma sessão de exercício de força. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Dezoito sujeitos do gênero masculino, sedentários e com idade entre 18-30 anos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: BCAA (BCAA: 3,3 g leucina + 2,4 g de isoleucina + 2,4 g de valina), leucina (LEU: 3,2 g de leucina + 4,8 g de alanina) e placebo (PLA: 8 g de alanina). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma sessão exercício de força (extensão de joelho) composta por 8 séries de 8-10 repetições (85% de 1RM ) com 2 minutos de intervalo entre as séries e receberam intervenção nutricional imediatamente após o término da sessão. Imediatamente antes, imediatamente após, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o término da sessão os voluntários realizaram coletas de sangue. Os voluntários foram submetidos a biópsias musculares para análises de expressão proteica proteica (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4E Ser209) no período basal (pré), 1 e 2 horas após o término da sessão de exercício. As amostras de sangue foram utilizadas para medir os níveis plasmáticos de insulina, glicose, perfil lipídico e citocinas (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 e IL-10). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para o perfil lipídico e os níveis plasmáticos de glicemia. A concentração plasmática de insulina aumentou significativamente nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 minutos após a ingestão em comparação ao PLA. Para os valores de citocinas musculares, foi encontrada diferença significativa entre BCAA e Estudos sugerem que o exercício de força e a suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada apresentam potencial anabólico e anti-proteolítico, exercendo de forma sinérgica efeitos positivos sobre o remodelamento muscular. Diante disso, esse estudo teve como objetivo comparar os efeitos da suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e leucina isolada sobre as vias de síntese proteica muscular após uma sessão de exercício de força. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo. Dezoito sujeitos do gênero masculino, sedentários e com idade entre 18-30 anos foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: BCAA (BCAA: 3,3 g leucina + 2,4 g de isoleucina + 2,4 g de valina), leucina (LEU: 3,2 g de leucina + 4,8 g de alanina) e placebo (PLA: 8 g de alanina). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma sessão exercício de força (extensão de joelho) composta por 8 séries de 8-10 repetições (85% de 1RM ) com 2 minutos de intervalo entre as séries e receberam intervenção nutricional imediatamente após o término da sessão. Imediatamente antes, imediatamente após, 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos após o término da sessão os voluntários realizaram coletas de sangue. Os voluntários foram submetidos a biópsias musculares para análises de expressão proteica proteica (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4E Ser209) no período basal (pré), 1 e 2 horas após o término da sessão de exercício. As amostras de sangue foram utilizadas para medir os níveis plasmáticos de insulina, glicose, perfil lipídico e citocinas (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 e IL-10). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos para o perfil lipídico e os níveis plasmáticos de glicemia. A concentração plasmática de insulina aumentou significativamente nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 minutos após a ingestão em comparação ao PLA. Para os valores de citocinas musculares, foi encontrada diferença significativa entre BCAA e LEU comparado ao PLA para a concentração de IL-10 entre o momento 60 e 120 minutos após. Nesse mesmo período de tempo, também foi encontrada diferença significativa entre LEU e BCAA para a concentração de IL-1. Para os valores de citocinas plasmáticas, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos em todos momentos analisados. A suplementação de BCAA e LEU aumentou significativamente a expressão p-4E-BP1Thr37/46 120 minutos após comparado ao PLA no mesmo tempo. A expressão de p-p70S6kThr389 foi significativamente aumentada nos grupos BCAA e LEU 60 e 120 minutos após quando comparado com o PLA no mesmo tempo. A expressão de p-eIF4ESer209 encontrou-se significativamente aumentada após 60 minutos apenas no grupo LEU quando comparado ao PLA. Porém, 120 minutos após encontrou-se significativamente elevada em ambos grupos comparado ao PLA. Por meio dos resultados, podemos concluir que a suplementação de BCAA e leucina associadas ao exercício de força possuem efeitos semelhantes sobre o balanço inflamatório e sobre as vias de sinalização de síntese proteica muscular aumentando a fosforilação de efetores da cascata de sinalização da via Akt/mTOR / Studies suggest that resistance exercise and branched chain amino acids supplementation have potential anabolic and anti-proteolytic, synergistically exerting positive effects on muscle remodeling. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the effects of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and leucine isolated supplementation on muscle remodeling pathways after a resistance exercise. A cross-sectional, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted. Eighteen male sedentary subjects were aged 18-30 years were divided into three experimental groups: BCAA (BCAA: leucine + 3.3 g 2.4 g 2.4 g isoleucine + valine), leucine (LEU : 3.2 g of leucine + alanine 4.8 g) and placebo (PLA: 8 g of alanine). Both groups underwent a session of resistance exercise (knee extension) that consists of 8 sets of 8-10 repetitions (85% of 1RM) with 2 minutes rest between sets and received nutritional intervention immediately after the session. Immediately before, immediately after, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the end of the session the blood samples were assessed. Muscle biopsies were collected for analysis of protein expression (p-p70S6KThr389, p-4E-BP1Thr37/46, p-peIF4ESer209, MAFbx and MURF-1) at baseline (pre), 1 and 2 hours after end of the exercise session. The blood samples were used to measure serum levels of insulin, glucose, lipid and cytokine (TNF-, IL-1, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10). No significant differences between groups were observed for the lipid profile and plasma glucose. The plasma insulin increased significantly in the groups BCAA and leucine 60 minutes after ingestion compared to PLA. For values of muscular cytokines, significant difference was found between BCAA and LEU compared to PLA for the concentration of IL-10 between the time 60 and 120 minutes after. In that same time period, also found significant differences between LEU and BCAA for the concentration of IL-1. For values of plasma cytokines, no significant differences between groups were observed at all time points analyzed. BCAA and LEU supplementation significantly increased the expression of p-4E-BP1Thr37/46 120 minutes after the resistance exercise compared to PLA at the same time point. The expression of p-p70S6KThr389 was significantly increased in BCAA and LEU groups 60 and 120 minutes after resistance exercise compared to PLA at the same time point. The expression of p-peIF4ESer209 p70S6KThr389 was significantly increased after 60 minutes only on LEU group compared to PLA at the same time point. However, 120 minutes after the expression was significantly elevated in both groups compared to PLA. Through the results, we can conclude that the BCAA and leucine supplementation associated with strength exercise have similar effects on the balance of inflammatory and signaling pathways of muscle protein synthesis by increasing the phosphorylation of effectors of the signaling cascade of Akt / mTOR
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