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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CFD Simulation and Experimental Testing of Multiphase Flow Inside the MVP Electrical Submersible Pump

Rasmy Marsis, Emanuel 1983- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The MVP is a special type of Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs) manufactured by Baker Hughes, model no. G470, and is capable of handling multiphase flow up to 70% Gas Volume Fraction (GVF). Flows at high GVF cause conventional ESPs to surge. However, the special design of the impeller blades of the MVP ESP enables it to handle higher GVF. Dynamic behavior of the multiphase flow is studied experimentally and theoretically for this pump for the first time. In this work, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of an entire pump and detailed experimental analysis are performed. Meshing and CFD simulations are performed using the commercially available software ANSYS Fluent. An experimental facility has been designed and constructed to test the pump at different operating conditions. The pump is modeled and tested at two speeds; 3300 and 3600 rpm, using air-water mixtures with GVFs of 0, 5, 10, 25, 32 and 35%. The flow loop is controlled to produce different suction pressures up to 300psi. Pump pressure head is used to validate the CFD model for both single and two phase flows. Single phase CFD model was validated at 100 psi inlet pressure, while two phase models were validated at 200 psi inlet pressure. CFD simulations can predict the behavior of the pump at different speeds, flow rates, GVFs, and inlet pressures. Different diffuser designs are studied and simulated to improve the multistage pump performance. Enhanced diffuser designs increased the pump pressure head to up to 3.2%.

The setting, structural control, geochemistry and mantle source of the Monaro Volcanic Province, southeastern New South Wales

Roach, Ian C., n/a January 1999 (has links)
The Monaro Volcanic Province (MVP) is an Oligocene-Eocene intraplate basaltic lava field situated in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales between the towns of Cooma and Bombala. The lava pile of the MVP consists of basal sub-alkali rocks (olivine tholeiite, transitional basalt) capped by a number of thick ankaramite lavas, above which lie less numerous alkali rocks including alkali olivine basalt, nepheline basanite and olivine nephelinite. Intercalated with the lava flows are massive and matrix-supported alkali and ankaramitic hyaloclastites, alkali pillow basalts, rare tuffs, bauxitic weathering profiles, lacustrine sediments and reworked late Cretaceous to early Tertiary river gravels. The lava pile is intruded through by numerous volcanic plugs and dykes and rare maars. Volcanic centres are principally concentrated in two NW-SE trending zones parallel to major crustal-scale fractures in the Palaeozoic basement. Centres almost always lie over the intersections of two or more conjugate strike-slip or transverse fractures. The stratigraphy, whole-rock geochemistry and Sr and Nd isotopic signatures of rocks from the MVP indicate magma-genesis initially from an asthenospheric source with EM1 characteristics, gradually becoming more lithospheric with DM source characteristics. The long-lived nature of the MVP rules out a mantle plume-type source for magmas. Instead, a diapiric source is envisaged. The MVP mantle xenolith suite appears to have equilibrated at slightly higher temperatures for given pressures than the Newer Volcanics Province suite suggesting the palaeogeotherm for the MVP was slightly hotter than the "South East Australian" geotherm. Large amounts of amphibole (pargasitic hornblende, pargasite, ferroan pargasite and kaersutite) occuring within the more silica-undersaturated rocks of the MVP, and rarely within Iherzolitic xenoliths, are interpreted to have formed as selvages on mantle veins in contact with peridotite beneath the MVP. Amphiboles were later sampled by magmas rising through the same conduits and were brought to the surface. MVP ankaramite lavas feature < 2cm clinopyroxene porphyrocrysts, the cores of which are shown to have crystallised at ca. 18 kb pressure or ca. 54 km depth. This defines the base of the local crust within the MVP region. Data from the MVP support a landscape evolution model based on the isostatic rise of the Southern Highlands due to voluminous magmatic underplating since the Cretaceous. Data further support limited denudation since the Early Tertiary based on a pulsatory but high palaeogeotherm.

Konferenční a žurnálový redakční systém s modulární architekturou / Conference and journal editing system with modular architecture

Ličko, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
This work describes the current possibilities of PHP frameworks. The work is designed and developed in Czech PHP framework Nette. The work is a modular system which is used to publish articles and conferences. Application supports user registration and users management.

Исследование влияния программных и аппаратных ограничений на эксплуатационные параметры ИС «Локальная платежная система» : магистерская диссертация / Investigation of the influence of software and hardware limitations on the operational parameters of the Local Payment System IC

Глушков, Я. С., Glushkov, Y. S. January 2022 (has links)
Данная выпускная магистерская диссертация нацелена на разработку технологии нагрузочного тестирования локальной платежной системы для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Актуальность состоит в непрерывной проверке системы на качество и стабильность работы приложения, в связи с отсутствием данного функционала, а также высокой стоимости у аналоговых сервисов. В работе решаются задачи: анализ потенциального количества пользователей, анализ аналогичных сервисов, анализ предметной области, реализация теоретической задачи разработки технологии нагрузочного тестирования для локальной платежной системы для людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, реализация проекта нагрузочного тестирования и мониторинга показателей системы, для снижения ресурсов. Объектом исследования является технология автоматизированного нагрузочного тестирования. Предмет исследования – процесс проведения нагрузочного тестирования в локальной платежной системе для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Практическая значимость работы состоит разработке необходимого функционала приложения. Данный функционал поможет обычному человеку, без специальных знаний в программировании или разработке, понять на сколько система загружена и нуждается ли в доработке или увеличению мощности на удаленном сервере. Аналогичные проекты стоят дорого, обычному человеку разобраться с ними будет сложно. Так как проект социальный, как таковой прибыли с него получить нельзя, тем самым лишних денег на приобретение сторонних программ и найм специализированных людей на сопровождение системы нет. Экономический эффект работы состоит в сокращении финансовых затрат на проведение тестирования локальной платежной системы на всем жизненном цикле существования приложения. В связи с высокой стоимостью аналогичных разработок, а также высоким порогом вхождения, данная работа имеет большую актуальность. Полученный результат поможет сэкономить значительное количество финансов. / This graduate master's thesis is aimed at developing a technology for load testing of a local payment system for people with disabilities. The relevance consists in the continuous verification of the system for the quality and stability of the application, due to the lack of this functionality, as well as the high cost of analog services. The paper solves the following tasks: analysis of the potential number of users, analysis of similar services, domain analysis, implementation of the theoretical task of developing a load testing technology for a local payment system for people with disabilities, implementation of a load testing project and monitoring of system indicators to reduce resources. The object of the study is the technology of automated load testing. The subject of the study is the process of load testing in a local payment system for people with disabilities. The practical significance of the work consists in the development of the necessary application functionality. This functionality will help an ordinary person, without special knowledge in programming or development, to understand how much the system is loaded and whether it needs to be improved or increased capacity on a remote server. Similar projects are expensive, it will be difficult for an ordinary person to deal with them. Since the project is social, as such, it is impossible to get profit from it, thereby there is no extra money for the purchase of third-party programs and hiring specialized people to support the system. The economic effect of the work is to reduce the financial costs of testing the local payment system throughout the lifecycle of the application. Due to the high cost of similar developments, as well as the high entry threshold, this work is of great relevance. The result will help to save a significant amount of finance.

Аналитическое обеспечение инновационного it-решения для сообществ лиц с ОВЗ : магистерская диссертация / Analytical support of an innovate IT solution for communities of people with disabilities

Глушкова, М. А., Glushkova, M. A. January 2022 (has links)
Цель диссертации – аналитически обеспечить разработку системы взаимопомощи и социализации для лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья на базе существующей версии локальной платежной системы. Актуальность обусловлена огромными масштабами сообщества инвалидов в России. Проблема инвалидности остается болезненной, как с точки зрения медицины, так и с социально-экономической стороны. В работе решаются задачи: анализ предметной области, изучение альтернативных расчетных средств, электронных платежных системы. Изучены результаты исследований прошлых лет, а также модели и методики разработки продукта. Проведена полная аналитика системы, посчитаны все затраты, подготовлен проект внедрения, а также создан прототип системы для проведения деловых игр. Объектом исследования являются методы и инструменты изучения рынка ИКТ и разработки инновационного продукта. Предмет – аналитическое обоснование вывода на рынок и разработки инновационного продукта для лиц с ОВЗ. Научная новизна заключается в том, что в работе с помощью современных моделей и методик обоснована необходимость создания системы взаимодействия инвалидов, которая объединяла бы в себе функции интернет-магазина и ведение балансов счетов участников. Система уникальна и не имеет конкурентов. Практическая значимость заключается в создании аналитической базы сообщества инвалидов России и подготовке материалов для введения ЛПС в жизнь сообществ. / The purpose of the dissertation is to analytically ensure the development of a system of mutual assistance and socialization for people with disabilities based on the existing version of the local payment system. The relevance is due to the huge scale of the disabled community in Russia. The problem of disability remains painful, both from the point of view of medicine and from the socio-economic side. The paper solves the following tasks: analysis of the subject area, study of alternative means of payment, electronic payment systems. The results of previous years' research, as well as models and methods of product development are studied. A complete analysis of the system was carried out, all costs were calculated, an implementation project was prepared, and a prototype of the system for conducting business games was created. The object of the research is methods and tools for studying the ICT market and developing an innovative product. The subject is an analytical justification for launching and developing an innovative product for people with disabilities. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the work with the help of modern models and techniques justifies the need to create a system of interaction of disabled people, which would combine the functions of an online store and maintaining the balance of accounts of participants. The system is unique and has no competitors. The practical significance lies in the creation of an analytical base of the Russian disabled community and the preparation of materials for the introduction of LPS into the life of communities.


SILVIO ALONSO MARQUES 24 May 2022 (has links)
[pt] Muitas startups e até mesmo empresas de software tradicionais adotaram o uso de MVPs (sigla em inglês para Produto Mínimo Viável) para permitir experimentar rapidamente possibilidades de solução. O conceito de MVP tem influenciado a forma como as equipes de desenvolvimento aplicam as práticas de Engenharia de Software (ES). Entretanto, o entendimento geral desta influência dos MVPs sobre as práticas de ES ainda é pobre. Nosso objetivo é caracterizar o panorama de publicações sobre práticas que têm sido utilizadas no contexto dos MVPs de software e reunir insights dos profissionais sobre as práticas identificadas. Conduzimos um estudo de mapeamento sistemático usando uma estratégia de busca híbrida que consiste em uma busca em banco de dados e um snowballing das referências, para frente e para trás, de forma paralela. Posteriormente, discutimos os resultados do mapeamento em duas sessões de grupos de foco envolvendo doze profissionais da indústria que utilizam amplamente os MVPs em seus projetos para capturar suas percepções sobre os resultados do mapeamento. Identificamos 33 artigos publicados entre 2013 e 2020. Observamos algumas tendências relacionadas às práticas de ideação e avaliação de MVPs. Por exemplo, com relação à ideação, encontramos seis abordagens diferentes (e.g., Design Thinking, Lean Inception) e principalmente práticas informais de envolvimento do usuário final (e.g., workshops, entrevistas). Com relação à avaliação, há uma ênfase nas validações do usuário final baseadas em práticas como testes de usabilidade, testes A/B, e análise dos dados de uso. Entretanto, ainda há pesquisas limitadas relacionadas à avaliação de viabilidade técnica do MVP e estimativa de esforço. Os praticantes das sessões do grupo de foco reforçaram a confiança em nossos resultados no que diz respeito às práticas de ideação e avaliação, estando cientes da maioria das práticas identificadas. Eles também relataram como lidam com as avaliações de viabilidade técnica (envolvendo desenvolvedores durante a ideação e conduzindo experimentos informais) e estimativa de esforço na prática (com base na opinião de especialistas e usando práticas comuns a metodologias ágeis, como o Planning Poker). Nossa análise sugere que há oportunidades para propostas de soluções e estudos de avaliação para tratar de lacunas na literatura relativas à avaliação de viabilidade técnica e estimativa de esforço. Em geral, é necessário investir mais esforço na avaliação empírica das práticas existentes relacionadas ao MVP. / [en] Many startup environments and even traditional software companies have embraced the use of MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) to allow quickly experimenting solution options. The MVP concept has influenced the way in which development teams apply Software Engineering (SE) practices. However, the overall understanding of this influence of MVPs on SE practices is still poor. Our goal is to characterize the publication landscape on practices that have been used in the context of software MVPs and to gather practitioner insights on the identified practices. We conducted a systematic mapping study using a hybrid search strategy that consists of a database search and parallel forward and backward snowballing. Thereafter, we discussed the mapping study results in two focus groups sessions involving twelve industry practitioners that extensively use MVPs in their projects to capture their perceptions on the findings of the mapping study. We identified 33 papers published between 2013 and 2020. We observed some trends related to MVP ideation and evaluation practices. For instance, regarding ideation, we found six different approaches (e.g., Design Thinking, Lean Inception) and mainly informal end-user involvement practices (e.g., workshops, interviews). Regarding evaluation, there is an emphasis on enduser validations based on practices such as usability tests, A/B testing, and usage data analysis. However, there is still limited research related to MVP technical feasibility assessment and effort estimation. Practitioners of the focus group sessions reinforced the confidence in our results regarding ideation and evaluation practices, being aware of most of the identified practices. They also reported how they deal with the technical feasibility assessments (involving developers during the ideation and conducting informal experiments) and effort estimation in practice (based on expert opinion and using practices common to agile methodologies, such as Planning Poker). Our analysis suggests that there are opportunities for solution proposals and evaluation studies to address literature gaps concerning technical feasibility assessment and effort estimation. Overall, more effort needs to be invested into empirically evaluating the existing MVP-related practices.

Android Architecture Comparison: MVP vs. VIPER

Humeniuk, Vladyslav January 2019 (has links)
Android application development has been of interest since the first Android smartphone was released. Applications are constantly getting more complex as well as smartphone hardware is getting better. New ways of developing Android applications are developed with time. There is Model View Presenter architecture that is the most used for android applications now and new View InteractorPresenter Entity Router architecture that is becoming more popular. But there is no empirical data to compare these architectures to understand what architecture will fit better for developing new applications. This thesis aims to compare the MVP and the VIPER android architectures using a few important metrics like maintainability, modifiability, testability, and performance. Results will answer what architecture is better for developing different types of projects. VIPERarchitecture showed better performance results and maintenance metrics comparison shows that both architectures have advantages and disadvantages.

Financial Dollarization In The Turkish Economy: &quot / the Portfolio View&quot

Serdaroglu, Tuncay 01 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to analyze financial dollarization phenomenon in the Turkish economy since the beginning of 1990&rsquo / s based on Ize and Levy Yeyati&rsquo / s (2003) minimum variance portfolio (MVP) framework. Financial dollarization, steamed by unfavorable macroeconomic conditions and uncertainties, is revealed by the experiences of recent banking and financial crisis as carrying significant drawbacks such that it complicates economic policy implementation and contains the seeds of fragility for the whole economy as well. Although, considerable progress has been achieved in reducing inflation levels and sustaining macroeconomic stability, financial dollarization displays rather an enduring stance. MVP approach is based on optimizing the currency composition of financial contracts depending on the risk and the return profile of agents&rsquo / portfolios. According to this approach, financial dollarization is an increasing function of the inflation volatility and a decreasing function of the real exchange rate volatility. In line with this framework, financial dollarization in the Turkish economy during 1990-2011 period is studied by also considering other important macroeconomic risk indicators and it is tried to shed some light on the success of inflation targeting policy in dealing with dollarization phenomenon.

Google Web Toolkit / Google Web Toolkit

Remiš, Michael January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with development of web applications using Google web Toolkit. GWT is modern set of open source tools that allows developers to create Rich Internet Applications completely in Java without any deep knowledge of JavaScript. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on architecture of Google Web Toolkit, basic approaches and some advanced topics as MVP architecture, client-server communication or persistence layer. The practical part consists of set of examples which demonstrates approaches described in theoretical part.

Porovnání frameworků Nette a Java Spring pro vývoj webových aplikací / Comparison of Nette and Java Spring frameworks for web development

Tölg, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a comparison of two frameworks, built on two different platforms. The first one is a PHP-based framework Nette and the second one is Spring, developed in Java. They both are popular choices of frameworks on their respective platforms. The first part of the thesis' target is to introduce the reader to elementary ideas related to frameworks - design pattern MVC. The second part describes the Nette framework, the third is devoted to Spring framework. The fourth part deals with an example application and it's realization in both Nette and Spring, and the fifth and last part compares both frameworks, evaluates them and closes the whole topic.

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