Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mythanalyse"" "subject:"rhythmanalysis""
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Vztah mýtu a literatury na tématu vlkodlaka / Myth and Literature: The WerewolfBenešová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
anglicky: Title of the thesis: Myth and Literature: The Werewolf Keywords: myth, literature, mythology, mythodology, mythanalysis, mythocriticism, werewolf Abstract: This thesis deals with the relation between literature and myth. Literature transcribes the myth from a language of symbols to the language of literature. This process limits the multiplicity of meaning and the variety of renderings of a myth but at the same time makes it possible to preserve the elemental message and make it comprehensible for the socio-cultural reality of the author and subsequently for the reader. The objective of this thesis is to show on the example of the werewolf how a myth works in literature. After researching into the domain of mythology and mythocriticism, Gilbert Durand's method, called mythodology, was chosen as the principal route to approach the subject of this thesis. Mythodology comprises of two phases: mythanalysis and mythocriticism. The method is used for the study of the myth of the werewolf in four literary works from the different periods and of the different genres. In the final part are studied and analysed some socio-cultural consequences of the psychological nature of myth and its transcription into literature.
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Identité francophone ? Une littérature entre Transculturalité et Interculturalité dans les romans de Ali BECHEUR, Réjean DUCHARME et Jacques POULIN. / A Francophone identity? A literature between transculturality and Interculturalism in the novels of Ali Bécheur, Réjean Ducharme and Jacques PoulinFellah, Samir 10 May 2016 (has links)
Le contexte socioculturel se révèle important dans l’approche identitaire des écrits francophones de Jacques Poulin, de Réjean Ducharme et de Ali Bécheur. Notre démarche a tenté de suivre une dialectique synchronique dans les différents épisodes fictionnels qui constituent le champ de recherche de notre étude. Dans cette dernière, la composante interculturelle est repensée en tant que concept permettant de redécouvrir l’altérité, et ce, dans une sorte de distinction résolue à partir d’une conscience d’appartenance qui pilote à son tour un comportement auctorial différent de celui entendu par la notion de transculturalité, d’une manière générale. Cette transculturalité conforte l’idée d’universalité ou encore de cohésion sociale multiethnique en faisant valoir une adaptation polymorphe des influences culturelles qui déterminent les traits des individus d’une même société. Il s’agit également de pointer du doigt l’aspect négatif de la mondialisation assimilationniste dans tout ce schéma transculturel transcendant foncièrement l’œuvre littéraire.Nous nous sommes attardés également sur les différentes caractéristiques narratives des auteurs en vue de mettre en exergue les thèmes récurrents et étroitement liés à la conception identitaire. Aussi, le dialogue interne démontre-t-il un balancement fictionnel qui inscrit deux états déterminants humains : le désenchantement et la passion, dans l’entendement d’une réalité contemporaine manifeste. Faisant suite à une continuité thématique et surtout analytique au sein de cette étude, nous avons choisi de procéder en dernier lieu de cette comparaison francophone, culturelle et identitaire, à une lecture psychanalytique des romans retenus dans le corpus. / The sociocultural context proves to be a major element in the identital approach of the francophone writings of JP, of RD and AB. Our own approach has tried to follow a synchronic dialectic one through various fictional episodes which constitute the field of research of our study.In the latter, the intercultural element is reconsidered as a concept leading to the rediscovery of the motif of otherness as a clear-cut distinction coming from a sense of belonging which, in turn, guides the writer's behaviour in a way which is different from what the notion of transculturalism usually implies. This idea of transculturalism supports the idea of universality and of multi-ethnic social cohesion by putting forward a polymorphic version of cultural influences which determines the features of individuals within the same society. It is also meant to point out the negative aspect of globalization as an assimilation process within this transcultural pattern which is part and parcel of the literary work.We have specifically laid the stress on the writers' narrative characteristics in order to enhance the recurring themes closely linked to the idea of identity. As a result, the internal dialogue shows a fictional swing between two determining human conditions: disenchantment and passion resulting from an obvious contemporary reality. As a follow-up to our thematic study and more specifically to our analytical one, we have chosen to end our work based on a francophone cultural and identital comparison with a psychoanalytic interpretation of the novels which are part of the corpus.
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Le mythe de Persée et Andromède : mythanalyse d’un palimpseste artistique du XVIIe siècle à nos jours / The Perseus and Andromeda’s myth : mythanalysis of an artistic palimpsest from the XVIIth century to our daysDesvignes, Armelle 08 June 2016 (has links)
La thèse propose l’étude des variations du mythe de Persée et Andromède au fil des siècles, à travers l’analyse d’oeuvres musicales mises en relation avec des oeuvres picturales et littéraires sur le même thème, selon une méthode de mythocritique – étude des topiques récurrents du mythe dans un contexte littéraire ou artistique – et de mythanalyse comparée – étude d’un mythe dans un contexte social ou historique – appliquée aux différents arts. La problématique de cette thèse – comprendre l’évolution du mythe en fonction de la pensée de l’artiste et de l’époque – s’est formée à la lecture des ouvrages sur le mythe, sur les symboles de Persée et Andromède et sur les relations entre les arts. La méthode appliquée à cette étude, qui rend possible le rapprochement des oeuvres de différentes disciplines artistiques, a été élaborée avec l’objectif d’effectuer la mythanalyse de Persée et Andromède et de comprendre ainsi comment, à un moment donné, les artistes s’approprient des symboles mythiques et livrent leur propre interprétation. Les convergences entre les analyses mythocritiques des oeuvres musicales, picturales et littéraires sur Persée et Andromède, justifient les conclusions mythanalytiques pour une époque précise. L’ensemble de celles-ci, au fil des siècles, à l’image d’un palimpseste, met en lumière le renouvellement du mythe du XVIIe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui. / The thesis proposes the study of the variation of Perseus and Andromeda's myth all along the centuries through the analysis of musical works in relation with pictorial and literary works over the same myth, according to a method of mythocritic – study of the recurring topicals of the myth in a literary or artistic context – and compared mythanalysis – myth’s study in a social or historic context – applied to various arts.The aim of this thesis – to understand the evolution of the myth according to the mind of the artist and the era – appeared with the reading of the various works on the myth itself, on Perseus and Andromeda’s symbols and on the relations derived between the arts. The method applied to this study, which makes possible the relationships of works of differents arts, as been elaborated in purpose to make Perseus and Andromeda's mythanalysis and to understand how at some point, the artists appropriated themselves mythical symbols and deliver their own understanding.The convergences between the mythocritic analysis of musical, pictorial and literary works on Perseus and Andromeda, justify for mythanalysis conclusions in a precise time. All of them, all along the centuries – the palimpsest – highlights the evolution of the myth of the seventeenth century until today.
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / According to some concepts of Gilbert Durand (sociocultural topic of the imaginary,
semantic basin, mythanalysis, day and night regimes of the imaginary), this doctoral
thesis searches for two cultural topics from the religious: the mythology of orixás
(African) and the Umbanda (Brazilian). Both considered having the same semantic
basins and typified as belonging to the same night regime of the imaginary (however,
Umbanda is in a phase of transition of regime). In the imaginary study of several
populations, Durand organized the mythological expression in two different regimes:
the night and the day regimes. The first is the regime of antithesis, the Manichaeism,
the universe divided in opposites (the good versus the evil, darkness versus light),
the tormented man, polemic, dual, divided in his psyche and his needs to put in order
the chaos. The second is the one that unifies and synthesizes the opposites of the
universe, the regime of the integral human and allayed with himself. The great family
of the orixás, with its thematic unity, his habitus and the euphemic ideology, it is the
example of the night regime. This reveals the ethos of a population psychically
allayed with itself that solves all of the existential problems by the oracle of Ifá and
the offering of gifts to the orixás that answers the demands for happiness, welfare
and fortune. Created by the oral collective tradition, memorized by the balalaôs and
repassed generation by generation, the mythology of the orixás is the set of
narratives of the orixás, the gods of the iorubá African people. The believers
receiving their gods in rituals typified with drum sounds, songs, dancing and parties
characterize the mediumistic phenomenon of possession, during the celebrations.
This is the tradition that arrived in Brazil with the slaves in the XVI century,
syncretized with the Catholicism, as a mechanism to avoid the discrimination that the
blacks have suffered from their white lords, therefore, resulting in many celebrations
of African matrices, which Candomblé and Umbanda stand out. In the present work,
the mythanalysis of orixás shows separately the meaning and significance (the two
parts of the linguistic sign and symbolic signs). To this reason, the significance is the
sensitive part, figurative, concrete and linked to the imaginary with narratives and
their contexts (characters, plot, action, time and space); the meaning is the thematic
aspect, abstract with some approaches of interpretation: anthropological, historical,
social, psychoanalytical and archetypical. The Umbanda, that was born in this
semantic basin, in modern times, in the XX century, is a Brazilian religion, which was
raised from the synthesis among these celebrations of African matrices, Catholicism,
Kardecism and the native indigenous rites, creating, yet, recent myths according to
the Brazilian reality. The Umbanda inherited many traces of the basin-mother and the
most remarkable of this religion is the practice of the mediumistic appointments with
mediums incorporated by spiritual entities that are similar to the oracles of the orixás,
taking care of people in existential difficulties, solving magically all the problems they
present. Thus, the discourse of legitimation and social acceptance is set, the
Umbanda follows its moral principles; practice the good and the good through charity,
like the Christian principles. / Com base em alguns conceitos de Gilbert Durand (tópica sociocultural do
imaginário, bacia semântica, mitoanálise, regimes diurno e noturno do imaginário),
esta tese de doutorado investiga duas tópicas socioculturais do campo religioso, a
mitologia dos orixás (africana) e a Umbanda (brasileira), ambas consideradas como
bacias semânticas e tipificadas como pertencentes ao regime noturno do imaginário
(estando, porém, a Umbanda em fase de transição de regime). No estudo do
imaginário de diversos povos, Durand organizou a expressão mitológica em dois
regimes diferentes, o regime diurno e o regime noturno, sendo o primeiro o regime
das antíteses, do maniqueísmo, do universo dividido em opostos (bem versus mal,
trevas versus luz), do homem atormentado, polêmico, dual, dividido em seu
psiquismo e que precisa colocar ordem no caos; e o segundo aquele que unifica e
sintetiza os opostos do universo, o regime do homem uno e apaziguado consigo
mesmo. A grande família dos orixás, com sua unidade temática, seu habitus e
ideologia eufemizante, é exemplo do regime noturno, revelando o ethos de um povo
psiquicamente apaziguado consigo mesmo, que resolve todos os seus problemas
existenciais por meio do oráculo de Ifá mediante oferendas aos orixás, que atendem
sempre aos pedidos por felicidade, bem-estar e fortuna. Fruto de criação coletiva
oral, memorizada pelos babalaôs e repassada de geração a geração, a mitologia
dos orixás é o conjunto das narrativas sobre os orixás, os deuses do povo africano
iorubá. Pelo fenômeno mediúnico da possessão, nos cultos os fiéis recebem seus
deuses em rituais marcados com sons de tambores, músicas, danças e festas,
tradição que chegou ao Brasil com os escravos a partir do século XVI, sincretizando-
se com o Catolicismo, como mecanismo para se evitar a discriminação que os
negros sofriam dos seus senhores brancos, e dando origem a diversos cultos de
matriz africana, dos quais se destacam hoje o Candomblé e a Umbanda. Em nosso
trabalho, a mitoanálise dos orixás vem com exposição separada em significante e
significado (as duas partes componentes do signo linguístico e dos signos
simbólicos), sendo o significante a parte sensível, figurativa, concreta e imagética,
com as narrativas e seus contextos (personagens, enredo, ação, tempo, espaço); já
o significado é o aspecto temático, abstrato, com algumas abordagens de
interpretação: antropológica, histórica, social, psicanalítica e arquetípica. Filha dessa
bacia semântica, a Umbanda, religião brasileira, nascida já em tempos modernos, no
século XX, é fruto da síntese entre esses cultos de matriz africana, Catolicismo,
Kardecismo e ritos indígenas nativos, criando ainda mitos recentes de acordo com a
realidade brasileira. A Umbanda herdou muitos dos traços da bacia-mãe, sendo o
mais marcante a prática de consultas em sessões mediúnicas, com médiuns
incorporados por entidades espirituais, que, à semelhança dos oráculos dos orixás,
atendem as pessoas em suas dificuldades existenciais, resolvendo magicamente
todos os problemas que se apresentem. Assim, constituindo um discurso de
legitimação e aceitação social, a Umbanda segue princípios morais, pratica o bem e
faz caridade, como indicam os preceitos cristãos, sendo essa a sua feição atual.
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