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Public relations v činnosti cestovní kanceláře KudrnaŠedá, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Komparace efektivnosti zadávání veřejných zakázek v listinné a v elektronické podobě na úrovni krajůRozehnalová, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Možnosti výroby dřevěných koupacích vanBielková, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Možnosti aplikace vybraných nástrojů řízení kvality ve výrobě detergentůŽelízková, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
Práce se zabývá metodami a nástroji managementu kvality a možnostmi jejich uplatnění v operativním řízení kvality. V praktické části je provedena analýza výrobního procesu tekutých detergentů a jsou doporučeny vhodné nástroje pro řízení procesu, předcházení vzniku neshod a analýzu problémů kvality. Je zhodnocen vliv na strukturu a výši nákladů spojených s kvalitou.
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Finančné a nefinančné nástroje štátnej podpory exportu v ČR / Financial and non-financial instruments of state support of export in Czech republicBranikovičová, Dagmara January 2008 (has links)
This thesis embraces the system of state support of export in Czech republic. Basic financial and non-financial instruments of state support of export in Czech republic are introduced in particular chapters which also contains a description of institutions dealing with above mentioned instruments.
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Možnosti využití konceptu Big Data v pojišťovnictvíStodolová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the phenomenon of recent years called Big Data. Big Data are unstructured data of large volume which cannot be managed and processed by commonly used software tools. The analytical part deals with the concept of Big Data and analyses the possibilities of using this concept in the in-surance sector. The practical part presents specific methods and approaches for the use of big data analysis, specifically in increasing the competitiveness of the insurance company and in detecting insurance frauds. Most space is devoted to data mining methods in modelling the task of detecting insurance frauds. This di-ploma thesis builds on and extends the bachelor thesis of the author titled "Mod-ern technology of data analysis and its use in detection of insurance frauds".
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Administrativní a ekonomické nástroje ochrany životního prostředí / Administrative and economic tools of environmental protectionDočkalová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with administrative and economic instruments of environmental protection, which represent the most important groups of instruments of environmental protection. Administrative and economic instruments are means and methods that affect human behavior in relation to environment. The thesis is systematically divided into two main parts and each of them is subdivided into chapters and subchapters. The first part of the thesis is focused generally and provides overview of individual types of administrative and economic instruments with regard to their attributes, functions and effects. The first chapter of the first part deals with individual groups of instruments of environmental protection in general and defines their basic division and brief characteristics. The second and the third chapter deal with more detailed analysis of administrative and economic instruments of environmental protection, their attributes and functions. The fourth chapter contains summary of previous chapters, states the advantages and disadvantages of administrative and economic instruments and shows the mutual relation between these instruments. The second part of the thesis illustrates how administrative and economic instruments work in practice on the example of soil protection. The first chapter contains a...
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Společensky odpovědné chování spotřebitelůPáníková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Social responsible behavior of consumers. The main objec-tive of this thesis is to determinate, whether the consumer, while buying, is aware that the product is socially responsible. Partial objectives are to determinate which marketing and communication tools affect the consumer the most. These goals are achieved through the results of an online survey. Based on interviews with organizers of CSR campaigns are set out recommendations for promotion of CSR products. The economic evaluation of marketing campaigns is stated in the conclusion of this thesis.
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Uplatnění muzikoterapie v práci s dětmi ve školní družině / Musicotherapy in work with childrenHYNKOVÁ, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The presented Master thesis examines the topic of Music therapy and its use in an after-school childcare. The first part of the thesis defines the music therapy, explores its history, evolution and describes its current form. It illustrates the impact of music on a person and the effects of music therapy. It provides an introduction to existing forms of music therapy, methods and techniques used in a school environment. It also delineates music therapeutic approaches leading to improvement of attention, elimination of insecurity, reinforcement of confidence, advancement of pupils' communication and can alleviate problems associated with specific learning disorders. The second part of the thesis explores the uses of music therapy in a practical setting. It describes experience with the use of music therapeutic methods in an after-school childcare setting and lists methods and forms of work utilized in individual music therapeutic lessons. It indicates, how to influence children's behavior and actions with the purposeful use of music and principles of music therapy. Results of the research and the methodology of musicotherapeutic lessons, which is a part the presented thesis, could be possibly used in planning afternoon activities in an after-school childcare
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Hudební a mimohudební prvky vč. audiovizuálních v hudbě pro bicí nástroje ve 20. a 21. století / Musical, Non - Musical and Audiovisual Elements Used in Compositions for Percussions in the 20th and 21st CenturySokolov, Oleg January 2016 (has links)
My doctoral thesis deals mainly music for percussion 20th and 21st centuries. It provides professional public insight into the occurrence and the practical use of musical and non-musical elements in connection with the possibilities of ever growing range of audio-visual elements. On the example of analyzing several premiere works by Czech composers shows the possible developments of this kind of composition. It also discusses the general benefit of the media world to the world of classical music.
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