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Financování revitalizace bytového domu s dvanácti bytovými jednotkami v Blansku / Financing to Revitalize Apartment House with Twelve Apartments in BlanskoNovotná, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the possible ways of financing the comprehensive revitalization of the apartment house. This diploma thesis contains calculations of the savings, selection of the implementer and assessment of the debt financing.
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Návrh financování revitalizace bytového domu v Náchodě. / Suggestion for the Financing of the Revitalizing of Dwellings in Nachod.Effenberk, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the possible ways of financing the comprehensive revitalization of the apartment house. This diploma thesis contains calculations of the savings, selection of the implementer and assessment of the debt financing.
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Financování revitalizace bytového domu / Financing of the Revitalization of a Block of FlatsVálková, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the financing of the revitalization of a particular block of flats in Brno. The thesis contains process of reconstruction, comparison of supplier´s offers and bank credit products and return on investments. Based the selection criteria, analysis and calculations is chosen optimal supplier and bank institution. The result of this thesis is a proposal for the flat owners association how to efficiently finance revitalization.
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Vytápění rodinného domu s využitím tepelného čerpadla / Heat pump for domestic heatingKoubková, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about using heat pump (HP) to gain energy. The theoretical part contains introduction, historical development of HP, principle of function, description of individual components, working cycle of heat pump and sources of lowpotencial energy and accordingly possible types of heat pumps. The practical part is devoted to proposal of appropriate type of heat pump for heating and warming of tap water for family house and economical evaluation of this solution.
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Posouzení provozu bagrovacích čerpadel / Operation check of dredge pumpPleban, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to consider the operation of dredge pump and design new technology of slag removal including return on investment calculation. The operation optimization itself was preceded by analysis of present technology, data collection, calculation of pressure losses and pinpointing the causes of their origin. Subsequently, the measures to elimination of losses were deduced and these measures were implemented into optimization of dredge pump operation itself. The return on investment into the new technology of slag removal is calculated in the last chapter, considering its feasibility in the heating plant.
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Energeticko-ekonomická optimalizace parametrů tepelné izolace moderních rodinných domů / Energy-economic optimization of thermal insulation parameters of modern family housesRichter, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to simulate the energy balance of the two new buildings, classic brick buildings and light wood construction. On the basis of these simulations are compared effects of various parameters of insulation including panels for building openings on heat loss, energy efficiency cooling and solar gains. Energy simulations were performed with TRNSYS 16_1.
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Technologie paprskového řezání / Cutting beams technologiesKocman, Luděk January 2013 (has links)
The diploma´s thesis deals with cutting beams technologies. It shows the current knowledge of these cutting methods, their possibilities and applications. The practical part rates benefits of replacement water jet with laser from economic and technological perspective.
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Vliv provedení zateplení na rodinném domě v Rokytnici nad Rokytnou. / Influence of insulation design of the house in Rokytnice nad Rokytnou.Dlouhý, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with insulation of the house and it's costs. First part relates to the developement of the construction, the current trends in the construction of houses, prices of energy and heating options. Next part relates with insulation system Etics, the way of it's implementation and thermal assessment with basic names. Thermal insulation is designed in three variants. The work includes thermal assessment in original condition and the assessment of new condition modified by adding thermal insulation with it's economic return. In conclusion, the diploma thesis evaluates the payback period of insulation options and the effect on price of this house.
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Vliv provedení zateplení rodinného domu ve Slavicích na výdaje spojené s provozem této nemovitosti. / Influence of insulation of a house in Slavice on expenses related to the operation of the propertyPokorná, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with insulation of the house and it's costs. First part describes the energy performance of building, different methods of thermal insulation and types of thermal isolation. This thesis evaluates the influence of thermal insulation of residential building design for expenses associated with operating the property. This thesis uncludes thermal technical assessment of the condition of the house and then heat the assessment of the options for the thermal insulation on its economic return. In conclusion, the assessment of individual variants insulation is calculated as a simple payback period and the effect on price of this house.
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Vliv provedení zateplení administrativní budovy v Blansku na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / The impact of executing new thermal insulation on an administrative building in Blansko on the expenses associated with its operationKopřivová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis „ The impact of executing new thermal insulation on an administrative building in Blansko on the expenses associated with its operation“ is a draft and appraisal of four variants of thermal insulation of the building (EPS, EPS G, Mineral wool, Phenolic foam). It deals with an actual building situated in Blansko. All the variants are projected according to the same technical specifications (thermal transmittance) and their thermal parameters, technical parameters and the rate of return have been assessed. The assessed building (The A building) is at rectangular shape. It has six above - ground floors and a basement, it contains mainly administration sites. The construction system is concrete frame, which has curtain wall made of perforated blocks with thickness 250 mm. The building has got reinforced concrete floors, the roofing is made of double-skin roof construction. The supply for heating is a separate gas boiler room.
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