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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomicko-technická analýza fotovoltaického fasádního systému / Economic and Technical Analysis of the Photovoltaic Facade System

Bónová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis comprehensively analyses photovoltaic power plants on facades both from economic and technical point of view. It also devotes to a broader view upon a photovoltaic power plants regarding their placement, its accessories and legislative. The thesis describes a calculation of energetic gains in details including evaluation of five solar radiation sources in order to assess energetic effectivity of the photovoltaic equipment. Furthermore, the thesis describes a means of determination of photovoltaic revenues which is closely related to its ability to sustain the energetic demand of the building. These calculations are presented in the conclusion of thesis where they are applied to four selected buildings. The thesis also contains a processed graph due to which it is possible to specify optimal size of photovoltaic facade. The size is depending on selected facade cardinal point orientation and also on floor area of the building, which serves to estimate future electricity consumption.

Návrh výroby nosiče čepele stroje MRZ / Messerringzerspaner / Design of MRZ / Messerringzerspaner blade carrier design

Mecová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is focused on the proposal of a new technological procedure of the blade carrier for use in its own production. Currently, the carrier is manufactured by the German company B.Maier Zerkleinerungstechnik GmbH. The work includes several parts. The first part deals with the component itself, its function and importance, as well as its function in the assembly and the whole machine. In the next part the technological procedure of the blade carrier production is created. Fleet of machines including the necessary tools is also designed. In a separate chapter there is an economic evaluation of the proposed solution in two different variants, a subsequent evaluation and a proposal for implementation.

Využití sluneční energie pro chlazení a klimatizaci / Using Solar Energy for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Chládek, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is dealing with the usage of solar energy for cooling and air-conditioning. Notification of the quantity of solar power which incidents to the Earth, types of solar power collector and discribes systems which are applicable for cooling and air-conditioning. Next part deal with calculation and proposal of combined system for warming-up domestic hot water, heating a bit more and cooling. In the last part I solve the capital expenditure and system´s economic return.

Posouzení efektivnosti inovačního projektu / Efficiency Analysis of the Innovation Project

Krčálová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
Thesis treats of effectiveness of innovative plan of company HARTMANN – RICO. In forepart I introduce theoretical findings related to innovative strategy and planning investment activity. The second part applies to identification a company, its history, function, range of products and its results. In the next part I present line of products innovation, whose evaluate I make after that. In conclusion I propound my own analysis proposal.

Provozní náklady rodinných domů / Operating cost of family houses

Baranyková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis determines and compares operating costs (energy balance) of family houses, depending on their age and during their life cycle. The basic terms, heat-technical properties and technological procedures of improving heat-technical properties are defined in the first part of the thesis. In the practical part, the operating costs of three older houses are determined. Variants of building modifications to improve heat-technical properties are suggested and evaluated. Certificates of energy performance were determined and the values compared, for both the current state of the houses and for the state after the improvement heat-technical properties. The thesis includes calculation of building modifications costs and the payback period of the investment.

Návrh otopné soustavy s tepelným čerpadlem pro vytápění rodinného domu / Design of a space heating system with heat pump in family house

Valešová, Jaroslava January 2010 (has links)
This master`s thesis deals with low-temperature heating that employs a heat pump. The introduction gives reasons for utilization of the renewable heat sources for heating. The next part focuses on a practical application of renewables on the heating of a family house. It covers a detailed description of the building and the designed heating system which includes: the calculation of thermal losses, design of the low-temperature boiler, heat pump, safety devices, heating elements, sizing and control of the system. The last part is devoted to the assessment of the system performance.

Posouzení vlivu provedení zateplení bytového domu v Třebíči na výdaje spojené s provozem této nemovitosti / Assessment of the Impact of Thermal Insulation Performance of a Residential Building in Trebic on Running Expenses of this Property

Kostíková, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the influence of thermal insulation of residential building design for expenses associated with operating the property. The thesis first analyzes the current problems in our panel construction, basic concepts related to energy performance of buildings and methods of supplying heat to the building. Is discussed in more detail the way the building insulation using ETICS. In assessing the economic returns are two options proposed austerity measures. The work includes Energy Performance Certificate apartment house, on the basis of the assessed amount of energy saved for the variations of thermal insulation. Both variants are also measured by isolating the needs for economic evaluation. The conclusion assesses the turnaround time of each action.

Analýza vlivu zateplení na cenu bytového domu v Třebíči / Analysis of the impact on the price of insulation of residential building in Trebic

Procházka, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
A quantification of costs of an insulation on multi-storey buildings and determination of returns on investments in the insulation due to cost savings for heating energy is the subject of this thesis. Analysis of the current statuses of prefabricated houses in the Czech Republic, possibilities of insulating, and characterization of thermal insulation materials are involved in the thesis. It is also included a description of the method for determining the energy performance of the building. The core of this work is the statistical comparison of the prices of two residential buildings in Trebic using the bid prices. These residential buildings, which differ by the number of floors, are assessed concerning impacts of the insulation works. There is also calculated the amount of saved energy for heating which is further used for determination of return on investments into complete building insulation.

Analýza vlivu zateplení na cenu bytových jednotek v typovém domě ve Vyškově / Analysis of the effect of insulation on the housing unit price in a model house in Vyškov

Čupr, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of insulation of perimeter structures on the price of residential units in model house. Model example is prefabricated house in the town of Vyškov. The aim is to determine whether is the investment for owners of individual apartments beneficial and, if so, what is its return time. Two views on this issue are saving energy for heating and appreciation of prices of apartments. The secondary objective is considering other options to save energy.

Spojení kondenzačního kotle se solárními kolektory pro zásobování RD tepelnou energií / Condensing boiler with solar collectors for thermal energy supply of residences

Zeman, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with practical design of heat supply of real house in Libhošť, Nový Jičín. Main strategy of heat supply is gas condensation boiler, that replaces current gas boiler, with solar collector. From known house heat loss we determine temperatures of heating water and power of boiler, that heats the house and hot water. System with solar collector is designed to heat hot water in the house. All necessary equations are calculated both for long term measured meteorological data and for data in year 2015. Heat gains and payback periods of investment in solar system are determined from them. Payback periods are calculated given to price of heat that gas boiler produces. Equations and payback period evaluation are made for systems with one to four solar collectors. There is recommendation at the end of thesis, whether the solar system is advantageous, or not.

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