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Návratnost investic do vysokoškolského vzdělání podle země původu / The return on investment within higher education according to country of originDlabáčková, Dorota January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores return on investment within higher education in the Czech Republic. It analyzes the issue, comparing groups of students studying at Czech universities, according to their country of origin. The first part of the thesis is focused on defining higher education as an economic asset, and exploring its financing in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the concept of human capital is analyzed, including its history, methodology and the types of return on investment identified within higher education. In the second part the parameters for the analysis are defined. This section also outlines the set method for calculating return on investment within higher education in the Czech Republic. The return on investment for students in higher education is then examined between the three nationalities with the highest representation in Czech universities -- Czech, Slovak and Russian students.
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Návratnost investice do vysokoškolského vzdělání / Investment on Tertiary Education in the Czech RepublicFinardi, Savina January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of dissertation thesis is to estimate, how much affects the investment on human capital (tertiary education) economic benefits. Thesis includes results about internal rates of return and also some estimation based on Mincer function. Results are compared with OECD Education at A Glance publication. Thesis works with models of tuition fees and progressive personal income tax.
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Využití přímého marketingu v ČSOB, a.s. / Use of direct marketing in ČSOB, a.s.Mašková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with analysis of use of direct marketing in Československá obchodní banka, a.s. The aim of this thesis is to introduce use of direct marketing in the bank and the process of realization of direct campaigns. Further the aim of this thesis is to analyze financial investments in direct marketing in Československá obchodní banka, a.s. and reveal successful and failed campaigns. On the example of successful and failed campaigns there is conducted analysis and are defined reasons why given campaigns are successful and unsuccessful. For failed campaign there are proposed solutions and improvements.
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Systém zpracování kovového odpadu z řezných procesů / Metal waste processing system from cutting processesPartlová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis will be focuses on the processing of steel chips, explanation of general con-cepts, the division of chips according to their origin, their types and examples of some machines that are related to the chip processing system. It will also describe which law to follow when sor-ting waste like this, how to recycle it and how much this topic is connected with the ecological point of view. The second part of the work will be focused on the processing of the aluminium waste from the production of aluminium components. It contains a specific example of the calculation of a proposal to change the treatment of the waste and the return on investment in this change. The reason why to undergo this change is described too and in what way it will be beneficial.
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Návratnost investic do developerského projektu s ohledem na měnící se kvalitu lokality / Return on Investment in a Development Project with Regard to the Changing Quality of the SiteHolpuch, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of changes in the surrounding of development project area on its return. This is done in the form of defining the main areas of environmental change. These are based on exploration of the possibilities of urban development, the development process and the methods of its evaluation. From them, possible scenarios are put together, determined their predictability, identified aspects that can affect them and the stages of the process when they can occur. These scenarios are eventually verified on specific projects.
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Analýza investice do obnovitelných zdrojů tepla / Financial analysis of Renewable energyKožík, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on renewable energy sources, which are currently and increasingly used. Primarily for passive and low-energy houses. The principles that apply to heat pumps and solar collectors with thermal storage, which are suitable for new or older buildings, are described in detail. The thesis analyzes the thermal properties of the object under consideration and the proposed heat pump with its calculation and determination of the payback period of the investment in dependence on the analysis of energy price development in the las 10 years.
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Investování do nemovitostí / Investment in Real EstateKosová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
The thesis project analyses current investment opportunities in the real estate market. It investigates the standard sales through real estate agencies and direct sales from developers; the core focus is however on alternative options of buying properties, such as foreclosure auctions, auctions of financial authorities, purchases of agricultural land, etc. The theoretical part of the work examines the ba-sic terminology and ways of buying properties. The practical part uses the findings and evaluates investment opportunities with regard to their risks, the difficulty of the process of acquiring the property and most importantly the return on investment.
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Podnikatelský záměr-založení squashového centra / Prospectus - squash centre establishmentKrbová, Ludmila January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this graduation theses is the proposal of building of a new squash center in the particular locality. The final prospectus goes from the complete analysis of the market in term of potential customers and also of current competition. By the choice of the introduced project versions I take the investment return into account.
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Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje firmy / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business DevelopmentVolf, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
I have written my thesis for the company LEGATA s. r. o. It concerns a distillery which primarily offers services for fruit growers in the area Želešice. I have evaluated the prognosis for its further development, especially in the acquisiton of fixed assets.
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Vyhodnocení efektivnosti investic do energetických úspor / An evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in energy savingsOndráček, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Investments in energy saving of buildings is associated with a reduction in the operating costs, but it is also an effort to improve the quality of the environment. The main impulse are constantly rising energy prices and deteriorating air quality. The diploma thesis deals with the return on investment in thermal insulation of residential houses. The theoretical part describes the different definitions from the field of investments, pricing and energy modifications. In the practical part are considered two apartment buildings, the first insulated, non-insulated second. The next step is quantifying of the investment cost of such insulation designed with the calculation of payback period, net present value and internal rate of return. At the end of the work is the evaluation of the effectiveness of investments.
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