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Investice do nemovitosti jako možnost zabezpečení na stáří / Investment in real estates as a method how to secure a retirementBartošek, Vít January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis called "Investment in real estates as a method how to secure a retirement" describes in its first part alternative possibilities of saving money for a retirement and briefly mentions pension replacement rates in the Czech Republic and other countries. In the next chapter there are definitions of basic real estate field terms, descriptions of taxes connected with transactions in the realty market and basic valuation method. In the practical part trend of housing development, level of housing and course of realty price are analysed. In the next chapter return on investment in region areas is calculated. The development of a mortgage market is outlined and thus a profitability of investment into flats followed by their rental in selected cities in the Czech Republic is calculated.
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Analýza efektivnosti kulturních grantů v Praze / Analysis of efficiency of cultural grants in PragueKomárková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the efficient usage of public resources. It defines the meaning of the efficiency and also describes methods by which efficiency can be evaluated. It also deals with a quality rating in culture and the issue of financing of culture, especially theaters. An important part of this thesis is also dedicated to the cultural policy of the Czech Republic and description of the grant system of the City of Prague. The last part of the thesis is a case study, from which the most important part is to analyze the efficiency of cultural grant -- as an example is taken The Semafor Theatre. The analysis is performed using an alternative approach to assessing effectiveness, within which are examined by effects arising from the expenditure of visitors of the theater and also the impacts on the theater and its suppliers. Evaluation of tax deductions leads to conclusion, what is the return of a grant to public budgets.
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Budišov-studie kotelny na biomasu / Budisov-Biomass heating plantPetrovský, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation contains a comparison of the real possibilities for heating reconstruction and TUV reheating in three public buildings (located nearby one another) in Budišov township, with resulting recommendations of the best options for local operating conditions. The dissertation contains calculations of heating requirements for particular buildings, a generic theoretical part which summarizes basic data concerning long-term fuels (biomass and natural gas), proposals for technical solutions to heating sourcing concerning these fuels and its prospective distribution from a central boiler house, and its reciprocal comparison from the perspective of the economics of actual realization and operation, and from a perspective of fuel availability and ecology.
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Ekonomická návratnost domů chráněných zemí a jejich vliv na životní prostředí / Economic return earth-sheltered houses and their influence on environmentSpoustová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this work is comparing economic return and influence on environment by earth-sheltered house and classic house. Attention will be concentrated on construction process these houses from the beginning to approval of construction, the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the construction, which will be compared with neighboring states, especially with Germany and Austria. The work first briefly describes earth-sheltered houses, their history and use renewable energy sources, then focuses on comparing the two types of houses. The main objective of this work is to confirm the hypothesis about the benefits of building earth-sheltered houses, despite high initial costs and increased interest in population of these houses in recent years. To calculate the repayment time will be apply cost -- benefit analysis and questionnaire survey. At the conclusion work summarizes the results obtained and confirm of reject the hypothesis examined.
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Hodnocení investičního projektu - výstavba fotovoltaické elektrárny / Investment evaluation of solar electrick power stationCholevová, Anna January 2009 (has links)
investment evaluation of solar electric power station, two main parts, first focus on evaluation before positive decision about making investment, second part reflects the present situation, use economic criterion: net present value, internal rate of return, pay-off period and additional indices
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Analýza investiční příležitostiHartmanová, Věra January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá analýzou ekonomické efektivnosti investice do výroby elektrické energie spalováním bioplynu. V teoretické části popisuje problematiku investičního rozhodování v podniku. Dále se zabývá metodami hodnocení efektivnosti investic. V praktické části se věnuje vyhodnocení investice do výstavby bioplynové stanice. Zaměřuje se na vliv struktury financování investice na čistou současnou hodnotu a návratnost investice. Pozornost je věnována citlivosti investice na změnu v nákladech a výnosech.
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Školné, jeho dopad na soukromou návratnost investice a financování bankovním úvěrovým produktem / TUITION FEES AND THE IMPACT ON THE RATE OF RETURN, NEW STATE LOAN PRODUCTJílková, Petra January 2006 (has links)
The theme of the dissertation is the private rate of return to educational Investments in tertiary sector. The topic of the research is the impact of the tuition fees on this indicator, including considering the possibility to finance additional costs of the student by the new state loan product. There is introduced the current state of theory and done the SWOT analysis of needs of the education system in the Czech Republic. It is done calculation of private student rate of return to investment into tertiary education and made practical verification of the possibility of using new bank loan product as a source for funding of additional costs for financing of student fees.
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Využití dešťové vody v rodinném domě a její ekonomické zhodnocení / SUDS ApplicationNěmeček, Roman January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of rainwater management in a family house.
It is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part contains a literary research pertaining to legislature in the outlined field, describes current solutions to rainwater management as well as history of this issue and explains reasons for it is growing importance on a general scope.
The practical part of the thesis contains assessment of factors influencing the acquisition costs as well as the system maintenance costs. Three versions of the system are in consideration taking intoaccount the number of persons occupying the family house. Factual financial costs are calculated allowing for water saving where the rainwater can be utilized for i.e. washing clothes or toilet flushing. The balance sheet partly contains the calculation of financialreturnability. The house that served as the subject of this thesis is located in in the author is domicile in the village of Arnoltice, Děčín district.
The final part of the thesis summarizes the treated issue and explains it is importance not only from the financial point of view but mainly from the perspective ofits favourable impact on natural environment.
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Ekonomická úspornost výstavby pasivního domu / The profitability of a passive house buildingLakosil, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the master thesis is an economic saving of a passive house construction in comparison with particular classic low-energy house. The first part of the thesis discusses the evolution of low-energy houses and classification of these constructions according to their energy consumption. It also discusses the advantages of the passive house constructions and the subsidy system, which is possible to use for houses with very low energy consumption. The practical part initially contains a description of chosen bungalow house, which is classified according to its technical specifications into classic, low-energy and passive. Furthermore, there is a brief description of the houses energy consumption and classification into their respective energy group. The subsidy system, described in the theoretical part, is a source for the detection of the subsidy entitlement of particular model varieties. A brief description of acquisition costs, focused on displaying the differences between the studied varieties, is compiled according to particular budgets. There are calculations of investment and operating costs based on technical and price sources. In the conclusion of the thesis there is an economic evaluation of return on investment of particular model types of the houses.
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Podnikatelský projekt na základě franchisingu / Business project based on franchisingZavázalová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis describes business project based on franchising. For this type of business had been choosen the company The Little Gym which is deals with providing services mainly exercise classes in specialized gyms for children aged from 3 months to 12 years. The aim of this thesis is create a business and economic evalution of the project in the field of fitness with the use of franchising.
The thesis is devided into theoretical and practical parts. In practical part the authoress used data from the Czech statistics authority and created a comparison of development birth of childrens, income of families, proportion of minor against the population and others namely between regional cities as Hradec Králové where a new branch will come and Ostrava where the branch was recently opened. Marketing research of potential customers was focused on their opinions and attituteds to physical activitites. Further was done a market segmentation and analysis of competition, especially Porter model. The financial plan was developed based on calculation from the available data. In conclusion the bussines plan was evaluated including evaluation of the economic aspects of the project.
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