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Využití produkčních rybníků pro sportovní rybolov na Třeboňsku a Novohradsku / Usage of production ponds for sport fishing in area of Třeboň and Nové HradyVIDRMAN, Jan January 2008 (has links)
After a year 1989 opened new possibilities for sport fishing. The biggest change in this direction is the possibility of fishing in private fishing grounds. Fishing firms and the other private subjects started to derive benefit from this kind of fishing. This phenomenon is caused by increasing of the fishing pressure on wild waters and higher buying power of the population and its willingnes to spend more money for quality leisure time.Because most of these fishing grounds belong to commercial producers of market fish and sport fishing is realized as a form of economic mining fish on rod as a payed service. This fact causes different way of organisation and different rules of sport fishing.
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Analýza solární energie ze zdrojů Evropské unie v Jihočeském kraji / The Analysis of Support of Solar Energy in Jihocesky Kraj by the European UnionPECHLÁT, Vít January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation called The Analysis of Support of Solar Energy in Jihocesky Kraj by the European Union is focused right on one field of alternative sources of energy, which is very debated topic these days. The purpose of this dissertation paper is to describe the current situation in the exploitation of solar energy in Jihočeský kraj. Afterwards, the evaluation of photovoltaic power station to measure if the capital investment into alternative sources of energy presents profitable chance.
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Analýza vlivu vzdělání na výši mzdy v České republice / Analysis of education influence on the wage level in Czech RepublicTománková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to find out if and how education influence wage. Logical consideration and existing studies imply that there is a positive correlation in between achieved education and individual´s wage level. The studies, however, vary in size of influence and in the Czech Republic there are very few studies that deal with this topic. This master thesis is based on its own survey from which was obtained a total of 521 responses. The survey was conducted during the period of March to May 2015. Data were analysed and interval regression demonstrated positive correlation between achieved education and wage level. When reaching a bachelor´s degree, an individual´s wage increase on average by 8 % compared to individuals with secondary education with graduation. If an individual reaches master degree, his wage increases on average by 21.9 % compared to the wage of individual who achieved the secondary education with graduation. The analysis has also proven the existence of gender pay gap. According to the results, women in Czech Republic have lower wages by 21.3 % compared to men´s. The study also discusses the achievement of higher education for individuals older than 26 years. Regression analysis showed that obtaining bachelor education for this group has higher yield (14.4 %) than in the analysis of the whole data set. Conversely, obtaining master degree has for this group lower profitability (17.3 %). Part of this thesis was also to calculate the return on investment in higher education. Using the method of internal rate of return, it was found out that the return on investment is 8.3 %.
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Aviation industry in global perspective / Letecký průmysl v globální perspektivěVeselý, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The hypothesis claims that full service carriers (FSCs) will be forced to change their operating models. Additionally, the trends which form aviation market of the future are explored. The investigation is based on a financial assessment of ten important airlines incorporated in four different regions across the globe, between 2005 and 2014. According to the findings the trend of liberalization will continue, thus FSCs will continue losing market share to low cost carriers (LCCs) and as such, they will be made to change the way they operate in order to survive. The future aviation market is defined by a reshuffle of demand towards emerging countries, further rationalization of operating models and consolidation.
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Využití automatizace testování z hlediska nákladů a přínosů / Usage of automated testing in terms of cost and benefitsLízner, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis is aimed at creating a methodology for the selection of suitable test for automation testing. The first part is devoted to the definition of the prerequisites for introduction of automated testing and the conditions for its effective course. The second part focuses on defining the exclusion criteria of tests which are unsuitable for automation. The following third part is devoted to defining the selection criteria for the determination of the test priority for automation. The selection criteria have been approved by the head of this thesis and consulted with the supervisor of the practical project, on which the criteria were tested for the first time. Based on these criteria, the individual manual tests are evaluated. Final count of points is used for determination of the test priority. The fourth section is devoted to calculation of the return on investment in automated testing. Because the investments made into the automated testing are very high, it must be assured that their amount will return for the selected period. The fifth part is focused on defining the principles for ensuring the proper maintenance of automated tests and describing the technical complications and frequent problems that may occur during automated testing. The last section is devoted to pilot verification of the methodology on a practical project and for determination of the test priority for automation.
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Vliv provedení zateplení budovy na výdaje spojené s jejím provozem / Thermal Insulation Effect of the Building on the Operation-Related ExpensesSkupa, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled The influence of building insulation on the costs associated with its operation deals with the design of several variants of building insulation, and subsequent evaluation based on a comparison of operating costs of individual building variants. The theoretical part deals with the history of thermal insulation of buildings, there are types of thermal insulation materials and variants of energy-efficient houses. Then the normative requirements, energy intensity of buildings and methods of thermal insulation of individual building structures are solved. Subsequently, the methods of economic evaluation of the investment and the method of compiling the general budget are addressed. The practical part contains a description of the construction and the proposed variants of insulation, including the calculation of costs, evaluation of the payback period of the investment and evaluation of the proposed variants.
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Vliv provedení zateplení domu pro seniory ve Šternberku na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Insulating the Pensioners' Home in Šternberk on the Expenses Associated with its OperationŤuka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is elaborate in order to evaluate the economic returns of each proposed building insulation options for seniors in Šternberk. For the calculation use to secluded brick apartment building in the street Žitná. The theoretical section describes the types of buildings according to heating demand and a list of different variants of thermal insulation materials. The second part contains suggestions for building insulation in several variants. It worked certificate of energy performance of buildings, costs of proposed options and the costs of operating the apartment building before and after the insulation. Based on the comparison of results is elaborate economic returns for each of the proposed options.
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Vliv provedení zateplení bytového domu v Třebíči na výdaje spojené s jeho provozem / The Influence of Insulating a Block of Flats in Trebic on the Expenses Related to its OperationSedláček, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This thesis solves assessment and project insulation of a block of flats in Trebic, on the expenses related to its operation. In the theoretical part of thesis are given the reasons for thermal insulation of buildings, requirements in terms of energy intensity of buildings, static and fire safety for insulation of buildings. In the practical part, the current state of the block of flats is evaluated from a thermal-technical point of view, three new thermal insulation options are proposed, their evaluation and their return time calculated.
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Vliv provedení zateplení na bytový dům v Židenicích / The Influence of Insulating a Block of Flats in ŽideniceVyplel, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named The influence of insulating a block of flats in Židenice is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part there are mentioned types of the thermal insulation and their attributes, methods of insulation and types of assessment energy consumption of buildings. Basic concepts and legislation of the thermal technical properties are described in the theoretical too. In the practical part there are processed three variants in which I determine the calculation of the overall value for the insulation, energy consumption and simple payback period and influence for total price of the apartment building.
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Posouzení návratnosti investice do pasivního a standardního rodinného domu ve Zlíně / Assessmen of ROI in a Passive and Standard House in ZlínGajdoš, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the economic return of the investment in the passive house compared to the standard house. The thesis presents the common problems of passive construction, history, requirements, properties and used materials. The method of assessment is based on the return on initial investment in the passive house. The main part of the thesis focuses on materials with thermal insulating properties and software calculation of annual energy consumption. At the end of the thesis an analysis of energy prices at the time of return was made. The output of the work is the payback time of the initial investment in the passive house in years at two different prices of energy consumption.
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