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An investigation of the experiences and perceptions of teachers with regards to staff development in a Namibian secondary schoolNasima, Gideon Emmanuel January 2005 (has links)
Staff development (SD) is regarded as an important process, both for the professional growth of teachers and the organizational development of schools. The literature on SD uses the concepts of ‘SD’, ‘professional development’ and ‘in-service training of teachers’ interchangeably. The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers’ experiences and perceptions of SD practices in a Namibian secondary school. This qualitative case study was carried out at the school where I am teaching. Two methods were used to collect the data, namely a blend of semi-structured and unstructured interviews with three teachers and one focus group interview with five teachers. The analysis of the data collected was carried using the method suggested by Taylor and Bogdan (1998) which includes discovery, coding and discounting. These concepts are discussed in Chapter Three. The main finding of this research regards SD at the school as mainly in line with the traditional view. The study also made three other unusual findings that differ from the traditional view of SD held at the school. First, the principal’s role as a human resource manager of SD; second the pastoral role of a principal in SD and third the role of teachers’ unions in SD. All these findings are important for SD practices in schools and for further research because little is known in the current literature on SD. Finally, this study proposes further research to develop an organizational development (OD) cycle of problem solving to help create an internal policy on SD, which is currently nonexistent at the school.
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Stakeholders' perceptions of parents' involvement in the governance of a Namibian rural schoolNiitembu, Martha M January 2007 (has links)
The issue of decentralisation has been one of the top priorities of the Namibian education system since independence in 1990. One of the decentralisation aims was to enhance parental involvement in education by establishing School Boards. However, School Boards and the role of parents in school management have been considered ineffective for several years which led to the promulgation of Education Act 16 of 2001 in which the roles of School Boards are strengthened and clarified. This study sought to investigate School Board members’ perceptions, understanding and experiences of parents’ involvement in school governance more specifically after the implementation of the Education Act of 2001 in 2003. This study is an interpretive case study of one combined rural school in the Ohangwena educational region of Namibia. This research employed three data collection techniques, namely semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis. The main findings of this study reveal that there is a lack of joint understanding and shared vision between educators and parents in the School Board. This problem underpins other more symptomatic problems, such as lack of accountability in the matter of school finances, differences in understanding the roles of School Board members and lack of parents’ motivation from the school management. The study further reveals the ineffectiveness and insufficiency of the training provided in the past. It highlights some of the challenges that hinder the effective involvement of parents in rural school governance, such as poor educational background among parents, poor knowledge of the English language and poor understanding of educational issues. However the findings also acknowledge parents’ participation and their full involvement in decision-making. The findings show that the new School Board elected in terms of the Education Act of 2001 has been more effective than previous School Boards and has reached a number of achievements such as being instrumental in solving disciplinary problems, purchasing school assets and renovating classrooms. Recommendations for practice and for further research are made.
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Teachers' perceptions of participative management in a primary school in NamibiaKambonde, Samuel Angaleni January 2008 (has links)
Participative management, a key theme in contemporary management literature, is one of the central aims of the decentralization policy in Namibian education. Current perceptions of participative management on the part of teachers in Namibia are therefore of topical interest. This study set out to explore such perceptions among teachers in a Namibian primary school. The study is an interpretive case study focusing on six individual teachers’ understanding and experience of participative management within their place of work, a primary school in the Oshikoto region of Namibia. Semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used to gather data. The study revealed a strong sense of commitment among the respondents to participative management and its accompanying practices, such as shared decision making and broad stakeholder involvement. Participative management was implemented chiefly through a committee structure for school organisation and government. Respondents also highlighted challenges facing participative management, such as the persistence of autocratic leadership, conflicts of interest in decision making, laziness and unwillingness among staff members, and a lack of understanding among parents concerning their role in the schooling of their children. HIV/AIDS was also seen to pose challenges to the free and frequent participation of stakeholders. The chief recommendation arising from these findings is that school leaders and managers’ understanding of tenets of participative management, such as site-based management and democratic management approaches, requires improvement and development.
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Stakeholders' perceptions of the cluster system in a secondary school in Rundu, NamibiaTopnaar, P E January 2006 (has links)
Since independence in 1990, various efforts have been made to improve the quality and management of Namibian schools, including the Basic Education Project (BEP-Project). In collaboration with the Geselschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), the BEP-Project has supported the implementation of important Government programs, such as Lower Primary reform and the cluster system. In 1995 the BEP-Project began to address educational needs in the Rundu education region. It was believed that Rundu had in the past been the most neglected region, especially with regard to education. The school cluster system was devised to facilitate new ways of education service delivery and to address the question of improving education standards. The purpose of this research is to answer the question: "How do the management and staff of a secondary school in the Rundu region of education experience a school cluster system?" To this end, the research seeks to determine what potential the cluster system holds and how that may be realised, and to also establish whether there is any evidence of change in management practices. A case study method has been employed to gain insight into the cluster system as a management tool. Ten respondents, all of whom have been employed at the school in question for a considerable period of time, were interviewed before and after the implementation of the cluster system. The research disclosed that disparities and tension in the school were legacies of the colonial education system, but that the cluster system had bridged the gap and enhanced uniformity and cooperation. Sharing of ideas on educational issues and constant interaction created a conducive environment for academic performance. The case study further disclosed that parental involvement in decision making is still a course for concern and that the cluster system has not yet addressed this issue. The study has shown that decentralisation has taken place and that rural schools are no longer operating in isolation. A lack of innovative ideas has hampered training as a cluster activity. From the research, it is evident that schools have previously operated on an individual basis, but that the cluster system has created the opportunity for schools to interact on a regular basis. This study is timely and of national importance. I anticipate that this study will be of use to policy makers in making decisions for the future development of the cluster system.
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Grade 5 teachers' understanding and development of concepts in social studies in selected schools in NamibiaSichombe, Beatrice Sinyama January 2007 (has links)
After the introduction of Learner Centred Education in Namibia, a number of studies were conducted on how teachers either perceived learner centred education or implemented it. However, very few studies investigated the teachers' understanding of both subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge; primarily, how they understand and develop key concepts. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Grade 5 teachers' understand and develop key concepts in Social Studies in selected schools in Namibia. The study focused on three teachers in three primary schools in the Caprivi educational region of Namibia. These teachers were purposefully selected as graduates of the teacher education programme instituted at the time of the Namibian education reform process. As a teacher educator, my main motive of conducting this study was to gain a better understanding of some of the issues that have been raised about these graduates' lack of content knowledge. The study adopts a qualitative approach and seeks to investigate (a) how the three teachers in this study understand key concepts and (b) the strategies they use to develop such concepts. Three data collection instruments were employed: interviews, document analysis and class observations. The findings indicate that despite the training that all three teachers in this study received, their understanding of the concepts they taught is problematic. Furthermore, some of the strategies that the teachers used did not bring about learning with understanding. The results of the study revealed how these teachers' problems with concepts and the development of conceptual understanding are related to specific issues and can be attributed to a number of factors. Because of this, the study has provided valuable insights into aspects of teacher education that need to be addressed both in terms of in-service and pre-service programmes to support teachers in teaching for understanding, a key idea underpinning the reform process.
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Education decentralization in the Omaheke Region of NamibiaSemba, Pecka January 2007 (has links)
Before the attainment of independence on 21 March 1990, the people of Namibia were engaged in a protracted struggle against colonialism, racism and apartheid, all of which had denied the majority of the people democracy and development. The people of Namibia therefore did not have power to make decisions on matters that affect their lives and were also not able to determine their own destiny (Ministry of Regional Government and Housing [MoRGH]: 1998:1). After independence, the Namibian government provided for a policy of decentralization under Chapter 12 of the Constitution. After adopting decentralization as state policy in 1996 the government, under the auspices of the Ministry of Regional, Local Government and Housing, embarked upon an implementation process that began in 2003. Education decentralization was included in this process. As my research investigated participants' experience of education decentralization in the Omaheke Region, I conducted an interpretive case study. I employed semi-structured interviews as my main data collection instrument. The quality of my research lies mostly in the authenticity of my thick descriptions where I rely to a large degree on a high ratio of participant to researcher voice. The study has revealed that there is a basic understanding of what education decentralization refers to. Education decentralization is also perceived to provide for the democratization of education through the active participation of all relevant stakeholders - parents, teachers, learners and civil servants - in the education process. However, although there is a basic understanding of what education decentralization entails, there is not necessarily acceptance. The study revealed that many people in Omaheke have reservations about the process of decentralizing education services. Some regard education decentralization as central government "dumping" its responsibility on the Regions. Furthermore, neither the Regional Council, the Regional Education Office, schools, communities nor parents have the capacity to cope with decentralization. The responsibility for overseeing the implementation of decentralization in the Region lies with the Omaheke Regional Council. Education as a decentralized function ought to resort directly under the Regional Council. However, the Regional Education office does not yet operate under the Regional Council. Instead the Education Director continues to report directly to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education in the capital. In this way an important decentralization structure, the Regional Council, is bypassed and rendered toothless. The data reveal that there is only partial evidence of psychological and structural readiness for education decentralization. Consequently there is little meaningful participation and therefore no sense of ownership among parents, teachers, learners, community-based organizations and political leaders.
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The tectono-metallogenesis during the irumide and pan-African events in South West Africa/NamibiaTregoning, Trevor Denzil 05 March 2013 (has links)
A large portion of South west Africa/Namibia is underlain by 2 great orogens. They are the Irumide (Sinclair/Rehoboth) and Damara Orogenies. The L-shaped Irumide Province forms part of a belt which extends over the subcontinent from Namaqualand to as far as Zambia. The volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Irumide are believed to have formed in intracratonic rifts and pull-apart basins during the period 1400 to 900 Ma. The evolution of the NW trending Sinclair Group proceeded by means of 3 major cycles each beginning with the emplacement of basic to intermediate magmas followed by felsic ones. The cycle ended off with subsidence, deposition of immature clastic debris and final tilting of the volcano-clastic sequence. It was suggested that the extensive calc-alkaline lavas present, developed within a magmatic arc above a subduction zone, but this proposal has not been generally accepted. The NE trending Klein Aub-Witvlei Basins consist essentially of red bed alluvial fans and lacustrine sediments with minor volcanics near the base. The red beds and aeolian sediments were deposited in an arid climatic condition. The regional greenschist facies metamorphism and deformation is attributed to a major tectono-thermal event at 1100 Ma. The Damara Orogen (900 - 550 Ma) forms part of the Pan-African mobile belt system of global proportions. The NE trending intracontinental branch (aulacogen) and 2 coastal branches constitute a triple junction with its focal point near Swakopmund. The NE extension of the intracontinental belt has been linked with the Lufilian Arc hosting the renown Zambian Copper Belt deposits. In South West Africa/Namibia this belt hosts many different mineral occurrences which can be grouped into rift and collision related deposits. The tectonic history of the Damara Orogen supports a geodynamic-evolution-with-time hypothesis and represents a transitional phase in which limited Wilson Cycle Tectonics was active. The Theory of Mantle Advection is invoked to explain rifting, thinning and subsidence. Extensive ensialic rifting resulted in a relatively stable Northern Carbonate Platform and several deep troughs hosting turbiditic sequences. Crustal rupture in the Khomas Trough allowed for the emplacement of ocean floor tholeiites known as the Matchless Amphibolite Belt. Subsequent ocean closure and collision resulted in deformation, metamorphism and generation of predominantly S-type granites. The southern continental plate was partially overridden by the northern plate during final collision at 550 Ma. These low angle thrust faults allowed for the emplacement of the Naukluft Nappe Complex on top of younger Nama sediments. The break up of Gondwanaland during the Mesozoic with the splitting of the Atlantic Ocean was responsible for the intrusion of anorogenic alkaline ring complexes along the extension of the NE trending transform faults within the intracontinental branch of the Damara Orogen. A close relationship between the tectonic setting and mineral deposits has been recognized in both the Irumide and Damara Orogenies. In the Irumide, stratiform syngenetic copper deposits are hosted by alluvial fan, playa and lacustrine sediments. The uninterrupted sedimentation from the Irumide to Damara Orogen resulted in similar stratiform copper deposits during the early stages of rifting. In the Damara Orogen the rifting (extensional) phase is characterized by 4 main mineralizing systems: diagenetic/syngenetic (Kupferschiefer-type), epigenetic/hydrothermal Cu-Pb-Zn (Mississippi Valley-type), volcanogenic cupriferous pyrite (Besshi-type) and volcano-exhalative Pb-Zn (Red Sea-type). The collision (compressional) phase was accompanied by 4 main mineralizing processes: epigenetic/hydrothermal Cu-Pb-Zn, hydrotheral/metasomatic Sn-W-rare earth, metamorphogenic Au and U-bearing anatectic melts. The key to the selection of viable exploration targets lies in the understanding of the field evidence and the geodynamics modelling to explain the evolution of the orogen and its associated mineral deposits.
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The principal's leadership role in a successful rural school in NamibiaKawana, Joseph Jost January 2007 (has links)
Rural schools generally find it hard to function effectively for a variety of reasons, and managing and leading these schools brings additional challenges. This study explored the role of the principal in an academically successful rural school in Namibia. It drew on leadership theory and findings from related studies to make sense of this particular case of leadership against the odds. Using the interpretive orientation, the research explored selected organisation members’ perceptions of the principal’s leadership through semi-structured interviews. The study found that the actions and attitudes of the leader had a significant influence on the school’s performance. The manner in which the principal conducted himself, the shared vision he encouraged and his insistence on associating with all stakeholders involved in education, were instrumental in the organization’s positive achievements. The principal was shown as committed and a leader with good interpersonal working relationships. The study also revealed that this principal was both a person- and taskoriented leader, and closely resembled the ideals of transformational leadership. This study further found that, through the principal’s instructional leadership, teaching and learning are seen as the core of the school’s activities. Finally, the principal’s leadership role opens the school to the community and results in strong and mutually beneficial relationships between the school and its community.
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An assessment of the role of guidance and counselling in promoting learner discipline in secondary schools in the Oshikoto region of Namibia : a case study of learners with discipline problemsMbongo, Emelia Ndapandula January 2016 (has links)
The study assessed the role of guidance and counselling in promoting learner discipline in secondary schools in the Oshikoto region of Namibia. The study used the mixed methods approach, which resulted in providing qualitative and quantitative data to provide an understanding of the problem. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires for principals, teachers, teacher counsellors and learners, as well as one-on-one interviews with learners. Thirty-one (31) principals, ninety-eight (98) teachers, thirty-seven (37) teacher counsellors and four hundred and eighty-nine (489) learners participated in the study. Results from the questionnaires were analysed by using descriptive statistics in the form of frequencies and percentages. Data presentation took the form of tables and bar graphs. Qualitative data collected from interviews were transcribed and put into themes and categories. The study revealed that schools experienced a wide range of disciplinary problems. It was further revealed that learners are affected by issues emanating from the environment, namely, schools and societies which influence their behaviour negatively. The principals and teachers believe that exclusionary and punitive methods are effective in managing learner indiscipline, while teacher counsellors and learners were against the use of such methods. In addition, principals, teachers and teacher counsellors all have a major role to play in maintaining discipline in schools through guidance and counselling. Suggestions were thus made to strengthen the use of guidance and counselling in promoting learner discipline in secondary schools by: improving training for teacher counsellors/Life Skills teachers in guidance and counselling, sensitisation of school managers about the roles and responsibilities of teacher counsellors, including the role played by teacher counsellors in learner discipline, improved leadership from school principals, strengthening the co-ordination and communication among the school personnel, and by strengthening the referral system from teachers to teacher counsellors and from teacher counsellors to outside agencies. It was recommended that the use of guidance and counselling in promoting learner discipline would be strengthened if teacher counsellors’ training is improved, school principals are sensitised on the roles of teacher counsellors, including their role in learner discipline as well as improved co-ordination and communication among school personnel regarding learner discipline. The study further recommended that the referral system of learners experiencing problems from teachers to teacher counsellors and from teacher counsellors to outside agencies should be strengthened.
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Mid-crustal geodynamics of the southern central zone, Damara Orogen, NamibiaPoli, Lucio Colin January 1997 (has links)
Two areas of well exposed mid-crustal structures in the axial zone of the Pan-African Damaran orogenic belt show that basement has formed domes which have amoeboid forms on the scale of tens of km with steep sided overturned non-planar, non- cylindrical geometry. These are surrounded by open to tight synclinal cover envelopes that converge at depressions between the domes. The domes are found in association with a strong regional WSW moderately plunging lineation. Strain analysis demonstrates that domes have formed in a moderately plunging constrictional field. Structural features which normally indicate polyphase evolution such as mesoscale fold interference patterns are rare and inconsistent. Regional structural form, described morphogically by cylindrical domains, is defined by one fabric S0/S1. Secondary fabric trajectories and mesoscale fold oreintations are controlled by domain scale structure and not regional deformation trends. Dome formation is thus interpreted as being the result of a simultaneous flow and buckling episode within the middle crust. Deformation was extremely ductile. P-T estimates from thermobarometry with Grt-Bt, Grt-Crd-Bt-Sil assemblages indicate that peak metamorphic conditions during deformation were approximately 3.5kbar and 650°C in the cover envelopes and 7kbar 791°C in the basement domes, approaching the amphibolite-granulite transition. Interactive transpressional collision between three cratons during the latest Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic: namely the Kalahari, Congo and Rio de la Plata caused constriction and extrusion in the Central Zone. The metamorphic gap between basement and cover occurred when the distance between regional isotherms was reduced by thinning at the basement-cover interface. Higher temperatures where preserved at dome cores. At the cooler margins of the Damara Belt thrust tectonics occurred, albeit obliquely with sinistral transpression. After dome formation granite intruded many domal structures.
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