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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procena stanja volemije kod pacijenata na hemodijalizi primenom ultrazvuka pluća / Lung ultrasound for volume status assessment in patients on hemodialysis

Veselinov Vladimir 08 July 2019 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Pacijenti na hemodijalizi (HD) imaju visoku stopu ukupnog i kardiovaskularnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Preko 80% bolesnika na HD ima neki tip kardiovaskularne bolesti. Hipervolemija značajno doprinosi njihovom nastanku, dovodeći do hipertenzije, hipertrofije miokarda leve komore, srčane insuficijencije i nastanka plućnog edema. Procena stanja volemije kod pacijenata na HD najče&scaron;će se vr&scaron;i kliničkim pregledom, uprkos nezadovoljavajućoj specifičnosti i senzitivnosti. Hipervolemija je prisutna kod određenog broja pacijenata, uprkos normotenziji, odsustvu edema i urednom auskultatornom nalazu na plućima. Različite metode se koriste za procenu stanja volemije, svaka sa određenim manama. Upotreba analize bioelektrične impedanse zahteva skupu opremu i potro&scaron;ni materijal, vrednosti B-tipa natriuretskog peptida (BNP) i njegovog N terminalnog propeptida (NT-proBNP) zavise i od stanja volemije i od srčane funkcije, kao i od tipa dijalizne membrane. Ehokardiografija (EHO) i ultrazvuk donje &scaron;uplje vene (UZ ICV) sa određivanjem dijametara u inspirijumu i ekspirijumu (IVCDi i IVCDe) zahteva posebno obučen kadar. Ultrazvuk pluća (UZ pluća) je jednostavna, brza i jeftina metoda za detekciju ekstravaskularne plućne tečnosti (EVLW). EVLW predstavlja onu količinu tečnosti koja se nalazi u plućnom intersticijumu. UZ pluća detektuje EVLW kao UZ artefakte zvane &bdquo;B linije&ldquo;. Količina EVLW zavisna je od pritiska punjenja leve komore i povećava se u stanjima hipervolemije, &scaron;to se na UZ pluća manifestuje kao veći broj detektovanih &bdquo;B linija&ldquo;. Zbir svih &bdquo;B linija&ldquo; detektovanih na definisanim mestima na grudnom ko&scaron;u naziva se &bdquo;skor B linija&ldquo; (BLS) i koristi se za kvantifikaciju EVLW pomoću UZ pluća. Cilj: Uporediti adekvatnost i efikasnost UZ pluća u proceni stanja volemije kod pacijenata na HD u odnosu na standardne tehnike UZ donje &scaron;uplje vene, EHO i BNP-a. Proceniti mogućnost pojednostavljenja protokola UZ pregleda pluća redukcijom broja analiziranih plućnih polja. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao studija preseka od aprila 2016. do juna 2017. godine na 83 pacijenta koji su se nalazili na hroničnom programu HD u Službi za HD Odeljenja za internu medicinu Op&scaron;te bolnice Kikinda. Ispitanicima je prvog dana HD u nedelji neposredno pre HD urađen UZ pluća, UZ IVC, EHO, i uzorkovanje krvi za određivnje vrednosti BNP-a. Potom su pacijenti dijalizirani prema svojim utvrđenim HD protokolima. Neposredno nakon HD ponovljeni su UZ pluća, UZ IVC, EHO, a uzorkovanje krvi za BNP je ponovljeno pre započinjanja sledeće HD u nedelji, da bi se izbegao neposredni postdijalizni skok BNP-a. Za poređenje varijabli kori&scaron;ćeni su T test parova odnosno Vilkoksonov test, a za ispitivanje korelacije Pirsonov odnosno Spirmanov test, u zavisnosti od distribucije varijabli. Razlike između grupa ispitanika ispitivane su pomoću jednofaktorske analize varijanse (ANOVA) za kontinuirane varijable, a za kategorijske je kori&scaron;ćena analiza kontingencijskih tabela. Analiza glavnih komponenata (PCA) je kori&scaron;ćena za procenu mogućnosti redukcije broja ispitivanih plućnih polja. Rezultati: Utvrđena je signifikantna razlika između predijaliznih (pre HD) srednjih vrednosti BLS-a (18,85) i postdijaliznih (post HD) srednjih vrednosti BLS-a (7,30); između srednjih vrednosti BNP-a pre HD (894,89 pg/ml) i post HD (487,74 pg/ml); između srednjih vrednosti IVCDe pre HD (10,45 mm) i post HD (7,85 mm); između srednjih vrednosti IVCDi pre HD (7,20 mm) i post HD (4,41 mm); između srednjih vrednosti indeksa kolapsibilnosti IVC pre HD (32%) i post HD (45%). Utvrđene su i signifikantne razlike između srednjih vrednosti sledećih EHO parametara: dijametar leve pretkomore pre HD (3,78 cm) i post HD (3,53 cm), dijametra leve komore u dijastoli pre HD (5,21 cm) i post HD (4,96 cm), dijametra leve komore u sistoli pre HD (3,69 cm) i post HD (3,43 cm) i zapremine leve pretkomore u sistoli pre HD (60,54 ml) i post HD (52,36 ml). Sve razlike su bile signifikantne na nivou p&lt;0,0001. Dokazana je signifikantna pozitivna korelacija između BLS-a pre HD i BNP-a pre HD (&rho;=0,49, p&lt;0,01) i BNP-a post HD (0,43, p&lt;0,01); BLS-a pre HD i IVCDe pre HD (&rho;=0,29, p&lt;0,01), IVCDi pre HD (&rho;=0,30, p&lt;0,05) i IVCDi post HD (&rho;=0,23, p&lt;0,05) kao i između BLS-a post HD i BNP-a pre HD (&rho;=0,44, p&lt;0,01) i BNP-a post HD (&rho;=0,42, p&lt;0,01), između BLS-a post HD i IVCDe pre HD (&rho;=0,29, p&lt;0,05) IVCDi pre HD (&rho;=0,33, p&lt;0,05) i IVCDi post HD (&rho;=0,23, p&lt;0,05). Utvrđeno je da su bolesnici sa vi&scaron;im BLS-om imali niže vrednosti hemoglobina (p=0,006) i vi&scaron;e vrednosti visoko senzitivnog troponina T (p=0,02), kao i veće dijametre leve komore u sistoli (p=0,04). Pomoću PCA utvrđeno je da je moguća redukcija broja ispitivanih plućnih polja na 4 do 12 plućnih polja, koja bi bila odgovorna za 75,38% odnosno 84,51% varijabilnosti BLS-a. Zaključak: UZ pluća može adekvatno i efikasno da proceni stanje volemije i može se koristiti za ovu svrhu kod pacijenata na hroničnom programu HD. UZ pluća je brz, jednostavan i jeftin pregled koji se može izvoditi u bolesničkoj postelji i koji daje pouzdan podatak o bolesnikovom statusu volemije u realnom vremenu. UZ pluća bez većih te&scaron;koća mogao uključiti u kliničke protokole u svim centrima sa dostupnom opremom. Postoji mogućnost redukcije broja ispitivanih plućnih polja i time pojednostavljenja samog UZ pregleda pluća. UZ pluća može koristiti u proceni srčane funkcije kod pacijenata na HD. Pacijenti koji su procenjeni kao hipervolemični pomoću UZ pluća imaju povećan kardiovaskularni rizik, kao i pacijenti procenjeni kao hipervolemični pomoću vrednosti BNP-a i dijametra D&Scaron;V.</p> / <p>Introduction: Patients on hemodialysis (HD) have a high general morbidity and all-cause mortality, as well as high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. More than 80% of patients on HD have some cardiovascular disease. Hypervolemia plays a significant role here, contributing to hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure and pulmonary edema. Fluid status assessment in HD is still mostly clinical, despite having low specificity and sensitivity. A number of patients remain hypervolume, despite being normotensive, without edema or bibasilar crackles on lung auscultation. Different methods are used for volume status assessment in HD setting, no method without its flaws. Bioelectric impedance analysis requires expensive equipment and supplies. B type natriuretic peptide (BNP) values, and those of its terminal propeptide (NT-proBNP) depend on volume status, cardiac function as well as type of dialysis membrane used. Echocardiography (ECHO) and ultrasonography of inferior vena cava (IVC US) with measurements of its diameters in inspirum and expirium (IVCDi and IVCDe) require trained medical personnel. Lung ultrasound (LUS) is a simple, fast and inexpensive method for detection of extravascular lung water (EVLW), which is the water contained in the lung interstitium. LUS detects EVLW as ultrasonographic artefacts called &bdquo;B lines&ldquo;. EVLW is dependent on left ventricular filling pressures and is increased in volume overload, manifesting as more &bdquo;B lines&ldquo; on LUS. The sum of all &bdquo;B lines&ldquo; detected on predetermined places on the chest is called &bdquo;B line score&ldquo; (BLS) and is used to quantify EVLW using LUS. Goal: Compare the adequacy and efficacy of LUS in assessment of volume status in patients on HD to other methods (IVC US, ECHO, BNP). Assess the possibility of simplifying LUS by reducing the number of examined lung fields. Materials and methods: A cross-section study was performed from April 2016 to June 2017. on 83 dialysis patients in Dialysis unit of Internal medicine department of General hospital Kikinda. LUS, ECHO, IVC US and blood sampling for BNP were performed on the first dialysis day of the week, just prior to HD. Patients were then dialyzed according to their dialysis protocols. After HD all tests were repeated, except blood sampling for BNP, which was sampled just prior to the next HD session in order to avoid elevated BNP values after HD. Variables were compared using double sample T test or Wilcoxon test. Correlation was assessed using Pearson&rsquo;s or Spearman&rsquo;s test, depending on variable distribution. Differences between groups were tested using one-way analysis of variance for continuous variables and contingency tables for categorical variables. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to assess the possibility of lung field reduction. Results: There was a significant difference between BLS predialysis (pre HD) (mean 18,85) and BLS postdialysis (post HD) (mean 7,30); between IVCDe pre HD (mean 10,45 mm) and IVCDe post HD (mean 7,85 mm); between IVCDi pre HD (mean 7,20 mm) and IVCDi post HD (mean 4,41 mm); between CCI pre HD (mean 32%) and CCI post HD (mean 45%), between BNP pre HD (mean 894,89 pg/ml) and BNP post HD (mean 487,74 pg/ml). There was also a significant difference between the following ECHO parameters: left atrial diameter pre HD (mean 3,78 cm) and post HD (mean 3,53 cm), left ventricular internal diameter in diastole pre HD (mean 5,21 cm) and post HD (mean 4,96 cm) and left ventricular internal diameter in sistole pre HD (mean 3,69 cm) and post HD (mean 3,43 cm), left atrial volume in sistole pre HD (mean 60,54 ml) and post HD (mean 52,36 ml). All differences were significant at a level of p&lt;0,0001. There was a significant positive correlation between BLS pre HD and BNP pre HD (&rho;=0,49, p&lt;0,01) and BNP post HD (&rho;=0,43, p&lt;0,01); BLS pre HD and IVCDe pre HD (&rho;=0,29, p&lt;0,01) IVCDi pre HD (&rho;=0,30, p&lt;0,05) and IVCDi post HD (&rho;=0,23, p&lt;0,05); between BLS post HD and BNP pre HD (&rho;=0,44, p&lt;0,01) and BNP post HD (&rho;=0,42, p&lt;0,01); between BLS post HD and IVCDe pre HD (&rho;=0,29, p&lt;0,05), IVCDi pre HD (&rho;=0,33, p&lt;0,05) and IVCDi post HD (&rho;=0,23, p&lt;0,05). Subjects with higher BLS had lower hemoglobin levels (p=0,006), higher troponin T levels (p=0,02) and greater left ventricular internal dimensions in sistole (p=0,04). PCA showed that there is a possibility of lung field reduction to 12 lung fields and even down to 4 lung fields, which would account for 84,51% or 75,38% of BLS variability. Conclusion: LUS can be used to adequately and effectively assess volume status in patients on HD. LUS is simple, fast and inexpensive exam with bedside capability, which gives accurate volume status data in real time. The exam can be implemented into dialysis unit protocols without difficulty. There is a possibility of simplifying LUS by reducing the number of examined lung fields. LUS can be used in assessment of cardiac function in patients on HD. Patients rated as hypervolemic by LUS have increased cardiovascular risk, as well as patients rated as hypervolemic by BNP levels or IVC diameters.</p>

Papel dos lípides plasmáticos e fatores pró-inflamatórios na fisiopatologia da insuficiência cardíaca / Role of plasma lipids and pro inflammatory factors in the patho physiology of heart failure

Martinelli, Ana Elisa Marabini 19 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde estimou em 2015 que 23 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofrem de insuficiência cardíaca (IC), com taxas de mortalidade equivalentes às do câncer. Níveis mais elevados de HDL-colesterol têm sido associados com maior sobrevivência na IC. É consensual que as várias funções protetoras da HDL devem ser exploradas além da concentração de HDL-colesterol. Transferência de lípides para HDL, mediada por proteínas de transferência CETP e PLTP, é uma etapa importante no transporte reverso de colesterol e metabolismo de HDL.,Desenvolvemos um ensaio in vitro para avaliar as transferências de lípides para a HDL, mostrando que esse fenômeno é alterado em várias condições, como na doença arterial coronária, no diabetes mellitus e pelo estilo de vida sedentário. Recentemente, tem sido descrito que a HDL transporta pequenos RNAs não codificadores de proteína, os chamados microRNAs (miRNAs). Alguns miRNAs foram descritos como reguladores críticos do metabolismo das lipoproteínas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar lípides plasmáticos, transferência lipídica para HDL, perfil inflamatório, miRNAs relacionados ao metabolismo de lipoproteínas obtidos de pacientes com IC e de pacientes sem IC (sem-IC). Métodos: Quarenta e oito pacientes com IC foram avaliados, 25 em classe funcional NYHA I e II (IC-I/II) e 23 em NYHA III e IV (IC-III/IV), bem como 50 pacientes sem-IC pareados por gênero e idade. Todos os pacientes com IC apresentavam uma fração de ejeção <=40%. Foram determinadas as concentrações plasmáticas de CETP, LCAT, LDL oxidada (LDLox) e atividade de paraoxonase 1 (PON-1). Transferências de lípides para a HDL foi avaliada a partir da incubação de uma nanopartícula artificial com plasma total. A expressão de miRNAs circulantes envolvidos no metabolismo das lipoproteínas também foi analisada. Resultados: Os níveis de colesterol total, LDL e HDL e triglicérides não diferiram entre os três grupos. A concentração da apolipoproteína A-I foi menor no grupo IC-I/II em comparação ao grupo sem-IC (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0,05), enquanto que a concentração da apolipoproteína B foi menor em ICIII/ IV comparado ao sem-IC (81±35 versus 114±40; p < 0,001). A transferência de colesterol esterificado (5,44±1,76 versus 6,26±0,85), fosfolípides (19,05±2,5 versus 20,21±1,45) e de triglicérides (6,29±2,05 versus 7,40±1,47) foi menor no grupo IC-III/IV do que no grupo sem-IC (p < 0,05). No entanto, não houve diferença nas transferências entre IC-I/II e sem-IC. A concentração de LDLox foi menor em ambos os grupos com IC comparados ao sem-IC (p < 0,0001). A massa de CETP foi menor em IC-III/IV do que em IC-I/II (2,77±1,3 versus 3,78±1,3; p=0,021). A concentração de LCAT e a atividade de PON-1 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. A análise da expressão dos miRNAs circulantes miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR-758, miR-26a, miR- 106b, miR-122 e miR-30c, mostrou-se significantemente aumentada nos indivíduos com IC em comparação aos indivíduos sem-IC, ao passo que o miR- 10b foi o único encontrado diminuído na IC comparado com indivíduos sem-IC (p=0,007). Conclusão: Em pacientes com IC mais severa e sintomática da IC, o processo de transferência de lípides para a HDL está deficiente, bem como alguns dos mecanismos que o regulam, e possivelmente estas alterações influenciem no transporte reverso do colesterol e nas funções protetoras da HDL desses pacientes / Background: World Health Organization estimated that there were twentythree million subjects worldwide suffering from heart failure (HF) in 2015, with mortality rates equivalent to those of cancer. Higher HDL-cholesterol levels have been associated with longer survival in HF. It is now consensual that the various protective functions of HDL should be explored beyond HDLcholesterol. Transfer of lipids to HDL, mediated by transfer proteins CETP and PLTP, is an important step in reverse cholesterol transport and HDL metabolism. Previously, we developed an in vitro assay to test those lipid transfers and showed that transfer of cholesterol to HDL is altered in several conditions, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), diabetes and sedentary lifestyle. Recently, HDL transports small non-coding RNA molecule, called micro RNAs (miRNAs). Some miRNA are critical regulators of lipoprotein metabolism. The aim of this study was compare plasma lipids, lipid transfers to HDL, inflammatory profile, miRNAs related to plasma lipids from patients with HF with those from patients with without HF (non-HF). Methods: Forty-eight HF patients were studied, 25 with functional class NYHA I and II (HF I/II) and 23 with NYHA III and IV (HF III/IV), as well as 50 non-HF patients matched for gender, age and BMI. All HF had ejection fraction <= 40%. CETP, LCAT, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and paraoxonase 1 (PON-1) activity were determined. Transfers of lipids from a donor artificial nanoparticle to HDL was determined by an in vitro assay in which the emulsion was incubated with whole plasma. Expression of circulating miRNAs involved in cholesterol metabolism was also analyzed. Results: Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not differ among the 3 groups. Apolipoprotein A-I was lower in NYHA I/II group compared to non- HF (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0.05) and apo B was lower in NYHA III/IV group compared to non-HF (81±35 versus 114±40, p < 0.001). The transfer of esterified cholesterol (5.44±1.76 versus 6.26±0.85), phospholipids (19.05±2.5 versus 20.21±1.45) and of triglycerides (6.29±2.05 versus 7.40±1.47) to HDL was lower in HF-III/IV than in non-HF (p < 0.05), but lipid transfers were not different between HF-I/II and non-HF. oxLDL was lower in both HF groups compared to non-HF (p < 0.0001). CETP mass was lower in HF-III/IV than in HF-I/II (2.77±1.3 versus 3.78±1.3; p=0.021). LCAT and PON-1 activity was not different among the groups. Regarding to miRNA, miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR- 758, miR-26a, miR-106b, miR-122 e miR-30c were significantly increased in HF compared to non-HF subjects, whereas miR-10b was the only one found to be decreased in HF compared to non-HF subjects (p=0.007). Conclusion: In patients with the more severe and symptomatic HF, the lipid transfer to HDL is deficient, as well as some mechanisms that regulate it, and possibly these changes influence reverse cholesterol transport and the protective functions of HDL in these patients

Papel dos lípides plasmáticos e fatores pró-inflamatórios na fisiopatologia da insuficiência cardíaca / Role of plasma lipids and pro inflammatory factors in the patho physiology of heart failure

Ana Elisa Marabini Martinelli 19 May 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde estimou em 2015 que 23 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo sofrem de insuficiência cardíaca (IC), com taxas de mortalidade equivalentes às do câncer. Níveis mais elevados de HDL-colesterol têm sido associados com maior sobrevivência na IC. É consensual que as várias funções protetoras da HDL devem ser exploradas além da concentração de HDL-colesterol. Transferência de lípides para HDL, mediada por proteínas de transferência CETP e PLTP, é uma etapa importante no transporte reverso de colesterol e metabolismo de HDL.,Desenvolvemos um ensaio in vitro para avaliar as transferências de lípides para a HDL, mostrando que esse fenômeno é alterado em várias condições, como na doença arterial coronária, no diabetes mellitus e pelo estilo de vida sedentário. Recentemente, tem sido descrito que a HDL transporta pequenos RNAs não codificadores de proteína, os chamados microRNAs (miRNAs). Alguns miRNAs foram descritos como reguladores críticos do metabolismo das lipoproteínas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar lípides plasmáticos, transferência lipídica para HDL, perfil inflamatório, miRNAs relacionados ao metabolismo de lipoproteínas obtidos de pacientes com IC e de pacientes sem IC (sem-IC). Métodos: Quarenta e oito pacientes com IC foram avaliados, 25 em classe funcional NYHA I e II (IC-I/II) e 23 em NYHA III e IV (IC-III/IV), bem como 50 pacientes sem-IC pareados por gênero e idade. Todos os pacientes com IC apresentavam uma fração de ejeção <=40%. Foram determinadas as concentrações plasmáticas de CETP, LCAT, LDL oxidada (LDLox) e atividade de paraoxonase 1 (PON-1). Transferências de lípides para a HDL foi avaliada a partir da incubação de uma nanopartícula artificial com plasma total. A expressão de miRNAs circulantes envolvidos no metabolismo das lipoproteínas também foi analisada. Resultados: Os níveis de colesterol total, LDL e HDL e triglicérides não diferiram entre os três grupos. A concentração da apolipoproteína A-I foi menor no grupo IC-I/II em comparação ao grupo sem-IC (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0,05), enquanto que a concentração da apolipoproteína B foi menor em ICIII/ IV comparado ao sem-IC (81±35 versus 114±40; p < 0,001). A transferência de colesterol esterificado (5,44±1,76 versus 6,26±0,85), fosfolípides (19,05±2,5 versus 20,21±1,45) e de triglicérides (6,29±2,05 versus 7,40±1,47) foi menor no grupo IC-III/IV do que no grupo sem-IC (p < 0,05). No entanto, não houve diferença nas transferências entre IC-I/II e sem-IC. A concentração de LDLox foi menor em ambos os grupos com IC comparados ao sem-IC (p < 0,0001). A massa de CETP foi menor em IC-III/IV do que em IC-I/II (2,77±1,3 versus 3,78±1,3; p=0,021). A concentração de LCAT e a atividade de PON-1 não foram diferentes entre os grupos. A análise da expressão dos miRNAs circulantes miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR-758, miR-26a, miR- 106b, miR-122 e miR-30c, mostrou-se significantemente aumentada nos indivíduos com IC em comparação aos indivíduos sem-IC, ao passo que o miR- 10b foi o único encontrado diminuído na IC comparado com indivíduos sem-IC (p=0,007). Conclusão: Em pacientes com IC mais severa e sintomática da IC, o processo de transferência de lípides para a HDL está deficiente, bem como alguns dos mecanismos que o regulam, e possivelmente estas alterações influenciem no transporte reverso do colesterol e nas funções protetoras da HDL desses pacientes / Background: World Health Organization estimated that there were twentythree million subjects worldwide suffering from heart failure (HF) in 2015, with mortality rates equivalent to those of cancer. Higher HDL-cholesterol levels have been associated with longer survival in HF. It is now consensual that the various protective functions of HDL should be explored beyond HDLcholesterol. Transfer of lipids to HDL, mediated by transfer proteins CETP and PLTP, is an important step in reverse cholesterol transport and HDL metabolism. Previously, we developed an in vitro assay to test those lipid transfers and showed that transfer of cholesterol to HDL is altered in several conditions, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), diabetes and sedentary lifestyle. Recently, HDL transports small non-coding RNA molecule, called micro RNAs (miRNAs). Some miRNA are critical regulators of lipoprotein metabolism. The aim of this study was compare plasma lipids, lipid transfers to HDL, inflammatory profile, miRNAs related to plasma lipids from patients with HF with those from patients with without HF (non-HF). Methods: Forty-eight HF patients were studied, 25 with functional class NYHA I and II (HF I/II) and 23 with NYHA III and IV (HF III/IV), as well as 50 non-HF patients matched for gender, age and BMI. All HF had ejection fraction <= 40%. CETP, LCAT, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and paraoxonase 1 (PON-1) activity were determined. Transfers of lipids from a donor artificial nanoparticle to HDL was determined by an in vitro assay in which the emulsion was incubated with whole plasma. Expression of circulating miRNAs involved in cholesterol metabolism was also analyzed. Results: Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides did not differ among the 3 groups. Apolipoprotein A-I was lower in NYHA I/II group compared to non- HF (125±23 versus 142±19; p < 0.05) and apo B was lower in NYHA III/IV group compared to non-HF (81±35 versus 114±40, p < 0.001). The transfer of esterified cholesterol (5.44±1.76 versus 6.26±0.85), phospholipids (19.05±2.5 versus 20.21±1.45) and of triglycerides (6.29±2.05 versus 7.40±1.47) to HDL was lower in HF-III/IV than in non-HF (p < 0.05), but lipid transfers were not different between HF-I/II and non-HF. oxLDL was lower in both HF groups compared to non-HF (p < 0.0001). CETP mass was lower in HF-III/IV than in HF-I/II (2.77±1.3 versus 3.78±1.3; p=0.021). LCAT and PON-1 activity was not different among the groups. Regarding to miRNA, miR-33a, miR-144, miR-185, miR-125, miR- 758, miR-26a, miR-106b, miR-122 e miR-30c were significantly increased in HF compared to non-HF subjects, whereas miR-10b was the only one found to be decreased in HF compared to non-HF subjects (p=0.007). Conclusion: In patients with the more severe and symptomatic HF, the lipid transfer to HDL is deficient, as well as some mechanisms that regulate it, and possibly these changes influence reverse cholesterol transport and the protective functions of HDL in these patients

"Avaliação de pacientes assintomáticos com formas cardíacas iniciais da doença de Chagas, através da análise do eletrocardiograma dinâmico, ecocardiograma e peptídeo natriurético tipo B" / Evaluation of asymptomatic patients with initial cardiac forms of Chagas' disease through the analysis of dynamic electrocardiography, echocardiography and Type-B natriuretic peptides

Marques, Divina Seila de Oliveira 08 October 2004 (has links)
Para avaliar as características clínicas e evolutivas em pacientes com formas cardíacas iniciais assintomáticas da doença de Chagas, realizou-se estudo prospectivo em 108 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, atendidos entre abril e novembro de 2002 no ambulatório de doença de Chagas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Os pacientes foram submetidos a 1)avaliação clínica, 2)eletrocardiograma (ECG), 3)radiografia de tórax e cálculo do índice cardio-torácico (ICT), 4)eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, 5)ecocardiografia bidimensional com Doppler tecidual e 6)dosagem plasmática do peptídeo natriurético tipo B (BNP). Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: 50 no GI - ECG e ICT normais, 31 no GIIA - ECG com alterações características de doença de Chagas e 25 no GIIB - ECG com alterações não características de doença de Chagas / To evaluate clinical and evolutive features in patients with initial asymptomatic cardiac Chagas' disease, a prospective study was carried out with 108 patients, age 18 and 50, at the Londrina State University Chagas' disease outpatient clinic, from April to November 2002. Patients were submitted to: 1) clinical evaluation, 2) electrocardiography (EKG), 3) chest radiography and cardiothoracic index (CTI), 4)24-hour dynamic electrocardiography, 5) bi-dimensional echocardiography with tissued Doppler imaging and 6) type-B natriuretic peptide (BNP) plasmatic dosage. Patients were divided into 3 groups: GI - normal EKG and CTI (50 patients), GIIA - EKG with typical Chagas' disease alterations (31 patients) and GIIB - EKG with alterations not characteristic of Chagas´ disease (25 patients)

Kardijalni biomarkeri u predviđanju operativnog rizika kardiohirurških bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore / Cardiac surgery operative risk assessment in patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function using cardial biomarkers

Radišić Bosić Jasna 29 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Kardijalni biomarkeri u predviđanju operativnog rizika kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore Evaluacija rezultata u kardiohirurgiji podrazumeva praćenje ishoda operativnog lečenja u određenom vremenskom periodu. Najče&scaron;će je to interval od 30 dana od datuma intervencije. Najče&scaron;ći kriterijumi za praćenje su stopa mortaliteta i morbiditeta, dužina boravka u jedinici intenzivnog lečenja, ukupna dužina hospitalizacije i tro&scaron;kovi lečenja. Stratifikacija rizika podrazumeva da se bolesnici mogu podeliti u grupe u zavisnosti od broja i važnosti preoperativno utvrđenih faktora rizika, odnosno da se pre operacije može predvideti ishod hirur&scaron;ke intervencije kod svakog od njih pojedinačno. U Evropi je, u periodu između 1995. i 1999. godine, na osnovu multicentrične studije u 8 evropskih zemalja i 128 kardiohirur&scaron;kih centara u kojima je operisano 19.030 odraslih bolesnika, kreiran EvroSKOR - EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) model za stratifikaciju rizika u kardiohirurgiji. Međutim, neminovne promene i napredak u operativnom lečenju doveli su do toga da je neophodno ažurirati postojeći sistem stratifikacije. Tako je 2012. godine u rutinsku upotrebu uveden novi sistem Euroscore II. Na Klinici za kardiohirurgiju Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine (IKVBV), EuroSCORE model uveden je u rutinsku upotrebu od početka 2001. godine. Analizom rezultata, posle dvogodi&scaron;nje primene, pokazalo se da je model bio precizan, odnosno da nije postojala značajna razlika između očekivanog (3,7%) i stvarnog mortaliteta (3,47%). U poslednjih nekoliko godina, kod bolesnika kojima sledi kardiohirur&scaron;ka intervencija, u smislu razmatranja njihove prediktivne vrednosti, sve vi&scaron;e pažnje se poklanja kardijalnim biomarkerima. Najznačajniji biomarkeri u kardiovaskularnoj medicini su: Troponin, Kreatin kinaza MB izoenzim (CKMB), N-terminalni pro B-tip natriuretski peptid (NT-proBNP), C-reaktivni protein (CRP), Laktat dehidrogenaza (LDH), Mokraćna kiselina (Acidum uricum). Ciljevi ovog rada su bili da se kreira model za predviđanje preoperativnog rizika kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore na osnovu preoperativnih vrednosti određenih biomarkera i da se kreira novi model sa kombinacijom prethodnog modela i već postojećeg modela EuroSCORE II. Ispitana su 704 bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcione frakcije manje ili jednake 50%. Bolesnici su operisani na Institutu za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine, od 20. januara 2014. do 20. aprila 2016. Kod bolesnika su urađene tri vrste operacija: revaskularizacija miokarda-koronarna hirurgija, hirurgija stečenih srčanih mana - valvularna hirurgija i kombinovane operacije. Od biohemijskih analiza, 24 sata pre operacije, urađene su sledeće analize: troponin I, kreatin kinaza, kreatin kinaza MB izoenzim, masena kreatin kinaza, laktat dehidrogenaza, C-reaktivni protein, NT-proBNP i mokraćna kiselina. Praćen je postoperativni mortalitet, postoperativni infarkt miokarda i postoperativni cerebrovaskularni incident i njihova povezanost sa preoperativnim vrednostima nabrojanih biomarkera. U studiju su bili uključeni svi bolesnici sa stečenim bolestima srca, stariji od 18 godina, kod kojih je ejekciona frakcija leve komore bila manja ili jednaka 50% i kod kojih su izvr&scaron;ene sledeće vrste operacija: revaskularizacija miokarda - koronarna hirurgija, hirurgija stečenih srčanih mana - valvularna hirurgija i kombinovane operacije - koronarna i valvularna hirurgija. Rezultati su pokazali da je postoperativni mortalitet bio 3,13%, da je postoperativni infarkt miokarda imalo 7,95% a postoperativni cerebrovaskularni incident 9,23% od ukupnog broja ispitanika. 1. Povezanost vrednosti biomarkera sa postoperativnim infarktom miokarda kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom ejekcionom frakcijom leve komore: povi&scaron;ene preoperativne vrednosti troponina I su bile povezane sa postoperativnim infarktom miokarda. Povezanost preoperativnih vrednosti biomarkera sa postoperativnim cerebrovaskularnim incidentom kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom ejekcionom frakcijom leve komore: povi&scaron;ene preoperativne vrednosti troponina I i CRP-a su bile povezane sa postoperativnim cerebrovaskularnim incidentom. 2. Analiziran je uticaj preoperativnog nivoa svih biomarkera, pojedinačno, na značajne neželjene kardijalne i cerebrovaskularne događaje - Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events (MACCE) kao ishod posle operacije na srcu, kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom ejekcionom frakcijom leve komore. Dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: Preoperativna vrednost nivoa troponina I veća od 0,01&mu;g/L i MACCE bili su povezani. Povećane preoperativne vrednosti nivoa C-reaktivnog proteina (CRP) i postoperativni MACCE bili su povezani. Povećane preoperativne vrednosti nivoa laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH) i MACCE bili su povezani. Zaključci ove teze su: 1. Nezavisni prediktor postoperativnog infarkta miokarda i značajnih neželjenih kardijalnih i cerebrovaskularnih događaja, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%, jeste povi&scaron;ena preoperativna vrednost troponina I. 2.Vrednost preoperativnog troponina I je slab marker za predviđanje postoperativnog infarkta miokarda i značajnih neželjenih kardijalnih i cerebrovaskularnih događaja, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 3. Na pojavu postoperativnog cerebrovaskularnog incidenta, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%, ne utiče nijedna od ispitivanih varijabli. 4. Nezavisni prediktori postoperativnog mortaliteta kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%, na osnovu kojih je moguće kreirati prediktivni Model su godine starosti i povi&scaron;ene preoperativne vrednosti NT-proBNP. 5. Kreirani Model je dobar marker za predikciju ishoda posle operacije na srcu, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 6. Povi&scaron;ena preoperativna vrednost NT- proBNP može da bude dobar marker u predikciji smrtnog ishoda posle operacije na srcu kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 7. Model EuroSCORE II se pokazao kao slabiji marker za predikciju ishoda posle operacije na srcu kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 8. Testiranjem kreiranog modela, podelom na manje rizične i vi&scaron;e rizične bolesnike, u odnosu na visinu ejekcione frakcije leve komore, pokazalo se da je model dobar marker za predviđanje smrtnog ishoda posle operacije na srcu, u obe grupe.</p> / <p>Cardiac surgery operative risk assessment in patients with imapired systolic left ventricular function using cardial biomarkers Evaluation of results in cardiac surgery involves monitoring the outcomes of operative treatment in a given time period. Typically, this interval includes 30 days from the date of operation. The most common criteria used for monitoring are the rate of mortality and morbidity, length of stay in the intensive care unit, the total length of hospitalization and medical costs. Risk stratification means that patients can be divided into groups depending on the number and importance of preoperatively identified risk factors, and that the outcome of surgery for each of the patients can be predicted preoperatively. In Europe, in the period of 1995-1999 on the basis of a multi-center study in 8 European countries and 128 cardiac centers in which 19,030 adult patients were operated on, EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) model for risk stratification in cardiac surgery was developed. However, the inevitable changes and progress in the surgical treatment rendered the EuroSCORE model obsolete warranting updated system. It was in 2012 when a new system EuroSCORE II was introduced into practice At the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, EuroSCORE model was introduced in routine clinical use since the beginning of 2001. By analyzing the results, two years after application, it was shown that the model was accurate, and that there was no significant difference between the expected (3.7%) and the actual mortality (3.47%) In recent years, in patients who are candidates for cardiac surgery, more attention is paid to cardiac biomarkers in terms of evaluating their predictive power. The most significant biomarkers in cardiovascular medicine are: Troponin, creatine kinase MB isoenzyme (CKMB), N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), C-reactive protein (CRP), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and uric acid (Uric uricum). The objectives of this study were to create a model to predict preoperative risk for cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function on the basis of preoperative levels of certain biomarkers and to create a new model with a combination of the previous model and already existing EuroSCORE II model. The study included 704 patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function, ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%. All patients underwent cardiac surgery at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, from January 20th 2014 until 20th April 2016. Patients were submitted to three types of operations: revascularization - coronary surgery, surgery of acquired heart defects - valvular surgery and combined operations. Following biochemical analyses were performed 24 hours prior to surgery: troponin I, creatine kinase, creatine kinase MB isoenzyme, mass creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein, NT-proBNP and uric acid. Postoperative mortality, postoperative onset of myocardial infarction and occurence of cerebrovascular accident and their correlation with preoperative values of listed biomarkers were registered. The study included all patients with acquired heart disease, older than 18 years, with the left ventricular ejection fraction less than or equal to 50% who were submitted to the following types of operations: revascularization - coronary surgery, surgery of acquired heart diseases - valvular surgery and combined operations - coronary and valvular surgery. The results showed that the postoperative mortality was 3.13%, new onset of postoperative myocardial infarction was detected in 7.95% of the patients and postoperative cerebrovascular accident developed in 9.23% of patients. Correlation of preoperative biomarkers values with postoperative myocardial infarction in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction - elevated preoperative troponin I were associated with postoperative myocardial infarction. Correlation of preoperative biomarkers values with postoperative cerebrovascular incident occurence in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction - elevated preoperative troponin I and CRP were associated with postoperative cerebrovascular incident. The influence of preoperative levels of all biomarkers, separetly, on the rate of significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events - Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events (MACCE) as the heart surgery outcome, in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction. The following results were obtained: Increased preoperative levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and postoperative MACCE were related. Increased preoperative levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and MACCE were related. The conclusions of this thesis are: 1. Independent predictor of postoperative myocardial infarction onset and significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%) is elevated preoperative value of troponin I. 2. Preoperative Troponin I value was poor marker for predicting postoperative myocardial infarction and significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 3. None of the studied variables showed influence on the postoperative cerebrovascular accident occurence, in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 4. Independent predictors of postoperative mortality in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%), that could be used to create a predictive model are: age and elevated preoperative value of NT-proBNP. 5. Developed model showed satisfactory results for predicting outcome after heart surgery in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 6. Elevated preoperative value of NT-proBNP may be a good marker for mortality prediction after the cardiac surgery in patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 7. EuroSCORE II model showed poor performance when predicting outcomes after cardiac surgery in patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 8. Validation of the newly-created model, considering low and medium risk patients, based on the value of left ventricular ejection fraction, showed that the model is a good marker for the mortality prediction in both groups.</p>

"Avaliação de pacientes assintomáticos com formas cardíacas iniciais da doença de Chagas, através da análise do eletrocardiograma dinâmico, ecocardiograma e peptídeo natriurético tipo B" / Evaluation of asymptomatic patients with initial cardiac forms of Chagas' disease through the analysis of dynamic electrocardiography, echocardiography and Type-B natriuretic peptides

Divina Seila de Oliveira Marques 08 October 2004 (has links)
Para avaliar as características clínicas e evolutivas em pacientes com formas cardíacas iniciais assintomáticas da doença de Chagas, realizou-se estudo prospectivo em 108 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, atendidos entre abril e novembro de 2002 no ambulatório de doença de Chagas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Os pacientes foram submetidos a 1)avaliação clínica, 2)eletrocardiograma (ECG), 3)radiografia de tórax e cálculo do índice cardio-torácico (ICT), 4)eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, 5)ecocardiografia bidimensional com Doppler tecidual e 6)dosagem plasmática do peptídeo natriurético tipo B (BNP). Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: 50 no GI - ECG e ICT normais, 31 no GIIA - ECG com alterações características de doença de Chagas e 25 no GIIB - ECG com alterações não características de doença de Chagas / To evaluate clinical and evolutive features in patients with initial asymptomatic cardiac Chagas' disease, a prospective study was carried out with 108 patients, age 18 and 50, at the Londrina State University Chagas' disease outpatient clinic, from April to November 2002. Patients were submitted to: 1) clinical evaluation, 2) electrocardiography (EKG), 3) chest radiography and cardiothoracic index (CTI), 4)24-hour dynamic electrocardiography, 5) bi-dimensional echocardiography with tissued Doppler imaging and 6) type-B natriuretic peptide (BNP) plasmatic dosage. Patients were divided into 3 groups: GI - normal EKG and CTI (50 patients), GIIA - EKG with typical Chagas' disease alterations (31 patients) and GIIB - EKG with alterations not characteristic of Chagas´ disease (25 patients)

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