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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing migration and reproduction of salmonid fishes:method development and research using physical and numerical modelling

Tammela, S. (Simo) 03 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract Dam building for hydropower production, dredging for log floating and drainage of peatlands have massively affected migrating salmonid populations in Finland. Increased sedimentation and changes in hydraulic conditions have destroyed the majority of spawning and rearing habitats in freshwater brooks and dam building has stopped migration upstream at river mouths. This thesis examines the current state of drained forest brooks, possibilities for restoration and methods to assist migration in rivers used for hydropower. Drainage down to the mineral soil has caused massive erosion and sedimentation in headwater brooks. The surface layer of a sand bed is constantly moving, preventing vegetation growth, while shortcuts created during drainage increase flow velocity and reduce retention time. The cross-sectional and longitudinal profiles become homogeneous and biodiversity is severely reduced. A simple wooden brook restoration structure was developed in laboratory experiments. Fish migration problems past a hydropower dam and reproduction possibilities offered by a natural-like bypass channel were studied in the river Oulujoki, the mouth of which was blocked by a hydropower dam in the late 1940s. Public pressure for remedial structures has grown since then and was given a boost after a fishway was opened at Merikoski, in the river mouth, in 2003. This thesis examined the next dam upstream, Montta at Muhos, which was studied separately as a partial and sole natural-like bypass. A natural-like bypass can offer stable conditions for spawning and rearing and can be designed precisely, through water flow and habitat modelling, to match desired conditions. The most important section in a fishway is ultimately the entrance. Fishway discharge is often merely a fraction of whole river discharge and the attractivity of the entrance can be increased by pumping additional discharge to the lowest part of the fishway. The hydraulics of a twin-slot vertical slot fishway were studied here by laboratory flume testing and 2D water flow modelling. Water flow and habitat modelling proved to be good tools in designing partly natural-like bypasses. However, fish behaviour should be closely monitored in any natural-like fishways already built, in order to verify the results of habitat modelling. / Tiivistelmä Jokien patoaminen vesivoiman tuotantoon, ruoppaaminen puunuiton helpottamiseksi sekä latvapurojen ojitukset metsän kasvun edistämiseksi ovat voimakkaasti vaikuttaneet vaeltavien lohikalakantojen vaellus- ja lisääntymismahdollisuuksiin. Muuttuneet hydrauliset olosuhteet ja lisääntynyt sedimentaatio ovat tuhonneet lohikalojen lisääntymisalueet ja patoaminen on katkaissut ylösvaelluksen lisääntymispaikoille. Väitöstyö koostuu viidestä artikkelista, joissa esitellään uusia menetelmiä ja ratkaisuja lohikalojen vaelluksen ja lisääntymisen ennallistamiseksi. Kaksi artikkelia keskittyy ojituksesta kärsivien latvapurojen nykytilaan, kunnostusmahdollisuuksiin sekä kunnostusrakenteen kehittämiseen. Paikoin ojituksen seurauksena on ollut massiivinen mineraalimaan eroosio ja hienon hiekan sedimentoituminen puroihin. Puroihin on kertynyt paksuja hiekkakerroksia, joiden pintakerros on jatkuvassa liikkeessä. Pintakerroksen jatkuva liike estää kasvillisuuden kasvamisen. Osittain ojitus on myös oikaissut puroja, jolloin virtausnopeudet ovat kasvaneet ja veden viipymä lyhentynyt. Purojen pituus- ja poikkileikkauksen vaihtelu ja biodiversiteetti ovat on vähentyneet huomattavasti. Laboratoriokokeissa kehitettiin yksinkertainen puusta rakennettava kunnostusrakenne hiekoittuneiden purojen kunnostamiseksi. Kolme artikkelia käsittelee Oulujokea, kalateiden suunnittelua ja kalatierakenteita. Vuonna 2003 rakennettu Merikosken kalatie kasvatti paineita kalatierakentamiseen Oulujoen muille voimalaitoksille. Erityisesti väitöstyö keskittyi Montan voimalaitoksen ohitukseen suunniteltuun kalatiehen, jota tutkittiin virtausmallinnuksen avulla kokonaan ja osittain luonnonmukaisena ohitusuomana. Luonnonmukainen ohitusuoma voidaan suunnitella toimimaan kutukanavan tyyppisenä uomana, jonka tarkoitus on tarjota vakaat virtausolosuhteet lohikalojen lisääntymistä varten. Virtaus- ja habitaattimallinnuksen avulla uoma voidaan suunnitella tarkasti haluttujen virtausolosuhteiden mukaisesti. Kalatien toimivuuden kannalta tärkeintä on että kalat löytävät kalatien sisäänkäynnin. Kalatien virtaama on usein vain murto-osa koko joen virtaamasta, joten sisäänkäynnin houkuttavuutta voidaan lisätä lisävettä pumppaamalla. Kaksirakoisen pystyrakokalatien hydrauliikkaa tutkittiin sekä laboratorio- että virtausmallilla.

Rational Structure-Based Rescaffolding Approach to De Novo Design of Interleukin 10 (IL-10) Receptor-1 Mimetics

Ruiz-Gómez, Gloria, Hawkins, John C., Philipp, Jenny, Künze, Georg, Wodtke, Robert, Löser, Reik, Fahmy, Karim, Pisabarro, M. Teresa 06 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Tackling protein interfaces with small molecules capable of modulating protein-protein interactions remains a challenge in structure-based ligand design. Particularly arduous are cases in which the epitopes involved in molecular recognition have a non-structured and discontinuous nature. Here, the basic strategy of translating continuous binding epitopes into mimetic scaffolds cannot be applied, and other innovative approaches are therefore required. We present a structure-based rational approach involving the use of a regular expression syntax inspired in the well established PROSITE to define minimal descriptors of geometric and functional constraints signifying relevant functionalities for recognition in protein interfaces of non-continuous and unstructured nature. These descriptors feed a search engine that explores the currently available three-dimensional chemical space of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) in order to identify in a straightforward manner regular architectures containing the desired functionalities, which could be used as templates to guide the rational design of small natural-like scaffolds mimicking the targeted recognition site. The application of this rescaffolding strategy to the discovery of natural scaffolds incorporating a selection of functionalities of interleukin-10 receptor-1 (IL-10R1), which are relevant for its interaction with interleukin-10 (IL-10) has resulted in the de novo design of a new class of potent IL-10 peptidomimetic ligands.

Rational Structure-Based Rescaffolding Approach to De Novo Design of Interleukin 10 (IL-10) Receptor-1 Mimetics

Ruiz-Gómez, Gloria, Hawkins, John C., Philipp, Jenny, Künze, Georg, Wodtke, Robert, Löser, Reik, Fahmy, Karim, Pisabarro, M. Teresa 06 January 2017 (has links)
Tackling protein interfaces with small molecules capable of modulating protein-protein interactions remains a challenge in structure-based ligand design. Particularly arduous are cases in which the epitopes involved in molecular recognition have a non-structured and discontinuous nature. Here, the basic strategy of translating continuous binding epitopes into mimetic scaffolds cannot be applied, and other innovative approaches are therefore required. We present a structure-based rational approach involving the use of a regular expression syntax inspired in the well established PROSITE to define minimal descriptors of geometric and functional constraints signifying relevant functionalities for recognition in protein interfaces of non-continuous and unstructured nature. These descriptors feed a search engine that explores the currently available three-dimensional chemical space of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) in order to identify in a straightforward manner regular architectures containing the desired functionalities, which could be used as templates to guide the rational design of small natural-like scaffolds mimicking the targeted recognition site. The application of this rescaffolding strategy to the discovery of natural scaffolds incorporating a selection of functionalities of interleukin-10 receptor-1 (IL-10R1), which are relevant for its interaction with interleukin-10 (IL-10) has resulted in the de novo design of a new class of potent IL-10 peptidomimetic ligands.

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