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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klimatanpassning inom svensk dricksvattenhantering : En analys av existerande arbetsmetoder med hjälp av 4-E strategier / Climate Change Adaptation in Swedish drinking water management : An analysis of existing working methods with the aid of 4-E strategies

Petersson, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to highlight the problem of low groundwater levels and water shortage by analyzing how Sweden's management and adaptability capabilities work in comparison with risk management strategies. The collected result was analyzed against the so-called 4-E Strategies (Enforcement, Engineering, Education, and Economic) as the main framework. In addition, the study aimed at investigating how the ability can be created through these strategies and which of these the municipalities consider to be most effective. The data collection took place through individual semi-structured interviews with representatives from 5 municipalities. The answers from the interviews were then analyzed with qualitative content analysis, where responses generated from the qualitative content analysis were set against the 4-E strategies. The result shows that the interviewees believe that all prevention strategies may be useful depending on the context and when it is used. In addition, they must also be adapted to the local conditions in the current geographic area. The result also shows that all 4-E strategies are needed to create efficient handling and adaptability for drinking water management. The study's results show that the Swedish municipalities' management and adaptability to these strategies is satisfactory. Keywords Risk management, 4-E strategies, 3-E strategies, Drinking water management, Sweden

Har endocannabinoider skyddande effekter vid Alzheimers sjukdom?

Salem, Marwa January 2018 (has links)
Alzheimers sjukdom (AD) är en av de vanligaste former av demenssjukdomar. Sjukdomen karaktäriseras av hjärnatrofi och minnesförlust. Sjukdomen drabbar människor i ålder 65 år och uppåt. 150 000 patienter i Sverige som har demenssjukdom, varvid 90 000 personer har diagnostiserats till AD. Det finns två huvudtyper av Alzheimers sjukdom, den mest vanliga är senil demens vilken utgör 97 % av fallen. Förekomsten av AD karakteriseras av förhöjda beta-amyloid nivåer i hjärnan. Där beta amyloid aggregerar och blir toxiskt samt medför skador på nervceller och dess signaler. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att studera rådande forskningsläge gällande endocannabinoider och deras potentiella effekter vid Alzheimers sjukdom. Utifrån syftet ställdes frågeställningar upp, Hur verkar endocannabinoider vid Alzheimers sjukdom? Vilken terapeutisk potential har endocannabinoider vid AD? Metod: Olika databaser bland annat PubMed använts för att hitta information om Endocannabinoider och Alzheimers sjukdom. Resultat: Studierna visade betydelse för närvaro av endocannabinoider och dess skyddande effekt på råttor, cellmodeller samt prover från post mortem patienter med AD. I studie 1 visades olikheter hos människor och råttor i de receptorerna som var viktiga vid fettsyraamid hyrdolas (FAAH) reglering. Det främsta receptorn i FAAH reglering hos råttans hjärna var cannabinoid receptor typ 2, däremot var cannabinoid receptor typ 1 receptor viktig i människans hjärna. Dessa olikheter kan bero på de olika isoformerna av FAAH som uttrycks hos människor till skillnad från det som uttrycks hos råttor. Och det resulterade stimulering av anandamidnedbrytning i humana kontrollprover. Resterande studier visade att hämningen av FAAH ökade anandamidnivåer. Det visade också anandamids möjlighet för skyddande effekter såsom neuroprotektiva, antiinflammatoriska och antioxidativa effekter. Endocannabinoider kan skydda lysosomer från amyloidtoxicitet in-vitro. I studie 2 till skillnad från andra studierna, visades minskningar av amyloid precursor proteinnivåer hos möss som saknade FAAH. Det resulterade minskningar i neuritiska plack som vanligen bildas vid AD. Slutsats: Effekter av endocannabinoider hos råttor, cellkulturer samt hjärnstam från post mortem patienter visade ha neuroprotektiv effekt och kan därmed anses inneha en viktig roll i patogenesen av AD. Effekterna av de utvalda studierna var gjorda på möss, råttor och cellmodell då detta kan försvåra att bevisa och dra en slutsats gällande hur endocannabinoider kan agera hos människor

Begreppsförståelse i de naturorienterande ämnena : Systematisk litteraturstudie och enkätundersökning med aktiva NO-lärare i årskurs 4-6

Ullberg, Andréa January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Håller undervisningen? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärare och lärarstudenters upplevelser av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen / Is the teaching sustainable? : A qualitative interview study about teacher and teacher students’ experiences about sustainable development in teaching

Thärning, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Att arbeta med utbildning i en miljö som ständigt ändras beroende på samhället och regeringar är krävande och beskrivningarna av undervisningen för hållbar utveckling är fortfarande otydliga sedan den brett spridda definitionen av ESD accepteras. ESD är förkortningen på education for sustainable development och översätts i denna studie med undervisning för hållbar utveckling. Undervisningen för hållbar utveckling har genom åren ändrats och skiftat fokus ett antal gånger. Men har undervisningen förbättrats eller bara förändrats? Lärare uttrycker osäkerhet kring hur de ska undervisa för hållbar utveckling och genom denna studien försöker jag hitta de eventuella svårigheterna. Genom intervjuer undersöks lärares och lärarstudenters förståelse kring begreppet hållbar utveckling, vilka svårigheter de upplever med undervisningen för hållbar utveckling samt hur ämnet har förändrats i styrdokumenten sedan läroplanen från 1994. / Working with education in an environment that is constantly changing depending on society and governments are demanding and the description of education for sustainable development is still unclear since the widely spread definition of ESD was accepted. ESD is shortening for education for sustainable development and is here translated with undervisning för hållbar utveckling. ESD has changed through the years and has shifted focus a few times. But has the education been improved or just changed? Teachers express uncertainty about how to educate for sustainable development and in this study, I try to find what is difficult about it. Through interviews with teachers and teacher students’ I examine their understandings of the concept sustainable development, what difficulties they experience and how the subject has changed through the curriculums.

”TITTA! DEN FAR IN I KROPPEN!” : ORD, BILD OCH FORM HJÄLPER BARN ATT UTTRYCKA SIN FÖRSTÅELSE FÖR MATSPJÄLKNINGEN / " LOOK! IT GOES INTO THE BODY!" : Word, image and form helps children to expess their understanding of degestion

Rutqvist, Loan January 2016 (has links)
Studien har till syfte att utveckla kunskaper om hur estetiska uttrycksformer kan användas för att kommunicera och synliggöra barns lärande av naturvetenskap. För att kunna komma närmare barns perspektiv ville jag genom frågeställningen få svar på hur barns förståelse för ett specifikt naturvetenskapligt fenomen kan visa sig genom bild och formskapande uttryckssätt. Studien genomfördes i en barngrupp i 3-4 års ålder kring ett lärandeobjekt som handlade om matspjälkning. De datainsamlingsmetoder som användes i studien var barnintervjuer och videoinspelningar. Studiens resultat visar att barnen uttryckte sin förståelse för matspjälkningen på två sätt: Genom att bygga broar mellan sitt verbala och sitt estetiska språk, samt genom att använda material och estetiska uttrycksformer för att prova sig fram och testa sina föreställningar om lärandeobjektet. / nej

3D-positionering till havs efter bearbetning med PPK- och PPP-lösning och kontroll av fartygets dynamiska rörelser

Wilhelmsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
This project investigates whether 3D-positioning at sea can be improved by processing real-time positioning data. SWEPOS-based RTK (accurate GNSS) was used to log positions data on a hydrographic survey vessel along Sweden’s east and north coast for 7 days. However, because of the long distance between the vessel and the reference stations the positioning solutions do not always have high accuracy. This problem generates a large interest to research how processing real-time data could improve position accuracy. Processing positioning data is done through Applanix IN-fusion PPK (Post-Processed Kinematic) and PPP (Precise Point Positioning) loosely coupled concept. The positioning accuracy of these methods are compared against one another and against collected data in real-time (RTK). The vertical component are being assessed further in detail to evaluate the accuracy of these methods and the data is presented in respect to vertical positioning and height. However, solely processing the vessels positioning according to the PPP or PPK concept is not enough to get a good positioning vertically, as the vessels positioning height also depends on the vessels dynamic movements. Including the vessel’s dynamic movement’s leads not only to a higher positioning accuracy but also to a more accurate description of the shape of the water surface. The shape of the water surface is an important component for the modelling of the geoid, as the water mass distribution affects gravitational measurements and calculations by water mass variations. The future goal, is that vessels should be able to collect data which can be used to correct the present geoid model, only by using GNSS technique and water level corrections from reference stations. Furthermore, good hydrographic data and accurate GNSS height provides preconditions to introduce a 3D-navigational system. A system like this could calculate if the present draught is compatible with the future depth conditions along the route. The system can thereby support the navigator with suggestions of speed adjustments at optimal moments to avoid running aground. Initially, the different post-processing methodology’s ability to improve position accuracy are evaluated. The observations presented in this project indicate that position accuracy varies depending on which method is used. The results show that the vertical measurement uncertainty (RMS) values are lowest when using the processing methods based on the PPK concept. The RMS mean value using PPP processing methodology show a higher value than the real-time solutions. In this case, by adjusting the real-time solutions by processing according to the PPK method, the vessels vertical position can be corrected with a mean value of 5 cm. In the secondary process, the GNSS height from the PPK processing methodology was used together with static and dynamic corrections to approximate the actual water level. This project demonstrates the potential of using this type of process to get a more accurate picture of the present water surface.

Implied Volatility Surface Construction

Magnusson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Implied volatility surfaces are central tools used for pricing options. This thesis treats the topic of their construction. The main purpose is to uncover the most appropriate methodology for constructing implied volatility surfaces from discrete data and evaluate how well it performs. First some methods and techniques in use for such surface constructing are presented. Then the most attractive approach, chosen to contain 4 interesting models is studied. The models’ performances are tested on two price grids from the EURO STOXX 50 and Nikkei 225 indices. The found implied volatility surfaces give good and decent fits to the data, respectively. The surfaces are evaluated in terms of presence of static arbitrage and are found to have it, although mostly for strike price and time to maturity combinations which are somewhat abnormal and rarely traded. Arbitrage is found to be more prevalent in surfaces when the input data is of lower quality. The volatility surfaces’ shapes and absolute values are compared in between models but also within models for some of the best-fit producing parameter sets. The surfaces are found to differ in both cases for some strike and maturity combinations - sometimes with relative differences of more than 10%. This suggests that surfaces with good fits to the input data still can produce distinctly differing prices for some options. Calibrating the models with the chosen approach involves calculations with complex numbers in ways which potentially introduce problematic discontinuities due to branch crossings. This is investigated numerically as well as theoretically for the 4 models and found to be a significant problem in one of them. The three other models are found to avoid these problems under all valid parameter sets.

Att utveckla kompetens genom seriösa spel, ett steg mot hållbar utveckling? : -En studie av kommunala politikers upplevelser av spelet Riskköping

Gälldin, Pernilla January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Haxsen, Sören January 2017 (has links)
The compilation of wind resource assessments and the implicit long-term correction ofwind measurements require comprehensive data sets. Commonly employed data sets forthis purpose are wind measurements from weather stations as well as SupervisoryControl and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data from existing wind farms. In addition,reanalysis data are a consistent data source. Reanalysis data are a combination ofmeteorological models with measurements of climatology parameters. To increase theperformance of reanalysis data the corresponding data sets are processed with mesoscalemodels. The present study determines the suitability of the readily accessible EMDConWxEurope Mesoscale Data (EMD-ConWx Data) for wind resource assessments.EMD-ConWx Data include hourly wind velocities at seven heights in the range of 10 mup to 200 m and have a spatial resolution of 3 x 3 km. EMD-ConWx Data are based onthe primary reanalysis data set ERA-Interim. The EMD-ConWx Data are compared toSonic Detecting and Ranging (Sodar) measurements at 22 sites in Germany regardingthe parameters wind speed, wind direction and wind speed frequency distribution. Inaddition, the statistical correlation (R) and linear regression (R²) are determined.It was found, that EMD-ConWx Data reveal a moderate accuracy for wind resourceassessments. The determined average wind speed bias of 1.02 m/s, the average rootmeans square error (RMSE) of 1.91 m/s, the average wind direction bias of -0.89° andthe monthly correlation indicate overall an adequate match with the Sodarmeasurements. However, these results entail considerable uncertainties and variances.To reduce these variances and the wind speed overestimation a height shift of 50 m forthe EMD-ConWx wind velocity heights is introduced. The comparison of the EMDConWxwind data at 50 m to Sodar measurements at 100 m leads to a significantreduction of the wind speed bias, but it improves neither the wind direction accuracy northe wind speed correlation. Overall, the EMD-ConWx Data are suitable for windresource assessments and the implicit long-term correction of wind data. The EMDConWxData with the height shift imply the advantage of a proper representation of thewind profile in relation to common reanalysis data, even at sites with complex terrain.

Konstruktion av effektpedaler för elgitarrer

Löfgren, Max, Geirsson, Gunnlaugur, Huotila, Kristian January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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