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Impact of Olanzapine on Refractory Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: a Retrospective StudySeibert, Laurel, Vig, Sierra, Green, Myke January 2013 (has links)
Class of 2013 Abstract / Specific Aims: To describe the outcomes of olanzapine in the treatment of refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV).
Methods: Data were collected regarding demographic information, chemotherapy regimen, CINV prophylaxis, rescue antiemetics, and olanzapine usage for subjects, age 18-79, who were admitted to the University of Arizona Medical Center for chemotherapy and received at least one dose of olanzapine for CINV between January 2008 and January 2012. The primary outcome measure was the number of rescue antiemetics required following the first dose of olanzapine (greater than 10 doses was considered treatment failure). Comparisons using chi square to determine if differences existed with respect to the level of chemotherapy emetogenicity and demographic information were conducted.
Main Results: No statistical difference between chemotherapy regimens of high versus low-to-moderate emetogenicity was seen (P=0.79). However, 7 of 10 (70%) subjects receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy achieved success and 15 of 23 (65%) subjects receiving low-to-moderately emetogenic chemotherapy achieved success. No statistical differences appeared when evaluating usage of 1 versus 2 or more prophylactic antiemetics (P=0.77), men versus women (P=0.08), and age over 50 versus 50 years or younger (P<0.99).
Conclusion: This study demonstrated a trend towards greater emetic control with the addition of olanzapine in patients failing first-line antiemetic pharmacotherapy. Additionally, a trend towards greater emetic control was seen in women. The rates of success among all groups may suggest benefit to adding olanzapine to subjects experiencing refractory CINV. Due to the limited sample size and retrospective methodology of the study, the use of olanzapine in refractory CINV merits further research with large, prospective studies directly comparing addition of olanzapine to other appropriate antiemetics. Read more
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No description available.
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Postoperative symptoms after gynaecological surgery : how they are influenced by prophylactic antiemetics and sensory stimulation (P6-acupressure) /Alkaissi, Aidah, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Analysen zur Studienregistrierung und selektiven Endpunktberichterstattung in 585 klinischen Studien, die Medikamente zur PONV Prophylaxe untersuchten / Trial registration and selective outcome reporting in 585 clinical trials investigating drugs for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomitingRiemer, Manuel January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahr 2017, 13 Jahre nachdem das ICMJE die prospektive Protokollregistrierung zur Notwendigkeit für zuverlässige klinische Studien erklärt hat, ist die Häufigkeit und Qualität der Studienregistrierung im Bereich der PONV-Forschung sehr gering. Für nur ein Fünftel der seit dem Jahr 2004 publizierten klinischen Studien, die in den 2020 veröffentlichten PONV Cochrane Review aufgenommen wurden, wurden Studienprotokolle registriert. Von diesen waren fast zwei Drittel retrospektiv registriert. Schlussendlich konnten weniger als 50% der prospektiv registrierten Studien als frei von Bias bei der selektiven Endpunktberichterstattung identifiziert werden. Dies ist ein alarmierendes Defizit. Diese Arbeit zeigt auch, dass registrierte Studien im Allgemeinen häufiger mit einem niedrigen Gesamtbiasrisiko beurteilt wurden. Dies legt die Studienregistrierung als Qualitätskriterium für RCTs in der klinischen PONV-Forschung nahe. Bias durch selektive Endpunktberichterstattung verringert die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von Studienergebnissen. Wissenschaftler*innen und Kliniker*innen sollten sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass nur die Adhärenz bezüglich einer adäquaten Protokollregistrierung und die transparente Berichterstattung über vordefinierte Endpunkte, unabhängig von Richtung und Bedeutung deren Ergebnisse, letztlich die Evidenz der PONV-Forschung in der Zukunft stärken kann. / In 2017, 13 years after the ICMJE declared prospective protocol registration a necessity for reliable clinical studies, the frequency and quality of trial registration in the field of PONV research is very poor. Only one fifth of the clinical trials published in 2004 or later and included in the recently published Cochrane review referenced a registered trial protocol of which almost two third were registered retrospectively. In the end, of the prospectively registered trials less than 50% were free of selective outcome reporting bias. This is an alarming deficit. This work also showed that registered trials in general were more frequently judged as overall low risk of bias regarding the Cochrane Risk of Bias assessment, suggesting trial registration as a quality criterion for RCTs in PONV clinical research. Selective outcome reporting reduces trustworthiness in findings of clinical trials. Investigators and clinicians should be aware that only following a properly registered protocol and transparently reporting of predefined outcomes, regardless of the direction and significance of the result, will ultimately strengthen the body of evidence in the field of PONV research in the future. Read more
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Komplementära behandlingsmetoder vid cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkningEricson, Jonna, Klaesson, Eva January 2009 (has links)
<p>Illamående och kräkning är förekommande biverkningar hos patienter med cancer som behandlas med cytostatika och är därmed tillstånd som sjuksköterskan kommer i kontakt med. Om patientens illamående och kräkning inte förebyggs kan det leda till konsekvenser som att patienten blir dehydrerad, tappar aptiten, blir undernärd och försvårar skadad vävnad att återhämta sig från cytostatikabehandling. Trots att de flesta patienter får antiemetika lyckas inte deras illamående och kräkning förebyggas. Syftet var att belysa komplementära behandlingsmetoder vid cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkning. Studien är utförd som en litteraturstudie och baserad på 14 vetenskapliga studier. Resultatet visar att komplementära behandlingsmetoder har ett visst vetenskapligt stöd och är ett bra komplement till antiemetika. Akupressur är den behandlingsmetod som är effektivast för att förebygga cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkning. Även akustimulation, elektroakupunktur och avslappning minskar patienternas illamående och kräkning. Mer forskning behövs för att ge mer styrka åt de olika komplementära behandlingsmetoder, eftersom sjuksköterskans arbete måste utföras utifrån vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Genom att sjuksköterskan får ökad kunskap om hur cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkning förebyggs kan patientens lidande minska.</p> Read more
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Postoperativt illamående hos patienter som genomgått ortopedisk operationJuliusson, Emelie, Hagland, Karin January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>Syfte: </em>Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera förekomst av postoperativt illamående (dag 0-3) hos patienter som genomgått en ortopedisk operation i narkos. Syftet var också att studera om kända riskfaktorer och typ av anestesiform kan relateras till uppkomsten av postoperativt illamående (dag 0-3).<em></em></p><p><em>Metod</em>: Studiens design var en prospektiv kvantitativ icke experimentell studie. Data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning bland ortopedpatienter som opererats under narkos och som uppfyllde inklusionskriterierna. Antalet svarande var 18 av 34 tillfrågade. Resultatet analyserades och sammanställdes deskriptivt i statistikprogrammet SPSS.</p><p><em>Resultat</em>: Resultatet visar att alla patienter som deltog i studien sövdes med en kombination av inhalationsanestesi och intravenös anestesi. Ca en tredjedel av dessa var illamående under studiens gång. Illamåendet uppstod främst under operationsdagen och första dagen efter operation. Inget samband mellan illamående och riskfaktorerna kön, ålder, åksjuka, eller fastetid kunde ses. Dock fanns en tendens till samband mellan illamående och tidigare postoperativt illamående. <em></em></p><p><em>Slutsats:</em><em> </em>Då undersökningsgruppen var för liten och inga säkra slutsatser kunde dras på grund av detta, krävs mer forskning inom detta område.</p> / <p><em>Aim: </em>The aim of this study was to investigate the instance of postoperative nausea in orthopedic patients that has performed an operation in narcosis. The aim was also to examine if well-known risk factors and type of anesthesia could relate to postoperative nausea (day 0-3).</p><p><em>Method:</em> The study design was prospective quantitative non experimental. Data were collected through six week on a ward for traumaortopedic patients. The response rate was 18 out of 34 approached. The results were analyzed and compiled in the descriptive statistics program SPSS.</p><p><em>Findings:</em> The findings show that all the patients that participates anaesthetizes with a combination of inhalation- and intravenous anesthesia. About one-third were nauseous in the process of the study. Nausea was most common in the first two days after operation. There was no correlation between nausea and sex, age, travel-sickness, or fast. A tendency could been seen between nausea and earlier postoperative nausea.</p><p><em>Conclusion:</em> More research requires since the research-group was to tiny, and no certain conclusions could be done on that account.</p> Read more
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The antiemetic prophylaxis of dexamethasone improved the anesthetic efficacy of sevoflurane in spontaneously breathing patients undergoing outpatient anorectal surgeryHsiao, Hung-tsung 08 August 2007 (has links)
Purpose: Dexamethasone provides potent analgesic and antiemetic effects. Sevoflurane are associated with an increased incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and delayed patient discharge compared to propofol. This study was designed to evaluate whether the prophylatic use of dexamethasone with sevoflurane could minimize the incidence of PONV and facilitate early recovery after outpatient anorectal surgery.
Methods: Forty outpatients undergoing anorectal surgery were randomly assigned to receive either dexamethasone (5 mg IV; n=20) or an equal volume of saline (n=20) before the induction of anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced with sevoflurane 8% and N2O 67% in oxygen (at 6 L/min) followed by placement of laryngeal mask. Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane 2-4% end-tidal in combination with N2O 50% in oxygen 3 L/min. All patients were allowed to breathe spontaneously during the operation. The postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), VAS pain score and patient satisfaction were recorded.
Results: The incidence of PONV and VAS pain score were significant lower in dexamethasone-treated patients compared with saline-treated ones. The time required for discharge was significantly shorter in dexamethasone-treated patients. Above all, the dexamethasone-treated patients expressed higher satisfaction index. There was no significant difference in recovery time for eye opening, response to commands, orientation, and ambulatory.
Conclusions: The prophylactic administration of dexamethasone reduces the incidence of PONV andVAS pain score, promotes recovery to home readiness, and improves the satisfaction after the anesthesia with spontaneously breathing of sevoflurane through laryngeal mask in outpatients undergoing anorectal surgery. Read more
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Postoperativt illamående hos patienter som genomgått ortopedisk operationJuliusson, Emelie, Hagland, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera förekomst av postoperativt illamående (dag 0-3) hos patienter som genomgått en ortopedisk operation i narkos. Syftet var också att studera om kända riskfaktorer och typ av anestesiform kan relateras till uppkomsten av postoperativt illamående (dag 0-3). Metod: Studiens design var en prospektiv kvantitativ icke experimentell studie. Data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning bland ortopedpatienter som opererats under narkos och som uppfyllde inklusionskriterierna. Antalet svarande var 18 av 34 tillfrågade. Resultatet analyserades och sammanställdes deskriptivt i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat: Resultatet visar att alla patienter som deltog i studien sövdes med en kombination av inhalationsanestesi och intravenös anestesi. Ca en tredjedel av dessa var illamående under studiens gång. Illamåendet uppstod främst under operationsdagen och första dagen efter operation. Inget samband mellan illamående och riskfaktorerna kön, ålder, åksjuka, eller fastetid kunde ses. Dock fanns en tendens till samband mellan illamående och tidigare postoperativt illamående. Slutsats: Då undersökningsgruppen var för liten och inga säkra slutsatser kunde dras på grund av detta, krävs mer forskning inom detta område. / Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the instance of postoperative nausea in orthopedic patients that has performed an operation in narcosis. The aim was also to examine if well-known risk factors and type of anesthesia could relate to postoperative nausea (day 0-3). Method: The study design was prospective quantitative non experimental. Data were collected through six week on a ward for traumaortopedic patients. The response rate was 18 out of 34 approached. The results were analyzed and compiled in the descriptive statistics program SPSS. Findings: The findings show that all the patients that participates anaesthetizes with a combination of inhalation- and intravenous anesthesia. About one-third were nauseous in the process of the study. Nausea was most common in the first two days after operation. There was no correlation between nausea and sex, age, travel-sickness, or fast. A tendency could been seen between nausea and earlier postoperative nausea. Conclusion: More research requires since the research-group was to tiny, and no certain conclusions could be done on that account. Read more
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Komplementära behandlingsmetoder vid cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkningEricson, Jonna, Klaesson, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Illamående och kräkning är förekommande biverkningar hos patienter med cancer som behandlas med cytostatika och är därmed tillstånd som sjuksköterskan kommer i kontakt med. Om patientens illamående och kräkning inte förebyggs kan det leda till konsekvenser som att patienten blir dehydrerad, tappar aptiten, blir undernärd och försvårar skadad vävnad att återhämta sig från cytostatikabehandling. Trots att de flesta patienter får antiemetika lyckas inte deras illamående och kräkning förebyggas. Syftet var att belysa komplementära behandlingsmetoder vid cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkning. Studien är utförd som en litteraturstudie och baserad på 14 vetenskapliga studier. Resultatet visar att komplementära behandlingsmetoder har ett visst vetenskapligt stöd och är ett bra komplement till antiemetika. Akupressur är den behandlingsmetod som är effektivast för att förebygga cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkning. Även akustimulation, elektroakupunktur och avslappning minskar patienternas illamående och kräkning. Mer forskning behövs för att ge mer styrka åt de olika komplementära behandlingsmetoder, eftersom sjuksköterskans arbete måste utföras utifrån vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Genom att sjuksköterskan får ökad kunskap om hur cytostatikarelaterat illamående och kräkning förebyggs kan patientens lidande minska. Read more
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Investigating Sources of Variability in Pharmacological Response to Nausea and Vomiting of PregnancyGill, Simerpal 21 April 2010 (has links)
Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) is the most common medical condition in pregnancy, and, unfortunately, variability exists among pregnant women in the therapeutic effect of anti-emetics as well as in factors that can exacerbate NVP. Identifying and managing these sources of variability will result in significant improvements in the quality of life of pregnant woman. This dissertation addressed clinical pharmacology strategies in managing NVP by focusing on three predominant areas of variability.
The first challenge addressed in this dissertation was women with pre-existing gastrointestinal (GI) conditions and adherence and tolerability to prenatal multivitamin supplementation. To identify the role of iron in reducing adherence and increasing NVP and GI symptoms, two separate studies were conducted. In the first study, women randomized to a prenatal multivitamin supplementation with higher iron content experienced more adverse GI effects and increased severity of NVP symptoms. In the second study, after discontinuing iron-containing prenatal multivitamins, two-thirds of women in a prospective cohort reported improvement in their NVP symptoms which was corroborated with validated scales to quantify NVP severity.
The second challenge addressed in this dissertation was the effect of heartburn and acid reflux on the severity of NVP. In a controlled, prospective study, women experiencing heartburn and acid reflux experienced greater severity of NVP compared to women with no GI symptoms. Furthermore, treatment of heartburn and acid reflux with acid-reducing pharmacotherapy with associated with a reduction in GI symptoms and NVP severity. Therefore, histamine 2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors, which do not appear to be associated with increased fetal risks, should be administered when required.
The third clinical pharmacology challenge addressed in this dissertation was to determine the pharmacokinetic variability of the active ingredients of Diclectin®, first-line pharmacotherapy for the treatment of NVP. Large variability was observed in the area under the curve for both active metabolites: a 6.5-fold difference for pyridoxal-5’-phosphate and a 2.1-fold difference for doxylamine. Whether these pharmacokinetic differences contribute to suboptimal efficacy remains to be determined.
In conclusion, based on the results presented in this dissertation, several improvements in clinical pharmacology strategies can be made to enhance management of NVP. Read more
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