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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermal and chemical variations in metamorphic rocks in Nautanen, Gällivare, Sweden

Tollefsen, Elin January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the geology of the Nautanen area. It is part of the SGU-financed project, Metamorphic Map of Sweden, which aims to compile metamorphic data from Sweden and takes the form of a number of Bachelor and Master projects. The main metamorphic event in the Nautanen area is the Svecokarelian Orogeny (1.96 – 1.75 Ga). The samples are metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks, which were intruded by intermediate to mafic intrusions and a later granite intrusion. The supracrustal rocks are folded and the Nautanen Deformation Zone (NDZ) traverses the area in a NW to SE direction. Petrographic studies, XRF analysis and THERMOCALC were used to estimate pressure and temperature and to elucidate evidence of fluid mobility. The average pressure was assumed to be below 4 kbar because of the presence of andalusite. The lowest and highest temperatures for metamorphism were 474±43°C and 681±14°C, with highest temperatures recorded nearest to the granite intrusion. XRF analysis revealed high concentrations of Ba (up to 7000 ppm) in the NDZ. High concentrations of Ba, skarn formation and replacement of garnet by chlorite indicate fluid-controlled metamorphism in the NDZ. The increasing temperature towards the granite intrusion suggests regional or contact prograde metamorphism that need not be related to the NDZ. / Metamorphic Map of Sweden, SGU-project

In- och utflyttningen till och från Nautanens gruvsamhälle 1905–1913

Rönnlund Vennberg, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
In 1902, the company AB Nautanens Kopparfält established its mining operation in Nautanen, located in Gällivare parish, about five kilometers from Koskullskulle. This company would be the starting point for Nautanen's community, which came to grow in a very short time into up to 400 inhabitants. This was a society that, among other things, could offer work opportunities, housing, education for the children, a community center and a doctor´s office. The focus of this thesis will be on the 142 people who had an employment registered on them in the parish registers belonging to Nautanen. Work is usually the driving force for migration processes that take place. Based on pull and push factors, the thesis highlights a migration process with respect to place of departure, age, occupation, relationship status, and the migration structure from Nautanen after the mining operations were shut down. The results of the survey showed that the job opportunities, well-paid work, better housing compared to the close by society Malmberget and an education for the children were a driving force for many choosing to move to Nautanen. Furthermore, the survey shows that a larger number of the new residents came from other places in the close by Gällivare parish and that the emigration distances were significantly longer compared to the moving-in distance. / År 1902 etablerade företaget AB Nautanens Kopparfält gruvverksamhet i Nautanen beläget i Gällivare församling, cirka fem kilometer ifrån Koskullskulle. Detta skulle vara startskottet till att ett samhälle, med uppemot 400 invånare, växte fram på väldig kort tid i anslutning till gruvan. Samhället kunde bland annat erbjuda arbetsmöjligheter, bostäder, utbildning till barnen, ett folketshus samt en provinsialläkarmottagning.Undersökningens huvudfokus kommer ligga på de 142 personer som hade ett yrke registrerat på sig i församlingsböckerna som tillhörde Nautanen. Arbete är oftast den drivande kraften till migrationsprocesser. Utifrån pull- och push faktorer belyser undersökningen en migrationsprocess med avseende på avreseort, ålder, yrke, relationsstatus, samt utflyttnings-strukturen från Nautanen efter att gruvverksamheten lagts ned. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att arbetsmöjligheter, väl avlönat arbete, bättre bostäder i jämförelse med närliggande Malmberget och en utbildning till barnen var drivande krafter till att många valde att flytta till Nautanen. Vidare visar undersökningen att en större mängd av inflyttarna kom ifrån andra platser i Gällivare församling samt att utflyttningsdistanserna var betydligt längre i jämförelse med inflyttningsdistansen.

Vad är det som går och går men aldrig kommer fram? : En miljöhistorisk kartläggning om efterbehandlingen av Nautanens gruvområde

Alajärvi, Ludwig January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att söka förståelse till varför den nedlagda gruvan i Nautanen fortsätter att förorena miljön i närområdet. Utifrån aktör- och nätverksteori har utgångspunkten varit den att olika aktörer har haft olika intressen i Nautanen. Alla aktörer har studerats neutralt och utgångspunkten har varit den att det existerar en ontologisk jämlikhet mellan aktörerna – ingen är starkare än den andra. Genom en kvalitativ fallstudiemetod har olika material bearbetats. Undersökningen visade att försöken på efterbehandling inte genomfördes till dess fullo. Detta beror på att två aktörer, Gällivare kommun och markägaren Sveaskog, inte kunde komma överens om framtidsansvaret för Nautanen. Således resulterade det i att projektet avslutades och föroreningarna fortsatte att förorena. Genom att analysera resultatet lyfts olika belägg för olika slutsatser om vilken aktör som är den starkare aktören samt ansvarig till varför Nautanen fortsätter att förorena. Är det Gällivare kommun eller Sveaskog? Är det lagstiftningen eller staten? / The purpose of this essay was to understand why the old mining site in Nautanen continues to pollute the enviroment in the immediate area. Based on the actor-network theory, different actors have had different interests in Nautanen. All actors have been studied neutrally and the starting point has been that there is an ontological equality between the actors – no actor is stronger than the other. Different materials have been processed through a qualitative case study method. The study showed that the post-treatment trials were not fully carried out. This was because two actors, Gällivare municipality and the landowner Sveaskog, were unable to agree on the future responsibility for Nautanen. Thus, it resulted in the project coming to an end and the pollution continuing to pollute. Analyzing the results highlights different evidence for different conclusions about wich actor is the stronger actor and is responsible for why Nautanen continues to pollute. Is it Gällivare municipality or Sveaskog? Is it the law or the state?

Kinetic interpretation of microstructures in the Gällivare area; implications for deformation phases and related metamorphic events.

Jansson Fagerlund, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this study was to identify and describe different microstructures observed in samples from two major shear zones in the Gällivare area, namely the Nautanen Deformation Zone (NDZ), and the Fjällåsen deformation zone (FDZ). Thirteen samples were examined during this study. The samples represent metavolcanic sedimentary rocks with felsic composition containing mostly quartz, K-feldspars and plagioclase with some accessory minerals such as allanite, monazite, biotite, muscovite, calcite, chlorite etc. and these rocks preserve in some cases mylonitic textures. Two metamorphic events (M1 and M2) and four deformation phases (D1, D2, D3 and D4) were identified. Beginning with the regional metamorphic event M1, which also is peak metamorphism (greenschist to amphibolite facies), resulting in D1, a compressional deformation creating the penetrative foliation S1 from a N-S to NNW-SSE shortening direction. A tectonic pause is followed by M2 synchronous with intrusions of Lina granites resulting in widespread contact metamorphism and reactivation of the shear zones. This new compression has tilted the foliations with a dip of ~60°W of FDZ and ~60°E of NDZ. This also created a SC-fabric, a related S2 foliation which shows a slight WSW tilting, and records reverse dip-slip, ENE dextral movement. A last compressional deformation, D3, generated brittle-plastic deformations observed W of FDZ as a reverse thrust of the Gällivare block upon the W block. The last deformation described, D4, has resulted in a set of fractures, some of which have been quartz filled. These are only observed E of NDZ and were interpreted as post metamorphic brittle deformation in a normal fault motion.

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