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Regionální diferenciace Německa se zaměřením na nové spolkové země / Regional disparities of Germany with focus on new federated statesUrbanová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to give a complex overview of different types of financial sources, from which new federated states can take benefits, and to give an opinion on the created effectiveness. Additional aims are to sum up the situation of the East German economy after WW2 and also the progress in its reforming during the 90s. Different historical development of the both former divided parts of nowadays Germany is essential because of understanding the economic situation of East Germany in 1990 and the nowadays problems. The first chapter sums up the economic consequences of the post war period, the influence of reparations, demontages and their dimension. In the second chapter follows an evaluation of the main topics of the beginning in the 90s - monetary reform and privatization. The third chapter goes on with the topic of economic reforms in the 90s and defines basic financial programs which are a long-term support to new federated states. Fourth chapter compares main chosen macroeconomic indicators of Germany and EU-27 and then of the old and new federated states. First, economic level of the whole Germany is being analysed and then its regional disparities. The last, fifth, chapter monitors the situation of Germany and its new federated states in the point of structural funds of the European Union.
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Ženské postavy v prózách Helgy Königsdorf(ové) / Female Characters in the Prose Works Written by Helga KönigsdorfVoráčková, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the personality, life and work of German author Helga Königsdorf and the analysis of selected prosaic works. The aim of the first part is to provide a well-arranged and comprehensive set of biographical information about this author with an emphasis on her literary career, work and socio-political context. The second part is devoted to the study of selected prosaic texts with an emphasis on providing the detailed analysis of female characters. The aim of this part is to provide an overview of topics and standpoints related to the status of women in the society at that time. The analysed female characters deal with topics such as women's position in science at that time or problems in partner, family or professional relationships related to women's emancipation. The conclusion of the thesis offers a brief summary and comparison of differences and similarities considering the personalities, opinions and priorities of these female characters. KEY WORDS German literature, GDR literature, Helga Königsdorf, literary analysis, female characters' analysis
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Efeitos da terapia estrogênica sobre a neuroquímica de fêmeas em modelo animal de perimenopausa (rata) induzida pelo 4-diepóxido de vinilciclohexano / Effects of estrogen therapy on neurochemistry in animal model of perimenopause (female rat)induced by 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxideOliveira, Nayara Pestana de 26 February 2018 (has links)
A perimenopausa representa a transição da vida reprodutiva para não reprodutiva. É geralmente caracterizada por alterações neuroendócrinas, metabólicas e comportamentais, um possível resultado da depleção folicular ovariana e consequente redução do número de folículos ovarianos. É o período em que as mulheres podem apresentar maior susceptibilidade a manifestar transtornos afetivos e de ansiedade. A exposição de roedores ao resíduo químico 4-diepóxido de vinilciclohexeno (VCD) é um modelo bem estabelecido para estudos sobre perimenopausa, pois o VCD acelera o processo natural de atresia folicular. Embora as concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol estejam normais ou elevadas durante a perimenopausa, a terapia com estradiol pode ser benéfica para mulheres sintomáticas na perimenopausa. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se a depleção folicular gradativa acelerada pelo VCD resulta em alterações na neuroquímica de ratas fêmeas em núcleos cerebrais que controlam o humor, além de avaliar se o estradiol seria capaz de reverter as possíveis alterações. Ratas da linhagem Wistar (28 dias pós-natal) receberam diariamente, durante 15 dias consecutivos, injeções subcutâneas de VCD (160 mg / kg) ou óleo de milho (O). Aproximadamente 55 dias após a primeira injeção, cápsulas de silastic contendo 17?-estradiol (E) ou O foram inseridas subcutaneamente (Grupos O+O; VCD+O; VCD+E). Cerca de 21 dias após o implante das cápsulas, as ratas dos grupos O+O e VCD+O foram decapitadas na manhã do diestro, enquanto que as do grupo VCD+E foram decapitadas exatamente 21 dias após o implante das cápsulas contendo estradiol, entre 0900 h e 1100 h. O sangue foi colhido para avaliação das concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol e progesterona por radioimunoensaio (RIE). Os cérebros foram removidos para microdissecção do hipocampo, amígdala, Locus coeruleus (LC) e Núcleo Dorsal da Rafe (NDR), para posterior análise dos níveis de RNAm para os receptores de progesterona (PR) e estradiol do tipo beta (ER?) por meio de RT/PCR. Este experimento foi replicado para remoção do hipocampo e amígdala para dosagem dos conteúdos de noradrenalina (NA) e serotonina (5-HT) por meio de cromatografia líquida de alta performance, seguida de detecção eletroquímica (HPLC/ED). Outro conjunto de ratas submetidas às mesmas condições10 experimentais foi perfundido para imunohistoquímica para TPH no NDR e TH no LC. Como esperado, na periestropausa (grupo VCD+O) as concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol não foram diferentes daquelas das ratas controles (O+O). As concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona na periestropausa foram menores que as do grupo controle, o que foi revertido pelo estradiol. No LC, a expressão de PR na periestropausa foi igual à das ratas controles, enquanto a expressão do ER? foi menor; a terapia com estradiol não modificou a expressão de nenhum destes receptores. A densidade de neurônios noradrenérgicos (TH+) no LC não foi alterada nem pela depleção folicular nem pela terapia estrogênica. Na periestropausa, o conteúdo de NA foi menor na amígdala, mas não no hipocampo, e o estradiol não alterou este conteúdo em nenhuma das áreas. No NDR, a expressão de PR e de ER? nas ratas na periestropausa foi menor que nas ratas controles; o estradiol preveniu o declínio da expressão de ER?, mas não de PR. O NDR foi analisado separadamente por toda a extensão rostro-caudal em 3 níveis anatômicos: rostral, médio e caudal, cada um dividido em 3 sub-regiões: lateral, dorsal e ventral. O número de neurônios serotonérgicos (TPH+) no NDR foi menor na periestropausa, e o estradiol foi capaz de reverter esse efeito, atuando principalmente na região caudal. A expressão gênica de PR não foi alterada nem pela depleção folicular nem pela terapia estrogênica tanto na amígdala como no hipocampo. A expressão de ER? também não foi diferente na periestropausa, quando comparada ao grupo controle, mas o estradiol aumentou esta expressão no hipocampo. Tanto na amígdala como no hipocampo houve redução no conteúdo de 5-HT na periestropausa e estradiol foi capaz de reestabelecer os níveis deste neurotransmissor aos valores controles apenas no hipocampo. Estes dados elucidam, pelo menos em parte os mecanismos do efeito positivo da terapia estrogênica nos sintomas de mulheres normoestrogênicas na perimenopausa. Estes efeitos parecem não envolver de forma importante o sistema noradrenérgico central, mas resultar do aumento da biossíntese de progesterona periférica em associação com a regulação positiva de ER? no NDR e hipocampo, que parece potencializar a via serotonérgica NDR/HPC. Portanto, o desenvolvimento de novas terapias que ativem os ER? pode ser uma alternativa para obter os efeitos positivos da ação do estradiol, eliminando os efeitos colaterais das terapias de estradiol que normalmente resultam da ativação do ER?. / Perimenopause represents the transition from reproductive to non-reproductive life. It is usually characterized by neuroendocrine, metabolic and behavioural changes, which result from a follicular depletion and reduced number of ovarian follicles. During this period, women are more likely to express mood disorders and anxiety. The exposure of animals to diepoxide 4-vinylcyclohexene (VCD) is a well-established experimental model for perimenopause studies, as VCD induces loss of ovarian small follicles (primary and primordial) in mice and rats by accelerating the natural process of atresia. Although estrogens levels are normal or even high during perimenopause, estrogen therapy can be beneficial for symptomatic perimenopausal women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether gradual follicular depletion induced by VCD results in changes in the neurochemistry of female rats in brain nuclei that control mood and the role of estradiol on these changes. Female rats (28 days) were daily injected with VCD or corn oil (O) for 15 days. Around 55 days after the first injection, pellets of 17?-estradiol (E) or O were inserted s.c (Groups O+O; VCD+O; VCD+E). Around 21 days after, rats O+O and VCD+O were decapitated between 0900 h and 1100 of diestrus while rats VCD+E were decapitated exactly 21 days after the onset of E therapy. Another set of rats followed the same experimental design and were perfused for TH and TPH immunohistochemistry in Locus coeruleus (LC) and Dorsal Raphe Nuclei (DRN), respectively. Blood was collected for estradiol and progesterone measurement by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The brains were removed from decapitated rats to punch out LC, DRN, hippocampus and amygdala to analyse the expression of mRNA for ER? and PR by RT/PCR. This experiment was replicated to punch out the hippocampus and amygdala for the determination of noradrenaline (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) contents by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, followed by Electrochemical Detection (HPLC/ED). As expected, plasma concentrations of estradiol were not different from those of control rats (O + O). Plasma concentrations of progesterone in the periestropause were lower than those in the control group, which was reversed by estradiol. In the LC, the PR expression in the periestropause was similar to that of the control rats, whereas the ER? expression was lower; estradiol therapy did not modify the expression of any of these receptors. The12 density of noradrenergic (TH +) neurons in LC was not altered by either follicular depletion or estrogen therapy. In periestropause, NA content was lower in the amygdala, but not in the hippocampus, and estradiol did not alter this content in any of the areas. In NDR, the expression of PR and ER? in periestropausal rats was lower than in controls; estradiol prevented the decrease of ER? expression, but not PR. The NDR was analyzed separately for the entire rostrocaudal axis in three anatomical levels: rostral, middle and caudal, each divided into three sub-regions: lateral, dorsal and ventral. The number of serotonergic neurons (TPH +) in NDR was lower in the periestropause, and estradiol was able to reverse this effect, acting mainly in the caudal region. PR gene expression was not altered by either follicular depletion or estrogen therapy in either the amygdala or the hippocampus. ER? expression was also no different in periestropause compared to the control group, but estradiol increased this expression in the hippocampus. Both in the amygdala and in the hippocampus there was a reduction in 5-HT content in the periestropause, and estradiol was able to reestablish the levels of this neurotransmitter at the control values only in the hippocampus. These data elucidate, at least in part, the mechanisms of the positive effect of estrogen therapy on the symptoms of normoestrogenic women in perimenopause. These effects do not appear to significantly involve the central noradrenergic system but result from increased peripheral progesterone biosynthesis in association with positive regulation of ER? in the NDR and hippocampus, which appears to potentiate the serotonergic NDR/HPC pathway. Therefore, the development of new therapies that activate ER? may be an alternative to obtain the positive effects of the estradiol action, eliminating the side effects of the estradiol therapies that normally result from the activation of ER?.
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Ženské postavy v prózách Helgy Königsdorf(ové) / Female Characters in the Prose Works Written by Helga KönigsdorfVoráčková, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the personality, life and work of German author Helga Königsdorf and the analysis of selected prosaic works. The aim of the first part is to provide a well-arranged and comprehensive set of biographical information about this author with an emphasis on her literary career, work and socio-political context. The second part is devoted to the study of selected prosaic texts with an emphasis on providing the detailed analysis of female characters. The aim of this part is to provide an overview of topics and standpoints related to the status of women in the society at that time. The analysed female characters deal with topics such as women's position in science at that time or problems in partner, family or professional relationships related to women's emancipation. The conclusion of the thesis offers a brief summary and comparison of differences and similarities considering the personalities, opinions and priorities of these female characters. KEY WORDS German literature, GDR literature, Helga Königsdorf, literary analysis, female characters' analysis
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Characterization of NDR kinase signalling pathways during septum formation in Neurospora crassaHeilig, Yvonne 21 November 2013 (has links)
Die Zellteilung/Zytokinese ist ein grundlegender zellulärer Prozess und essentiell für das Wachstum von einzelligen und mehrzelligen Organismen. Reguliert wird dieser Prozess durch komplexe molekulare Mechanismen sowie einer Vielzahl von interaktiven Netzwerken. In Pilzen koordiniert eine Kinase-Kaskade, das Septierungs-Initiierungs Netzwerk (SIN) das Fortschreiten des Zellzyklus mit dem Beginn der Zellteilung und kontrolliert die Septenbildung. Fehlregulation des homologen Hippo Netzwerks in Tieren führt zu Gewebewucherungen und Tumorbildung, was die konservierte Bedeutung dieser Regulationsnetzwerke in verschiedenen Organismen unterstreicht. Obwohl die Septenbildung essentiell für das Wachstum und die Differenzierung von Schimmelpilzen ist, bleibt die Frage wie die Septierung reguliert wird und aus welchen Komponenten sich das SIN Netzwerk in filamentösen Pilzen zusammensetzt bisher noch unbeantwortet.
Mit Hilfe von in silico Analysen konnten homologe Proteine für fast alle SIN Netzwerk Komponenten im Modellorganismus Neurospora crassa identifiziert werden. Die Analyse dieser vorhergesagten SIN Komponenten ermöglichte die Charakterisierung der SIN-Kinase-Kaskade, bestehend aus CDC-7, SID-1 und DBF-2 sowie den entsprechenden, regulatorischen Untereinheiten CDC-14 und MOB-1. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass DBF-2 durch SID-1 am hydrophoben Motiv phosphoryliert und aktiviert wird und dass eine SID-1 abhängige Stimulation von DBF-2 durch Zugabe von CDC-7 weiter gesteigert wird. Diese Daten liefern den ersten biochemischen Nachweis für die schrittweise Aktivierung einer dreistufigen SIN-Kinase-Kaskade in Pilzen. Es wurde weiterhin gezeigt, dass die gesamte SIN Kaskade konstitutiv und Zellzyklus unabhängig an den Spindelpolkörpern akkumuliert und dass alle SIN Proteine an kontrahierenden Septen lokalisieren. Demzufolge ist im Gegensatz zu den einzelligen Pilzen die Lokalisation und Aktivität der SIN Komponenten in Synzytium-bildenden Ascomyzeten Zellzyklus unabhängig. Darüber hinaus deutet die Charakterisierung von DBF-2 Mutanten, in denen die beiden regulatorischen Aminosäuren (Ser499 and Thr671) mutiert sind, darauf hin, dass ein dynamischer Phosphorylierungs-/Dephosphorylierungszyklus des Ser499 entscheidend für die Aktivität und Funktion von DBF-2 in N. crassa ist. Diese Daten haben Einfluss auf das allgemeine Verständnis der Aktivierung von NDR Kinasen, denn bisher wurde für NDR Kinasen höherer Eukaryonten eine folgegebundene Phosphorylierung beider regulatorischer Reste angenommen.
Der Ste20-verwandten Kinase MST-1 konnte eine Funktion als SIN-assoziierte Kinase, die parallel zu SID-1 agiert, zugeordnet werden. SID-1 und MST-1 werden auf entgegengesetzte Weise von der oberhalb agierenden SIN Kinase CDC-7 reguliert, was nahelegt, dass MST-1 für die Feinabstimmung des SIN erforderlich ist. Lifeact- und Formin-GFP Reporter Konstrukte zeigten, dass in der Δmst-1 Mutante abnormale, kortikale Actomyosin-Ringe gebildet werden, was eine Fehlpositionierung der Septen und die Bildung von unregelmäßigen Spiralen zur Folge hat. Diese Defekte entsprechen partiell jenen der MOR Mutanten. Diese Mutanten weisen ein defektes NDR Kinase Netzwerk auf, welches für das polare Wachstum verantwortlich ist (MOR). Es stellte sich heraus, dass MST-1 mit den zentralen MOR Kinasen POD-6 und COT-1 interagiert und sowohl die SIN Effektor Kinase DBF-2 als auch die MOR Effektor Kinase COT-1 aktiviert. Somit fungiert MST-1 als dual-spezifisches Enzym. Eine weitere Vernetzung beider Signalwege ist durch die Bildung von Heterodimeren gegeben.
Die in dieser Studie identifizierten verschiedenen Ebenen der Vernetzung des SIN und MOR, sowie entsprechende Daten aus anderen Modellorganismen wie S. pombe und D. melanogaster, lassen vermuten, dass antagonistische Interaktionen zwischen homologen NDR Kinase Netzwerken ein genereller Mechanismus zur Koordination beider Signalwege darstellt und auch in höheren Organismen konserviert ist.
Durch die Annotierung mehrerer Pilzgenome wurden zahlreiche Gene mit einer Homologie zu den S. cerevisiae BUD Genen auch in filamentösen Pilzen identifiziert. Epistatische und biochemische Analysen ergaben, dass das MOR Netzwerk als negativer Regulator der Septenbildung oberhalb des BUD komplex fungiert und dass COT-1 im Gegensatz zu DBF-2, die beiden Septierungsmarkerproteine BUD-3/BUD-4 phosphoryliert. Folglich könnte die Regulation von BUD-3 (und eventuell auch BUD-4) durch COT-1 ein Mechanismus des MOR Netzwerks sein, um die Septenbildung in N. crassa zu inhibieren.
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Efeitos da terapia estrogênica sobre a neuroquímica de fêmeas em modelo animal de perimenopausa (rata) induzida pelo 4-diepóxido de vinilciclohexano / Effects of estrogen therapy on neurochemistry in animal model of perimenopause (female rat)induced by 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxideNayara Pestana de Oliveira 26 February 2018 (has links)
A perimenopausa representa a transição da vida reprodutiva para não reprodutiva. É geralmente caracterizada por alterações neuroendócrinas, metabólicas e comportamentais, um possível resultado da depleção folicular ovariana e consequente redução do número de folículos ovarianos. É o período em que as mulheres podem apresentar maior susceptibilidade a manifestar transtornos afetivos e de ansiedade. A exposição de roedores ao resíduo químico 4-diepóxido de vinilciclohexeno (VCD) é um modelo bem estabelecido para estudos sobre perimenopausa, pois o VCD acelera o processo natural de atresia folicular. Embora as concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol estejam normais ou elevadas durante a perimenopausa, a terapia com estradiol pode ser benéfica para mulheres sintomáticas na perimenopausa. Portanto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se a depleção folicular gradativa acelerada pelo VCD resulta em alterações na neuroquímica de ratas fêmeas em núcleos cerebrais que controlam o humor, além de avaliar se o estradiol seria capaz de reverter as possíveis alterações. Ratas da linhagem Wistar (28 dias pós-natal) receberam diariamente, durante 15 dias consecutivos, injeções subcutâneas de VCD (160 mg / kg) ou óleo de milho (O). Aproximadamente 55 dias após a primeira injeção, cápsulas de silastic contendo 17?-estradiol (E) ou O foram inseridas subcutaneamente (Grupos O+O; VCD+O; VCD+E). Cerca de 21 dias após o implante das cápsulas, as ratas dos grupos O+O e VCD+O foram decapitadas na manhã do diestro, enquanto que as do grupo VCD+E foram decapitadas exatamente 21 dias após o implante das cápsulas contendo estradiol, entre 0900 h e 1100 h. O sangue foi colhido para avaliação das concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol e progesterona por radioimunoensaio (RIE). Os cérebros foram removidos para microdissecção do hipocampo, amígdala, Locus coeruleus (LC) e Núcleo Dorsal da Rafe (NDR), para posterior análise dos níveis de RNAm para os receptores de progesterona (PR) e estradiol do tipo beta (ER?) por meio de RT/PCR. Este experimento foi replicado para remoção do hipocampo e amígdala para dosagem dos conteúdos de noradrenalina (NA) e serotonina (5-HT) por meio de cromatografia líquida de alta performance, seguida de detecção eletroquímica (HPLC/ED). Outro conjunto de ratas submetidas às mesmas condições10 experimentais foi perfundido para imunohistoquímica para TPH no NDR e TH no LC. Como esperado, na periestropausa (grupo VCD+O) as concentrações plasmáticas de estradiol não foram diferentes daquelas das ratas controles (O+O). As concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona na periestropausa foram menores que as do grupo controle, o que foi revertido pelo estradiol. No LC, a expressão de PR na periestropausa foi igual à das ratas controles, enquanto a expressão do ER? foi menor; a terapia com estradiol não modificou a expressão de nenhum destes receptores. A densidade de neurônios noradrenérgicos (TH+) no LC não foi alterada nem pela depleção folicular nem pela terapia estrogênica. Na periestropausa, o conteúdo de NA foi menor na amígdala, mas não no hipocampo, e o estradiol não alterou este conteúdo em nenhuma das áreas. No NDR, a expressão de PR e de ER? nas ratas na periestropausa foi menor que nas ratas controles; o estradiol preveniu o declínio da expressão de ER?, mas não de PR. O NDR foi analisado separadamente por toda a extensão rostro-caudal em 3 níveis anatômicos: rostral, médio e caudal, cada um dividido em 3 sub-regiões: lateral, dorsal e ventral. O número de neurônios serotonérgicos (TPH+) no NDR foi menor na periestropausa, e o estradiol foi capaz de reverter esse efeito, atuando principalmente na região caudal. A expressão gênica de PR não foi alterada nem pela depleção folicular nem pela terapia estrogênica tanto na amígdala como no hipocampo. A expressão de ER? também não foi diferente na periestropausa, quando comparada ao grupo controle, mas o estradiol aumentou esta expressão no hipocampo. Tanto na amígdala como no hipocampo houve redução no conteúdo de 5-HT na periestropausa e estradiol foi capaz de reestabelecer os níveis deste neurotransmissor aos valores controles apenas no hipocampo. Estes dados elucidam, pelo menos em parte os mecanismos do efeito positivo da terapia estrogênica nos sintomas de mulheres normoestrogênicas na perimenopausa. Estes efeitos parecem não envolver de forma importante o sistema noradrenérgico central, mas resultar do aumento da biossíntese de progesterona periférica em associação com a regulação positiva de ER? no NDR e hipocampo, que parece potencializar a via serotonérgica NDR/HPC. Portanto, o desenvolvimento de novas terapias que ativem os ER? pode ser uma alternativa para obter os efeitos positivos da ação do estradiol, eliminando os efeitos colaterais das terapias de estradiol que normalmente resultam da ativação do ER?. / Perimenopause represents the transition from reproductive to non-reproductive life. It is usually characterized by neuroendocrine, metabolic and behavioural changes, which result from a follicular depletion and reduced number of ovarian follicles. During this period, women are more likely to express mood disorders and anxiety. The exposure of animals to diepoxide 4-vinylcyclohexene (VCD) is a well-established experimental model for perimenopause studies, as VCD induces loss of ovarian small follicles (primary and primordial) in mice and rats by accelerating the natural process of atresia. Although estrogens levels are normal or even high during perimenopause, estrogen therapy can be beneficial for symptomatic perimenopausal women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether gradual follicular depletion induced by VCD results in changes in the neurochemistry of female rats in brain nuclei that control mood and the role of estradiol on these changes. Female rats (28 days) were daily injected with VCD or corn oil (O) for 15 days. Around 55 days after the first injection, pellets of 17?-estradiol (E) or O were inserted s.c (Groups O+O; VCD+O; VCD+E). Around 21 days after, rats O+O and VCD+O were decapitated between 0900 h and 1100 of diestrus while rats VCD+E were decapitated exactly 21 days after the onset of E therapy. Another set of rats followed the same experimental design and were perfused for TH and TPH immunohistochemistry in Locus coeruleus (LC) and Dorsal Raphe Nuclei (DRN), respectively. Blood was collected for estradiol and progesterone measurement by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The brains were removed from decapitated rats to punch out LC, DRN, hippocampus and amygdala to analyse the expression of mRNA for ER? and PR by RT/PCR. This experiment was replicated to punch out the hippocampus and amygdala for the determination of noradrenaline (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) contents by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, followed by Electrochemical Detection (HPLC/ED). As expected, plasma concentrations of estradiol were not different from those of control rats (O + O). Plasma concentrations of progesterone in the periestropause were lower than those in the control group, which was reversed by estradiol. In the LC, the PR expression in the periestropause was similar to that of the control rats, whereas the ER? expression was lower; estradiol therapy did not modify the expression of any of these receptors. The12 density of noradrenergic (TH +) neurons in LC was not altered by either follicular depletion or estrogen therapy. In periestropause, NA content was lower in the amygdala, but not in the hippocampus, and estradiol did not alter this content in any of the areas. In NDR, the expression of PR and ER? in periestropausal rats was lower than in controls; estradiol prevented the decrease of ER? expression, but not PR. The NDR was analyzed separately for the entire rostrocaudal axis in three anatomical levels: rostral, middle and caudal, each divided into three sub-regions: lateral, dorsal and ventral. The number of serotonergic neurons (TPH +) in NDR was lower in the periestropause, and estradiol was able to reverse this effect, acting mainly in the caudal region. PR gene expression was not altered by either follicular depletion or estrogen therapy in either the amygdala or the hippocampus. ER? expression was also no different in periestropause compared to the control group, but estradiol increased this expression in the hippocampus. Both in the amygdala and in the hippocampus there was a reduction in 5-HT content in the periestropause, and estradiol was able to reestablish the levels of this neurotransmitter at the control values only in the hippocampus. These data elucidate, at least in part, the mechanisms of the positive effect of estrogen therapy on the symptoms of normoestrogenic women in perimenopause. These effects do not appear to significantly involve the central noradrenergic system but result from increased peripheral progesterone biosynthesis in association with positive regulation of ER? in the NDR and hippocampus, which appears to potentiate the serotonergic NDR/HPC pathway. Therefore, the development of new therapies that activate ER? may be an alternative to obtain the positive effects of the estradiol action, eliminating the side effects of the estradiol therapies that normally result from the activation of ER?.
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Nvrh mal© vodn ndre / Design of the multipurpose small water reservoirGaluka, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Thesis develops a simplified design of water management and construction solution in the area of Bezmerov. In the theoretical part basic functional objects are briefly described. Work itself is based on evaluation of landscape morphology from delivered countour lines and geological analysis and following design solution for dry retention water reservoir. For drawing part will be used programs PowerCivil â in which will be created direction solution for body of the dam, flooded area and their cross-sections and horizontal cuts. These will be further processed in program AutoCAD. Retention effects will be reviewed with program HEC-HMS. Design of objects for the water reservoir will be followed with hydrotechnical calculations, drawings and descriptions.
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Společný tým NDR a SRN na olympijských hrách v Melbourne v roce 1956 / The GDR and FRG olympic team at the Olympic games in Melbourne 1956Veselková, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The GDR and FRG olympic team at the Olympic games in Melbourne in 1956" describes the process of making the united german team, which has begun in 1955 and which was . Thesis deals with the mutual negotiations of both olympic teams and also describes the goals, which the sport officials and politics were trying to reach during the whole process of making the united team. The next part of the thesis deals with the real experience with the united german team at the summer olympic games in Melbourne in 1956 and also tries to answer the question, whether in reality this united german team was not more or less just two autonomous teams, which only had a few visible symbolic things such as clothes and flag together.
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LAND COVER/USE CHANGE AND CHANGE PATTERN DETECTION USING RADAR AND OPTICAL IMAGES : AN INSTANCE OF URBAN ENVIRONMENT / レーダと光学画像を用いた土地被覆・利用の変化、変化形態の検出 : 都市環境の事例Bhogendra Mishra 24 September 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18556号 / 工博第3917号 / 新制||工||1602(附属図書館) / 31456 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田村 正行, 准教授 須﨑 純一, 教授 小池 克明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Regulation of fungal polar tip extension through NDR kinase signalling / Regulation des polaren Spitzenwachstums in filamentösen Pilzen durch NDR-Kinase-SignalwegeMärz, Sabine 23 October 2009 (has links)
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