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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistické vyhodnocení fylogeneze biologických sekvencí / Statistic evaluation of phylogeny of biological sequences

Vadják, Šimon January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis provides a comprehensive overview of resampling methods for testing the correctness topology of the phylogenetic trees which estimate the process of phylogeny on the bases of biological sequences similarity. We focused on the possibility of errors creation in this estimate and the possibility of their removal and detection. These methods were implemented in Matlab for Bootstrapping, jackknifing, OTU jackknifing and PTP test (Permutation tail probability). The work aims to test their applicability to various biological sequences and also to assess the impact of the choice of input analysis parameters on the results of these statistical tests.

Adaptivní klient pro sociální síť Twitter / Adaptive Client for Twitter Social Network

Guňka, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this term project is create user friendly client of Twitter. They may use methods of machine learning as naive bayes classifier to mentions new interests tweets. For visualissation this tweets will be use hyperbolic trees and some others methods.

La Mongolie et ses rapports avec le monde et la France depuis 1990 : influence internationale sur la politique mongole / Mongolia and its relationship with the world and France since 1990 : international influence on Mongolian politics

Gonchig, Khishig-Erdene 13 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la vie politique intérieure et extérieure, économique et constitutionnelle de la Mongolie depuis sa révolution démocratique. Depuis qu'elle s'est "détachée" politiquement et économiquement de la Russie, ce petit pays mise sur ses richesses naturelles et la Mongolie veut désormais développer sa coopération avec les autres pays et notamment ceux qui ont de l'expérience dans le domaine minier. Les analyses des investissements étrangers directs en Mongolie montrent l'impact de la législation intérieure: lois sur l'exploration et l'exploitation des ressources naturelles, la protection de l'environnement, et le classement stratégique des sites des ressources naturelles... La thèse s’emploie à expliquer les relations actuelles de la Mongolie avec les pays étrangers, et tente de prévoir ce qu'elles seront probablement à l'avenir compte tenu des engagements vis-à-vis des organisations internationales et des accords bilatéraux et multilatéraux. Cette thèse met en perspective le concept de "troisième voisin" dans la politique étrangère de la Mongolie qui partage la frontière avec la Russie au nord et la Chine au sud: la recherche de l’appui d’une tierce puissance, qui est un voisin virtuel (c’est-à-dire sans proximité géographique) partageant les mêmes valeurs démocratiques. En ce sens, la France, l'Allemagne, le Japon, les Etats-Unis, la République de Corée et le Canada sont des troisièmes voisins. Cette thèse tente d'expliquer en détails, les relations bilatérales entre la Mongolie et la France, sa troisième voisine privilégiée. Elle met en lumière les relations humaines, communautaires et territoriales entre la France et la Mongolie qui permettent d'entretenir de bonnes relations à un plus haut niveau indépendamment des problèmes économiques et politiques. Finalement, en tant que toute première thèse sur les relations étrangères mongoles, surtout avec la France, elle vise à servir de base de référence pour ceux qui s'intéressent à la Mongolie. / This thesis analyzes the internal and external political, economic and constitutional life of Mongolia since its democratic revolution. This small country mainly relies on its natural resources and willing to develop its cooperation with other countries, which have rich experiences in mining. Analyses on foreign direct investment in Mongolia show the impact of domestic legislation: laws on the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, protection of the environment, and strategic ranking of natural resource sites etc. The thesis attempts to explain Mongolia's current relations with foreign countries and tries to predict the future in light of the commitments to international organizations and bilateral and multilateral agreements. This thesis puts into perspective the concept of "third neighbor" in Mongolia's foreign policy: the search for the support of a third power, which is a virtual neighbor (ie without geographical proximity) sharing the same democratic values. Moreover, it tries to explain in detail, the bilateral relations between Mongolia and France, its privileged "third neighbor". It highlights the human and territorial relations between France and Mongolia that allow for good relations at a higher level irrespective of economic and political problems. Finally, as the very first thesis on Mongolian foreign relations, namely with France, it aims to serve as a reference base for those interested in Mongolia.

A influência da topografia na identificação de centralidades urbanas : estudo de caso no município de Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro /

Fontoura Júnior, Caio Flávio Martinez January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Edmur Azevedo Pugliesi / Resumo: A expansão urbana vem formando aglomerados populacionais desordenados, o que causa problemas para a administração municipal. A fim de reduzir este tipo de problema, uma das maneiras de reorganizar o território é o policentrismo, conceito que vem sendo aplicado em grande parte da área urbana de diversos países como Estados Unidos, China e países da Europa. O policentrismo pode ser entendido como uma área urbana com pluralidade de centros urbanos. Há duas abordagens para identificar possíveis centralidades: a morfológica e a funcional. Além disso, não foi encontrado quaisquer resultados de trabalhos científicos que tenham utilizado a variável inclinação do relevo nas análises de identificação de centralidades urbanas. Dessa maneira, a variável declividade pode ser um fator impactante na determinação de uma centralidade ou núcleo urbano para localidades brasileiras e que tenha característica similares da área de estudo. O objetivo desse trabalho propõe um estudo para a identificação de centralidades ou a possibilidade de identificar novos núcleos urbanos, por meio da avaliação da morfologia do terreno na formação de subcentros no município de Barra do Piraí no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram adquiridos arquivos vetoriais da base cartográfica do IBGE 2018, que posteriormente foram tratados e analisados. A fim de compreender a identificação de centralidades foram realizadas análises com a utilização da abordagem morfológica: Componentes Principais (CP), o Índice Global de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The urban expansion has been creating disorderly population agglomerations, which causes problems for the municipal administration. In order to reduce this type of problem, one of the ways to reorganize the territory is polycentrism, a concept that has been applied in a large part of the urban area of several countries such as the United States, China, and countries in Europe. Polycentrism can be understood as an urban area with a plurality of urban centers. There are two approaches to identify possible centralities: the morphological and the functional. In addition, no results were found from scientific studies that have used the variable slope of relief in the analysis of identification of urban centralities. Thus, the slope variable can be an impacting factor in determining a centrality or urban nucleus for Brazilian locations and which has similar characteristics of the study area. The aim of this work proposes a study for the identification of centralities or the possibility of identifying new urban centers, through the evaluation of the morphology of the land in the formation of sub-centers in the municipality of Barra do Piraí in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Vector files were acquired from the IBGE 2018 cartographic base, which were later treated and analyzed. To understand the identification of centralities, analyzes were performed using the morphological approach: Principal Components (CP), the Moran Global Index, the Local Indicator of Spatial Association - ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre


19 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] Em uma série de aplicações, os pontos de dados podem ser representados como distribuições de probabilidade. Por exemplo, os documentos podem ser representados como modelos de tópicos, as imagens podem ser representadas como histogramas e também a música pode ser representada como uma distribuição de probabilidade. Neste trabalho, abordamos o problema do Vizinho Próximo Aproximado onde os pontos são distribuições de probabilidade e a função de distância é a divergência de Kullback-Leibler (KL). Mostramos como acelerar as estruturas de dados existentes, como a Bregman Ball Tree, em teoria, colocando a divergência KL como um produto interno. No lado prático, investigamos o uso de duas técnicas de indexação muito populares: Índice Invertido e Locality Sensitive Hashing. Os experimentos realizados em 6 conjuntos de dados do mundo real mostraram que o Índice Invertido é melhor do que LSH e Bregman Ball Tree, em termos de consultas por segundo e precisão. / [en] In a number of applications, data points can be represented as probability distributions. For instance, documents can be represented as topic models, images can be represented as histograms and also music can be represented as a probability distribution. In this work, we address the problem of the Approximate Nearest Neighbor where the points are probability distributions and the distance function is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. We show how to accelerate existing data structures such as the Bregman Ball Tree, by posing the KL divergence as an inner product embedding. On the practical side we investigated the use of two, very popular, indexing techniques: Inverted Index and Locality Sensitive Hashing. Experiments performed on 6 real world data-sets showed the Inverted Index performs better than LSH and Bregman Ball Tree, in terms of queries per second and precision.

Spatially Resolved Hydration Statistical Mechanics at Biomolecular Surfaces from Atomistic Simulations

Heinz, Leonard 13 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Zákonné odposlechy: detekce identity / Lawful Interception: Identity Detection

Polčák, Libor January 2017 (has links)
Komunikace předávaná skrze Internet zahrnuje komunikaci mezi pachateli těžké trestné činnosti. Státní zástupci schvalují cílené zákonné odposlechy zaměřené na podezřelé z páchání trestné činnosti. Zákonné odposlechy se v počítačových sítích potýkají s mnoha překážkami. Identifikátory obsažené v každém paketu jsou koncovým stanicím přidělovány po omezenou dobu, nebo si je koncové stanice dokonce samy generují a automaticky mění. Tato dizertační práce se zabývá identifikačními metodami v počítačových sítích se zaměřením na metody kompatibilní se zákonnými odposlechy. Zkoumané metody musejí okamžitě detekovat použití nového identifikátoru spadajícího pod některý z odposlechů. Systém pro zákonné odposlechy následně nastaví sondy pro odposlech komunikace. Tato práce se převážně zabývá dvěma zdroji identifikačních informací: sledováním mechanismu pro objevování sousedů a detekcí identity počítače na základě přesností měření času jednotlivých počítačů. V rámci dizertačního výzkumu vznikly grafy identit, které umožňují spojování identit s ohledem na znění povolení k odposlechu. Výsledky výzkumu je možné aplikovat v rámci zákonných odposlechů, síťové forenzní analýzy i ve vysokoúrovňových programově řízených sítích.

Banana [Mis]representations: A Gendered History of the United Fruit Company and las mujeres bananeras

Bologna, Michelle Grace 22 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Banana [Mis]representations: A Gendered History of the United Fruit Company and las mujeres bananeras

Bologna, Michelle Grace 22 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.


CLEBER OLIVEIRA DAMASCENO 24 August 2021 (has links)
[pt] A análise de complexidade clássica para problemas NP-difíceis é geralmente orientada para cenários de pior caso, considerando apenas o comportamento assintótico. No entanto, existem algoritmos práticos com execução em um tempo razoável para muitos problemas clássicos. Além disso, há evidências que apontam para algoritmos polinomiais no modelo de árvore de decisão linear para resolver esses problemas, embora não muito explorados. Neste trabalho, exploramos esses resultados teóricos anteriores. Mostramos que a solução ótima para problemas combinatórios 0-1 pode ser encontrada reduzindo esses problemas para uma Busca por Vizinho Mais Próximo sobre o conjunto de vértices de Voronoi correspondentes. Utilizamos os hiperplanos que delimitam essas regiões para gerar sistematicamente uma árvore de decisão que repetidamente divide o espaço até que possa separar todas as soluções, garantindo uma resposta ótima. Fazemos experimentos para testar os limites de tamanho para os quais podemos construir essas árvores para os casos do 0-1 knapsack, weighted minimum cut e symmetric traveling salesman. Conseguimos encontrar as árvores desses problemas com tamanhos até 10, 5 e 6, respectivamente. Obtemos também as relações de adjacência completas para os esqueletos dos politopos do knapsack e do traveling salesman até os tamanhos 10 e 7. Nossa abordagem supera consistentemente o método de enumeração e os métodos baseline para o weighted minimum cut e symmetric traveling salesman, fornecendo soluções ótimas em microssegundos. / [en] Classical complexity analysis for NP-hard problems is usually oriented to worst-case scenarios, considering only the asymptotic behavior. However, there are practical algorithms running in a reasonable time for many classic problems. Furthermore, there is evidence pointing towards polynomial algorithms in the linear decision tree model to solve these problems, although not explored much. In this work, we explore previous theoretical results. We show that the optimal solution for 0-1 combinatorial problems can be found by reducing these problems into a Nearest Neighbor Search over the set of corresponding Voronoi vertices. We use the hyperplanes delimiting these regions to systematically generate a decision tree that repeatedly splits the space until it can separate all solutions, guaranteeing an optimal answer. We run experiments to test the size limits for which we can build these trees for the cases of the 0-1 knapsack, weighted minimum cut, and symmetric traveling salesman. We manage to find the trees of these problems with sizes up to 10, 5, and 6, respectively. We also obtain the complete adjacency relations for the skeletons of the knapsack and traveling salesman polytopes up to size 10 and 7. Our approach consistently outperforms the enumeration method and the baseline methods for the weighted minimum cut and symmetric traveling salesman, providing optimal solutions within microseconds.

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