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The Mobilization of Actinides by Microbial Ligands Taking into Consideration the Final Storage of Nuclear Waste - Interactions of Selected Actinides U(VI), Cm(III), and Np(V) with Pyoverdins Secreted by Pseudomonas fluorescens and Related Model Compounds (Final Report BMBF Project No.: 02E9985)Glorius, M., Moll, H., Bernhard, G., Roßberg, A., Barkleit, A. January 2009 (has links)
The groundwater bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens (CCUG 32456) isolated at a depth of 70 m in the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory secretes a pyoverdin-mixture with four main components (two pyoverdins and two ferribactins). The dominant influence of the pyoverdins of this mixture could be demonstrated by an absorption spectroscopy study. The comparison of the stability constants of U(VI), Cm(III), and Np(V) species with ligands simulating the functional groups of the pyoverdins results in the following order of complex strength: pyoverdins (PYO) > trihydroxamate (DFO) > catecholates (NAP, 6HQ) > simple hydroxamates (SHA, BHA). The pyoverdin chromophore functionality shows a large affinity to bind actinides. As a result, pyoverdins are also able to complex and to mobilize elements other than Fe(III) at a considerably high efficiency. It is known that EDTA may form the strongest actinide complexes among the various organic components in nuclear wastes. The stability constants of 1:1 species formed between Cm(III) and U(VI) and pyoverdins are by a factor of 1.05 and 1.3, respectively, larger compared to the corresponding EDTA stability constants. The Np(V)-PYO stability constant is even by a factor of 1.83 greater than the EDTA stability constant. The identified Np(V)-PYO species belong to the strongest Np(V) species with organic material reported so far. All identified species influence the actinide speciation within the biologically relevant pH range. The metal binding properties of microbes are mainly determined by functional groups of their cell wall (LPS: Gram-negative bacteria and PG: Gram-positive bacteria). On the basis of the determined stability constants raw estimates are possible, if actinides prefer to interact with the microbial cell wall components or with the secreted pyoverdin bioligands. By taking pH 5 as an example, U(VI)-PYO interactions are slightly stronger than those observed with LPS and PG. For Cm(III) we found a much stronger affinity to aqueous pyoverdin species than to functional groups of the cell wall compartments. A similar behavior was observed for Np(V). This shows the importance of indirect interaction processes between actinides and bioligands secreted by resident microbes.
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Interaction of Actinides with the Predominant Indigenous Bacteria in Äspö Aquifer - Interactions of Selected Actinides U(VI), Cm(III), Np(V) and Pu(VI) with Desulfovibrio äspöensisBernhard, Gert, Selenska-Pobell, Sonja, Geipel, Gerhard, Rossberg, Andre, Merroun, Mohamed, Moll, Henry, Stumpf, Thorsten January 2005 (has links)
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) frequently occur in the deep granitic rock aquifers at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Äspö HRL), Sweden. The new SRB strain Desulfovibrio äspöensis could be iso-lated. The objective of this project was to explore the basic interaction mechanisms of uranium, curium, neptunium and plutonium with cells of D. äspöensis DSM 10631T. The cells of D. äspöensis were successfully cultivated under anaerobic conditions as well in an optimized bicarbonate-buffered mineral medium as on solid medium at 22 °C. To study the interaction of D. äspöensis with the actinides, the cells were grown to the mid-exponential phase (four days). The collected biomass was usually 1.0±0.2 gdry weight/L. The purity of the used bacterial cultures was verified using microscopic techniques and by applying the Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Enzyme Analysis (ARDREA). The interaction experiments with the actinides showed that the cells are able to remove all four actinides from the surrounding solution. The amount of removed actinide and the interaction mechanism varied among the different actinides. The main U(VI) removal occurred after the first 24 h. The contact time, pH and [U(VI)]initial influence the U removal efficiency. The presence of uranium caused a damaging of the cell membranes. TEM revealed an accumulation of U inside the bacterial cell. D. äspöensis are able to form U(IV). A complex interaction mechanism takes place consisting of biosorption, bioreduction and bioaccumulation. Neptunium interacts in a similar way. The experimental findings are indicating a stronger interaction with uranium compared to neptunium. The results obtained with 242Pu indicate the ability of the cells of D. äspöensis to accumulate and to reduce Pu(VI) from a solution containing Pu(VI) and Pu(IV)-polymers. In the case of curium at a much lower metal concentration of 3x10-7 M, a pure biosorption of Cm(III) on the cell envelope forming an inner-sphere surface complex most likely with organic phosphate groups was detected. To summarize, the strength of the interaction of D. äspöensis with the selected actinides at pH 5 and actinide concentrations ≥10 mg/L ([Cm] 0.07 mg/L) follows the pattern: Cm > U > Pu >> Np.
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Investigation of the Complexation and the Migration Behavior of Actinides and Non-Radioactive Substances with Humic Acids under Geogenic Conditions - Complexation of Humic Acids with Actindies in the Oxidation State IV Th, U, NpBernhard, Gert, Schmeide, Katja, Sachs, Susanne, Heise, Karl-Heinz, Geipel, Gerhard, Mibus, Jens, Krepelova, Adela, Brendler, Vinzenz January 2004 (has links)
Objective of this project was the study of basic interaction and migration processes of actinides in the environment in presence of humic acids (HA). To obtain more basic knowledge on these interaction processes synthetic HA with specific functional properties as well as 14C-labeled HA were synthesized and applied in comparison to the natural HA Aldrich. One focus of the work was on the synthesis of HA with distinct redox functionalities. The obtained synthetic products that are characterized by significantly higher Fe(III) redox capacities than Aldrich HA were applied to study the redox properties of HA and the redox stability of U(VI) humate complexes. It was confirmed that phenolic OH groups play an important role for the redox properties of HA. However, the results indicate that there are also other processes than the single oxidation of phenolic OH groups and/or other functional groups contributing to the redox behavior of HA. A first direct-spectroscopic proof for the reduction of U(VI) by synthetic HA with distinct redox functionality was obtained. The complexation behavior of synthetic and natural HA with actinides (Th, Np, Pu) was studied. Structural parameters of Pu(III), Th(IV), Np(IV) and Np(V) humates were determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The results show that carboxylate groups dominate the interaction between HA and actinide ions. These are predominant monodentately bound. The influence of phenolic OH groups on the Np(V) complexation by HA was studied with modified HA (blocked phenolic OH groups). The blocking of phenolic OH groups induces a decrease of the number of maximal available complexing sites of HA, whereas complex stability constant and Np(V) near-neighbor surrounding are not affected. The effects of HA on the sorption and migration behavior of actinides was studied in batch and column experiments. Th(IV) sorption onto quartz and Np(V) sorption onto granite and its mineral constituents are affected by the pH value and the presence of HA. HA exhibits a significant influence on the transport of U(IV) and U(VI) in a laboratory quartz sand system. In order to provide the basis for a more reliable modeling of the actinide transport, the metal ion complexation with HA has to be integrated into existing geochemical speciation codes. Within this project the metal ion charge neutralization model was embedded into the geochemical modeling code EQ3/6. In addition to that, a digital data base was developed which covers HA complexation data basing on the charge neutralization model.
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Joint Project: Interaction and transport of actinides in natural clay rock with consideration of humic substances and clay organics - Characterization and quantification of the influence of clay organics on the interaction and diffusion of uranium and americium in the claySchmeide, Katja, Bernhard, Gert January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this project was the study of basic interaction processes in the systems actinide - clay organics - aquifer and actinide - natural clay - clay organics - aquifer. Thus, complexation, redox, sorption and diffusion studies were performed.
To evaluate the influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur containing functional groups of humic acid (HA) on the complexation of actinides in comparison to carboxylic groups, the Am(III) and U(VI) complexation by model ligands was studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy and TRLFS. The results show that Am(III) is mainly coordinated via carboxylic groups, however, probably stabilized by nitrogen groups. The U(VI) complexation is dominated by carboxylic groups, whereas nitrogen and sulfur containing groups play a minor role. Phosphorus containing groups may contribute to the U(VI) complexation by HA, however, due to their low concentration in HA they play only a subordinate role compared to carboxylic groups. Applying synthetic HA with varying sulfur contents (0 to 6.9 wt.%), the role of sulfur functionalities of HA for the U(VI) complexation and Np(V) reduction was studied. The results have shown that sulfur functionalities can be involved in U(VI) humate complexation and act as redox-active sites in HA for the Np(V) reduction. However, due to the low content of sulfur in natural HA, its influence is less pronounced.
In the presence of carbonate, the U(VI) complexation by HA was studied in the alkaline pH range by means of cryo-TRLFS (-120°C) and ATR FT-IR spectroscopy. The formation of the ternary UO2(CO3)2HA(II)4− complex was detected. The complex formation constant was determined with log β0.1 M = 24.57 ± 0.17.
For aqueous U(VI) citrate and oxalate species, luminescence emission properties were determined by cryo-TRLFS and used to determine stability constants. The existing data base could be validated.
The U(VI) complexation by lactate, studied in the temperature range 7 to 65°C, was found to be endothermic and entropy-driven. In contrast, the complex stability constants determined for U(VI) humate complexation at 20 and 40°C are comparable, however, decrease at 60°C.
For aqueous U(IV) citrate, succinate, mandelate and glycolate species stability constants were determined. These ligands, especially citrate, increase solubility and mobility of U(IV) in solution due to complexation.
The U(VI) sorption onto crushed Opalinus Clay (OPA, Mont Terri, Switzerland) was studied in the absence and presence of HA or low molecular weight organic acids, in dependence on temperature and CO2 presence using OPA pore water as background electrolyte. Distribution coefficients (Kd) were determined for the sorption of U(VI) and HA onto OPA with (0.0222 ± 0.0004) m3/kg and (0.129 ± 0.006) m3/kg, respectively. The U(VI) sorption is not influenced by HA (50 mg/L), however, decreased by low molecular weight organic acids (> 1×10-5 M), especially by citrate and tartrate. With increasing temperature, the U(VI) sorption increases both in the absence and in the presence of clay organics.
The U(VI) diffusion in compacted OPA is not influenced by HA at 25 and 60°C. Predictions of the U(VI) diffusion show that an increase of the temperature to 60°C does not accelerate the migration of U(VI). With regard to uranium-containing waste, it is concluded that OPA is suitable as host rock for a future nuclear waste repository since OPA has a good retardation potential for U(VI).
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<b>Fundamental Inorganic Chemistry for Renewable Energy Resources: Highlights in Tellurium, Zirconium, Hafnium, and Neptunium Coordination Chemistry</b>Madeleine Claire Uible (19173208) 18 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The separation of tellurium from cadmium telluride is examined using a unique combination of mild, anhydrous chlorination and complexation of the subsequent tellurium tetrachloride with 3,5-di-<i>tert</i>-butylcatechol. The resulting tellurium complex, Te(dtbc)<sub>2</sub>, is isolated in moderate yield and features a 10<sup>3</sup> to 10<sup>4</sup> reduction in cadmium content, as provided by XRF and ICP-MS analysis. Similar results were obtained from zinc telluride. A significant separation between Te, Se, and S was observed after treating a complex mixture of metal chalcogenides with this protocol. These three tunable steps can be applied for future applications of CdTe photovoltaic waste.</p><p dir="ltr">We report the synthesis and characterization of the first series of tellurium and selenium complexes featuring an η<sup>5</sup>-cyclopentadienyl ligand. Reaction of Ph<sub>3</sub>TeX (X = Cl, S<sub>2</sub>CNEt<sub>2</sub>) with MCp<sup>R</sup> (M = Li, K; R = H, Me<sub>4</sub>, Me<sub>5</sub>) results in high yields of [Cp][TePh<sub>3</sub>] (<b>1</b>), [Cp<sup>Me4</sup>][TePh<sub>3</sub>] (<b>2</b>), and [Cp*][TePh<sub>3</sub>] (<b>3</b>), respectively. Similarly, reaction of Ph<sub>3</sub>SeCl with LiCp and KCp* furnishes [Cp][SePh<sub>3</sub>] (<b>4</b>) and [Cp*][SePh<sub>3</sub>] (<b>5</b>). Each was characterized by X-ray crystallography, revealing similar η<sup>5</sup>-coordination with little distortion from an idealized half-sandwich geometry, presumably from the remaining lone pair on tellurium and selenium. The Te–centroid distances are relatively long (<b>1</b>: 2.770(3), <b>2</b>: 2.746(1), and <b>3</b>: 2.733(1) Å), suggesting a mostly ionic interaction. Se–centroid distances (<b>4</b>: 2.748(3), <b>5</b>: 2.707(2), 2.730(2) Å) were found to be surprisingly similar despite its smaller atomic radius. Compounds <b>2</b>, <b>3</b>, and <b>5</b> display rapid decomposition at room temperature, extruding a phenylated cyclopentadiene and the and the respective diphenylchalcogenide. The nature of bonding within these complexes was investigated through DFT methods and found to be primarily ionic in nature.</p><p dir="ltr">Synthesis of homoleptic zirconium and hafnium dithiocarbamate via carbon disulfide insertion into zirconium and hafnium amides were investigated for their utility as soluble molecular precursors for chalcogenide perovskites and binary metal sulfides. Treating M(NEtR)<sub>4</sub> (M= Zr, Hf and R= Me, Et) with CS<sub>2</sub> resulted in quantitative yields of homoleptic Group IV dithiocarbamates. Zr(k<sup>2</sup>-S<sub>2</sub>CNMeEt) (<b>1</b>), Zr(k<sup>2</sup>-S<sub>2</sub>CNEt<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub> (<b>2</b>), and Hf(k<sup>2</sup>-S<sub>2</sub>CNEt<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4 </sub>(<b>4</b>), a rare example of a crystal of a homoleptic hafnium CS<sub>2</sub> inserted amide species, were characterized. A computational analysis confirmed assignments for IR spectroscopy.<b> </b>To exemplify the utility of the Group IV dithiocarbamates, a solution-phase nanoparticle synthesis was performed to obtain ZrS<sub>3</sub> via the thermal decomposition of Zr(S<sub>2</sub>CNMeEt)<sub>4</sub></p><p dir="ltr">Chalcogenide perovskites have garnered interest for applications in semiconductor devices due to their excellent predicted optoelectronic properties and stability. However, high synthesis temperatures have historically made these materials incompatible with the creation of photovoltaic devices. Here, we demonstrate the solution processed synthesis of luminescent BaZrS<sub>3</sub> and BaHfS<sub>3</sub> chalcogenide perovskite films using single-phase molecular precursors at sulfurization temperatures of 575 °C and sulfurization times as short as one hour. These molecular precursor inks were synthesized using known carbon disulfide insertion chemistry to create Group 4 metal dithiocarbamates, and this chemistry was extended to create species, such as barium dithiocarboxylates, that have never been reported before. These findings, with added future research, have the potential to yield fully solution processed thin films of chalcogenide perovskites for various optoelectronic applications.</p><p dir="ltr">Np(IV) Lewis base adducts were prepared by ligand substitution of NpCl<sub>4</sub>(DME)<sub>2</sub>. Using acetonitrile and pyridine, NpCl<sub>4</sub>(MeCN)<sub>4</sub> (<b>1</b>) and NpCl<sub>4</sub>(pyr)<sub>4</sub> (<b>2</b>), were isolated, respectively. All species were fully characterized using spectroscopic and structural analyses.</p>
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Estudo de reacoes fotonucleares junto ao limiar para o Np-237, com radiacao gama de captura de neutrons termicosGERALDO, LUIZ P. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:30:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:01:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
01486.pdf: 7771652 bytes, checksum: b85a21fcba108c94836bcdfd32ea7d21 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Estudo de reacoes fotonucleares junto ao limiar para o Np-237, com radiacao gama de captura de neutrons termicosGERALDO, LUIZ P. 09 October 2014 (has links)
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01486.pdf: 7771652 bytes, checksum: b85a21fcba108c94836bcdfd32ea7d21 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Atomic scale simulations on LWR and Gen-IV fuelCaglak, Emre 12 October 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Fundamental understanding of the behaviour of nuclear fuel has been of great importance. Enhancing this knowledge not only by means of experimental observations, but also via multi-scale modelling is of current interest. The overall goal of this thesis is to understand the impact of atomic interactions on the nuclear fuel material properties. Two major topics are tackled in this thesis. The first topic deals with non-stoichiometry in uranium dioxide (UO2) to be addressed by empirical potential (EP) studies. The second fundamental question to be answered is the effect of the atomic fraction of americium (Am), neptunium (Np) containing uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) mixed oxide (MOX) on the material properties.UO2 has been the reference fuel for the current fleet of nuclear reactors (Gen-II and Gen-III); it is also considered today by the Gen-IV International Forum for the first cores of the future generation of nuclear reactors on the roadmap towards minor actinide (MA) based fuel technology. The physical properties of UO2 highly depend on material stoichiometry. In particular, oxidation towards hyper stoichiometric UO2 – UO2+x – might be encountered at various stages of the nuclear fuel cycle if oxidative conditions are met; the impact of physical property changes upon stoichiometry should therefore be properly assessed to ensure safe and reliable operations. These physical properties are intimately linked to the arrangement of atomic defects in the crystalline structure. The first paper evaluates the evolution of defect concentration with environment parameters – oxygen partial pressure and temperature by means of a point defect model, with reaction energies being derived from EP based atomic scale simulations. Ultimately, results from the point defect model are discussed, and compared to experimental measurements of stoichiometry dependence on oxygen partial pressure and temperature. Such investigations will allow for future discussions about the solubility of different fission products and dopants in the UO2 matrix at EP level.While the first paper answers the central question regarding the dominating defects in non-stoichiometry in UO2, the focus of the second paper was on the EP prediction of the material properties, notably the lattice parameter of Am, Np containing U and Pu MOX as a function of atomic fractions.The configurational space of a complex U1-y-y’-y’’PuyAmy’Npy’’O2 system, was assessed via Metropolis-Monte Carlo techniques. From the predicted configuration, the relaxed lattice parameter of Am, Np bearing MOX fuel was investigated and compared with available literature data. As a result, a linear behaviour of the lattice parameter as a function of Am, Np content was observed, as expected for an ideal solid solution. These results will allow to support and increase current knowledge on Gen-IV fuel properties, such as melting temperature, for which preliminary results are presented in this thesis, and possibly thermal conductivity in the future. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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