Spelling suggestions: "subject:"newinstitutional theory"" "subject:"neoinstitutional theory""
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Idrotten sätter agendan : En studie av Riksidrottsgymasietränares handlande utifrån sitt dubbla uppdragHedberg, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to describe and analyse the actions of the school coaches at the National sport upper secondary schools in light of the conditions that govern and shape the activities at those schools. The theoretical standpoints are based on Lave and Wengers' (1991) theoretical concept community of practice, and as an explanatory theoretical framework Scott's (2008) interpretation of new institutional theory is used. In the analysis of the coaches’ space for actions given the current conditions, Berg's (2014) free space theory is used. The study has a qualitative approach and the design is based on four case studies, where interviews and document analyses have been used to produce the data. The main findings can be summarized in that the cultural-cognitive conditions are very strong, whereas the regulatory and normative conditions play a less significant role. The coaches belong to a community of practice, where the sport’s inherent culture becomes the reference point for how the practice will be run, even though they are part of the school.
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Den nationella värdegrunden : en kritisk granskning av implementeringen av äldreomsorgens värdegrund i en kommunArvidsson, Ulf, Ingvarsson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate how a community motivates and ensures the implementation of its values and how this document affected personnel of meaning, vision and daily operations. The study was based on semi-structured interviews, in which nine respondents were interviewed in a city in southern Sweden. Interviews dealt with three different themes, all concerned organization or set of values. The analysis was based partly on how organizations and institutions build up and maintain their legitimacy. The analysis was also explained by the new institutional theory and its concepts isomorphism. In conclusion, the study shows that the concept of value system is very subjective and means different things depending on which profession you belong to. The study also showed that officials of the municipality indicate that the values discussed continuously in operation. This picture did not fit at all agree with the care assistants who considered values almost never discussed. The study also showed that the implementation was not as successful as desired, then no time for reflection was. The study showed that the reason that there was an opportunity to reflect due to the time and resources were too scarce. Throughout officials related concepts in the study more to an organizational plan, when care assistants instead relate everything to the actual meeting with the care recipient. Instead of using values as a benchmark they instead used of the "inner compass" that consists of subjective norms and values.
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"Följ oss på Facebook" : - En kvantitativ studie om företags erfarenheter av närvaron på FacebookEriksson, Sofia, Norgren, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Företags närvaro på Facebook har under de senaste åren ökat kraftigt. En uppfattning är attföretag, stora som små, har etablerat sig på Facebook för att vara “rätt i tiden”. Detta skapar funderingar kring vilka anledningar som ligger till grund för närvaron och om företagen upplever den gynnsam. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka erfarenheter företag har fått av närvaron på Facebook. Studien syftar även till att se vilka samband som finns mellan företags bakgrund och deras erfarenheter. Denna studie grundar sig i ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv som förklarar hur organisationer genom olika anpassningsstrategier likriktar sig till sin omgivning för att uppnå legitimitet. Ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt har använts där en webbenkät skickades ut till 350 företag närvarande på Facebook. Företagens bakgrund undersöktes genom frågor gällande deras storlek, antal år på Facebook samt främsta anledning till närvaron på Facebook. Företagen besvarade därefter frågor gällande erfarenheter inom fyra olika områden; kundkontakt, intern påverkan, marknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande samt upplevda resultat. Resultaten visar att den främsta anledningen till närvaron på Facebook var att stärka varumärket. De företag som gick med av denna anledning upplever goda erfarenheter av kundkontakt och goda resultat. De företag som däremot etablerat sig på grund av förväntan från omgivningen upplever sämre erfarenheter gällande kundkontakt samt även av marknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande. Det kan förklaras av att de etablerade sig för att anpassa sig efter omgivningen, utan mål och strategier för närvaron. Många företag etablerade sig på Facebook under samma tidsperiod, vilket kan ses som en anpassningsstrategi för att uppnå legitimitet. Resultaten visar också att ju större företagen är desto bättre erfarenheter avkundkontakt och resultat har de. Företagen påverkas även mer internt av närvaron påFacebook ju större de är. Företagens erfarenheter av intern påverkan visar tendenser på att löskoppling skett, och att företagen därmed till stor del bedriver sin kärnverksamhet åtskild från aktiviteterna som sker på Facebook. Majoriteten av företagen anser att det är gynnsamt att närvara på Facebook. / Corporate presence on Facebook has in recent years greatly increased. A view is that both large and small companies have established themselves on Facebook to seem modern andactive. This raises questions concerning the fundamental reasons to companies presence on Facebook, and if they perceive it favorably. This study aims to examine the experiences companies have received through their presence on Facebook. It also aims to see correlations between corporate background and their experiences. This study is based on new institutional theory which explains how organizations through various strategies adapt to their environment in order to achieve legitimacy. A quantitative approach has been used where an online questionnaire was sent to 350 companies present on Facebook. Corporate background was investigated by questions regarding company size, number of years present on Facebook and the foremost reason for their presence. The companies then answered questions regarding experience in four different areas; customer contact, internal influence, marketing and branding and perceived results. The results show that the main reason for the presence on Facebook was to strengthen the company brand. The companies that joined for this reason experience a good record of customer contact and good results. However, the companies which established themselves on Facebook in anticipation from the environment experience apoorer record of customer contact and marketing and branding. This can be explained throughthe possibility that these companies adapt to the environment without any objectives and strategies for their presence. Many companies established themselves on Facebook during the same time period, which can be interpreted as an adaptation strategy to achieve legitimacy.The results also show that the larger the company, the better experiences of customer contactand result. Larger companies are also affected more internally by the presence on Facebook. The companies’ experiences of internal influence show signs that decoupling occurred and that companies are running its core business separate from activities taking place on Facebook. The majority of companies believe that it is favorable to attend on Facebook.
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Local government and NGO relations in Ghana : the paradoxes, rhetoric and the isomorphic forcesBawole, Justice January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, interest in the relations between government and NGOs and the implications of these relations for service delivery in developing countries has surged. This results from the increasing role of NGOs in many facets of development, especially in service delivery and poverty reduction. However, the focus of attention especially among researchers has been on the relations between central government and NGOs. Relations between local government and NGOs have received limited research attention, especially in developing country contexts. To contribute to opening the black box created as a result of the limited research interest, this study investigates the nature, driving forces and the implications of the relations between local government and NGOs for poverty reduction programme implementation in Ghana. The study adopts a qualitative research methodology, a multi-dimensional classification regime and a New Institutional Theoretical lens to investigate the phenomena. The study was conducted adopting semi-structured interviews and mini focus ground discussions; documentary reviews; and participant observations as the key data collection tools to document the nature, driving forces and the implications of local government and NGO relations in Ghana. This study establishes that the relations between local government and NGOs in Ghana are complex but fit into a four-dimensional classification typology of superficial and suspicious cordiality; tokenistic collaboration; friendly foes; and convenient and cautious partnerships. This typology is novel as previous studies have not classified the relations in this way. Further, it finds that a complex mix of forces drive the relations but in different directions - constraining and facilitating directions - contrary to conventional arguments that institutional isomorphic forces drive organisation into homogenisation. It adds that both the positive and the negative forces can be either beneficial or detrimental for poverty reduction programme implementation. In addition, the study establishes that the relations have more diverse implications for poverty reduction programme implementation than just the economic and efficiency arguments dominant in the extant literature. The relations have implications which are social, cultural, organisational, personality and political.
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The Openness Buzz : A Study of Openness in Planning, Politics and Political Decision-Making in Sweden from an Institutional PerspectiveLundgren, Anna January 2017 (has links)
In today’s society of increased globalization and digitalization openness has become a buzzword. This raises questions about what we mean by openness and how it is interpreted in various contexts. This thesis has two aims; to explore how openness is interpreted in planning, politics and political decision-making, and to develop an analytical tool to assess openness in different contexts. A new institutional theory framework that centers on the interplay between institutions and actors has been used, and three empirical case studies in a Swedish context were conducted to analyze how openness is interpreted in planning in metropolitan regions, in politics through the political parties and in political decision-making in the Stockholm region. The research concludes that openness in planning, politics and political decision-making is interpreted along two inter-linked narrative lines: ’openness to people’ and ’openness to knowledge, information and ideas’. It was more common to talk about peoples’ accessibility to public services and participation in different parts of society (’openness to people’) than to talk about issues of transparency and ’openness to knowledge, information and ideas’. The institutional framework shows how openness is interpreted at different institutional levels. To what degree openness is expressed at different institutional levels vary by context. In planning for instance, openness is mainly interpreted in terms of governance, whereas in politics and political decision-making, openness is interpreted in an inter-play between culture and norms, institutions, governance and practice. The institutional framework complementary context-specific theories and elaborated into an analytical model, was found useful to explain what mechanisms are at play when dealing with openness in planning, politics and political decision-making, and can be applicable in future research of openness in other geographical or organizational contexts. / <p>QC 20170914</p>
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Kvalitetsstämpeln : Arbetsmiljöarbete som legitimitetsskapareArleskär, Martin, Broman, Frida January 2013 (has links)
När kraven från omvärlden ökar hittar organisationer nya sätt att vara såväl det mest effektiva som det mest legitima företaget. Detta gäller gentemot kunder, anställda, konkurrenter och samhället i stort. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att med hjälp av nyinstitutionell teori undersöka hur ett kommunalt bostadsbolag jobbar med arbetsmiljö. Fokus ligger på att belysa hur arbetsmiljöarbetet samverkar med legitimitetsskapande faktorer, exempelvis standardisering av arbetsmiljöarbetet. Kandidatuppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie och utgörs av dokumentstudier samt intervjuer. Genom att koda materialet kunde våra frågeställningar besvaras. Våra slutsatser är att bostadsbolaget har ett antal rutiner som pekar på att ett systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete bedrivs. Vidare utför bostadsbolaget enligt oss en stor del av sitt arbetsmiljöarbete för att upprätthålla sin legitimitet, även om en viss del även utförs av effektivitetsskäl. Införandet av en standard skulle inte nödvändigtvis förändra det praktiska arbetet i någon större grad, men ge ett ökat fokus på arbetsmiljöarbete vilket i sin tur skulle kunna förbättra arbetsmiljöarbetet i organisationen, möjligtvis till priset av ökad administration. / When demands of the surrounding world increase organizations find new ways to be the most effective and legitimate. This applies to customers, employees, competitors and society as a whole. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate how a public housing company1 handle issues concerning the work environment. The focus of this paper is to illustrate how the occupational safety and health work interacts with legitimacy-building factors, for example standardization. To explain this, we use neoinstitutional theory with its concepts we find relevant. This bachelor thesis is a qualitative study, consisting of document studies and interviews. By encoding the material our three initial questions were answered. The conclusions suggest the public housing company retain systematic routines when working with occupational safety and health. Further, according to us, the company executes a large part of their occupational safety and health work in order to maintain its legitimacy, although some is also carried out for reasons of efficiency. The introduction of a occupational health standard would not necessarily cause significant change in the organization's daily work routine, but give an increased focus on occupational health and safety work, which in turn could improve the work environment of the organization. 1 Note that "public housing" in Sweden (allmännyttiga bostadsbolag)not is reserved for people under a certain income level. This form of housing tenure makes up 20% of all homes in Sweden.
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Att bryta ett kriminellt beteende hos ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares metoder och val av metoder / Breaking a criminal behavior in adolescents : A qualitative study of social workers practice and choice of methodsAlmasaraa, Areej, Björk, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to search and analyze different logics that operators use in the work of helping juvenile delinquents to break their criminal behavior. New institutional theory is used in this study to analyze the results. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews of six professionals in two municipalities which work with juvenile delinquency. There are two questions that we want to address in this study. The first one is what methods the social workers are using in two middle large municipalities to help youth to brake there criminal behavior. The other question is what logics are behind the social workers work so that juvenile delinquency can break their criminal behavior.This study showed that different programs are used by social workers and that the social workers logics are important in choosing what program or treatment they are going to give the young adults so that they can break their criminal behavior. The result also showed that the social workers in two municipalities work with multiple operators such as schools and police to create a network around the youth in difficult situations.
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As transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais do cultivo de eucalipto e acácia negra no município de Arroio dos Ratos – RSLima, Letícia de January 2014 (has links)
A silvicultura é uma atividade que historicamente se fez presente no município de Arroio dos Ratos- RS durante a produção carbonífera. Principalmente nos primeiros anos do séc. XX, o esgotamento das reservas naturais de madeira condicionou a companhia que explorava carvão, a destinar áreas de terra para o plantio de Eucalipto para reposição da madeira utilizada na produção de dormentes e escoras das minas de carvão. O desenvolvimento dos plantios de Eucalipto e Acácia Negra em grande escala surgiram de acordo com uma demanda necessária para atender o mercado consumidor com a produção de madeira em tora para produção de celulose e papel. Inicialmente entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980 aparecem os primeiros cultivos consorciados com a produção da melancia, carro chefe na produção agrícola local. No entanto, o que se tem percebido frente à realidade local é o aumento considerável de propriedades que desenvolviam atividades tradicionais no município e que expandiram áreas dedicadas à Silvicultura. A partir da abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional de Douglas North baseado no estudo das instituições, a presente pesquisa através de um estudo de campo busca compreender quais foram as principais transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais dos cultivos de Eucalipto e Acácia Negra no município de Arroio dos Ratos-RS. O desenvolvimento da Silvicultura é resultante de uma demanda exógena estimulada pela proximidade geográfica da localidade em relação às empresas que compram a produção de madeira visando atender o mercado consumidor nacional e internacional. Sendo assim, a vantagem econômica oferecida ao pecuarista e ao produtor com a ampliação de áreas dedicadas aos plantios, tem propiciado concentração de renda, mudanças na paisagem sem visibilidade e expressão para a constituição do bem-estar social local. / Forestry is an activity that historically has been present in the municipality of Arroio dos Ratos- RS during coal production. Especially in the early years of the Century 20th, the depletion of natural resources conditioned the wood coal company that operated to allocate areas of land for planting Eucalyptus for replacement of the wood used in the production of sleepers and supports from the coal mines. The development of plantations of Eucalyptus and Wattle large scale emerged according to a necessary demand to meet the consumer market with the production of round wood for pulp and paper. Initially, between the 1970's and 1980's, appear the first intercropping with watermelon production, flagship in the local agricultural production. However, what has been seen outside the local reality is the considerable increase of properties that developed traditional activities in the city and expanded areas dedicated to forestry. From the New Institutional Economics of North Douglas approach based on the study of institutions, this research through a field study seeks to understand what were the main socio-economic and environmental transformations that crops of Eucalyptus and Wattle in the municipality of Arroio dos Ratos- RS. Development of Forestry is the result of an exogenous demand stimulated by the geographical proximity of the location in relation to companies that buy wood production in order to meet national and international consumer market. Therefore, the economic advantage offered to the farmer and producer, with the expansion of areas devoted to plantations, has allowed concentration of income, changes in the landscape and no visibility expression for the formation of local social welfare.
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As transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais do cultivo de eucalipto e acácia negra no município de Arroio dos Ratos – RSLima, Letícia de January 2014 (has links)
A silvicultura é uma atividade que historicamente se fez presente no município de Arroio dos Ratos- RS durante a produção carbonífera. Principalmente nos primeiros anos do séc. XX, o esgotamento das reservas naturais de madeira condicionou a companhia que explorava carvão, a destinar áreas de terra para o plantio de Eucalipto para reposição da madeira utilizada na produção de dormentes e escoras das minas de carvão. O desenvolvimento dos plantios de Eucalipto e Acácia Negra em grande escala surgiram de acordo com uma demanda necessária para atender o mercado consumidor com a produção de madeira em tora para produção de celulose e papel. Inicialmente entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980 aparecem os primeiros cultivos consorciados com a produção da melancia, carro chefe na produção agrícola local. No entanto, o que se tem percebido frente à realidade local é o aumento considerável de propriedades que desenvolviam atividades tradicionais no município e que expandiram áreas dedicadas à Silvicultura. A partir da abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional de Douglas North baseado no estudo das instituições, a presente pesquisa através de um estudo de campo busca compreender quais foram as principais transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais dos cultivos de Eucalipto e Acácia Negra no município de Arroio dos Ratos-RS. O desenvolvimento da Silvicultura é resultante de uma demanda exógena estimulada pela proximidade geográfica da localidade em relação às empresas que compram a produção de madeira visando atender o mercado consumidor nacional e internacional. Sendo assim, a vantagem econômica oferecida ao pecuarista e ao produtor com a ampliação de áreas dedicadas aos plantios, tem propiciado concentração de renda, mudanças na paisagem sem visibilidade e expressão para a constituição do bem-estar social local. / Forestry is an activity that historically has been present in the municipality of Arroio dos Ratos- RS during coal production. Especially in the early years of the Century 20th, the depletion of natural resources conditioned the wood coal company that operated to allocate areas of land for planting Eucalyptus for replacement of the wood used in the production of sleepers and supports from the coal mines. The development of plantations of Eucalyptus and Wattle large scale emerged according to a necessary demand to meet the consumer market with the production of round wood for pulp and paper. Initially, between the 1970's and 1980's, appear the first intercropping with watermelon production, flagship in the local agricultural production. However, what has been seen outside the local reality is the considerable increase of properties that developed traditional activities in the city and expanded areas dedicated to forestry. From the New Institutional Economics of North Douglas approach based on the study of institutions, this research through a field study seeks to understand what were the main socio-economic and environmental transformations that crops of Eucalyptus and Wattle in the municipality of Arroio dos Ratos- RS. Development of Forestry is the result of an exogenous demand stimulated by the geographical proximity of the location in relation to companies that buy wood production in order to meet national and international consumer market. Therefore, the economic advantage offered to the farmer and producer, with the expansion of areas devoted to plantations, has allowed concentration of income, changes in the landscape and no visibility expression for the formation of local social welfare.
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As transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais do cultivo de eucalipto e acácia negra no município de Arroio dos Ratos – RSLima, Letícia de January 2014 (has links)
A silvicultura é uma atividade que historicamente se fez presente no município de Arroio dos Ratos- RS durante a produção carbonífera. Principalmente nos primeiros anos do séc. XX, o esgotamento das reservas naturais de madeira condicionou a companhia que explorava carvão, a destinar áreas de terra para o plantio de Eucalipto para reposição da madeira utilizada na produção de dormentes e escoras das minas de carvão. O desenvolvimento dos plantios de Eucalipto e Acácia Negra em grande escala surgiram de acordo com uma demanda necessária para atender o mercado consumidor com a produção de madeira em tora para produção de celulose e papel. Inicialmente entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980 aparecem os primeiros cultivos consorciados com a produção da melancia, carro chefe na produção agrícola local. No entanto, o que se tem percebido frente à realidade local é o aumento considerável de propriedades que desenvolviam atividades tradicionais no município e que expandiram áreas dedicadas à Silvicultura. A partir da abordagem da Nova Economia Institucional de Douglas North baseado no estudo das instituições, a presente pesquisa através de um estudo de campo busca compreender quais foram as principais transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais dos cultivos de Eucalipto e Acácia Negra no município de Arroio dos Ratos-RS. O desenvolvimento da Silvicultura é resultante de uma demanda exógena estimulada pela proximidade geográfica da localidade em relação às empresas que compram a produção de madeira visando atender o mercado consumidor nacional e internacional. Sendo assim, a vantagem econômica oferecida ao pecuarista e ao produtor com a ampliação de áreas dedicadas aos plantios, tem propiciado concentração de renda, mudanças na paisagem sem visibilidade e expressão para a constituição do bem-estar social local. / Forestry is an activity that historically has been present in the municipality of Arroio dos Ratos- RS during coal production. Especially in the early years of the Century 20th, the depletion of natural resources conditioned the wood coal company that operated to allocate areas of land for planting Eucalyptus for replacement of the wood used in the production of sleepers and supports from the coal mines. The development of plantations of Eucalyptus and Wattle large scale emerged according to a necessary demand to meet the consumer market with the production of round wood for pulp and paper. Initially, between the 1970's and 1980's, appear the first intercropping with watermelon production, flagship in the local agricultural production. However, what has been seen outside the local reality is the considerable increase of properties that developed traditional activities in the city and expanded areas dedicated to forestry. From the New Institutional Economics of North Douglas approach based on the study of institutions, this research through a field study seeks to understand what were the main socio-economic and environmental transformations that crops of Eucalyptus and Wattle in the municipality of Arroio dos Ratos- RS. Development of Forestry is the result of an exogenous demand stimulated by the geographical proximity of the location in relation to companies that buy wood production in order to meet national and international consumer market. Therefore, the economic advantage offered to the farmer and producer, with the expansion of areas devoted to plantations, has allowed concentration of income, changes in the landscape and no visibility expression for the formation of local social welfare.
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