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Řízení BLDC motoru pomocí LabView FPGA / BLDC motor control using LabView FPGARuhás, Sándor January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on BLDC motor control algorithms with model based design approach. Models and control algorithms were programmed in LabView, the NI MyRIO was used as a hardware platform. For hall-sensor feedback controlled application an already finished power inverter was used from a Honeywell rotary actuator. For sensor-less motor control an indirect sensing of BEMF signal is applied using motor phase current measurement. The time-critical parts of the algorithms are programmed for FPGA, the non-time-critical parts are programmed for LabView Real-Time module.
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Určení vlivu iontů ve struktuře hydroxidu nikelnatého / The influence of metal ions on nickel hydroxide structureNavrátil, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is involved in basic properties of nickel materials for alkaline accumulators. Practical part deals with measuring of nickel hydroxides by cyclic voltametry. Next practical part is above measuring and optimalization various proportion of nickel and cobalt in layer made by electrodeposition on nickel electrodes.
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Experimentální ultrazvuková měření pomocí LabView / Experimental ultrasound with LabViewSchelle, Igor January 2011 (has links)
Term project describes ultrasound measurements. Describes a devices and measurement principe of ultrasound contrast agents. Part of this work is a measurement program
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Software pro řízení experimentů na biomechanickém testovacím zařízení. / The Software for Experiments Control on Biomechanical Machine.Hejč, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of this masters thesis is the design and the realization of graphical user interface for constructionally-advanced prototype of biochemical device, which was realized in terms of the cooperation of ISMMB (Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics) and IAI (Institute of Automation and Computer Science). The NI LabVIEW developing suite has been used as the main design tool of this software. This experimental device is used to investigate characteristics of spinal vertebra. The main aim of this thesis is to realize the control software, which is able to plan, initialize and record the long-term experiments on this device. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. First part is focused on the description of the experimental device and sums all apointed requirements. This part also includes characterization of software tools, that has been used to realization in NI LabVIEW 8.6 development suite. The practical part deals with the design and successive realization of the developed application used for planning and controlling experiments, and also describes performed long-term tests. The solutions of a few fundamental problems, which were shown during these tests, are also included.
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Modelování lineárního pohonu pro potřeby návrhu řízení / Modeling of linear drive for control design purposesDrábek, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Thesis deals with the design of control of linear drive by taking advantage of connection between tools provided by NI LabView graphical programming environment and SolidWorks 3D CAD system. This work describes the various resources the CAD systems provide for virtual modeling of mechatronic systems and their simulation. Control is designed using simulation tools by utilizing link between NI LabView and SolidWorks, while the invented control mechanism is finally tested on real system.
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Metallic impurities in the Cu-fraction of Ni targets prepared from NiCl2 solutionsManrique-Arias, J. C., Avila-Rodriguez, M. A. January 2015 (has links)
Copper-64 is an emerging radionuclide with applications in PET molecular imaging and/or internal therapy and it is typically produced by proton irradiation of isotopically enriched 64Ni electrodeposited on a suitable backing substrate. We recently reported a simple and efficient method for the preparation of nickel targets from electrolytic solutions of nickel chloride and boric acid [1]. Herein we report our recent research work on the analysis of metallic impurities in the copper-fraction of the radiochemical separation process.
Material and Methods
Nickel targets were prepared and processed as previously reported [1]. Briefly, the bath solution was composed of a mixture of natural NiCl2. 6H2O (135 mg/ml) and H3BO3 (15 mg/ml) and Ni was electrodeposited using a gold disk as cathode and a platinum wire as anode. The plating process was carried out at room temperature using 2 ml of bath solution (pH = 3.7) and a constant current density of 60 mA/cm2 for 1 hour. The unirradiated Ni targets were dissolved in 1–2 ml of concentrated (10M) HCl at 90 oC. After complete dissolution of the Ni layer, water was added to dilute the acid to 6M, and the solution was transferred onto a chromatographic column containing AG 1-X8 resin equilibrated with 6M HCl. The Ni , Co and Cu isotopes were separated by using the well-known chromatography of the chloro-complexes. The sample-fractions containing the Cu isotopes (15 ml, 0.1M HCl) were collected in plastic centrifuge tubes previously soaked in 1M HNO3 and rinsed with Milli-Q water (18 MΩ cm). Impurities of B, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn in these samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) at the Department of Geosciences (Laboratory of Isotopic Studies) of the National University.
Results and Conclusions
The mass of Ni deposited in 1 h was 25.0 ± 1.0 mg (n = 3) and the current efficiency was > 75 % in all cases. The pH of the electrolytic solution tended to decrease along the electrodeposition process (3.71.6). The results of ICP-MS analysis of the Cu-fractions from the cold chromatography separation runs are shown in FIG. 1. We were particularly interested in the boron impurities as H3BO3 is used as buffer for electrodeposition of the Ni targets.
Except for the Ni impurities that were deter-mined to be in the range of ppm (mg/l), all other analyzed metallic impurities were found to be in the range of ppb (µg/l), including boron. The Co, Ni, Cu and Zn impurities determined in the Cu-fraction in this work using Ni targets electrode-posited from a NiCl2 acidic solution, are in the same order of magnitude compared with that obtained when using targets prepared from an alkaline solution [2], with the advantage of the simplicity of the electrodeposition method from NiCl2 solutions, as the target material is already recovered in the chemical form of NiCl2, enabling a simpler, one step process to prepare a new plating solution when using enriched 64Ni target material for the production of 64Cu.
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Investigation of active sites and reaction networks in catalytic hydrogen production: steam reforming of lower alkanes and the water-gas shift reactionNatesakhawat, Sittichai 09 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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An aging model of Ni-MH batteries for use in hybrid-electric vehiclesSomogye, Ryan H. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of catalytic phenomena for solid oxide fuel cells and tar removal in biomass gasifiersKuhn, John 27 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Microstructure Development During Laser And Electron Beam Welding Of Ti/Ni Dissimilar JointsChatterjee, Subhradeep 07 1900 (has links)
Fusion welding of dissimilar metals constitutes a crucial processing stage in a variety of applications, and the use of high energy beams (HEB) like lasers and electron beams for such welding applications has several advantages, such as, precision, narrow heat affected zone, and consequently, low distortion. An understanding of microstructural evolution in the weld is a prerequisite for producing sound joints with desired properties. HEB welding of similar metals have been studied extensively. In contrast, fewer studies have been directed toward understanding the fundamental aspects of solidification of dissimilar welds. This thesis presents an effort in that direction by exploring microstructural evolution in Ti/Ni dissimilar welds.
Welding of Ti/Ni serves to illustrate the fundamental differences that distinguish dissimilar welding from the welding of similar metals. These are: (i) Thermophysical properties of the base metals are, in general, different, and this can have important consequences in the heat transfer conditions. (ii) Composition can vary over an wide range, the extreme being for the case of a pure binary couple, and the solid–liquid interface cannot be defined by a single liquidus isotherm. (iii) In addition to the surface energy driven Marangoni convection, a strong solutal convection can arise due to a large difference in the density of the base metals. (iv) Nucleation of phases assumes greater importance, especially in systems with intermediate phases.
We have carried out laser and electron beam welding (LW and EBW) experiments in a butt welding geometry to join Ti/Ni dissimilar couples. Weld microstructures were characterised using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM); composition information was obtained from energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of Xrays in the SEM. In addition to the pure binary couple, we have also studied electron beam welding of Ti/Ni with a thin Ta interlayer. We summarise our findings in each set of experiments in the following sections.
Laser welding of Ti/Ni
We have studied partial penetration welds obtained within the range of experimental parameters used in our study. These welds show the following interesting features:
1. The welds are asymmetric with respect to the initial joint. Despite its higher melting point, Ti melts more than Ni due to its lower thermal diffusivity, making the average composition of the weld richer in Ti (Ti–40at.%Ni).
2. Composition changes very steeply near the fusion interfaces in both Ti and Ni with associated microstructural changes. The variation is of much lesser magnitude in the rest of the weld, reflecting a well mixed melt pool on a macroscopic scale.
3. Growth of base metal grains into the weld pool at the fusion interfaces is severely restricted at both Ti and Ni ends.
4. The Ti fusion interface is marked by a band consisting of Ti2Ni dendrites which grow toward the Ti base metal.
5. Layered structures form at the Ni fusion interface. The sequence of the layers is: solid solution (Ni)→ Ni3Ti→ Ni3Ti+NiTi eutectic → NiTi. We note the absence of the (Ni)+Ni3Ti eutectic in this sequence.
6. NiTi and Ti2Ni are the major phases that appear in the bulk of the weld. Volume fraction and morphology of NiTi vary almost periodically to form microstructural bands.
7. Solid state transformation of NiTi results in the formation of the Rphase and martensite, which reflect the composition heterogeneity in the weld. Sometimes, Ni4Ti3 precipitates are observed also, providing indirect evidence of nonequilibrium solidification.
8. Nitrogen pickup from the atmosphere during welding leads to the formation titanium nitride dendrites in the weld.
9. Solutal convection and buoyancy forces manifest themselves through the segregation of the lighter nitride and Ti2Ni phases toward the top surface of the weld; the heavier liquid forms blocky NiTi in the bottom half of the weld.
These observations stand in striking contrast with the microstructures of conventional welds. We have proposed a set of composition and temperature profiles in the weld which reflect the diffusive and advective transport processes; when combined with thermodynamic information from the Ti–Ni phase diagram to yield spatial liquidus temperature profiles, these profiles can adequately explain most of the results. Our observations illustrate the importance of (a) nucleation, and (b) the inhomogeneous nature of the melt in which growth takes place. They also highlight the role of convective currents in bringing about local fluctuations in composition and temperature leading to ‘low velocity bands’.
Electron beam welding of Ti/Ni
We have carried out full penetration EBW of thin plates of Ti and Ni. The major observations are: (i) Average composition of the weld is in the Ni–rich side of the phase diagram (Ni–40at.%Ti). (ii) Fusion interface microstructures are very similar to that in LW exhibiting restricted base metal growth (although little amount of epitaxy can be seen in the Ni side), growth of Ti2Ni dendrites toward the base metal at the Ti fusion interface and the sequence of layers at the Ni interface: (Ni)→ Ni3Ti→ Ni3Ti+NiTi. Unlike LW, however, Ni3Ti, instead of NiTi, reappeared after the third layer on the Ni side. (iii) General microstructure consists of the Ni3Ti+NiTi eutectic, which appears in several anomalous as well as regular morphologies. (iv) Formation of NiTi is restricted mostly to regions near the Ti fusion interface. (v) Segregation of Ni3Ti was observed in a few places. The most prominent change in the microstructure compared to LW is a shift from the Ti2Ni– NiTi phases in the bulk of the weld to a Ni3Ti+NiTi eutectic structure. This is a direct consequence of the shift in the average composition of the weld to the Ni– rich side. The occurrence of different anomalous and regular eutectic structures bear similarity with bulk undercooling experiments conducted on eutectic systems having a strongly faceting phase as one of its constituents. The asymmetric coupled zone, along with composition and temperature fluctuation due to fluid flow, can be attributed to the origin of these structures.
Electron beam welding of Ti/Ni with a Ta interlayer
Motivated by the report of superior mechanical properties of Ti/Ni welds with an interlayer of Ta, whose melting point is much higher than those Ni and Ti, we performed EBW experiments using a Ni–Ta– Ti configuration. The key observations are: (i) The process is inherently unsteady in nature, and results in partial and irregular melting of the Ta interlayer. This partial melting essentially divides the weld into Ni–rich and Ti–rich halves. (ii) Microstructure near the fusion interface in Ni and Ti show similarities with that of the pure binary Ti/Ni welds; the phases here, however, contain Ta as a ternary addition. (iii) Microstructure in the Ti–rich half consists of dendrites of the Ni(Ti,Ta) phase with a high Ti:Ta ratio, and an eutectic formed between this phase and a (Ti,Ta)2Ni phase having significant amount of Ta. Two Ni(Ti,Ta) type phases dominate the microstructure in the Ni–rich half: the phase having a higher Ti:Ta ratio forms cells and dendrites, whereas the one of a lower Ti:Ta ratio creates an interdendritic network. (iv) Regions near the unmolten Ta layer in the middle show the formation of a sawtoothlike Ta–rich faceted phase of composition (Ta,Ti)3Ni2. Since very scarce thermodynamic data exist for the Ni–Ta–Ti ternary system, we have taken cues from the binary phase diagrams to understand the microstructural evolution. Such extrapolation, although successful to some extent, fails where phases which have no binary equivalents start to appear.
In summary, in this thesis, we explore microstructural evolution in the Ti/Ni dissimilar welds under the different settings of laser and electron beam welding processes. This study reveals a variety of phenomena occurring during dissimilar welding which lead to the formation of an extensive range of microstructural features. Although a few questions do remain, most results can be rationalised by drawing from, and extending the knowledge gained from previous studies by introducing physical and thermodynamic arguments.
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