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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In search of a biosensor for DNT detection : Studies of inducer response and specificity of DntR

Lönneborg, Rosa January 2011 (has links)
The primary aim of the work presented in this thesis was to change the inducer specificity of the DntR protein in order to improve the response to DNT. The long-term goal is to use this protein in a biosensor for DNT, a signature compound for detection of the explosive TNT. Another aspect of this work was to understand the mechanisms of inducer binding and how the binding of an inducer molecule changes the DntR structure into a state that triggers transcriptional activation. In the papers included in this thesis the inducer specificity of wt DntR has been investigated under different conditions. The functional effects of specific mutations have also been investigated, in some cases in combination with structure determination using X-ray crystallography. In addition, structural data offering insights into the details of inducer binding and conformational changes upon inducer binding are presented and discussed in terms of mechanisms for transcriptional activation by DntR. Furthermore, a directed evolution strategy was employed in order to find variants of DntR with improved response to DNT. A variant with a large improvement in the DNT response was isolated and characterized. In optimized growth conditions, this DntR variant had a nearly 10-fold increase in fluorescence in response to DNT compared to wt DntR. Specific substitutions found in this DntR variant are suggested to be important for changing the inducer response. / Syftet med denna avhandling har varit att förbättra förmågan hos proteinet DntR att upptäcka DNT. Det långsiktiga målet har varit att använda DntR i en biosensor för att upptäcka sprängämnet TNT, som avger DNT som en ”signaturmolekyl”. En annan aspekt har varit att bättre förstå den detaljerade mekanismen för hur DntR fungerar. DntR är ett protein som binder till en viss DNA sekvens (promotor) och reglerar hur gener intill denna promotorsekvens läses av. När en inducerande molekyl som t.ex. DNT binder till DntR förändras proteinets struktur på ett sådant sätt att DntR kan aktivera transkription av de gener som finns intill promotor-sekvensen. För att mäta hur DntR reagerar på olika inducerande molekyler har DntR uttryckts i bakterien Escherichia coli, som också innehållit promotorn som DntR binder till. Intill promotorn sitter en gen som kodar för proteinet GFP. När en inducerande molekyl binder till DntR, slås avläses gfp-genen, och det fluorescerande proteinet GFP produceras. Ju mer GFP som produceras i cellerna, desto högre fluorescens kan uppmätas när cellerna analyseras.   I de artiklar som presenteras i avhandlingen har vi undersökt hur olika substitutioner i DntR proteinet påverkar specificiten och sensitiviteten och hur dessa egenskaper kan påverkas av olika experimentella faktorer. Effekten av substitutioner har relaterats till strukturdata, där bilder av hur proteinet ser ut på molekylär nivå har tagits fram. Dessutom presenteras även en bild av hur DntR förändras beroende på om inducerande molekyler är bundna eller inte. En sådan strukturbild ökar förståelsen för de mekanismer som gör att bindning av en inducerande molekyl orsakar en förändring av formen hos DntR på så sätt att avläsning av gener kan aktiveras. Vi har också använt en metod där evolutionära processer härmats för att få fram varianter av DntR med förbättrad respons till DNT. En variant med en drastisk ökning av DNT-responsen har isolerats, och dess egenskaper har karaktäriserats. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript

Compréhension des mécanismes de formation des adduits exocycliques à l'ADN par les dérivés aromatiques nitrés / Understanding the mechanisms of formation of DNA exocyclic adducts by nitro aromatic derivatives

Bonnefoy, Aurélie 21 October 2010 (has links)
Les adduits exocycliques à l’ADN paraissent être la conséquence indirecte, sous la médiation de la peroxydation lipidique, du stress oxydant cellulaire induit par les composés aromatiques nitrés (CANs) de l’environnement. Ces derniers, formés le plus souvent in situ dans les environnements complexes sont un sujet de préoccupation croissante en santé environnementale. Le but étant de comprendre les mécanismes de formation et de dégradation de ces adduits afin d’en apprécier leur place dans la toxicité des CANs et leur intérêt en tant que biomarqueurs du stress oxydant induit par l’environnement.Nous avons réalisé la synthèse de deux adduits exocycliques : le 1,N²-éthéno-2’-déoxyguanosine (εdG) et le 1,N²-propano-2’-déoxyguanosine (pdG-HNE) et étudié leurstabilité en présence d’une oxydation radicalaire. Il est apparu que le pdG-HNE semble être lemeilleur candidat en tant que biomarqueur du stress oxydant.Pour approcher au mieux la chimie du vivant, nous nous sommes posés la question dela stabilité de ces adduits en milieu cellulaire. Une étude préliminaire de génotoxicité a étéréalisée et montre que seuls les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques nitrés présententune potentialité mutagène significative. Nous avons donc étudié le pyrène et ses dérivés nitrés(1-Nitropyrène/1,3-Dinitropyrène/1,6-Dinitropyrène/1,8-Dinitropyrène) afin d’étudier leurcapacité à générer des adduits dans les lymphocytes humains.Nos résultats montrent que le 1-Nitropyrène génère in vitro des adduits stables dans letemps ; ce qui pose la question de leur réparabilité par les systèmes cellulaires et de leurspotentialités cancérogènes pour l’homme. / Exocyclic DNA adducts seem to be the indirect consequence, mediated by lipidperoxidation, of oxidative stress induced by nitro aromatic compounds (NACs). The latterusually formed in situ in environmental complex mixtures are a matter of concern inenvironmental health. The aim is to understand the mechanisms of formation and degradationof these adducts to assess their place in toxicity of NACs and their importance as oxidativestress biomarkers induced by the environment.We synthesized two exocylic adducts: 1, N²-etheno-2’-deoxyguanosine (εdG) and 1,N²-propano-2'-deoxyguanosine (pdG-HNE) and studied their stability when a radicaloxidation is present. It appeared that pdG-HNE seems a suitable biomarker of oxidative stress.To come close to life chemistry, we were wondering whether these adducts are stablein cellular environment. A preliminary study of genotoxicity was carried out and showed thatonly nitro polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have a significant mutagenic potency. Thereforewe studied pyrene and nitropyrenes (1-Nitropyrene/1,3-Dinitropyrene/1,6-Dinitropyrene/1,8-Dinitropyrene) to examine their ability to produce adducts in human lymphocytes.Our results show that 1-Nitropyrene give rise to stable adducts in vitro, which raisesthe question of their repairability by cellular systems and their potential carcinogenic tohumans.

Development of Photochemically Initiated Direct and Indirect Luminescence Detection Methods for Liquid Chromatography (LC) and Study of Aromatic Sulfonates and Phospholipids Using Reversed Phase Ion-Pair LC-Mass Spectrometry

Zhang, Wei 13 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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