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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Learning k-Parities and the Complexity of k-Vector-SUM

Gadekar, Ameet January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, we study two problems: first is one of the central problem in learning theory of learning sparse parities and the other k-Vector-SUM is an extension of the not oriousk-SUM problem. We first consider the problem of learning k-parities in the on-line mistake-bound model: given a hidden vector ∈ {0,1}nwith|x|=kand a sequence of “questions” a ,a ,12··· ∈{0,1}n, where the algorithm must reply to each question with〈a ,xi〉(mod 2), what is the best trade off between the number of mistakes made by the algorithm and its time complexity? We improve the previous best result of Buhrman et. al. By an exp (k) factor in the timecomplexity. Next, we consider the problem of learning k-parities in the presence of classification noise of rate η∈(0,12). A polynomial time algorithm for this problem (whenη >0 andk=ω(1))is a longstanding challenge in learning theory. Grigorescu et al. Showed an algorithm running in time(no/2)1+4η2+o(1). Note that this algorithm inherently requires time(nk/2)even when the noise rateη is polynomially small. We observe that for sufficiently small noise rate, it ispossible to break the(nk/2)barrier. In particular, if for some function f(n) =ω(logn) andα∈[12,1),k=n/f(n) andη=o(f(n)−α/logn), then there is an algorithm for the problem with running time poly(n)·( )nk1−α·e−k/4.01.Moving on to the k-Vector-SUM problem, where given n vectors〈v ,v ,...,v12n〉over the vector space Fdq, a target vector tand an integer k>1, determine whether there exists k vectors whose sum list, where sum is over the field Fq. We show a parameterized reduction fromk-Clique problem to k-Vector-SUM problem, thus showing the hardness of k-Vector-SUM. In parameterized complexity theory, our reduction shows that the k-Vector-SUM problem is hard for the class W[1], although, Downey and Fellows have shown the W[1]-hardness result for k-Vector-SUM using other techniques. In our next attempt, we try to show connections between k-Vector-SUM and k-LPN. First we prove that, a variant of k-Vector-SUM problem, called k-Noisy-SUM is at least as hard as the k-LPN problem. This implies that any improvements ink-Noisy-SUM would result into improved algorithms fork-LPN. In our next result, we show a reverse reduction from k-Vector-SUM to k-LPN with high noise rate. Providing lower bounds fork-LPN problem is an open challenge and many algorithms in cryptography have been developed assuming its1 2hardness. Our reduction shows that k-LPN with noise rate η=12−12·nk·2−n(k−1k)cannot be solved in time no(k)assuming Exponential Time Hypothesis and, thus providing lower bound for a weaker version of k-LPN

Transducer-based Algorithmic Verification of Retransmission Protocols over Noisy Channels

Thakkar, Jay January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Unreliable communication channels are a practical reality. They add to the complexity of protocol design and verification. In this work, we consider noisy channels which can corrupt messages. We present an approach to model and verify protocols which combine error detection and error control to provide reliable communication over noisy channels. We call these protocols retransmission protocols as they achieve reliable communication through repeated retransmissions of messages. These protocols typically use cyclic redundancy checks and sliding window protocols for error detection and control respectively. We propose models of these protocols as regular transducers operating on bit strings. Deterministic streaming string transducers provide a natural way of modeling these protocols and formalizing correctness requirements. The verification problem is posed as functional equivalence between the protocol transducer and the specification transducer. Functional equivalence checking is decidable for this class of transducers and this makes the transducer models amenable to algorithmic verification. In our transducer models, message lengths and retransmission rounds are unbounded. We present case studies based on TinyOS serial communication and the HDLC retransmission protocol. We further extend our protocol models to capture the effects of a noisy channel with non-determinism. We present two non-deterministic yet decidable extensions of transducer models of retransmission protocols. For one of our models, we achieve decidable verification by bounding the retransmission rounds, whereas for the other, even retransmission rounds are unbounded.

Représentations robustes de documents bruités dans des espaces homogènes / Robust representation of noisy documents in homogeneous spaces

Morchid, Mohamed 25 November 2014 (has links)
En recherche d’information, les documents sont le plus souvent considérés comme des "sacs-de-mots". Ce modèle ne tient pas compte de la structure temporelle du document et est sensible aux bruits qui peuvent altérer la forme lexicale. Ces bruits peuvent être produits par différentes sources : forme peu contrôlée des messages des sites de micro-blogging, messages vocaux dont la transcription automatique contient des erreurs, variabilités lexicales et grammaticales dans les forums du Web. . . Le travail présenté dans cette thèse s’intéresse au problème de la représentation de documents issus de sources bruitées.La thèse comporte trois parties dans lesquelles différentes représentations des contenus sont proposées. La première partie compare une représentation classique utilisant la fréquence des mots à une représentation de haut-niveau s’appuyant sur un espace de thèmes. Cette abstraction du contenu permet de limiter l’altération de la forme de surface du document bruité en le représentant par un ensemble de caractéristiques de haut-niveau. Nos expériences confirment que cette projection dans un espace de thèmes permet d’améliorer les résultats obtenus sur diverses tâches de recherche d’information en comparaison d’une représentation plus classique utilisant la fréquence des mots.Le problème majeur d’une telle représentation est qu’elle est fondée sur un espace de thèmes dont les paramètres sont choisis empiriquement.La deuxième partie décrit une nouvelle représentation s’appuyant sur des espaces multiples et permettant de résoudre trois problèmes majeurs : la proximité des sujets traités dans le document, le choix difficile des paramètres du modèle de thèmes ainsi que la robustesse de la représentation. Partant de l’idée qu’une seule représentation des contenus ne peut pas capturer l’ensemble des informations utiles, nous proposons d’augmenter le nombre de vues sur un même document. Cette multiplication des vues permet de générer des observations "artificielles" qui contiennent des fragments de l’information utile. Une première expérience a validé cette approche multi-vues de la représentation de textes bruités. Elle a cependant l’inconvénient d’être très volumineuse,redondante, et de contenir une variabilité additionnelle liée à la diversité des vues. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une méthode s’appuyant sur l’analyse factorielle pour fusionner les vues multiples et obtenir une nouvelle représentation robuste,de dimension réduite, ne contenant que la partie "utile" du document tout en réduisant les variabilités "parasites". Lors d’une tâche de catégorisation de conversations,ce processus de compression a confirmé qu’il permettait d’augmenter la robustesse de la représentation du document bruité.Cependant, lors de l’élaboration des espaces de thèmes, le document reste considéré comme un "sac-de-mots" alors que plusieurs études montrent que la position d’un terme au sein du document est importante. Une représentation tenant compte de cette structure temporelle du document est proposée dans la troisième partie. Cette représentation s’appuie sur les nombres hyper-complexes de dimension appelés quaternions. Nos expériences menées sur une tâche de catégorisation ont montré l’efficacité de cette méthode comparativement aux représentations classiques en "sacs-de-mots". / In the Information Retrieval field, documents are usually considered as a "bagof-words". This model does not take into account the temporal structure of thedocument and is sensitive to noises which can alter its lexical form. These noisescan be produced by different sources : uncontrolled form of documents in microbloggingplatforms, automatic transcription of speech documents which are errorprone,lexical and grammatical variabilities in Web forums. . . The work presented inthis thesis addresses issues related to document representations from noisy sources.The thesis consists of three parts in which different representations of content areavailable. The first one compares a classical representation based on a term-frequencyrepresentation to a higher level representation based on a topic space. The abstractionof the document content allows us to limit the alteration of the noisy document byrepresenting its content with a set of high-level features. Our experiments confirm thatmapping a noisy document into a topic space allows us to improve the results obtainedduring different information retrieval tasks compared to a classical approach based onterm frequency. The major problem with such a high-level representation is that it isbased on a space theme whose parameters are chosen empirically.The second part presents a novel representation based on multiple topic spaces thatallow us to solve three main problems : the closeness of the subjects discussed in thedocument, the tricky choice of the "right" values of the topic space parameters and therobustness of the topic-based representation. Based on the idea that a single representationof the contents cannot capture all the relevant information, we propose to increasethe number of views on a single document. This multiplication of views generates "artificial"observations that contain fragments of useful information. The first experimentvalidated the multi-view approach to represent noisy texts. However, it has the disadvantageof being very large and redundant and of containing additional variability associatedwith the diversity of views. In the second step, we propose a method based onfactor analysis to compact the different views and to obtain a new robust representationof low dimension which contains only the informative part of the document whilethe noisy variabilities are compensated. During a dialogue classification task, the compressionprocess confirmed that this compact representation allows us to improve therobustness of noisy document representation.Nonetheless, during the learning process of topic spaces, the document is consideredas a "bag-of-words" while many studies have showed that the word position in a7document is useful. A representation which takes into account the temporal structureof the document based on hyper-complex numbers is proposed in the third part. Thisrepresentation is based on the hyper-complex numbers of dimension four named quaternions.Our experiments on a classification task have showed the effectiveness of theproposed approach compared to a conventional "bag-of-words" representation.

Search and broadcast in stochastic environments, a biological perspective / Recherche et diffusion d'informations dans un environnement bruité, une perspective biologique

Boczkowski, Lucas 30 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’articule autour de deux séries de travaux motivés par des expériences sur des fourmis. Bien qu’inspirés par labiologie, les modèles que nous développons utilisent une terminologie et une approche typique de l’informatique théorique.Le premier modèle s’inspire du transport collaboratif de nourriture au sein de l’espèce P. Longicornis. Certains aspectsfondamentaux du processus peuvent être décrits par un problème de recherche sur un graphe en présence d’un certain typed’indications bruitées à chaque noeud. Ces indications représentent de courtes traces de phéromones déposées devant l’objettransporté afin de faciliter la navigation. Dans cette thèse, nous donnons une analyse complète du problème lorsque le graphesous-jacent est un arbre, une hypothèse pertinente dans un cadre informatique. En particulier, notre modèle peut être vucomme une généralisation de la recherche binaire aux arbres, en présence de bruit. De manière surprenante, lescomportements des algorithmes optimaux dans ce cadre diffèrent suivant le type de garantie que l’on étudie : convergence enmoyenne ou avec grande probabilité.Le deuxième modèle présenté dans cette thèse a été conçu pour décrire la dissémination d’informations au sein de fourmis dudésert. Dans notre modèle, les échanges ont lieu uniformément au hasard, et sont sujets à du bruit. Nous prouvons une borneinférieure sur le nombre d’interactions requis en fonction de la taille du groupe. La borne, de même que les hypothèses dumodèle, semblent compatible avec les données expérimentales.Une conséquence théorique de ce résultat est une séparation dans ce cadre des variantes PUSH et PULL pour le problème du broadcast avec bruit. Nous étudions aussi une version du problème avec des garanties de convergence plus fortes. Dans cecas, le problème peut-être résolu efficacement, même si les échanges d’information au cours de chaque interaction sont très limités / This thesis is built around two series of works, each motivated by experiments on ants. We derive and analyse new models,that use computer science concepts and methodology, despite their biological roots and motivation.The first model studied in this thesis takes its inspiration in collaborative transport of food in the P. Longicornis species. Wefind that some key aspects of the process are well described by a graph search problem with noisy advice. The advicecorresponds to characteristic short scent marks laid in front of the load in order to facilitate its navigation. In this thesis, weprovide detailed analysis of the model on trees, which are relevant graph structures from a computer science standpoint. Inparticular our model may be viewed as a noisy extension of binary search to trees. Tight results in expectation and highprobability are derived with matching upper and lower bounds. Interestingly, there is a sharp phase transition phenomenon forthe expected runtime, but not when the algorithms are only required to succeed with high probability.The second model we work with was initially designed to capture information broadcast amongst desert ants. The model usesa stochastic meeting pattern and noise in the interactions, in a way that matches experimental data. Within this theoreticalmodel, we present in this document a strong lower bound on the number of interactions required before information can bespread reliably. Experimentally, we see that the time required for the recruitment process of even few ants increases sharplywith the group size, in accordance with our result. A theoretical consequence of the lower bound is a separation between theuniform noisy PUSH and PULL models of interaction. We also study a close variant of broadcast, without noise this time butunder more strict convergence requirements and show that in this case, the problem can be solved efficiently, even with verylimited exchange of information on each interaction.

Effet d’une exposition à long-terme à un milieu bruité sur l’audiogramme et les propriétés fonctionnelles des neurones du cortex auditif primaire / Effects of a long term exposure to a noisy environment on the audiogram and functionnal properties of neurons in the primary auditory cortex

Occelli, Florian 30 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, des recherches décrivent des effets alarmants de l’exposition à des environnements acoustiques artificiels sur les propriétés fonctionnelles des neurones du système auditif. L’objectif de ce projet était de déterminer si une exposition à très long terme à une intensité sonore, qui n’est pas reconnue par les législations pour provoquer des pertes permanentes ou temporaires (80dB SLP 8h/jour), induisait ou pas des changements au niveau des audiogrammes et des propriétés fonctionnelles des neurones du cortex auditif primaire.Des rattes adultes (Sprague Dawley) ont été exposées entre 3 mois à 18 mois (selon les groupes) à un milieu acoustique mimant les environnements sonores quotidiens de la majorité de la population et dont les effets n’ont jamais été étudiés sur de telles durées. L’originalité de ce projet réside dans l’analyse des effets à tous les niveaux du système auditif depuis le niveau périphérique (ABRs) jusqu’au niveau central (électrophysiologie corticale) ainsi que les conséquences possibles au niveau comportemental. Une tâche d’apprentissage perceptif inédite a été mise au point afin d’évaluer les effets de l’exposition. Au cours du vieillissement, nos données montrent une baisse des performances comportementales, une atteinte progressive des seuils ABRs et des atteintes de certains paramètres des réponses neuronales comme (i) la latence, (ii) la durée, (iii) la détection de silence dans une vocalisation, (iv) le suivit d’une modulation d’amplitude, (v) la reproductibilité des réponses à une vocalisation. Le principal effet de l’exposition à un environnement bruité est l’apparition d’un TTS après 6 à 12 mois d’exposition (qui disparait complètement en 3 semaines), sans que cela ait, de façon très surprenante, la moindre conséquence notable sur les seuils ABRs, l’activité évoquée corticale, ou les performances de discrimination des animaux. Ces résultats nous incitent à la prudence sur la généralisation des conclusions à tirer des expositions à des environnements bruités artificiels. / Over the last few years, studies have described alarming effects of exposure to artificial acoustic environments on the functional properties of neurons in the auditory system. The aim of this project was to determine if long-lasting exposure at a sound intensity which is not recognized by the legislation to cause permanent or temporary hearing loss (80 dB SLP 8h/ day) induced, or not, changes in the audiograms and functional properties of neurons in theprimary auditory cortex. Adult female rats (Sprague Dawley) were exposed over 3 to 18 months (depending on the group) to an acoustic environment mimicking daily sound environments surrounding a large part of the population, and whose effects have never been studied on such durations. The originality of this project lies in analyzing the effects at alllevels of the auditory system from peripheral (via ABRs) to central levels (cortical electrophysiology) and also the possible consequences at the behavioral level. A new perceptual learning task has been developed to assess the effects of exposure. During aging, our data showed a decrease in behavioral performance, a gradual impairment of ABRs thresholds as well as an impairment in parameters of the neural responses such as (i) the response latency, (ii) response duration, (iii) the ability to detect silence in a vocalization (iv) or to follow an amplitude modulation, (v) the reproducibility of response to vocalization. The main effect of exposure to a noisy environment is the appearance of a Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) after 6 to 12 months of exposure (which completely disappears in three weeks). Surprisingly, this long lasting TTS had apparently no e ffect on ABRs thresholds, the evokedcortical activity, or the animal’s discrimination performance. These results encourage us to be quite cautious in generalizing the conclusions to be drawn from exposures to artificial noisyenvironments.

Algorithmes efficaces pour l’apprentissage de réseaux de préférences conditionnelles à partir de données bruitées / Efficient algorithms for learning conditional preference networks from noisy data

Labernia, Fabien 27 September 2018 (has links)
La croissance exponentielle des données personnelles, et leur mise à disposition sur la toile, a motivé l’émergence d’algorithmes d’apprentissage de préférences à des fins de recommandation, ou d’aide à la décision. Les réseaux de préférences conditionnelles (CP-nets) fournissent une structure compacte et intuitive pour la représentation de telles préférences. Cependant, leur nature combinatoire rend leur apprentissage difficile : comment apprendre efficacement un CP-net au sein d’un milieu bruité, tout en supportant le passage à l’échelle ?Notre réponse prend la forme de deux algorithmes d’apprentissage dont l’efficacité est soutenue par de multiples expériences effectuées sur des données réelles et synthétiques.Le premier algorithme se base sur des requêtes posées à des utilisateurs, tout en prenant en compte leurs divergences d’opinions. Le deuxième algorithme, composé d’une version hors ligne et en ligne, effectue une analyse statistique des préférences reçues et potentiellement bruitées. La borne de McDiarmid est en outre utilisée afin de garantir un apprentissage en ligne efficace. / The rapid growth of personal web data has motivated the emergence of learning algorithms well suited to capture users’ preferences. Among preference representation formalisms, conditional preference networks (CP-nets) have proven to be effective due to their compact and explainable structure. However, their learning is difficult due to their combinatorial nature.In this thesis, we tackle the problem of learning CP-nets from corrupted large datasets. Three new algorithms are introduced and studied on both synthetic and real datasets.The first algorithm is based on query learning and considers the contradictions between multiple users’ preferences by searching in a principled way the variables that affect the preferences. The second algorithm relies on information-theoretic measures defined over the induced preference rules, which allow us to deal with corrupted data. An online version of this algorithm is also provided, by exploiting the McDiarmid's bound to define an asymptotically optimal decision criterion for selecting the best conditioned variable and hence allowing to deal with possibly infinite data streams.

Pokročilé momentové metody pro analýzu obrazu / Advanced Moment-Based Methods for Image Analysis

Höschl, Cyril January 2018 (has links)
The Thesis consists of an introduction and four papers that contribute to the research of image moments and moment invariants. The first two papers focus on rectangular decomposition algorithms that rapidly speed up the moment calculations. The other two papers present a design of new moment invariants. We present a comparative study of cutting edge methods for the decomposition of 2D binary images, including original implementations of all the methods. For 3D binary images, finding the optimal decomposition is an NP-complete problem, hence a polynomial-time heuristic needs to be developed. We propose a sub-optimal algorithm that outperforms other state of the art approximations. Additionally, we propose a new form of blur invariants that are derived by means of projection operators in a Fourier domain, which improves mainly the discrimination power of the features. Furthermore, we propose new moment-based features that are tolerant to additive Gaussian image noise and we show by extensive image retrieval experiments that the proposed features are robust and outperform other commonly used methods.

Probabilistic Diagnostic Model for Handling Classifier Degradation in Machine Learning

Gustavo A. Valencia-Zapata (8082655) 04 December 2019 (has links)
Several studies point out different causes of performance degradation in supervised machine learning. Problems such as class imbalance, overlapping, small-disjuncts, noisy labels, and sparseness limit accuracy in classification algorithms. Even though a number of approaches either in the form of a methodology or an algorithm try to minimize performance degradation, they have been isolated efforts with limited scope. This research consists of three main parts: In the first part, a novel probabilistic diagnostic model based on identifying signs and symptoms of each problem is presented. Secondly, the behavior and performance of several supervised algorithms are studied when training sets have such problems. Therefore, prediction of success for treatments can be estimated across classifiers. Finally, a probabilistic sampling technique based on training set diagnosis for avoiding classifier degradation is proposed<br>

The effect of model calibration on noisy label detection / Effekten av modellkalibrering vid detektering av felmärkta bildetiketter

Joel Söderberg, Max January 2023 (has links)
The advances in deep neural networks in recent years have opened up the possibility of using image classification as a valuable tool in various areas, such as medical diagnosis from x-ray images. However, training deep neural networks requires large amounts of annotated data which has to be labelled manually, by a person. This process always involves a risk of data getting the wrong label, either by mistake or ill will, and training a machine learning model on mislabelled images has a negative impact on accuracy. Studies have shown that deep neural networks are so powerful at memorization that if they train on mislabelled data, they will eventually overfit this data, meaning learning a data representation that does not fully mirror real data. It is therefore vital to filter out these images. Area under the margin is a method that filters out mislabelled images by observing the changes in a network’s predictions during training. This method does however not take into consideration the overconfidence in deep neural networks and the uncertainty of a model can give indications of mislabelled images during training. Calibrating the confidence can be done through label smoothing and this thesis aims to investigate if the performance of Area under the margin can be improved when combined with different smoothing techniques. The goal is to develop a better insight into how different types of label noise affects models in terms of confidence, accuracy and the impact it has depending on the dataset itself. Three different label smoothing techniques will be applied to evaluate how well they can mitigate overconfidence, prevent the model from memorizing the mislabelled samples and if this can improve the filtering process for the Area under the margin method. Results show when training on data with noise present, adding label smoothing improves accuracy, an indication of noise robustness. Label noise is seen to decrease confidence in the model and at the same time reduce the calibration. Adding label smoothing prevents this and allows the model to be more robust as the noise rate increases. In the filtering process, label smoothing was seen to prevent correctly labelled samples to be filtered and received a better accuracy at identifying the noise. This did not improve the classification results on the filtered data, indicating that it is more important to filter out as many mislabelled samples as possible even if this means filtering out correctly labelled images as well. The label smoothing methods used in this work was set up to preserve calibration, a future topic of research could be to adjust the hyperparameters to increase confidence instead, focusing on removing as much noise as possible. / De senaste årens framsteg inom djupa neurala nätverk har öppnat för möjligheten att använda bildklassificering som ett värdefullt verktyg inom olika områden, såsom medicinsk diagnos från röntgenbilder. Men att träna djupa neurala nätverk kräver stora mängder annoterad data som måste märkas antingen av människor eller datorer. Denna process involverar alltid med en risk för att data får fel etikett, antingen av misstag eller av uppsåt och att träna en maskininlärningsmodell på felmärkta bilder har negativ inverkan på resultatet. Studier har visat att djupa neurala nätverk är så kraftfulla att memorera att om de tränar på felmärkta data, kommer de så småningom att överanpassa dessa data, vilket betyder att de kommer att lära sig en representation som inte helt speglar verklig data. Det är därför viktigt att filtrera bort dessa bilder. Area under marginalen är en metod som filtrerar bort felmärkta bilder genom att observera förändringarna i ett nätverks beteende under träning. Denna metod tar dock inte hänsyn till översäkerhet i djupa neurala nätverk och osäkerheten i en modell kan ge indikationer på felmärkta bilder under träning. Kalibrering av förtroendet kan göras genom etikettutjämning och denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om prestandan för Area under marginalen kan förbättras i kombination med olika tekniker för etikettutjämning. Målet är att utveckla en bättre insikt i hur olika typer av brusiga etiketter påverkar modeller när det gäller tillförlitlighet, noggrannhet och den påverkan det har beroende på själva datasetet. Tre olika tekniker för etikettutjämning kommer att tillämpas för att utvärdera hur väl de kan mildra översäkerheten, förhindra modellen från att memorera de felmärkta bilderna och om detta kan förbättra filtreringsprocessen för Area under marginalen-metoden. Resultaten visar att när man tränar på data innehållande felmärkt data, förbättrar etikettutjämning noggrannheten vilket indikerar på robusthet mot felmärkning. Felmärkning tycks minska säkerheten hos modellen och samtidigt minska kalibreringen. Att lägga till etikettutjämning förhindrar detta och gör att modellen blir mer robust när mängden brusiga etiketter ökar. I filtreringsprocessen sågs att etikettutjämning förhindrar att korrekt märkt data filtreras bort och fick en bättre noggrannhet vid identifiering av bruset. Detta förbättrade dock inte klassificeringsresultaten på den filtrerade datan, vilket indikerar att det är viktigare att filtrera bort så mycket felmärkta prover som möjligt även om detta innebär att filtrera bort korrekt märkta bilder. Metoderna för etikettutjämning som används i detta arbete sattes upp för att bevara kalibreringen, ett framtida forskningsämne kan vara att justera hyperparametrarna för att istället öka förtroendet, med fokus på att ta bort så mycket felmärkta etiketter som möjligt.


THAYNA DA SILVA FRANCA 15 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os sistemas dinâmicos desempenham um papel crucial no que diz respeito à compreensão de fenômenos inerentes a diversos campos da ciência. Desde a última década, todo aporte tecnológico alcançado ao longo de anos de investigação deram origem a uma estratégia orientada a dados, permitindo a inferência de modelos capazes de representar sistemas dinâmicos. Além disso, independentemente dos tipos de sensores adotados a fim de realizar o procedimento de aquisição de dados, é natural verificar a existência de uma certa corrupção ruidosa nos referidos dados. Genericamente, a tarefa de identificação é diretamente afetada pelo cenário ruidoso previamente descrito, implicando na falsa descoberta de um modelo generalizável. Em outras palavras, a corrupção ao ruído pode ser responsável pela geração de uma representação matemática infiel de um determinado sistema. Nesta tese, no que diz respeito à tarefa de identificação, é demonstrado como a robustez ao ruído pode ser melhorada a partir da hibridização de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, como aumento de dados, regressão esparsa, seleção de características, extração de características, critério de informação, pesquisa em grade e validação cruzada. Especificamente, sob as perspectivas de classificação e regressão, o sucesso da estratégia proposta é apresentado a partir de exemplos numéricos, como o crescimento logístico, oscilador Duffing, modelo FitzHugh-Nagumo, atrator de Lorenz e uma modelagem Suscetível-Infeccioso-Recuperado (SIR) do Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). / [en] The dynamical systems play a fundamental role related to the understanding of the phenomena inherent to several fields of science. Since the last decade, all technological advances achieved throughout years of research have given rise to a data oriented strategy, enabling the inference of dynamical systems. Moreover, regardless the sensor types adopted to perform the data acquisition procedure, it is natural to verify the existence of a certain noise corruption in such data. Generically, the identification task is directly affected by the noisy scenario previously described, which entails in the false discovery of a generalizable model. In other words, the noise corruption might be responsible to give rise to a worthless mathematical representation of a given system. In this thesis, with respect to the identification assignment, it is demonstrated how the robustness to noise may be improved from the hybridization of machine learning techniques, such as data augmentation, sparse regression, feature selection, feature extraction, information criteria, grid search and cross validation. Specifically, through classification and regression perspectives, the success of the proposed strategy is presented from numerical examples, such as the logistic growth, Duffing oscillator, FitzHugh–Nagumo model, Lorenz attractor and a Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) modeling of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).

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