Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncoding RNA"" "subject:"noncodings RNA""
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Characterisation of a novel non-coding RNA and its involvement in polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA)-mediated biofilm formation of \(Staphylococcus\) \(epidermidis\) / Charakterisierung einer neuen nicht-kodierenden RNA und deren Beteiligung an der PIA-vermittelten Biofilmbildung von \(Staphylococcus\) \(epidermidis\)Lerch, Maike Franziska January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Coagulase-negative staphylococci, particularly Staphylococcus epidermidis, have been recognised as an important cause of health care-associated infections due to catheterisation, and livestock-associated infections. The colonisation of indwelling medical devices is achieved by the formation of biofilms, which are large cell-clusters surrounded by an extracellular matrix. This extracellular matrix consists mainly of PIA (polysaccharide intercellular adhesin), which is encoded by the icaADBC-operon. The importance of icaADBC in clinical strains provoking severe infections initiated numerous investigations of this operon and its regulation within the last two decades. The discovery of a long transcript being located next to icaADBC, downstream of the regulator gene icaR, led to the hypothesis of a possible involvement of this transcript in the regulation of biofilm formation (Eckart, 2006). Goal of this work was to characterise this transcript, named ncRNA IcaZ, in molecular detail and to uncover its functional role in S. epidermidis.
The ~400 nt long IcaZ is specific for ica-positive S. epidermidis and is transcribed in early- and mid-exponential growth phase as primary transcript. The promotor sequence and the first nucleotides of icaZ overlap with the 3' UTR of the preceding icaR gene, whereas the terminator sequence is shared by tRNAThr-4, being located convergently to icaZ. Deletion of icaZ resulted in a macroscopic biofilm-negative phenotype with highly diminished PIA-biofilm. Biofilm composition was analysed in vitro by classical crystal violet assays and in vivo by confocal laser scanning microscopy under flow conditions to display biofilm formation in real-time. The mutant showed clear defects in initial adherence and decreased cell-cell adherence, and was therefore not able to form a proper biofilm under flow in contrast to the wildtype. Restoration of PIA upon providing icaZ complementation from plasmids revealed inconsistent results in the various mutant backgrounds.
To uncover the functional role of IcaZ, transcriptomic and proteomic analysis was carried out, providing some hints on candidate targets, but the varying biofilm phenotypes of wildtype and icaZ mutants made it difficult to identify direct IcaZ mRNA targets. Pulse expression of icaZ was then used as direct fishing method and computational target predictions were executed with candidate mRNAs from aforesaid approaches. The combined data of these analyses suggested an involvement of icaR in IcaZ-mediated biofilm control. Therefore, RNA binding assays were established for IcaZ and icaR mRNA. A positive gel shift was maintained with icaR 3' UTR and with 5'/3' icaR mRNA fusion product, whereas no gel shift was obtained with icaA mRNA. From these assays, it was assumed that IcaZ regulates icaR mRNA expression in S. epidermidis. S. aureus instead lacks ncRNA IcaZ and its icaR mRNA was shown to undergo autoregulation under so far unknown circumstances by intra- or intermolecular binding of 5' UTR and 3' UTR (Ruiz de los Mozos et al., 2013). Here, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is blocked through 5'/3' UTR base pairing and RNase III, an endoribonuclease, degrades icaR mRNA, leading to translational blockade. In this work, icaR mRNA autoregulation was therefore analysed experimentally in S. epidermidis and results showed that this specific autoregulation does not take place in this organism. An involvement of RNase III in the degradation process could not be verified here. GFP-reporter plasmids were generated to visualise the interaction, but have to be improved for further investigations.
In conclusion, IcaZ was found to interact with icaR mRNA, thereby conceivably interfering with translation initiation of repressor IcaR, and thus to promote PIA synthesis and biofilm formation. In addition, the environmental factor ethanol was found to induce icaZ expression, while only weak or no effects were obtained with NaCl and glucose. Ethanol, actually is an ingredient of disinfectants in hospital settings and known as efficient effector for biofilm induction. As biofilm formation on medical devices is a critical factor hampering treatment of S. epidermidis infections in clinical care, the results of this thesis do not only contribute to better understanding of the complex network of biofilm regulation in staphylococci, but may also have practical relevance in the future. / Koagulase-negative Staphylokokken besiedeln die menschliche und tierische Haut, sowie die Schleimhäute. Durch Läsionen oder das Einbringen von medizinischen Instrumenten wie Kathetern gelangen sie in tiefere Hautschichten oder die Blutbahn und können dort schwerwiegende Infektionen auslösen, vor Allem bei Risikopersonen. Besonders Staphylococcus epidermidis hat sich als Verursacher von nosokomialen Infektionen, aber auch als Pathogen in der Tierhaltung etabliert. Die Bakterien bilden bei der Besiedlung sogenannte Biofilme aus (d.h. eine Akkumulation der Keime, die von einer extrazellulären Matrix umgeben sind). Diese Matrix besteht neben Proteinen und eDNA hauptsächlich aus einem Polysaccharid, dem interzellulären Adhäsin PIA (engl.: polysaccharide intercellular adhesin). Dieses wird durch die Ica-Proteine synthetisiert, die im icaADBC-Operon (engl.: intercellular adhesin operon) kodiert sind. Das Operon hat große Bedeutung in klinischen Stämmen und wurde daher innerhalb der letzten beiden Jahrzehnte eingehend untersucht, auch im Hinblick auf seine Regulation. In der unmittelbaren Umgebung des icaADBC-Operons, stromabwärts des icaR Gens, das für den Repressor des ica-Operons (IcaR) kodiert, wurde ein großes Transkript identifiziert, von dem vermutet wird, dass es möglicherweise an der Regulation der Biofilmbildung beteiligt ist (Eckart, 2006). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, dieses Transkript zu charakterisieren und seine Funktion in S. epidermidis aufzudecken.
Die nicht-kodierende RNA, genannt IcaZ, hat eine Länge von ~400 nt und ist spezifisch für ica-positive S. epidermidis. Sie wird in der frühen bis mittleren exponentiellen Phase temperaturabhängig exprimiert. Stromaufwärts überlappt das icaZ-Gen und dessen Promotor mit der 3' UTR vom icaR-Gen. Stromabwärts wird das icaZ-Gen vom einem Transkriptionsterminator begrenzt, der auch für das tRNAThr-4-Gen benutzt wird, das auf dem gegenüberliegenden Strang in Richtung des icaZ-Gens lokalisiert ist. Die Deletion der RNA führte zu einem makroskopisch sichtbaren Biofilm-negativen Phänotyp mit deutlich verminderter PIA Bildung. Die Biofilmzusammensetzung wurde in vitro mittels eines klassischen Kristallviolett-Assays gemessen und die Biofilmbildung in vivo in Echtzeit mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie (CLSM) betrachtet. Dabei wurde mit einer peristaltischen Pumpe ein Mediumfluss appliziert. Die Mutante zeigte klare Defekte in der initialen Adhärenz und in der Zell-Zell Adhäsion. Sie bildete im Gegensatz zum Wildtyp keinen strukturierten Biofilm aus. Zur Komplementierung des Biofilms wurde die IcaZ von einem Plasmid exprimiert und die Biofilmzusammensetzung nach 18-20 Stunden Wachstum gemessen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen in den verschiedenen Mutanten waren nicht eindeutig.
Um die Funktion von IcaZ aufzudecken, wurden Transkriptom- und Proteomvergleiche zwischen Wildtyp und Mutante gemacht. Diese lieferten einige Hinweise, aber da der metabolische Unterschied eines Biofilmbildners zu einem Nicht-Biofilmbildner zu groß war, wurde eine direktere Methode angewandt, die induzierte Expression (Pulsexpression). Zudem wurden potentielle Interaktionspartner der IcaZ mittels computer-basierter Bindungsvorhersagen analysiert. Die icaR mRNA kristallisierte sich dabei als Target heraus und die Interaktion zwischen IcaZ und icaR mRNA wurde mit Gelshift-Assays (EMSA) untersucht. Eine Bandenverschiebung wurde mit icaR 3' UTR und mit dem icaR-5'-3' UTR-Fusionsprodukt detektiert, wohingegen keine Interaktion zwischen IcaZ und icaA mRNA stattfand. Aufgrund dieser Assays wurde vermutet, dass IcaZ die Translation von icaR in S. epidermidis reguliert. In S. aureus fehlt die nicht-kodierende RNA IcaZ und für icaR mRNA wurde eine Autoregulation gezeigt, bei der die icaR 5' UTR mit der icaR 3' UTR intramolekular oder intermolekular durch Basenpaarung interagiert, wodurch die Shine-Dalgarno Sequenz blockiert wird und es aufgrund dessen zu einer Hemmung der Translation kommt. Die Umweltfaktoren, die dazu führen sind bisher unbekannt. Der Komplex wird durch eine Endoribonuklease, RNase III, abgebaut (Ruiz de los Mozos et al., 2013). In S. epidermidis wurde eine solche Interaktion theoretisch ausgeschlossen. Experimentelle Analysen dieser Arbeit haben gezeigt, dass diese Autoregulation in S. epidermidis nicht stattfinden kann und es wird angenommen, dass IcaZ diese Regulation übernimmt. Um die Interaktion zu visualisieren wurden GFP-Reporter Plasmide generiert, die aber für weitere Experimente noch zu verbessern sind.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass IcaZ mit der icaR mRNA interagiert, was höchstwahrscheinlich zu einer Hemmung der Translation des Repressors IcaR führt und damit letztlich PIA-Synthese und Biofilmbildung positiv reguliert. Zusätzlich wurde gefunden, dass Ethanol die Expression der IcaZ-RNA induziert, während NaCl nur schwache Effekte zeigte und Glucose keinen Einfluss auf die Expression von icaZ hatte. Ethanol ist ein Bestandteil von Desinfektionsmitteln, die in Krankenhäusern verwendet werden und ist bekannt dafür Biofilmbildung auszulösen. Da die Bildung von Biofilmen auf medizinischen Geräten kritisch ist und diese die Behandlung von S. epidermidis Infektionen erschweren, tragen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nicht nur zu einem besseren Verständnis des komplexen Netzwerks der Biofilmregulation bei, sondern haben möglicherweise auch praktischen Nutzen in der Zukunft.
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Non-protein-coding-RNA processing in the deep-branching protozoan parasite Giardia intestinalis : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Molecular Genetics at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandChen, Xiaowei January 2008 (has links)
[Abstract not supplied]
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Cytological maps of lampbrush chromosomes of European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) from the Eastern UkraineDedukh, Dmitry, Mazepa, Glib, Shabanov, Dmitry, Rosanov, Juriy, Litvinchuk, Spartak, Borkin, Leo, Saifitdinova, Alsu, Krasikova, Alla January 2013 (has links)
Background: Hybridogenesis (hemiclonal inheritance) is a kind of clonal reproduction in which hybrids between parental species are reproduced by crossing with one of the parental species. European water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus complex) represent an appropriate model for studying interspecies hybridization, processes of hemiclonal inheritance and polyploidization. P. esculentus complex consists of two parental species, P. ridibundus (the lake frog) and P. lessonae (the pool frog), and their hybridogenetic hybrid - P. esculentus (the edible frog). Parental and hybrid frogs can reproduce syntopically and form hemiclonal population systems. For studying mechanisms underlying the maintenance of water frog population systems it is required to characterize the karyotypes transmitted in gametes of parental and different hybrid animals of both sexes. Results: In order to obtain an instrument for characterization of oocyte karyotypes in hybrid female frogs, we constructed cytological maps of lampbrush chromosomes from oocytes of both parental species originating in Eastern Ukraine. We further identified certain molecular components of chromosomal marker structures and mapped coilin-rich spheres and granules, chromosome associated nucleoli and special loops accumulating splicing factors. We recorded the dissimilarities between P. ridibundus and P. lessonae lampbrush chromosomes in the length of orthologous chromosomes, number and location of marker structures and interstitial (TTAGGG)(n)-repeat sites as well as activity of nucleolus organizer. Satellite repeat RrS1 was mapped in centromere regions of lampbrush chromosomes of the both species. Additionally, we discovered transcripts of RrS1 repeat in oocytes of P. ridibundus and P. lessonae. Moreover, G-rich transcripts of telomere repeat were revealed in association with terminal regions of P. ridibundus and P. lessonae lampbrush chromosomes. Conclusions: The constructed cytological maps of lampbrush chromosomes of P. ridibundus and P. lessonae provide basis to define the type of genome transmitted within individual oocytes of P. esculentus females with different ploidy and from various population systems.
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Identification, Validation and Characterization of the Mutation on Chromosome 18p which is Responsible for Causing Myoclonus-DystoniaVanstone, Megan 02 November 2012 (has links)
Myoclonus-Dystonia (MD) is an inherited, rare, autosomal dominant movement disorder characterized by quick, involuntary muscle jerking or twitching (myoclonus) and involuntary muscle contractions that cause twisting and pulling movements, resulting in abnormal postures (dystonia). The first MD locus was mapped to 7q21-q31 and called DYT11; this locus corresponds to the SGCE gene. Our group previously identified a second MD locus (DYT15) which maps to a 3.18 Mb region on 18p11. Two patients were chosen to undergo next-generation sequencing, which identified 2,292 shared novel variants within the critical region. Analysis of these variants revealed a 3 bp duplication in a transcript referred to as CD108131, which is believed to be a long non-coding RNA. Characterization of this transcript determined that it is 863 bp in size, it is ubiquitously expressed, with high expression in the cerebellum, and it accounts for ~3% of MD cases.
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Post-transcriptional regulation of rpoS and HemA in salmonellaJones, Amy Madeline. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--West Virginia University, 2009. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vii, 104 p. : ill. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.
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Non-coding RNA identification along genomeWong, king-fung., 黃景峰. January 2011 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Computer Science / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Genome-wide approaches to explore transcriptional regulation in eukaryotesPark, Daechan 21 August 2015 (has links)
Transcriptional regulation is a complicated process controlled by numerous factors such as transcription factors (TFs), chromatin remodeling enzymes, nucleosomes, post-transcriptional machineries, and cis-acting DNA sequence. I explored the complex transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes through three distinct studies to comprehensively understand the functional genomics at various steps.
Although a variety of high throughput approaches have been developed to understand this complex system on a genome wide scale with high resolution, a lack of accurate and comprehensive annotation transcription start sites (TSS) and polyadenylation sites (PAS) has hindered precise analyses even in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of the simplest eukaryotes. We developed Simultaneous Mapping Of RNA Ends by sequencing (SMORE-seq) and identified the strongest TSS and PAS of over 90% of yeast genes with single nucleotide resolution. Owing to the high accuracy of TSS identified by SMORE-seq, we detected possibly mis-annotated 150 genes that have a TSS downstream of the annotated start codon. Furthermore, SMORE-seq showed that 5’-capped non-coding RNAs were highly transcribed divergently from TATA-less promoters in wild-type cells under normal conditions.
Mapping of DNA-protein interactions is essential to understanding the role of TFs in transcriptional regulation. ChIP-seq is the most widely used method for this purpose. However, careful attention has not been given to technical bias reflected in final target calling due to many experimental steps of ChIP-seq including fixation and shearing of chromatin, immunoprecipitation, sequencing library construction, and computational analysis. While analyzing large-scale ChIP-seq data, we observed that unrelated proteins appeared to bind to the gene bodies of highly transcribed genes across datasets. Control experiments including input, IgG ChIP in untagged cells, and the Golgi factor Mnn10 ChIP also showed the strong binding at the same loci, indicating that the signals were obviously derived from bias that is devoid of biological meaning. In addition, the appearance of nucleosomal periodicity in ChIP-seq data for proteins localizing to gene bodies is another bias that can be mistaken for false interactions with nucleosomes. We alleviated these biases by correcting data with proper negative controls, but the biases could not be completely removed. Therefore, caution is warranted in interpreting the results from ChIP-seq.
Nucleosome positioning is another critical mechanism of transcriptional regulation. Global mapping of nucleosome occupancy in S. cerevisiae strains deleted for chromatin remodeling complexes has elucidated the role of these complexes on a genome wide scale. In this study, loss of chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1 (Chd1) resulted in severe disorganization of nucleosome positioning. Despite the difficulties of performing ChIP-seq for chromatin remodeling complexes due to their transient and dynamic localization on chromatin, we successfully mapped the genome-wide occupancy of Chd1 and quantitatively showed that Chd1 co-localizes with early transcription elongation factors, but not late transcription elongation factors. Interestingly, Chd1 occupancy was independent of the methylation levels at H3K36, indicating the necessity of a new working model describing Chd1 localization.
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Role of DksA and Hfq in Shigella flexneri virulenceSharma, Ashima Krishankumar 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Role of DksA and Hfq in Shigella flexneri virulenceSharma, Ashima Krishankumar, 1979- 18 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Investigation of Myc-regulated Long Non-coding RNAs in Cell Cycle and Myc-dependent TransformationMacDougall, Matthew Steven 15 November 2013 (has links)
Myc deregulation critically contributes to many cancer etiologies. Recent work suggests that Myc and its direct interactors can confer a distinct epigenetic state. Our goal is to better understand the Myc-conferred epigenetic status of cells. We have previously identified the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), H19, as a target of Myc regulation and shown it to be important for transformation in lung and breast cells. These results prompted further analysis to identify similarly important Myc-regulated lncRNAs. Myc-regulated lncRNAs associated with the cell cycle and transformation have been identified by microarray analysis. A small number of candidate lncRNAs that were differentially expressed in both the cell cycle and transformation have been validated. Given the increasing importance of lncRNAs and epigenetics to cancer biology, the discovery of Myc-induced, growth associated lncRNAs could provide insight into the mechanisms behind Myc-related epigenetic signatures in both normal and disease states.
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