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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financial Value Added FVA: uma nova ferramenta para a medição do desempenho financeiro das empresas / Financial Value Added - FVA: a new tool for measuring the financial performance of companies

Alexandre José Teixeira 01 February 2010 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa é apresentar uma ferramenta alternativa ao valor econômico adicionado na mensuração da performance empresarial correlacionada com o valor de mercado. Na revisão da literatura apresenta-se o conceito de estrutura e custo de capital, utilizando a metodologia do CAPM e do APT. São igualmente apresentadas as principais medidas financeiras de desempenho tais como: retorno operacional sobre o investimento, retorno sobre o patrimônio liquido, retorno sobre os ativos, além de outras formas para cálculo do retorno. Na sequência introduzimos o conceito de lucro residual e o valor econômico adicionado, discutindo suas vantagens, desvantagens, dificuldades e limitações dessa ferramenta. Através do EVA podemos calcular o valor de mercado adicionado, fundamental para o cálculo do valor patrimonial ajustado. Também é apresentado nessa obra a interpretação do EVA pela ótica do modelo Fleuriet de planejamento financeiro. Após essa explanação teórica é apresentado o Financial Value Added proposto por esse trabalho, como alternativa ao Valor Econômico Adicionado na mensuração do desempenho empresarial. Essa ferramenta exclui da base de cálculo as receitas e despesas econômicas, uma vez que as mesmas em alguns casos distorcem o resultado como é constatado no teste com as empresas: Sadia S.A. e Perdigão S.A. onde os resultados foram 54% na Sadia e 13% na Perdigão superiores ao EVA. Em nenhum momento argumenta-se a substituição do EVA, apenas a introdução do FVA como alternativa nos casos em que o EVA não funcione adequadamente.

Režim přenesení daňové povinnosti a jeho budoucnost / The reverse charge procedure and its future

Šťastná, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is particularly the issue of domestic reverse charge procedure as a tool in the fight against tax evasion on value added tax (VAT) and its planned expansion. The reverse charge is not the only tool in the fight against evasion of VAT in the Czech Republic. The thesis therefore analyzed and used other tools. These instruments are inspection report, institute an unreliable payer, liability for unpaid VAT and EET. In conclusion, there is the comparison of individual instruments.

Daň z přidané hodnoty ve zdravotnictví / Value added tax in health care

Melicharová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to practically analyse the application of a value added tax in healthcare services. The thesis focuses on a correct identification of the output tax in healthcare services. Since an accountant or a tax adviser can carry out this identification only in a cooperation with a doctor, the text is accompanied by summary tables for healthcare workers. The first chapter focuses on basic aspects of economy in a healthcare sector. The second chapter analyses related Czech and European legislations. The third chapter explains the correct identification of VAT in selected healthcare services. The last chapter analyses VAT in questionable healthcare services - medical reports based on german tax office interpretations.

Nástroje proti daňovým únikům na DPH a jejich efektivnost / Tools against tax evasion of value added tax and their effectiveness

Jelínková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with tools against tax evasion of value added tax. The main aim of this work is to analyse tools that either have been implemented in the Czech Republic and the European Union already, or, it is being planned to be introduced in the near future, and then, to evaluate their impact and effectiveness. Theoretical points and analysis of the tools take the first part of this thesis. It is a description of the principle of the functioning of value added tax, definition of tax evasion, legislative regulation of value added tax, and current forms of tax evasion. In the second part, every tool is being analysed, described the basic principles of the functioning, legislative regulation, and analysis of its advantages and disadvantages. It deals with VAT control report, electronic records of sales, reverse charge, concept of liability, comprehensive reporting and VIES.

Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti Sanmina-SCI Czech Republic s.r.o. / Performance Appraisal of Sanmina-SCI Czech Republic s.r.o.

Bradnová, Zita January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with complex evaluation efficiency of the company Sanmina-SCI Czech Republic s.r.o. It analyses the company’s development from its foundation during the year 2012 and conducts strategic analysis of the company, including financial analysis and proposes measures to maintain, or increase the company’s performance. Individual proposals are based on economic evaluation.

Entwicklung einer Methode zur monetären Bewertung des Wassers für ein Unternehmen unter Einbeziehung des Wasser-Fußabdrucks

Hentschel, Nora 25 June 2010 (has links)
Wassernutzung und Abbau der Frischwasser-Ressourcen sind heutzutage ein Thema, das als so wichtig wahrgenommen wird wie der Klimawandel. Wasser wird somit zunehmend Auswirkungen auf den ökonomischen Wert von Unternehmen haben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den monetären Wert des Wassers mithilfe des Wasser-Fußabdrucks zu bestimmen. Hierfür werden nach einer kurzen Einführung in Kapitel 2 der ökologische Fußabdruck, der CO2-Fußabdruck und der Wasser-Fußabdruck kurz vorgestellt und in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Anschließend wird der Wasser-Fußabdruck diskutiert und sowohl in die Ökobilanzierung als auch in das Instrumentarium der Umweltleistungsmessung eingeordnet. Danach werden die Zielgrößen des Unternehmenswertes beschrieben und der Zusammenhang von ökologischer und ökonomischer Leistungsmessung dargestellt. Auf dem Stufenmodell zum Wertbeitrag aufbauend werden verschiedene Ansätze zur Integration ökologischer Aspekte in den Unternehmenswert diskutiert. In Kapitel 3 wird dann die Methode entwickelt, um den Wasser-Fußabdruck zu bestimmen und auszuwerten und anschließend mithilfe der Werttreiberanalyse, des Water Value Added und der Kumulierten Wasserintensitäten den ökonomischen Beitrag des Wassers zu berechnen. In der Fallstudie wird die Methode angewendet und anschließend in Kapitel 5 anhand der zuvor vorgestellten Kriterien bewertet. Abschließend werden einige Handlungsempfehlungen zur Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung der Methode gegeben. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit kann die Frage beantwortet werden, wie ein Unternehmen den Einfluss des Wassers auf den eigenen Unternehmenswert und den ökonomischen Wert des Wassers bestimmen kann.

Entwicklung einer Methode zur monetären Bewertung des Wassers für ein Unternehmen unter Einbeziehung des Wasser-Fußabdrucks

Hentschel, Nora 12 October 2011 (has links)
Wassernutzung und Abbau der Frischwasser-Ressourcen sind heutzutage ein Thema, das als so wichtig wahrgenommen wird wie der Klimawandel. Wasser wird somit zunehmend Auswirkungen auf den ökonomischen Wert von Unternehmen haben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den monetären Wert des Wassers mithilfe des Wasser-Fußabdrucks zu bestimmen. Hierfür werden nach einer kurzen Einführung in Kapitel 2 der ökologische Fußabdruck, der CO2-Fußabdruck und der Wasser-Fußabdruck kurz vorgestellt und in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Anschließend wird der Wasser-Fußabdruck diskutiert und sowohl in die Ökobilanzierung als auch in das Instrumentarium der Umweltleistungsmessung eingeordnet. Danach werden die Zielgrößen des Unternehmenswertes beschrieben und der Zusammenhang von ökologischer und ökonomischer Leistungsmessung dargestellt. Auf dem Stufenmodell zum Wertbeitrag aufbauend werden verschiedene Ansätze zur Integration ökologischer Aspekte in den Unternehmenswert diskutiert. In Kapitel 3 wird dann die Methode entwickelt, um den Wasser-Fußabdruck zu bestimmen und auszuwerten und anschließend mithilfe der Werttreiberanalyse, des Water Value Added und der Kumulierten Wasserintensitäten den ökonomischen Beitrag des Wassers zu berechnen. In der Fallstudie wird die Methode angewendet und anschließend in Kapitel 5 anhand der zuvor vorgestellten Kriterien bewertet. Abschließend werden einige Handlungsempfehlungen zur Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung der Methode gegeben. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit kann die Frage beantwortet werden, wie ein Unternehmen den Einfluss des Wassers auf den eigenen Unternehmenswert und den ökonomischen Wert des Wassers bestimmen kann.

Interpreting the term enterprise for South African value-added tax purposes / Hendrika Magdalena Botha

Botha, Hendrika Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Value-added tax (VAT) was introduced in South Africa in 1991 by the Value-Added Tax Act (89 of 1991) (the VAT Act). The South African VAT system is a destination-based, consumption-type VAT and is levied on goods or services consumed in South Africa. The definition of enterprise is an important definition in the VAT Act and it sets out the persons, activities and supplies that are to be included in the VAT base. It is compulsory for a person that conducts an enterprise in South Africa to register for VAT if the threshold set for taxable supplies is exceeded. There are interpretational problems and uncertainties in respect of the definition of “enterprise” and when an enterprise is conducted in South Africa or partly in South Africa. The purpose of this research study was to interpret the term enterprise for South African VAT purposes, to identify interpretational challenges and uncertainties and to suggest what must be addressed through guidance and interpretation by the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to provide more clarity. The research methodology followed to achieve the set objectives was normative research which is a form of legal research, specifically doctrinal. The requirements in terms of the VAT Act for levying of VAT, registration for VAT and the conducting of an enterprise in South Africa were explored and interpretational challenges and uncertainties were identified. The requirements for levying of and registration for VAT/ GST, in New Zealand, in terms of information supplied by the EU and guidance supplied in respect thereof by the OECD were analysed and discussed. The information obtained was used to establish how the interpretational problems and uncertainties that were identified are dealt with in New Zealand and in terms of the information and guidance from the EU and the OECD. The interpretational challenges and uncertainties identified include the reference in the definition of enterprise in Section 1(1) of the VAT Act to activities that must be conducted continuously or regularly in South Africa or partly in South Africa. Uncertainty as to the interpretation of the term “utilised or consumed in the Republic” also exists. Guidance in respect of these interpretational problems and uncertainties is necessary to enable suppliers and consumers to determine with certainty if a person is obliged to register for and levy VAT on supplies made in South Africa. / MCom (South African and International Tax) ,North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

An analysis of the factors that influence the South African VAT treatment of corporate social responsibility expenditure / Danielle Mari Pretorius

Pretorius, Danielle Mari January 2014 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) as a business approach and corporate strategy has recently been added to the agenda of big and small businesses. The Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited (“JSE”) requires of listed companies to disclose in their annual financial statements whether they have complied with King III (2009) or to explain as to why they have not. King III (2009) lays down the principle that a company is not only a profit making institution, but should also be a responsible citizen of the country. Companies are therefore moving toward becoming corporate citizens. Corporate citizenship is about integrating corporate responsibility into core business strategies, while at the same time adding value to shareholders and stakeholders. These corporate citizens are expending more and more money on their CSR objectives in the form of CSR expenditure. The purpose of this research study is to provide an analysis of the factors that influence the South African value-added tax (“VAT”) treatment of CSR expenditure. In general, the principles in the Warner Lambert (2003) case can be applied to such expenditure under the Value-Added Tax Act (89 of 1991) (“VAT Act”), in the sense that the expense being incurred for income tax purposes in the production of income will normally also be incurred “in the course or furtherance of an enterprise” for VAT purposes. The methodology used to meet the set objectives was that of legal interpretative research, specifically doctrinal. It was used to identify how the income tax and VAT legislation is applied on overhead expenditure, specifically CSR expenditure. The principles in the South African VAT legislation, specifically relating to the input tax deduction, were compared to the international VAT system to determine whether principles are similar and foreign judgements therefore reliable. A critical analysis was thereafter performed on South African and international case law, specifically European Court Judgements (“ECJ”) judgements, relating to the deductibility of input tax. The findings are that CSR expenditure may be seen as an overhead cost to a business and furthermore as a tool with which financial benefits can be created for a company if utilised correctly. It was determined that the factors that influence the South African VAT treatment of CSR expenditure were whether a supply made for no consideration, specifically CSR expenditure, was made in the course or furtherance of an enterprise and whether the CSR expenditure incurred could be proven to have a direct or immediate link to the making of taxable supplies in the course or furtherance of the vendor’s enterprise. / MCom (South African and International Taxation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Analysing value-based management as decision-making tool in a petrochemical company / Zonwabele Zweli Tom

Tom, Zonwabele Zweli January 2014 (has links)
The study aims to evaluate the understanding of value – based management (VBM) as a decision making tool, how it is embraced in all management levels and its impact on the performance of a petrochemical company. The application of VBM links business strategy, finance, performance management and management processes all together to create value. VBM is a powerful management framework with the aim to focus all managerial processes on shareholder value creation. It encourages employees at all levels within an organisation to focus on value creation. This study investigated VBM by means of literature study to formulate an understanding of how it can be used as a decision making tool in a petrochemical company. The VBM metrics were presented and some successes and failures of such metrics were considered to provide a better understanding of VBM implementation. A quantitative study was conducted through the use of a standardised questionnaire to collect primary data. The questionnaire was distributed to managers (from junior managers to senior managers) at Sasol. The completed questionnaire was tested for reliability and validity before it was analysed and specific constructs were developed from the literature review together with the respondents’ demographic profile. Even though most respondents indicated that they have not received adequate training and education on VBM, the results of the study indicate that there is a general knowledge and understanding of VBM and its principles in Sasol. After analysis the study provided practical recommendations to ensure that VBM is sustainably used as a decision making tool in a petrochemical company. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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