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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparison of Word-Recognition Abilities Assessed With Digit Pairs and Digit Triplets in Multitalker Babble

Wilson, Richard H., Burks, Christopher A., Weakley, Deborah G. 01 July 2005 (has links)
This study compares, for listeners with normal hearing and listeners with hearing loss, the recognition performances obtained with digit-pair and digit-triplet stimulus sets presented in multitalker babble. Digits 1 through 10 (excluding 7) were mixed in approximately 1,000 ms segments of babble from 4 to -20 dB signal-to-babble (S/B) ratios, concatenated to form the pairs and triplets, and recorded on compact disc. Nine and eight digits were presented at each level for the digit-triplet and digit-pair paradigms, respectively. For the listeners with normal hearing and the listeners with hearing loss, the recognition performances were 3 dB and 1.2 dB better, respectively, on digit pairs than on digit triplets. For equal intelligibility, the listeners with hearing loss required an approximately 10 dB more favorable S/B than the listeners with normal hearing. The distributions of the 50% points for the two groups had no overlap.

En jämförelse av ljudlokalisation i horisontalplanet mellan M&RIE och RIE / A comparison of sound localization in the horizontal plane between M&RIE and RIE

Johansson, Anton, Linderoth, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förmågan att kunna lokalisera ljud är en binaural process som försvåras i samband med hörselnedsättning, eftersom tillgången till akustiska ledtrådar begränsas. Hörapparattillverkare strävar efter att främja användarnas tillgång till dessa ledtrådar genom nya innovationer. Den vanligaste modellen av hörapparat är i dagsläget bakom-örat-apparaten med högtalarenhet i hörselgången (RIE). Modellens mikrofonplacering bakom örat tillåter inte användaren att utnyttja öronmusslans akustiska egenskaper som hjälper vid ljudlokalisation. En hörapparattillverkare har därför tagit fram en ny teknik (M&RIE) som implementerar en ytterligare mikrofon placerad i hörselgången som bland annat syftar till att gynna användarens förmåga att lokalisera ljud. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ljudlokalisationsförmågan i horisontalplan med de två högtalarenheterna “M&RIE” och “RIE” hos normalhörande vuxna. Metod: 18 normalhörande deltagare genomförde tre lokalisationstest med respektive teknik. Signalerna i testen bestod av ett pulserande brus, en biltuta samt en ringklocka. Resultat: RIE presterade generellt bättre än M&RIE i lokalisationstestet vid samtliga signaler. En mindre andel bak-fram-förväxlingar skedde vid lokalisation med RIE än med M&RIE. Slutsatser: Den begränsande faktorn att M&RIE behöver anpassas med täta domer leder till nackdel i lokalisationsförmåga vid anpassning för mild hörselnedsättning. Undersökningen indikerar att fördelen av en öppen anpassning hos RIE är större än fördelen av en extra mikrofon i hörselgången för normalhörande deltagare vid horisontell ljudlokalisation. / Background: The ability to localize sounds is a binaural process that is limited by hearing loss due to a decreased access to acoustic cues. Hearing aid manufacturers strive to promote users' access to these cues through new innovations. Currently, the most common type of hearing aid is the behind-the-ear device with the speaker unit located in the ear canal (RIE). The model's microphone placement behind the ear does not allow the user to take advantage of the acoustic properties of the pinna, which aid sound localization. Therefore, a hearing aid manufacturer has developed a new technology (M&RIE) that implements an additional microphone placed in the ear canal, which aims to benefit its users' ability to locate sounds. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the ability to locate sound in the horizontal plane using the two speaker units "M&RIE" and "RIE" in normal-hearing adults. Methods: 18 normal-hearing participants performed three localization tests with each technology. The signals in the tests consisted of a pulsating noise, a car horn, and a bicycle bell. Results: RIE generally outperformed M&RIE in the localization test for all signals. A lower percentage of back-front-confusions occurred in localization with RIE than with M&RIE. Conclusions: The limiting factor that M&RIE must be fitted with occluded domes leads to a disadvantage in the localization ability when fitted for mild hearing loss. The study indicates that the advantage of an open-fit in RIE is greater than the advantage of an extra microphone in the ear canal for normal-hearing participants in horizontal sound localization.

Auditory Steady State Responses Recorded in Multitalker Babble

Leigh-Paffenroth, Elizabeth D., Murnane, Owen D. 01 February 2011 (has links)
Objective: The primary purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of multitalker babble on ASSRs in adult subjects with normal hearing (NH) and sensorineural hearing loss (HI). The secondary purpose was to investigate the relationships among ASSRs, word recognition in quiet, and word recognition in babble. Design: ASSRs were elicited by a complex mixed-modulation tonal stimulus (carrier frequencies of 500, 1500, 2500, and 4000 Hz; modulation rate of 40 or 90 Hz) presented in quiet and in babble. The level of each carrier frequency was adjusted to match the level of the multitalker babble spectrum, which was based on the long term speech spectrum average. Word recognition in noise (WIN) performance was measured and correlated to ASSR amplitude and ASSR detection rate. Study Sample: Nineteen normal-hearing adults and nineteen adults with sensorineural hearing loss were recruited. Results and Conclusions: The presence of babble significantly reduced the ASSR detection rate and ASSR amplitude for NH subjects, but had minimal effect on ASSRs for HI subjects. In addition, babble enhanced ASSR amplitude at high stimulus levels. ASSR detection rate and ASSR amplitude recorded in quiet and babble were significantly correlated with word recognition performance for NH and HI subjects. Sumario Objetivo: El objetivo fundamental de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de balbuceo de hablantes múltiples en los ASSR de adultos jóvenes con audición normal (NH) y con pérdidas auditivas sensorineurales (HI). El objetivo secundario fue investigar las relaciones entre los ASSR, el reconocimiento de palabras en silencio y el reconocimiento de palabras con en medio de balbuceo. Diseño: Los ASSR fueron evocados por estímulo tonal de modulación mezclada compleja (frecuencias portadoras de 500, 1500, 2500 y 4000 Hz; tasa de modulación de 40 o 90 Hz) presentadas en silencio y con el balbuceo. Se ajustó el nivel de cada frecuencia portadora para emparejar el nivel del espectro del balbuceo de hablantes múltiples, el cual se basó en el promedio del espectro a largo plazo. Se midió el rendimiento para el reconocimiento de palabras en ruido (WIN) y se correlacionó con la amplitud de los ASSR y con la tasa de detección de los ASSR. Muestra Del Estudio: Se reclutaron diez y nueve adultos normoyentes y diez y nueve adultos con pérdida auditiva sensorineural. Resultados Y Conclusiones: La presencia del balbuceo reduce significativamente la tasa de detección de los ASSR y la amplitud de los ASSR en sujetos NH, pero tiene efectos mínimos en los ASSR de sujetos HI. Además, el balbuceo aumenta la amplitud de los ASSR con estímulos de niveles altos. La tasa de detección de los ASSR y la amplitud de los ASSR registrada en silencio y con balbuceo, fueron significativamente correlacionadas con el rendimiento para reconocer palabras en sujetos NH y HI.

Modulation von Distorsionsprodukt-Otoemissionen duch Töne tiefer Frequenz

Hirschfelder, Anke 24 July 2001 (has links)
Die Modulation von Distorsionsprodukt-Otoemissionen (DPOAE) durch Töne tiefer Frequenz ist ein Methode, mit der die Auswirkung von Verlagerungen der kochleären Trennwand auf die Funktion des kochleären Verstärkers untersucht werden kann. Damit bietet sie einen neuen objektiven Ansatz zur Diagnostik unterschiedlicher kochleärer Hörstörungen sowie zur Untersuchung physiologischer Mechanismen der Kochlea. Durch einen tieffrequenten Ton (f = 32,8 Hz) werden die DPOAE in Abhängigkeit von dessen Phase periodisch verändert. Die Ausprägung der Modulation hängt von den Parametern des Tieftons und der Primärtöne (mit den Frequenzen f1 und f2) ab. Bei zwölf normalhörenden Probanden wird der Einfluß des Tieftonpegels, der Primärtonpegel und der Primärtonfrequenzen auf die Modulation der DPOAE mit der Frequenz 2f1-f2 untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Methode werden mit denen der subjektiven Phasenaudiometrie bei diesen Probanden verglichen. Mit den Primärtonfrequenzen f1 = 2,5 und f2 = 3 kHz steigt die mittlere Modulationstiefe der DPOAE mit zunehmendem Tieftonpegel sowie mit abnehmenden Primärtonpegeln nichtlinear. Mit hohem Tieftonpegel (L = 115 dB SPL) und geringen Primärtonpegeln (bis zu L1 = 50 und L2 = 30 dB HL) sind DPOAE-Pegelverläufe mit zwei Minima und zwei Maxima pro Tieftonperiode zu beobachten. Die Pegelminima liegen kurz nach der maximalen Druck- bzw. Sogphase des Tieftons vor dem Trommelfell, entsprechend der maximalen Auslenkung der kochleären Trennwand in Richtung Scala vestibuli bzw. Scala tympani. Sie zeigen eine mittlere Latenz von 4 ms gegenüber den Verdeckungsmaxima der subjektiven Mithörschwelle im Phasenaudiogramm, die wahrscheinlich durch die Summe der Antwortzeit der aktiven kochleären Prozesse und der Laufzeit der DPOAE-Signale retrograd aus der Kochlea zur Meßsonde im äußeren Gehörgang zustande kommt. Mit geringeren Tieftonpegeln (L = 110 dB SPL) bzw. höheren Primärtonpegeln (ab L1 = 55 und L2 = 40 dB HL) sowie höheren Primärtonfrequenzen (f1 = 4, f2 = 4,8 kHz) sind nur noch jeweils ein DPOAE-Pegelminimum und -maximum pro Tieftonperiode zu beobachten. Mit den Primärtonfrequenzen f1 = 5 und f2 = 6 kHz zeigt sich keine Modulation der DPOAE mehr. Die Ergebnisse werden unter Verwendung einer Boltzmannfunktion zweiter Ordnung als Annäherung an die mechano-elektrische Transferfunktion äußerer Haarzellen simuliert. Bei einigen Probanden werden außerdem die Modulation der DPOAE mit der Frequenz 3f1-2f2 durch den tieffrequenten Ton sowie der Einfluß spontaner otoakustischer Emissionen (SOAE) auf die Messung tieftonmodulierter DPOAE untersucht. / Low-frequency modulation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) is a method which allows to investigate the effect of the displacement of the cochlear partition on the function of the active cochlear process. It offers a new objective approach to diagnose different sensory hearing disorders as well as to investigate physiological cochlear mechanisms. The DPOAE are modulated by a low-frequency tone (with the frequency f = 32,8 Hz), depending on its phase. The extent of this modulation depends on the acoustic parameters of the suppressing low-frequency tone and the stimulating primary tones (f1 and f2). In twelve normal hearing subjects the influence of the low-frequency tone level, the levels and the frequencies of the primary tones on the modulation of the DPOAE with the frequency 2f1-f2 are investigated. In these subjects, the phase-dependent masked subjective threshold is also registered. The results of both methods are compared. With the primary tone frequencies f1 = 2,5 and f2 = 3 kHz the mean value of the DPOAE modulation depth presents a nonlinear growth with increasing low-frequency tone level and decreasing primary tone levels, respectively. With high low-frequency tone level (L = 115 dB SPL) and low primary tone levels (up to L1 = 55 and L2 = 40 dB HL), the time course of the DPOAE level shows two minima and two maxima within one period of the low-frequency tone. The minimal DPOAE levels are registered shortly after the phases of maximal condensation and rarefaction of the low-frequency tone in front of the eardrum, respectively, corresponding to the largest displacement of the cochlear partition towards the scala tympani and the scala vestibuli. The time course of the DPOAE level shows a mean latency of 4 ms with regard to the masking patterns of the phase-dependent masked threshold, due to the response time of the active cochlear process and the retrograde travelling time of the DPOAE. With lower low-frequency tone levels (L1 = 110 dB SPL), higher primary tone levels (from L1 = 55, L2 = 40 dB HL), and higher primary tone frequencies (f1 = 4, f2 = 4,8 kHz), respectively, the DPOAE level presents only one maximum and one minimum per period of the low-frequency tone. With the primary frequencies f1 = 5 and f2 = 6 kHz no modulation of the DPOAE is registered. The results are simulated using a second-order Boltzmann function as an approximation of the mechano-electric transfer function of the outer hair cells. Additionally, in some subjects the low-frequency modulation of the DPOAE with the frequency 3f1-2f2 and the influence of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAE) on the registration of low-frequency modulated DPOAE are investigated.

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