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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatiotemporal regulation of the arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis establishment / Régulation spatiotemporelle de l'établissement de la symbiose mycorhizienne à arbuscule

Guillotin, Bruno 30 September 2016 (has links)
La symbiose mycorhizienne à arbuscule est une interaction bénéfique entre les champignons du phylum Glomeromycota et près de 80% des espèces de plantes terrestres. Elle est caractérisée par un échange réciproque de nutriments dans lequel le champignon fournit des sels minéraux à la plante en échange de sucres issus de la photosynthèse. Cependant, cette "alimentation" du champignon au cours de la symbiose représente un coût carbone important pour la plante. Ainsi, les plantes doivent strictement maitriser le développement des champignons symbiotiques dans les racines. Ce contrôle est appelé autorégulation. Plusieurs protéines ont été démontrées comme étant importantes pour la régulation des différentes étapes de la colonisation : la stimulation de la croissance fongique dans la rhizosphère par les strigolactones, l'entrée dans les racines, la prolifération des hyphes au sein des racines et la formation des arbuscules. Dans ce travail, nous avons examiné plus en détail le rôle de deux de ces protéines connues pour être impliquées dans le processus de mycorhization, les facteurs de transcription NSP1 et NSP2 (Nodulation Signaling Pathway). Nous avons d'abord pu confirmer dans les racines de M. truncatula en conditions non-symbiotiques, l'implication directe de NSP1 dans la régulation de deux gènes de biosynthèse des strigolactones, DWARF27 (D27) et MORE AXILLARY GROWTH (MAX1). Ensuite, nous avons montré que NSP1, contrairement à NSP2, favorise l'entrée du champignon dans la racine, sans doute due à l'induction de la synthèse des strigolactones stimulant le champignon, via l'activation de D27 et de MAX1. Ensuite, au cours des étapes ultérieures de la mycorhization, nous avons montré que dans les tissus colonisés, NSP1 est absent et que l'induction de D27 et de MAX1 n'était plus NSP1 dépendante. À cette étape, l'expression de la protéine NSP1 est localisée dans les cellules justes en amont du front de colonisation fongique. Là, elle contrôle négativement la propagation des hyphes dans la racine et positivement la formation des arbuscules. En revanche, NSP2 est présente dans le tissu colonisé où elle favorise la propagation des hyphes et le développement des arbuscules, peut-être en interaction avec d'autres facteurs. Nous avons également montré chez M. truncatula que si les protéines NSP1 sont absentes des tissus colonisés, les transcrits de NSP1 sont présents. De façon inattendue, nous avons mis en évidence que l'ARN messager de NSP1 avait la capacité de protéger l'ARN messager de NSP2 contre sa dégradation par le microARN (miR171h), par une action de piégeage du miR171h, appelé effet mimicry. Ceci est la première démonstration qu'une molécule d'ARN codante peut être la cible mimétique d'un microARN. Dans notre contexte d'étude cette constatation révèle que les transcrits de NSP1 permettent une régulation positive de l'expression de NSP2, et met en lumière un niveau de complexité supplémentaire dans le rôle de ces deux facteurs de transcription dans la symbiose mycorhizienne. Enfin, dans la tomate, nous avons montré que Sl-NSP1 pourrait être directement ou indirectement régulée par une protéine AUX / IAA impliquée dans la réponse précoce à l'auxine, Sl-IAA27. Ce lien avec l'auxine nous fait présumer que cette AUX/AAI est un nouveau composant de la voie de signalisation du contrôle de la colonisation fongique dans la tomate, et nous proposons qu'il puisse avoir un rôle dans le contrôle de la biosynthèse des strigolactones via la régulation de Sl-NSP1. L'ensemble de ce travail fournit de nouvelles pièces du puzzle constituant la symbiose mycorhizienne et montre l'importance de l'analyse des régulations spatiotemporelles pour une meilleure compréhension de ces processus biologiques extrêmement complexes. / The arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), a symbiosis between fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota and nearly 80% of terrestrial plant species. It is characterized by a two-way exchange in which the fungus provides mineral nutrients to the plant in exchange for carbohydrates. However this "feeding" of the fungus during the symbiotic process represents a significant carbon cost for the plant. To maintain a mutualistic interaction the two symbiotic partners have to strictly control the extent of fungal development in the roots. This control is called autoregulation. Several proteins have been found to be important for the regulation of the different mycorrhizal steps: the stimulation of fungal growth in the rhizosphere by the strigolactones, the fungal entrance in the roots, the hyphal proliferation in the roots and the arbuscule formation. In this work we examine in more detail the role of two of these proteins known to be involved in the mycorrhization process, the transcriptional factors NSP1 and NSP2 (Nodulation Signaling Pathway). We first confirm in M. truncatula roots the direct implication of NSP1 in the regulation of two strigolactone biosynthesis genes, DWARF27 (D27) and MAX1, during the asymbiotic conditions. Then, we show that NSP1, unlike NSP2, is a factor that promotes the fungal entries in the root, presumably due to its activation of D27 and MAX1 resulting in a stimulation of strigolactone synthesis and presymbiotic fungal growth. Next, during the later stages of mycorrhization, we highlight that in the colonized tissues NSP1 is absent and the induction of both D27 and MAX1 is not anymore NSP1 dependent. NSP1 protein is then localized in cells which are not yet colonized but are close to a colonization zone. There, it controls negatively the hyphal propagation in the root and positively the formation of arbuscules. In contrast, NSP2 is present in the colonized tissue where it promotes hyphal propagation and arbuscule development, perhaps by interacting with other proteins. We also show that if NSP1 proteins are absent of the colonized tissues, NSP1 transcripts are present. Unexpectedly, we unveil that in those colonized cells, NSP1 mRNA can protect, by a micro RNA (miR171h) decoy action called target mimicry, NSP2 mRNA against miR171h-mediated degradation. This is the first demonstration that a coding RNA molecule can be a target mimic for a microRNA. In our context this finding reveals a positive regulation of NSP2 expression by NSP1 transcripts and brings to light an additional layer of complexity in the mycorrhizal dual role of these two transcription factors. Finally, in tomato, we highlight that SlNSP1 could be directly or indirectly regulated by the AUX/IAA protein, SlIAA27. As a link with auxin we presume that this AUX/IAA protein is a new component of the signaling pathway controlling AM fungal colonization in tomato, and we propose that it controls strigolactone biosynthesis via the regulation of SlNSP1. Overall our work provides new pieces of the mycorrhizal puzzle and shows how important it is to perform spatiotemporal investigations for a better understanding of highly integrated and complex biological processes.

Selection and Validation of siRNAs Preventing Uptake and Replication of SARS-CoV-2

Friedrich, Maik, Pfeifer, Gabriele, Binder, Stefanie, Aigner, Achim, Vollmer Barbosa, Philippe, Makert, Gustavo R., Fertey, Jasmin, Ulbert, Sebastian, Bodem, Jochen, König, Eva-Maria, Geiger, Nina, Schambach, Axel, Schilling, Erik, Buschmann, Tilo, Hauschildt, Sunna, Koehl, Ulrike, Sewald, Katherina 03 April 2023 (has links)
In 2019, the novel highly infectious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV- 2) outbreak rapidly led to a global pandemic with more than 346 million confirmed cases worldwide, resulting in 5.5 million associated deaths (January 2022). Entry of all SARS-CoV-2 variants is mediated by the cellular angisin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). The virus abundantly replicates in the epithelia of the upper respiratory tract. Beyond vaccines for immunization, there is an imminent need for novel treatment options in COVID-19 patients. So far, only a few drugs have found their way into the clinics, often withmodest success. Specific gene silencing based on small interfering RNA (siRNA) has emerged as a promising strategy for therapeutic intervention, preventing/limiting SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells or interfering with viral replication. Here, we pursued both strategies. We designed and screened nine siRNAs (siA1-9) targeting the viral entry receptor ACE2. SiA1, (siRNA against exon1 of ACE2 mRNA) was most efficient, with up to 90% knockdown of the ACE2 mRNA and protein for at least six days. In vitro, siA1 application was found to protect Vero E6 and Huh-7 cells from infectionwith SARS-CoV-2 with an up to ~92% reduction of the viral burden indicating that the treatment targets both the endosomal and the viral entry at the cytoplasmic membrane. Since the RNAencoded genome makes SARS-CoV-2 vulnerable to RNA interference (RNAi), we designed and analysed eight siRNAs (siV1-8) directly targeting the Orf1a/b region of the SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome, encoding for non-structural proteins (nsp). As a significant hallmark of this study, we identified siV1 (siRNA against leader protein of SARS-CoV-2), which targets the nsp1- encoding sequence (a.k.a. ‘host shutoff factor’) as particularly efficient. SiV1 inhibited SARSCoV- 2 replication in Vero E6 or Huh-7 cells by more than 99% or 97%, respectively. It neither led to toxic effects nor induced type I or III interferon production. Of note, sequence analyses revealed the target sequence of siV1 to be highly conserved in SARS-CoV-2 variants. Thus, our results identify the direct targeting of the viral RNA genome (ORF1a/b) by siRNAs as highly efficient and introduce siV1 as a particularly promising drug candidate for therapeutic intervention.

Benefits and Barriers of HUD Neighborhood Stabilization Program As Perceived by Stakeholders

Bennett, L. Diane 01 January 2015 (has links)
Devalued homes and weakened economic conditions of 2008 led to lost property tax revenues, more vacant and abandoned properties, and destabilized neighborhoods. The first Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP1) was a federal intervention designed to mitigate the damage of the recession, but there is scant evidence of program effectiveness. A phenomenological study, using a method outlined by Moustakas, answered questions on the benefits and barriers of NSP1 as perceived by stakeholders in a Mid-Atlantic city. Stakeholders included nonprofit housing advocates, residents, business partners, and government officials. Theories of collaborative governance and community stakeholders were used to guide the investigation of NSP1 processes and stakeholders' perceptions. Ten stakeholders responded to 9 compound interview questions derived from the research question and 4 subquestions in semi-structured interviews. Responses were transcribed, verified for accuracy, and then coded and analyzed for recurring themes. Five prominent themes emerged: (1) challenges with NSP1 guidelines, (2) importance of partner capacity, (3) positive results in targeted neighborhoods, (4) city's approach to community development, and (5) sustaining positive results. Findings were that NSP1's benefits for residents outweighed procedural barriers and NSP1's short duration still yielded positive results in neighborhoods. This study has policy and social change implications for all stakeholders involved. Recommendations include continuous city involvement to stabilize neighborhoods during future recessions and better entrepreneurial strategies to integrate private and non-profit stakeholders in all phases of collaborative governance.

Targeting Infectious Disease : Structural and functional studies of proteins from two RNA viruses and Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Jansson, Anna M. January 2013 (has links)
The recent emergence of a number of new viral diseases as well as the re-emergence of tuberculosis (TB), indicate an urgent need for new drugs against viral and bacterial infections. Coronavirus nsp1 has been shown to induce suppression of host gene expression and interfere with host immune response. However, the mechanism behind this is currently unknown. Here we present the first nsp1 structure from an alphacoronavirus, Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) nsp1. Contrary to previous speculation, the TGEV nsp1 structure clearly shows that alpha- and betacoronavirus nsp1s have a common evolutionary origin. However, differences in conservation, shape and surface electrostatics indicate that the mechanism for nsp1-induced suppression of host mRNA translation is likely to be different in the alpha- and betacoronavirus genera. The Modoc virus is a neuroinvasive rodent virus with similar pathology as flavivirus encephalitis in humans. The flaviviral methyltransferase catalyses the two methylations required to complete 5´ mRNA capping, essential for mRNA stability and translation. The structure of the Modoc NS5 methyltransferase domain was determined in complex with its cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine. The observed methyltransferase conservation between Modoc and other flaviviral branches, indicates that it may be possible to identify drugs that target a range of flaviviruses and supports the use of Modoc virus as a model for general flaviviral studies. 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) is part of the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway that produces essential precursors for isoprenoid biosynthesis. This pathway is used by a number of pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum, but it is not present in humans. Using a structure-based approach, we designed a number of MtDXR inhibitors, including a novel fosmidomycin-analogue that exhibited improved activity against P.falciparum in an in vitro blood cell growth assay. The approach also allowed the first design of an inhibitor that bridge both DXR substrate and co-factor binding sites, providing a stepping-stone for further optimization.

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