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Um estudo das reações 10,11B (p,n)10,11C entre Ep=13,7 e 14,7 MeV / Study of reactions 10,11 B (p,n) 10,11 C between Ep= 13.7 and 14.7 MeV.Hugo Reuters Schelin 10 October 1985 (has links)
Usando as facilidades do sistema de tempo de vôo do Acelerador Pelletron 8UD da USP, foram medidas seções de choque diferenciais absolutas para os grupos \'n IND. 0\', \'n IND. 1\', \'n IND. 2\', \'n IND. 3\', (\'n IND. 4\'+\'n IND. 5\'), \'n IND. 6\' e \'n IND. 7\' na reação \'ANTPOT. 11 B\' (p, \'n IND. 0\') \'ANTPOT. 11 C\' e para os grupos de nêutrons \'n IND. 0\' e \'n IND. 1\' na reação \'ANTPOT. 10 B\' (p, \'n IND. 0\') \'ANTPOT. 10 C\' nas energias de próton incidente de 14.0, 14.3 e 14.6 MeV no intervalo angular de 20 a 160 graus. Foram também medidas funções de excitação em \'teta IND. lab\' = 30 graus de \'E IND. p\' = 13.7 e 14.7 MeV em intervalos de 100 keV. A análise teórica foi conduzida no sentido de se determinar as contribuições relativas dos processos de mecanismo direto e de núcleo composto. Para este fim, foi assumido um modelo de dois canais acoplados, e os modelos DWBA para o processo direto e de Hauser-Feshbach para o núcleo composto foram usados de maneira a simularem os cálculos exatos de canais acoplados via escolha do termo de absorção W no potencial óptico. Os resultados indicam que aproximadamente a metade da seção de choque é devida ao mecanismo de núcleo composto. A análise teórica visou ainda obter o fator de \"enhancement elástico para o canal \'ANTPOT. 11 B\' (p, \'n IND. 0\') \'ANTPOT. 11 C\' em \'E IND. p\' = 14.3 MeV. Este fator foi demonstrado a aparecer em reações de troca de carga que seguem via núcleo composto por Harney, Weidenmüller e Richter e predito a atingir o valor de 2 quando há conservação de isospin. Os nossos resultados mostram um fator de enhancement maior do que 1, indicando que a mistura de isospin é fraca nessa reação. / Using the time-of-flight facilities of the são Paulo 8UD Pelletron Accelerator, absolute differential cross sections for the \'n IND. 0\', \'n IND. 1\', \'n IND. 2\', \'n IND. 3\', (\'n IND. 4\'+\'n IND. 5\'), \'n IND. 6\' and \'n IND. 7\' groups for the reaction \'ANTPOT. 11 B\' (p, \'n IND. 0\') \'ANTPOT. 11 C\' and the \'n IND. 0\' and \'n IND. 1\' neutron groups for the reaction \'ANTPOT. 10 B\' (p, \'n IND. 0\') \'ANTPOT. 10 C\' have been measured at incident proton energies of 14.0, 14.3 and 14.6 MeV in the angular interval of 20 to 160 degrees. Excitation functions at \'teta IND. lab\' = 20 deg from \'E IND. p\' = 13.7 to 14.7 MeV in intervals of 100 keV were also measured. The theoretical analysis was conducted to determine the relative contributions of the direct and compound nucleus processes in the differential cross sections. To this end, a two coupled channel model for the reactions was assumed. The DWBA model for the direct and the Hauser-Feshbach for the compound nucleus processes were used in such a way as to simulate the exact coupled channels calculation through an appropriate choice of the absorption term W in the optical potential. The results indicate that about half of the cross section is due to the compound nucleus mechanism. The theoretical analysis aimed at obtaining the elastic enhancement factor for the channel \'ANTPOT. 11 B\' (p, \'n IND. 0\') \'ANTPOT. 11 C\' at \'E IND. p\' = 14.3 MeV. This factor has been demonstrated to appear in compound nucleus charge exchange reactions by Harney, Weidenmüller and Richter and predicted to attain the value 2 when isospin is conserved. Our results show an enhancement factor larger than 1 indicating that isospin mixing is weak in this reaction.
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Desigualdade de Jensen aplicada à probabilidade de fusão nuclear / Jensen inequality applied to nuclear fusion probabilityDébora Machado Andrade 04 September 2009 (has links)
Discutimos o problema de tunelamento quântico em sistemas físicos com muitos graus de liberdade. Aplicamos a desigualdade de Jensen ao cálculo analítico semi-clássico da probabilidade de fusão entre dois núcleos, onde consideramos graus de liberdade intrínsecos. Utilizamos diferentes barreiras de potencial de tunelamento e trabalhamos analiticamente com cada uma delas. Provamos matematicamente então a validade de uma desigualdade de caráter geral que relaciona a probabilidade de tunelamento de um sistema com vários graus de liberdade com a probabilidade de tunelamento do mesmo sistema aproximado para um modelo unidimensional, ou seja, com todos os graus de liberdade, exceto o radial, sendo tomados em média. Tal desigualdade já é conhecida empiricamente, através de cálculo numérico para diferentes modelagens, e tem particular relevância no problema da fusão de íons pesados a energias próximas da barreira de potencial. Mostramos que uma desigualdade envolvendo reflexão sobre a barreira de potencial, derivada por R. Johnson e C. Goebel, e utilizada para estimar o efeito de breakup no espalhamento elástico de núcleos halo, é uma consequ ência imediata da desigualdade de Jensen. Uma generalização das idéias contidas no referido trabalho de Johnson e Goebel, possibilitada pela aplicação da desigualdade de Jensen, enriquece a compreensão acerca de limites superiores e inferiores para a probabilidade de tunelamento quântico em sistemas com vários graus de liberdade. / We discuss the quantum tunneling problem in physical systems involving many degrees of freedom. We apply the Jensen inequality to the semi-classical analytical probability of fusion between two nuclei, where we considered intrinsic degrees of freedom. We employed different tunneling potential barriers and analytically worked on each of them. We have mathematically proven then the validity of a general inequality which relates the tunneling probability for a sub-system of the many-degrees-of-freedom system when compared to the sub-system alone (with the coupling to the reservoir being averaged). Such inequality is already empirically well-known through numerical calculations for different models, and has a particular relevance in the problem of heavy ion fusion at sub-barrier energies. We have shown that an inequality derived by R. Johnson and C. Goebel, which involves the reflection over a potential barrier and was used to estimate the breakup effect on the elastic scattering of halo nuclei, is but an immediate consequence of the Jensen inequality. A generalization of the ideas contained in the refered work of Johnson and Goebel, which was made possible by using the Jensen inequality, enriches the comprehension towards upper and lower boundaries for tunneling probabilities in systems with many degrees of freedom.
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The 12C/ 13C Ratio in Sgr B2(N): Constraints for Galactic Chemical Evolution and Isotopic ChemistryHalfen, D. T., Woolf, N. J., Ziurys, L. M. 22 August 2017 (has links)
A study has been conducted of 12C/13C ratios in five complex molecules in the Galactic center. H2CS, CH3CCH,
NH2CHO, CH2CHCN, and CH3CH2CN and their 13C-substituted species have been observed in numerous
transitions at 1, 2, and 3 mm, acquired in a spectral-line survey of Sgr B2(N), conducted with the telescopes of the
Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO). Between 22 and 54 individual, unblended lines for the 12C species and 2–54
for 13C-substituted analogs were modeled in a global radiative transfer analysis. All five molecules were found
to consistently exhibit two velocity components near VLSR ∼ 64 and 73 km s−1, with column densities ranging
from Ntot ∼ 3 × 1014 − 4 × 1017 cm−2 and ∼2 × 1013 − 1 × 1017 cm−2 for the 12C and 13C species, respectively.
Based on 14 different isotopic combinations, ratios were obtained in the range 12C/13C = 15 ± 5 to 33 ± 13, with
an average value of 24 ± 7, based on comparison of column densities. These measurements better anchor the 12C/13C ratio at the Galactic center, and suggest a slightly revised isotope gradient of 12C/13C = 5.21(0.52) DGC +
22.6(3.3). As indicated by the column densities, no preferential 13C enrichment was found on the differing carbon
sites of CH3CCH, CH2CHCN, and CH3CH2CN. Because of the elevated temperatures in Sgr B2(N), 13C isotopic
substitution is effectively “scrambled,” diminishing chemical fractionation effects. The resulting ratios thus reflect
stellar nucleosynthesis and Galactic chemical evolution, as is likely the case for most warm clouds.
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Desigualdade de Jensen aplicada à probabilidade de fusão nuclear / Jensen inequality applied to nuclear fusion probabilityAndrade, Débora Machado 04 September 2009 (has links)
Discutimos o problema de tunelamento quântico em sistemas físicos com muitos graus de liberdade. Aplicamos a desigualdade de Jensen ao cálculo analítico semi-clássico da probabilidade de fusão entre dois núcleos, onde consideramos graus de liberdade intrínsecos. Utilizamos diferentes barreiras de potencial de tunelamento e trabalhamos analiticamente com cada uma delas. Provamos matematicamente então a validade de uma desigualdade de caráter geral que relaciona a probabilidade de tunelamento de um sistema com vários graus de liberdade com a probabilidade de tunelamento do mesmo sistema aproximado para um modelo unidimensional, ou seja, com todos os graus de liberdade, exceto o radial, sendo tomados em média. Tal desigualdade já é conhecida empiricamente, através de cálculo numérico para diferentes modelagens, e tem particular relevância no problema da fusão de íons pesados a energias próximas da barreira de potencial. Mostramos que uma desigualdade envolvendo reflexão sobre a barreira de potencial, derivada por R. Johnson e C. Goebel, e utilizada para estimar o efeito de breakup no espalhamento elástico de núcleos halo, é uma consequ ência imediata da desigualdade de Jensen. Uma generalização das idéias contidas no referido trabalho de Johnson e Goebel, possibilitada pela aplicação da desigualdade de Jensen, enriquece a compreensão acerca de limites superiores e inferiores para a probabilidade de tunelamento quântico em sistemas com vários graus de liberdade. / We discuss the quantum tunneling problem in physical systems involving many degrees of freedom. We apply the Jensen inequality to the semi-classical analytical probability of fusion between two nuclei, where we considered intrinsic degrees of freedom. We employed different tunneling potential barriers and analytically worked on each of them. We have mathematically proven then the validity of a general inequality which relates the tunneling probability for a sub-system of the many-degrees-of-freedom system when compared to the sub-system alone (with the coupling to the reservoir being averaged). Such inequality is already empirically well-known through numerical calculations for different models, and has a particular relevance in the problem of heavy ion fusion at sub-barrier energies. We have shown that an inequality derived by R. Johnson and C. Goebel, which involves the reflection over a potential barrier and was used to estimate the breakup effect on the elastic scattering of halo nuclei, is but an immediate consequence of the Jensen inequality. A generalization of the ideas contained in the refered work of Johnson and Goebel, which was made possible by using the Jensen inequality, enriches the comprehension towards upper and lower boundaries for tunneling probabilities in systems with many degrees of freedom.
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Clustering dans les noyaux légers : une approche multi-méthodique / Clustering in light nuclear systems : a multi-methodic approachDell'aquila, Daniele 15 January 2018 (has links)
Les phénomènes de clustering caractérisent plusieurs domaines des sciences naturelles et de la sociologie. Ils consistent en l'auto-organisation de groupes d'objets en sous-groupes corrélés, en introduisant des symétries et, dans certains cas, un certain degré d'ordre dans le système global. En physique nucléaire, ces aspects représentent l'un des effets les plus fascinants induits par le principe de Pauli dans les noyaux. Leur investigation est un outil extrêmement puissant pour comprendre le comportement des forces nucléaires dans les systèmes d’N corps avec interactions les unes les autres. Dans ce thèse, je discute des résultats d'une campagne expérimentale qui explore les aspects de clustering dans les systèmes nucléaires légers à partir d'une approche multi-méthodique et en utilisant des techniques différentes et complémentaires. Le travail commence avec le noyau 10Be, prévu pour être constitué par une structure de cluster moléculaire de deux particules alpha liées par les deux neutrons de valence supplémentaire. L'expérience a été réalisée avec des faisceaux de 10Be produits au laboratoire INFN-LNS avec la technique de fragmentation des projectiles FRIBs. À travers des techniques de corrélation particule-particule, des signaux d'un nouvel état appartenant possiblement à la bande de rotation moléculaire de 10Be ont été observés. Autres noyaux appartenants à la chaîne isotopique du carbone ont également été étudiés pour comprendre comment les phénomènes de clustering évoluent avec l'excès de neutrons. Pour 11C et 13C, nous avons utilisé les réactions nucléaires 10B(p,a) et 9Be(a,a), respectivement, à basse énergie. Ces mesures ont été conduites à l'accélérateur TANDEM de Naples. Les sections efficaces différentielles et les distributions angulaires, ainsi que autres données disponibles dans la littérature, ont été reproduites par des calculs R-matrix, ce qui nous a permis d'affiner la structure de ces noyaux et de suggérer l'existence d'états à cluster.Le noyau 16C a été étudié avec la même configuration expérimentale utilisée dans le cas du 10Be mais avec un faisceau secondaire très intense. J'ai observé des contributions non négligeables dans les voies de désintégration à deux et à trois corps pour le 16C, voies qui représentent des désintégrations extrêmement rares. Enfin, l'état de Hoyle dans 12C (7.654 MeV,0+) a été étudié avec une expérience de haute précision en utilisant la réaction 14N(d,a) à 10,5 MeV à INFN-LNS. L'étude a fourni un limite supérieure pour la voie de désintégration directe en trois alpha avec une précision sans précédent. Ce résultat, qui améliore d'un facteur 5 l'état actuel de la technique, fournit une contrainte importante aux modèles de structure théorique ainsi qu'aux calculs de nucléosynthèse stellaire responsables de l'origine des éléments dans l'univers. Les phénomènes de clustering ont également été étudiés dans les noyaux 19F et 20Ne avec la réaction 19F(p,a) à très basse énergie à l'accélérateur AN-2000 de l'INFN-LNL. Une analyse par R-matrix de la section efficace intégrée a été utilisée pour fournir des informations sur la structure du noyau composé 20Ne avec des implications astrophysiques sur le cycle CNO dans les étoiles. J'ai également étudié les collisions entre les ions lourds à des énergies intermédiaires pour explorer les phénomènes de clustering dans la matière nucléaire diluée et chaude. J'ai développé un modèle thermique des corrélations particules-particules pour décrire la population d'états non liés produits lors de l'évolution des collisions Ar+Ni violentes à 32-95 MeV par nucléon. Les limites d'une approche purement thermique dans un tel système dynamique ont été discutées, avec des idées possibles pour expliquer le mécanisme qui peuplent les états internes dans les noyaux 8Be en discutant l'interconnexion entre la thermodynamique et les effets d'interaction d’état final. Ces études sont importants pour décrire la formation de clusters dans la matière nucléaire. / Clustering phenomena characterise several fields of natural sciences and sociology. They consist on the self-organisation of groups of objects in correlated sub-groups, introducing symmetries and, in some cases, a certain degree of order in the overall system. In nuclear physics, these aspects represent one of the most fascinating effects induced by the Pauli principle in nuclei. Their investigation is an extremely powerful tool to understand the behaviour of nuclear forces in N-body interacting systems. In this thesis, I discuss the results of an experimental campaign that explores clustering aspects in light nuclear systems from a multi-methodic approach and by using different and complementary techniques.The work start with the 10Be nucleus, predicted to be constituted by a molecular cluster structure of two alpha particles kept bound by the two extra valence neutrons. The experiment has been performed with 10Be beams produced at the INFN-LNS laboratory with the FRIBs projectile fragmentation technique. By means of particle-particle correlation techniques, signals of a new state possibly belonging to the 10Be molecular rotational band were observed. Other nuclei along the carbon isotopic chain were also investigated to understand how clustering phenomena evolve with neutron excess. For 11C and 13C we used 10B(p,alpha) and 9Be(alpha,alpha) nuclear reactions, respectively, at low energies. These measurements were made at the tandem accelerator in Naples. Measured Differential cross sections and angular distributions, together with other data available in the literature, were reproduced by R-matrix calculations, which allowed us to refine the spectroscopy of such nuclei and suggest the existence of cluster states, possibly members of molecular rotational bands. The 16C nucleus was investigated with the same setup used in the 10Be case with a very intense secondary beam. I have observed non vanishing yields in both two-body and three-body cluster disintegration channels for 16C which represent extremely rare decays. Finally, the Hoyle state in 12C (7.654 MeV, 0+) was investigated in a high-precision experiment by using the 14N(d,a) reaction at 10.5 MeV at INFN-LNS. The study has provided an upper limit to the direct three-alpha decay process of such state with an unprecedented precision. This result, which improves of a factor 5 the existing state of the art, provides important constraint to theoretical structure models as well as to stellar nucleosynthesis calculations aiming at revealing the origin of elements in the universe. Clustering phenomena have also been studied in 19F and 20Ne nuclei with the 19F(p,a) reaction at very low energies at the AN-2000 accelerator of the INFN-LNL. An R-matrix analysis of the integrated cross-section was used to provide information on the structure of the 20Ne compound nucleus with its astrophysical implications on the CNO cycle in stars.I have also used heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies to explore clustering phenomena in dilute and hot nuclear matter. I have developed a thermal model of particle-particle correlations whit the aim of describing the population of decaying unbound states produced during the evolution of violent Ar+Ni collisions at 32-95 MeV per nucleon. The limitations of a purely thermal approach in such a dynamical system have been discussed, with possible ideas to explain the mechanism which populate internal states in 8Be cluster states accounting for the interplay of thermodynamics with final state interaction effects. Such studies are relevant to model cluster formation in nuclear matter.
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First spectroscopy of ¹¹⁰ Zr with MINOS / Première spectroscopie de ¹¹⁰ Zr avec MINOSPaul, Nancy 12 December 2018 (has links)
Une fermeture de sous-couche à N=70 dans le ¹¹⁰Zr a longtemps été considérée comme une explication possible du désaccord entre la théorie et les abondances observées des éléments lourds près de la masse 130 résultant du processus de capture rapide des neutrons (processus r). Le processus r n’est pas bien compris en partie à cause des incertitudes relatives aux mécanismes d'évolution de la structure en couches des noyaux riches en neutrons. La fermeture de sous-couche dans le ¹¹⁰Zr, bien qu’improbable, pourrait résulter d’une symétrie tétraédrique ou sphérique. Ces symétries laissent des indications distinctes sur la structure des niveaux de basse énergie et leur effet peut donc être détecté par une simple mesure de spectroscopie. Le système MINOS a été employé à l'installation de faisceaux d'isotopes radioactifs (RIBF) de RIKEN au Japon pour effectuer la première spectroscopie du ¹¹⁰Zr. MINOS, développé au CEA-IRFU, combine une cible de protons épaisse avec un dispositif de reconstruction de vertex de réaction pour permettre une spectroscopie à haute résolution des noyaux rares. Les états de basse énergie dans le ¹¹⁰Zr ont été peuplés par arrachage des protons de la cible MINOS, et les rayons gamma de désexcitation ont été détectés avec l'ensemble de scintillateurs DALI2. Les résultats sont compatibles avec un noyau bien déformé. Aucune preuve n’est obtenue pour une fermeture de sous-couche à N = 70 ni en faveur de la symétrie tétraédrique. Une étude complémentaire explore les sections efficaces inclusives pour les réactions (p,2p) et (p,pn) avec les noyaux riches en neutrons. Environ 60 sections efficaces inclusives ont été mesuré pour l’arrachage d'un nucléon sur la cible MINOS. La systématique (p,2p) montre une augmentation de la section efficace pour les noyaux fils de Z impair, ce qui révèle l'importance des corrélations d'appariement. Les sections (p,pn) sont plus grandes que les sections efficaces (p,2p), d'environ un facteur 10, distribuées aléatoirement autour de 60 mb. La comparaison avec les modèles semi-classiques suggère que ces deux systématiques peuvent être expliquées par le rôle important des corrélations d'appariement dans les systématiques de réactions directes induites par les noyaux exotiques. Enfin, des simulations électrostatiques ont été menés pour optimiser la cage de champ électrique de la chambre de projection temporelle MINOS, en vue d'une future application pour un nouveau programme de physique au CERN appelé PUMA. / A predicted N=70 subshell closure in ¹¹⁰Zr has long been considered a potential explanation for the disagreement between theory and observed abundances of the heavy elements near mass 130 resulting from the rapid neutron capture process (r-process). The r-process is not well understood, due in part to the uncertainties of the neutron-rich structure evolution mechanisms. A subshell closure in ¹¹⁰Zr, though unlikely, could result from either a tetrahedral or spherical symmetry. Each of these symmetries leaves distinct fingerprints on the low lying level structure, and thus can be discerned with a simple spectroscopy measurement. The MINOS system has been used at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory of RIKEN in Japan to perform the first spectroscopy of ¹¹⁰Zr. MINOS, developed at CEA-IRFU, combines a thick proton target with a vertex tracker to allow high resolution spectroscopy of rare nuclei. Low lying states in ¹¹⁰Zr were populated via proton removal on the MI- NOS target, and deexcitation gamma rays detected with the DALI2 scintillator array. Results are consistent with a well deformed nucleus. No evidence is found for a subshell closure at N=70 nor tetrahedral symmetry. A complementary study explores inclusive cross sections for (p,2p) and (p,pn) reactions with neutron rich nuclei. Approximately 60 inclusive cross sections have been measured for single nucleon removal on the MINOS target. The (p,2p) systematics reveal an enhanced cross section to odd-Z daughter nuclei, pointing to the importance of pairing correlations. The (p,pn) cross sections are approximately a factor of 10 larger than the (p,2p) cross sections, randomly distributed around 60 mb. Comparison with semi-classical models suggest that both these systematics can be explained by the important role of pairing correlations in direct reaction systematics for exotic nuclei. Finally, the electric field cage of the MINOS time projection chamber is optimized with electrostatic simulations in view of a future application as a pion tracker for antiproton-nucleus collisions in a new physics program at CERN called PUMA.
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Etude de la fragmentation du ¹²C pour la hadronthérapie / Study of¹²C fragmentation for hadrontherapyDivay, Clovis 04 October 2017 (has links)
Lors du traitement d'une tumeur par radiothérapie utilisant des ions comme le 12C, le faisceau peut subir des réactions nucléaires avec les noyaux des tissus menant à la création de particules secondaires plus légères. Cela a pour conséquences de délocaliser une partie de la dose dans les tissus sains et de créer un champ d'irradiation mixte. Afin d'améliorer les connaissances sur la fragmentation du projectile, une expérience a été réalisée par notre collaboration en Mars 2015 au GANIL avec un faisceau de 12C à 50 MeV/n. Cette expérience a permis de mesurer les sections efficaces doublement différentielles en angle et en énergie pour tous les isotopes créés, et ce, sur différentes cibles d'intérêt médical (C, H, O et Ca). Les distributions angulaires et les taux de production ont également été obtenus pour chaque fragment et pour chaque cible. Les résultats ont ensuite été comparés à différents modèles de réactions nucléaire disponibles dans les outils de simulation Monte Carlo GEANT4 et PHITS. Des écarts importants ont été observés avec les résultats expérimentaux, mais aussi entre les différents modèles. Ces conclusions avaient déjà poussé notre collaboration à créer un nouveau modèle, appelé SLIIPIE, spécialisé dans les réactions d'ions légers aux énergies intermédiaires. Les paramètres de ce modèle ont ainsi été ajustés de façon à reproduire au mieux les données expérimentales obtenues. / During the treatment of cancerous diseases using ions such as 12C, the beam will undergo nuclear reactions with the tissues leading to the production of lighter secondary fragments. This tends to delocate a part of the dose into healthy tissues and create a mixed radiation field. In order to improve the knowledge on the projectile fragmentation, an experiment was performed by our collaboration in March 2015 with a 50 MeV/n 12C beam at GANIL. This led to the measurement of double differential cross sections in angle and energy of every isotope created by the fragmentation of carbon on targets of medical interest (C, H, O and Ca). Energy and angular distributions, as well as production rates have also been obtained for every fragment and every target. Experimental data were then compared with nuclear reaction models included in the Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation codes, GEANT4 and PHITS. Important discrepancies were observed with our data, as well as between models. These observations had already led our collaboration in creating a new MC model called SLIIPIE, specialized in intermediate energies reactions with light ions. The parameters of this model were then adjusted in order to best fit the experimental data.
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Initiation de réactions nucléaires par des protons accélérés par laser / Nuclear reactions initiated by laser-accelerated protonsBaccou, Claire 27 June 2016 (has links)
L’avènement des lasers de forte intensité ouvre une nouvelle voie pour la production de réactions nucléaires par laser. En particulier, les impulsions d’intensités supérieures à 10^18 W.cm-2 permettent d’accélérer des faisceaux de protons, et d’ions, caractérisés par un large spectre, une courte durée d’impulsion de l’ordre de la dizaine de picoseconde, un flux (nombre de particules par unité de temps) supérieur de plusieurs ordres de grandeurs aux flux obtenus dans les accélérateurs classiques et des énergies allant jusqu’à plusieurs dizaines de MeV. De telles énergies permettent d’initier des réactions nucléaires ayant des résonances autour de la centaine de keV, telles que la réaction de fusion p-11B qui libère trois particules alpha et ~8,7 MeV, ou encore des réactions à seuil qui produisent des radio-isotopes, utiles pour la médecine nucléaire. Cette thèse a été dédiée au développement d’une plateforme expérimentale sur l’installation laser ELFIE, du LULI (Ecole Polytechnique, France) pour étudier la production de réactions nucléaires dans le cadre du schéma laser suivant : un faisceau de protons est accéléré par laser sur une première cible, par mécanisme TNSA, puis une cible de bore est irradiée par ces protons pour produire les réactions nucléaires. Un second faisceau laser peut être déclenché pour ioniser la cible de bore. Un ensemble de diagnostics complémentaires a été développé pour mesurer et caractériser les produits de réactions. Différents paramètres tels que le flux de protons, le spectre de protons, l’état de la cible de bore (solide ou plasma) ou sa composition, ont été testés afin d’identifier les paramètres physiques qui permettent d’optimiser le nombre de réactions. La compréhension de la physique qui régit la production des réactions nucléaires dans ces conditions est indispensable pour envisager des applications en médecine, ou dans des schémas de fusion pour produire de l’énergie. / The recent development of high-intensity laser beams has stimulated the advent of many schemes to produce nuclear reactions by laser. Laser pulses with intensity higher than 1018 W.cm-2 can particularly be used to accelerate proton and ion beams with interesting characteristics such as a broad spectrum, a short duration (~ 10ps), a large number of particles per picosecond and a high energy cut-off, up to tens MeV. Thus, nuclear reactions with resonances close to hundreds keV can be initiated, such as the p-11B fusion reaction which releases 8.7MeV and three alpha particles, or, such as threshold reactions with produce positron emitters, used in nuclear medicine. This thesis was dedicated to the development of an experimental platform at the ELFIE laser facility, at LULI (Ecole Polytechnique, France) to study the production of nuclear reactions using the following scheme: a proton beam is accelerated by the TNSA mechanism on a first target, and sent into a boron target to induce nuclear reactions. A second laser beam can be used to ionize and heat the boron target. A set of complementary diagnostics has been developed to measure and characterize the reaction products. Several parameters such as the proton flux, the proton spectrum, the boron target state (solid or plasma) and its composition were studied in order to identify the physics parameters that optimize the number of reactions. The understanding of the physics that govern the production of reactions in this scheme is necessary to consider applications in medicine or in fusion schemes, to produce energy.
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<i>Ab Initio</i> Leading Order Effective Interactions for Scattering of Nucleons From Light NucleiMatthew, Burrows B. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Neutron radiographic methodsHogge, Charles Barry January 1966 (has links)
An experiment has been performed which establishes the capability of the reactor at V.P.I. to provide a satisfactory neutron supply for neutron radiography. Several different specimens including low Z materials and heavier materials such as iron have been used as test objects. The effects of alternate methods of obtaining the radiographs and of the different experimental parameters have been studied.
Quantitative investigations were made of the effects of voids of different depths in varying thicknesses of three test specimens which consisted of graphite, bakelite, and plexiglass. The results of these studies showed that it would be practical to detect voids of as little as 1/32 of an inch at depths of up to one inch in the test specimens.
It is felt that the research performed in this experiment adequately demonstrated the usefulness of neutron radiographic methods in non-destructive testing and the capability of the V.P.I. reactor facility for this technique. / Master of Science
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